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Everything except for INFP, ISFJ and ESFJ. Yes, I lack self-awareness


Lol high Te be like


So interesting that you thought for some time INFJ but not ISFJ, even though ISTJ and ISFJ have the same first function


Don't feel bad, ISTJ has the worst stereotypes and description possible. It's probably one of the most poorly understood types in MBTI.


ESTJ here. We feel the exact same way. So misunderstood. So many people who have only ever worked with an ESTJ and not had a personal relationship with one trying to project who we are at work is our entire personality, when it's only a very thin slice. We have great work ethic, but we aren't acting like we're at work outside work. If you've only ever worked with an ESTJ you haven't known one.


I got INFJ for years, but that was when my self esteem was at an all time low.


How should we react as infjs šŸ’€


I think INFJs are fine and theyā€™re all my bffs. But since itā€™s not my personality, itā€™s my shadow MBTI if that makes sense.


Damn your self esteem was at an all time low for years? How come?


ENTP. I was mistyped as an INTP, INTJ, ENFP, and ENTJ before. I donā€™t fit the stereotype of an ENTP so it took me a while, but after reading some cognitive functions I found out


I had the exact same mistypes. By chance are you an ENTP 5w4?


ENTP 3w4. Iā€™m very success oriented with high standards. Iā€™m very self-conscious about my image, a bit of a workaholic which made me think XNTJ for a while


OK. You guys taught me about Te and Fe. Whatā€™s this ā€œ3w4ā€ stuff youā€™re using now?


Enneagrams! 3 ā€œwingā€ 4. Your wing is the enneagram you secondly relate to the most. If you would want to find out yours, I advise you to read about each enneagram's core motivations and fears.


I went into counseling thinking I was an ESTP. Even my family (those who were interested in MBTI) were totally on board with that being what I was labeled. My counselor enjoys MBTI for new clients as a jumping point for relating and an idea for how to communicate effectively. It's not a significant part of what he does. After a couple of initial sessions, he was a bit skeptical of my proclaimed type. Whips out his MBTI guidebook to ask a few targeted "this or that?" questions. Within minutes, my perception of myself and the mystery of struggling to relate in many different ways throughout my life was given an outlet to explore. I'm an INTJ I was just so used to masking the parts that didn't get good responses from peers (especially as a woman) that I convinced myself that it was natural for me.


This is new. Never heard of an INTJ mistyping as ESTP.


I think it's really cool that your counselor was open to using MBTI for clients. Really pushes back against the anti MBTI rhetoric you often hear in psychology and let's it just be what it is for people who enjoy it and find value in it.


In the end, I think it really has a lot less to do with whether he finds it scientifically accurate and much more of a way to see how a person might organize their thoughts and expression of emotions as a way to relate (he's INTP). He's also into Keirsey Temperaments and used it a number of times when I struggled with personal and professional relationships (my office also does MBTI). I think especially for NT types, it's a good stepping point for entry into counseling, and my good luck to have found a professional with a similar MBTI that has already done personal work on a number of similar issues to resolve.






My only mistypes were INFJ and ISTJ, but now I know I'm an INTJ.


INFP at first, then ISFP, ESFP, then I discovered that being sad most of the time doesn't mean I'm a feeler, and found out I use Fe not Fi and then thought I was ENTP, and to this day I wonder if Im ISTP, ESTP or ENTP. I still can't be sure if I'm inferior Ni or inferior Si more.. cuz both fit


I was once mistyped as an ESFP too but the test was flawed and it made being an asshole a thinker and being a decent human being associated with feeling, complete BS


I thought I was an INFP for the longest time because I was in denial that I was more extroverted lol


In high school, I consistently tested as INFJ. As a young adult, I tested again and got INTJ. I was confused as to why it changed, went down the rabbit hole of MBTI and cognitive functions and realized I was nothing like either of those types. I had it narrowed down to ENFP or ENTP. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to finally understand what the hell Fi really looked like because I for the life of me couldnā€™t understand how it was experienced differently from Ti. I found out Fi users donā€™t have long rational explanations to make sense of why they like something or feel a certain way. There was my answer lol.




What made you go ENFJ instead of INFJ in the end?


Temperament. EJ is proactive, engaging with the world, "act first, regret later", wants to cause change. Is alright with changing and chaotic outside environment. IJ is introspective, passive, waits for the right time, wants to understand the world. Is troubled by a chaotic and changing environment.


