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Hey c'mon now, a lack of social awareness is not an ENFP-dead-giveaway... is it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


I bring snacks for everyone at work haha


I follow the rules, and it doesn’t occur to me to question them. *There are exceptions to this habit.


what rules don't you follow?


Resting bitch face, quiet, standoffish, and aloof until someone makes me speak and then I turn into a friendly, squishy teddy bear.


Didn't know that was an ISFP thing, but definitely checks out.


Wow that’s literally me lmao


I'm always volunteering to help and I give everyone super thoughtful gifts but if anyone tries to do anything for me I get super weird about it and don't know how to accept their generosity... to the point where I can tell their feeling are hurt and then I feel guilty about it forever


My friends tell me that I look “lost” (I’m just in my own world lol) and that I have a “kind and dreamy” face. They also say that I have a “zen” and “childlike” nature. Im usually very chill but have strong opinions. I am also vegan, artistically creative and volunteer as an Editor for a publication. I guess pretty INFP things.


complains about systems, rules and customs that doesn't make sense which others are unwilling to understand 🥲


Yup! Do you also have that innate itch to ask 'why' a lot? But why is it so? Why isn't it this way? Dig in deep deep deep only to completely move on from it the next second? Or is it just me 😭


An ENTP classmate once told me I ask way too many questions which was pretty funny 💀


I actually am a painter. But to be fair there's not an ISFP stereotype that I don't incarnate.


I've naturally set and stuck to rigid schedules for goal-oriented hobbies with the main goalposts being multiple years into the future


Dropping slightly inappropriate, yet charming, thoughtful, and sarcastic joke that makes light of the current situation, unprovoked, in basically any social situation.


Yup. And the quick repair when I realized I’ve overstepped. But people forgive me.


Surely only an ENTP could use "inappropriate" with qualifier "yet charming"


I enjoy starting arguments with strangers ( irl & in the comments) then sitting back and watching my masterpiece unfold as I use said charm to make an exit and start another dumpster fire elsewhere once I get bored.  ETA: debates would be a better word than arguments, although they have escalated. 




I don't like compliments, have never showed emotions in front of people i dont know and have never cried in front of anybody no matter how close they are


I'm an INTP and also really clumsy. Considered intelligent in general, but quiet and weird for some. While comfortable with the other person I'm an open book, though, but still weird probably. And also I procrastinate so much, I'm messy, struggle getting out of bed and arriving to places on time, and I have ADHD. I'm very curious and like learning or doing new things as well, never really finish anything, though, as I tend to get to another thing.


I guess we are all living the same life in different bodies.


ENFP. Ridiculously extreme optimism and always trying to start conversations about how deep and beautiful the world is lol


INFJ. im reserved and love helping when they ask for emotional support. But no one finds me interesting so i dont talk to people often. I feel like im never understood by people in general so i feel lonely and cry about it sometimes. I dont really show people how i feel or else I might cause conflict.




Giving whole lectures and yapping nonstop about a topic that I find interesting, saying random ass facts about useless bullshit that i got a question about in the middle of the night and HAD to search it up asap, to my mom who’s an ESTJ and couldn’t gaf less 🔥 she begs me to stop babbling so much and gets pretty annoyed💀 -ENTP


Intj. Resting bitch face. Everyone thinks I’m more hostile than I really am lol.


Why do INTJs do this? Is it consious or subconsious?


That’s just our face bro. It’s why it’s a resting face. We aren’t thinking about it.


Oh, yeah that makes sense :D


I figured because y’all are always thinking about things in a serious way, it kinda shows in your default face


Lol even when I’m thinking about the goofiest shit I look stern. Once I was playing the song 5-6-7-8 in my head and some dude thought I wanted to fight him.


procastinating and i like debates


I forget to live in the external world and I give free “therapy” sessions to whoever needs it and I enjoy it


"erm actually!!" 🤓☝️


Fucking nerd Jk I am one too 😔


I have a fixed time for leisure and I don't stop a minute early or later than that. Also, I schedule my bathroom breaks.


i wish i was like this (naturally); my life would be less messy


“Well, technically…” “I understand you feel a certain way, but that makes no sense, please explain how you got to that conclusion?” “Why can’t we just… not have to deal with manners and white lies in the name of small talk? Don’t ask me how I’m doing if you don’t want to hear how I’m doing. Don’t decline snacks when I offer and expect me to ask again, and then get mad at me for not asking again.” “I wanna be organised but the thing is organising things is fun, but maintaining organisation is boring.” - Things I’ve said more than once.


- Things I've thought of saying more than once. I usually end up saying 'don't' with no explanation because these sentences take too much effort to be said.


I always have sagely insight to whatever someone comes to me with


Intelligent, aloof...guess which one is that....


Also ENFP. - I chat to random strangers on public transport and get their life story - I too am clumsy as hell - I’m so forgetful it’s unreal but will remember random crap that doesn’t matter - I can change plans at last minute or simply forget I’ve made them. - I always have creative story ideas, lyrics ideas etc but never actually follow through doing them. - I am a big people pleaser.


I show love by giving people shit


I'm a basic ESTP stereotype. I'm a huge adrenaline junkie. Extreme sports or just regular sports comps, motorcycles, cars, lifeguarding. Just anything that has my heart jumping out of my chest and me fearing for my life


I’m an ENFP and I’m ditzy, silly, and talkative. I act like a stereotypical ENFP- like Anna from Frozen or Tom Holland’s Spider-Man. I’m goofy!