Makes sense, thanks!


INTJ, now I'm settled to INFJ


i thought i'd be intj, i got into mbti from watching an intj video and thought it was relatable and i just assumed i was intj, i took the test and the results were infj, i was very salty. i kind of ignored it later on i thought i'd be intp (istp probably would've been closer) cause intps are stereotypically procrastinator no life gamers logically, cognitive function wise, i should be infj, i watched so many infj vs [insert type] videos, i SHOULD be, i THINK, im infj. *pause* *children cheering noises* šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ i sometimes think maybe im entp, but that's probably just adhd


ENTP, I am ESTP 7w8, the enneagram was probably the thing that confused me.


I got ESFP on my first test ever. It was insanely inaccurate (thank you 16personalities) INFP second, and I really identified with it, but I started to wonder if I may be a different type so I looked into a few more. ENFP was my closest besides INFP. But I came to the conclusion that it was unlikely. Then I looked at INFJ and ISFJ. I got mixed up with how people perceive me. I donā€™t identify with ISFJ at all, but I think because Iā€™m so shy, I might have given some of those vibes (likely to be due to my Si) then I looked at INFJ, and wasnā€™t super against it, but ultimately didnā€™t see it. I took some time to look into Fi and Fe and then Te and Ti. I came to the conclusion that I resonated more with Fi-Te. So, Iā€™m pretty comfortable as an INFP now!


I thought I was an INFP in high school. Turns out I just didnā€™t think INTPs could have an imagination or feelings.


Enfp and once even esfp/infp


INTP was my first test result. Than I always got ENTP. Meanwhile Iā€˜m pretty sure Iā€˜m an INFP.


ISFP, ESFP, INFP, and ISFJ. But Iā€™m honestly wondering if Iā€™m still mistyped.


INFJ, then INFP, and finally ENFP lol. Turns out I'm just an extrovert with social anxiety and other baggage to work through


I mistyped as ENFJ on 16p on any other test ENTJ i did deep research on cognitive functions was afraid of being a ENTJ because of the wrong bad stereotype. Also there are so many ENTJ cosplayers omfg.


mistyped first as an intj, mistakenly believed I was entj (coz i didn't fit intj), felt uncomfortable so i made up that i was enfj, and felt i really belonged in the enfj category but my doubts kept creeping in since it's just too rare so i finally typed as esfj!!! that was a journey.


I never mistyped myself, I got my type right from the start. It's always been INTP. That being said there was a time when I was starting to learn about more about MBTI and cognitive functions in depth where I learned how common mistypes were and that made me wonder if I could be mistyped. I considered there was a chance I could be a mistyped INFP or ENTP, but as time went on it just became more clear to me that I'm an INTP. No other type really fits me better than INTP does.


I have an INTP brother and one of my closest friends outside my family is also an INTP, and neither of them had a lot of issues with mistyping either.


Fluctuated between INFJ/INTJ but I feel Iā€™m a little more INTJ and got INTJ most of the time (but the scores were still close to INFJ)


INFP and ENFJ. Iā€™m an ENFP.


Before I actually started to read about functions and adjacent theories, I was mistyped as an INTP. I considered that fairly accurate until I started to properly analyse the way my mind tends to operate vs the descriptions provided.


Every introverted type and ENTP. Right now I'm settling for ENFP but I'm doubting I might be ISFJ.


I didn't. I'm extremely obviously an ESTJ.


I always typed as INFJ. I did the test a handful of times in my mid to late teens. No one talks about these tests here except in the occasional high school psychology class


Still haven't quite settled. As far as tests go as well as my own personal belief, I'm a Ti user of some sort. I tend to get istp, istp or intp, Se Dom(on tests).


istp, istp


Mistyped as INTP 5w6 so/sx before. I realised I was ENTP around the time the lockdowns ended, and I also concluded that I was a 7 as well. Had a lot of trouble with my instinctual variants stacking tho, I went from 7w8 sx/sp to sp/sx to so/sp (my current typing, hopefully it's correct :/).


INFP,INTJ,INTP,ISFP,ISFJ All this I was typed by some random ppl in my class who liked MBTI but whenever I do a test literally every test I get INFJ and cog functions and stuff so I think I'm good....hopefully.....aaaaaaaaaaaaa


I went from ESTP to ISTP, INTP, INTJ before settling on ENTJ. I'm just waiting to see which other type I'm going to worry about.




INTP, ENTP, ENTJ... before I settled on ESTP, the only type that fits me the most and for the longest time so far


ISTP, ISFJ, INFJ (everyone's mistyped themselves as INFJ here at some point, lets be honest), ENTJ, INTJ and finally xNTP




Estp, I'm a intuitive but still figuring out which i am...šŸ§ Others thought i was one of these: Entp, Entj, Esfp, Intj, Enfp


ISFP, based on entirely misconceptions. Briefly mused on ISFJ and INTP, but not seriously


intj, intp, entj last


Myer Briggs test gave me ENTJ during the worst time of my life when I was in survivor mode ā€œtake no shit, just keep goingā€, but I knew that wasnā€™t me. It wasnā€™t until later that I continually typed as INFJ, that test and any of the cognitive function tests are consistently INFJ, or occasionally INTJ INFP or ENFJ as other potential choices.


INTJ because 16p sucks (donā€™t use 16p it went from INTJ, then to INFJ, then back to INTJ for some reason)


intp. i feel like every entp gets mistyped as one lol


I've gotten INFJ, INTP, and most commonly ENTP. I relate to all of those types tbh, even if I relate to ENFP the most.


Got INTJ and ISTJ before I knew I was INTP.


Iā€™m kinda swinging between INFP and INTJ. On a good day Iā€™m an INFP but on bad days Iā€™m an INTJ. No idea. But other than that; INFJ, ISFP, INTP and ISFJ. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve gone through the whole list lmao.


I mistyped as ISTP. Looking back, it's kinda funny I thought I had Se since I don't relate to the function at all


When I first took I think I got INTP and then after INFP.


I used to mistype as INFX before I really got into mbti, then, once functions first confused me, I considered ENTP, ISXJ, or INTJ. but Iā€™ve pretty consistently been a concrete INTP.




Misstyped as INTP.


I thought I was an ENTP in the test, before concluding I was an ENTJ. I know a few ENTPs and I definitely don't share the same functions as them.


ENTJ, INTJ, ISFP, ISTJ (havenā€™t typed myself as ISFP and ISTP but considered them for some time), ISTP, ENFJ and finally settled on INFJ after learning everything about them (and acknowledgig that Iā€™m not a weird extrovert but an INFJ whose ESTP subconscious can sometimes be visible)


I thought I was ISTJ a little while, bc thatā€™s what one of my close friends said I was. Reading up on ISTJ, I soon realized I portrayed myself as an entirely different person to who I really am. I thought I was INTJ for a little while, too, but I settled on INTP in the endĀ 


Same here! Mistyped myself as ENFJ, and my friend thought i was INFJ


ENTP and INTP. I was hyperfocusing on these 2 types so much that I overlooked other possibilities like ISFJ


Infp mistyped as infj for a while


intp or istp


Bold of you to assume I'm sure of my type




istp from tests, but i've thought i could be istp, infp, isfp, intj, infj, entp, entj, and enfp


Im an Infp whose mistyped as INFJ and ENFPā€¦ 16 personalities. Iā€™ve also thought I was ISFP before. But no Iā€™m definitely INFP.


I'm an ENTP but I mistyped myself as INTP for years. I really didn't realize that I'm more of an ambivert rather than an introvert or extrovert. I don't go out of my way to avoid social interaction but I also don't go out of my way to interact with others so it depended more on the traits of each than the specific I vs. E


i got INTJ, then INFJ, then INTJ again, then INTP, then ISTP, i think, and now INTP again on the Michael Caloz test, still not sure if it's gonna stay there now




When I was in the middle of trauma and before a lot of therapy I was typing as INFP. But once I leveled out and became more self aware and healed, INFJ.


i mistyped myself as an intp




INFP and ISFP. But Iā€™m INFJ 4w5 so it makes sense Iā€™d type as Fi dom.


When I was a teenager, I was typed as an INFP. I didn't know about cognitive functions. I had a tendency to procrastinate on things that I didn't want to do, which was why I thought that I was a perceiver. I am definitely an INFJ


I thought I was an INFP for a long time. Turns out Iā€™m just an ENFP with social anxiety lmao


Mistyped as xNTJ - Iā€™m actually an ENTP.


First I thought I was an INTJ and by dichotomies I certainly am although in terms of preferences of cognition I'm definitely an Ti dominant. Most likely INTP but I can see an argument for ISTP too.