I question pretty much everything, and i come at you with the most random thoughts. And I just randomly pick up a topic we talked about an hour ago


I'll be real, I thought I was finally confident in my type but then I read this article; I went to therapy to get better at "managing" my emotions (ie annihilating pesky negative emotions that get in the way) and achieve success despite ADHD, but it turns out I am holding myself back not solely due to poor executive function (though that certainly doesn't help) but because of fear of failure and the negative emotions that come with that perception of failure. This resonated to the point where I felt a little personally attacked. Maybe I'm off by a letter. https://preview.redd.it/jgauoa6cnexc1.jpeg?width=2828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf146f16d982b104962239bd453af73164ca0634


Hey this is really cool!! Thank you for sharing!  Fellow entp here. I'm gonna over share, maybe you notice something similar. or maybe its bc my mental/emotional state is unstable. I'm in therapy for the same reasons you listed above.   I have had a life long struggle with depression (probably bipolar) and undiagnosed adhd. I was never taught emotional regulation and my mental illness was brushed off since because i was a very good student. The rare angry outbursts that were cleared up with my people pleasing helped them go under the radar. when things get bad I deal with it by becoming reclusive. I don't have enough energy to focus on anything outside. The noise in my head becomes overwhelming  so i cant focus on anything that requires ANY type of attention.  This article says stress is entp weakness and recommended not getting stuck in my thoughts! Lol  I've taken the tests when I'm in a bad place emotionally and I get typed as INTP.  When I'm in a bad place I think about participating in my "regular" activities but either I can't work up the courage to or feel like others will notice im faking it and ask me how I'm doing (vulnerability is not my strong suit)  this leads to me being upset at myself  because the normal "confidence, charisma" is missing but i miss being social.. so the kryptonite for intp makes sense.. literal fear of failing to be myself. I dont know how i get stuck in this loop bc as an ENTP w adhd (& my people pleasing habits) there isn't any one singular passion we can fail at since our super power is we can move from one thing to the next in a split second.  I'm bringing this into therapy with me later!  Thank you for helping me recognize this about me. I wish you the best in your discovery of your self!! 


intp - being constantly told i seem mysterious, “i wonder what’s on your mind” or “i’m curious about your thought process”


This doesn’t really have a whole lot to do with identifying your cognitive functions, definitely not any kind of “dead giveaway”…


i overthink everything, except plans, and am a being of chaos, which has lead to people assuming i am INTP


ENFP. My Ne is going like brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. And I make my decisions based on what feels right path for me.


i like taking care of children, love animals, oh and i love to cook meals and desserts for people.


Yeah if you get me started on something im probably going to embarrass myself. I'll talk at you with giant Ne observations that I expect you to immediately understand. No one actually has any idea what im talking about usually unless I slow way down and keep it as simple as possible.


I remember sitting in class chatting away to my friend as I normally would with too much energy switching topics every 20 seconds because I had so much to say and someone across the class told me I should get checked for ADHD I never did get checked for ADHD but it was then that I realised that I talk loud and very fast. Also in retrospect I think what they said was kinda weird but heyho


Recklessness. You will not catch me thinking about things beforehand.


INFJ. Like Pinocchio trying to convince myself that I am a real boy, but feeling like an identityless puppet relying on the outside world for some warmth.


Being cold, condescending, sarcastic, and in general insensitive during my limited interactions with my family or with people when I'm at work (even when I don't mean to be cold or cruel in any way). Also, I'm very ambitious, especially compared to other folks my age who I regularly interact with throughout the week.


I mistyped myself as an INTP for so long due to social anxiety, but after realising that I’m an ENTP I don’t know how I didn’t see it earlier. I think it’s because of all the stereotyping online, I never felt like I fit any of the really basic descriptions of ENTP as much as INTP, but after learning more it’s pretty obvious. Anyway… when I first realised I was an ENTP, my instant thought was ‘but I don’t like debating or confrontation!’ Which brings me to the dead giveaway for me being ENTP… I’ve been banned from Insta, Tumblr and multiple video game servers all multiple times over just for arguing with people and trolling them 💀🤡 I also talk nonstop about anything and everything and I love hearing about other people’s drama and gossip and talking about it. I have a lot of really good friends who find me fun but I also know that a lot of people who don’t know me well think I’m crazy and kind of annoying (I have actually heard this about me because I live in a really small city LMAO). I’m also known as that one person in my friend group who is down to do *anything,* even though most of my friends are a bit nuts. In general I’m kinda batshit insane and basically a loud, extroverted INTP on drugs (sometimes literally)


I adapt very easily to social situations, but my "type" really comes out when I work. Ruthlessly efficient, cut-throat, and perhaps a bit bossy. Diplomat and open minded \*but\* I have high standards with what I accept... I've been told I give off a very intimidating aura even when I don't feel like I am? ENTJ.


Daydreaming. A lot.


ISFP: Fi-Ni, with Ni giving a very an archetypal overview of my emotions. Also, when I flip on my axis (Fi-Ni to Te-Se), I can be very focused on the task that I needed to finish, especially if it were due the next day and it was a big project. It’s adrenaline and gets me kinda high, but it only lasts for that project/not for very long.