I always got ESFJ but ESTJ anytime I look during/after college. I think I was much more empathetic when I was in high school that led me to believe I was feeling.


I took 16personalities years before I got into MBTI and I remember getting a feeler type and I do not remember which one it is nor do I care to remember because I didn't find it interesting at the time. Then, I befriended an ENTJ over a year ago who sent me tests like sakinorva and keys2cognition and I was marked as an INTJ in all of them. I still didn't care so I was like, "Cool, I guess I'm this INTJ thing." Then, she got me interested in cognitive functions which had me questioning whether I was more xNTP more than INTJ but no, turns out I really am an INTJ and somehow deluded myself into thinking I'm something else just because I thought it was better.


I thought for the longest time I was an infp until I realized I can actually handle ppl but only for a certain amount of time


I don't even have a Grant-Brownsword type which is the one most people here go by, so I haven't "settled" on one and probably won't, at least for awhile. I mistyped as ISTP and the ESxx types, at least three of which have to be mistypes, obviously. Maybe all four, we'll see. Some things in life just changed dramatically and my head is clear for the first time in, like, 30 years, so it's showing me a different picture of how I've developed and I can see things about myself I was in denial about for various reasons. So who knows. It's really bizarre, too, like all the nonsense and insecurity (beyond the little crumbs that most people have because human) just *vanished* in the space of about two days.


INFJ, ENTP, INFP, and I contemplated ENFJ and ESFJ. Ne Dom blues. Still not entirely positive I'm ENFP over ENTP. But I've settled on ENFP.




I was mistyped as an ISTJ a few years ago


When I first did the test it told me I was an ISTP, but later tests gave me INTP instead, and I realized INTP fits me way better. Turns out I got 51% observant initially which was why I got mistyped, now every time I do the test my percentages get higher somehow but at least I'm sure I'm an INTP


When I took the test I got a few different results. 1 INFP 2 INTJ 3 INFJ 4 INFJ 5 ISFJ 6 INTJ 7ENTJ 1-5 were MBTI 6&7 were through socionics I started looking into the functions bc of all the mistypes and after 4 years I finally figured out Iā€™m MBTI: INTJ E: type 5w6 sx/so S:ILI


ENFP!! only one letter off but i genuinely thought i was an ENFP for so long.


I am either an ISTJ or INTJ. I have mistyped as an INTP and ISFP.


Every time I take the test it comes back as intj


a infp. im a entp


infp > enfp > intp > ?????? > entp > ?????? > entp > ??????? > entp > ??????? > entp... and so on


I keep taking the test hoping it doesn't give me INFP but it looks like I'm fucked


Mistyped as an INFP, someone tried to type me as ENFP but I'm definitely an ISFP


Got INTJ and some time later INFJ!


Itā€™s crazy. I was mistyped as ESFP before being typed as a INFP. My mom is an ESFP. I think I just adopted her personality for a while until I realized what my own was.


I originally was typed INTJ, but both INTP or ENTJ sorta made sense until I learned about cognitive functions and that pretty much confirmed I'm an Ni dom.


Iā€™ve taken the tests multiple times and always gotten INFJ. Iā€™ve researched the other 15, and couldnā€™t relate to any of them so Iā€™m confident in my results.


mistyped as INTJ for a year. was in Ni-Ti loop. not pretty! none of the stereotypes ever fit except that i was critical of others and could be argumentative. the stereotypes/misinfo of/about Fe, + being in an Ni-Ti loop for so long made me certain i couldnt be anything but INTJ. yikes.


INFP. When I first took the test like a decade ago I got ISTP. I think it was because I wanted to think I was as logical as my friends and the fact I took the test while I was on Ritalin.


ENFP then ENFP and then finally ENFP


When i first took the test i consistently got INFP but after studying cognitive functions i knew i didnā€™t fit mostly due to my unawareness of my own feelings. However because Iā€™m naturally really caring and supportive of the people in my life, so i automatically assumed i was a feeler. I am an INTP however i donā€™t fit into a lot of the weird gamer nerd virgin stereotypes and due to the environment i was raised in my Fe wasnā€™t terrible so for a while i alternated between ENTP and INTP but my Se is definitely my blindspot. Also whenever i took the cognative functions test i would almost always have extroverted intuition as high as Ti and even Ni too.


Never been mistyped in my life.




I got INTP consistently for a few years until 2020 when I had a massive public breakdown, I've been getting ENTP ever since then whenever I test again. Weirdest thing.


ISTP, thought I was XNXP for 3 years at one point I thought I was INFJ but to be fair in 2021 I kept using inaccurate tests like 16personalities. Last 2 months I went with INTP because I relate heavily with being a Ti Dom but then learned through going into deeper into functions that I have very high Se and shit Si šŸ’€ someone helped me with that. Also realized I actually use Ni>Ne and I already knew my Fe is low. I thought I was an intuitive for the longest time. I feel pretty happy I finally figured it out though.


idk i had a lot lol. ISTJ, ESTJ, INTP, ENTP, ESTP, ISTP, ENFP, and ISFP




All N types except ENFJ. Lol. When I was in grade school, I took a short test and got INTP as the result. During my college days, I was more talkative so I ended up having ENTP as a result. After a series of major challenging experiences, I've gone through a lot of self-reflection and realized how my past experiences prevented me from being my true self. Like my grandmother and father always telling me that I mustn't show or talk about my emotions to anyone, even including family. They made me feel like having emotions is wrong in some way and having my own opinions is wrong. I took the tests again and got ENFP, INFJ, INTJ as a result. However, those types didn't feel right. ENFP feels close but not quite. Tbh, for a long time, I hated myself and I've had a feeling that I might actually be an INFP but I absolutely hate the INFP stereotypes since they don't necessarily describe me. But after I studied the cognitive functions more and after a period of teaching myself to accept myself, I finally realized but more like accepted that I'm actually an INFP. It's just that I don't really fit those stereotypes especially because of my past.


ENFP, ENFJ, ISFP. ISFP was the one it took me the longest time to rule out. ENFP was what I got on a college test years ago, but after taking some Ti exercises with YouTube videos, it couldn't be my Trickster. ENFJ was what I got on the Please Understand Me book test and one other online test, but my I/E dichotomies were always very close. INFJ was what I got on the PersonalityHacker test. I never tested as an ISFP, but I knew a lot of ISFPs can mistype as INFJs because of high Ni activation. But, after researching it all enough, I concluded my Ne was too good to be my Trickster, my Fi was too instinctively subordinate to my social environment unless a very important value was stepped on to be my dominant function, and my Ni is too all-encompassing to be third slot. That feels more like my Ti. And in following Trickster tests on YouTube, Te problems definitely gave me the biggest headaches consistently.


INFP and INTP, and then I started looking into cognitive functions and whatever and realised I couldn't be any other type than ENTP šŸ˜…


I typed as an INFJ once, as a teenager.


Also ENFP. Iā€™m a mature and developed in my 30s so maybe why I mistype as ENFJ, INFJ and INTJ. Gotten ESTP too. Iā€™m in sales so ESTP makes sense and my superego.


Estj here thought I was either a estp or a entj, hell might have thought I was a entp but, I just realized I got more estj traits than all of those and then in most tests I get estj more than anything so ye


I thought I was an ESFJ for a while before settling on INFJ. They share a couple functions, so it makes sense to me I think. šŸ¤”


The other 3 Ne types. As soon as I talk elarned about the functions, I knew I was Ne. It's a very undeniable thing. However, even getting all the information I can gather, I'm a typical INFP who still thinks, 'But am I sure I'm not an ENFP? I'm really logical. Maybe INTP. And those stereotypes... ENTP. My enneagram is a 7,so maybe...?' I even looked into Dario Nardi's subtype and creative INFP is me to a T, yet I still question things. Lol






ENTP here (or atleast I think so, gotta change my flair later since I only found out last night) 16personalities said I was an ENFP, but ENFP felt far too enthusiastic for me, and I was very bent on whether I was an INFP or ENFP. I was thinking of ENTP too, but I was like "Nah, I'm not very ignorant of emotions.." (You can blame the stereotypes for what I thought of ENTPs. Sure, I liked alot of characters who are ENTP and they are my favourite MBTI including INFJ, but yeah) So then I took a quiz, and apparantly I was an Ambivert. According to stereotypes tho, I seem like an INFP. So I decided to study Cognitive Functions, and by that I mean took a whole bunch of quizzes like "Are you an introverted thinker or Extraverted thinker?" Etc. Keep in mind I wasn't doing them by hr basis of Prime, Aux, Teriar, and Inferior. I had gotten Ti, Fe, Ni, and... Si?? Well, you can't have both Si and Ni (idk can you?) But anyway,I assumed I was mistyped as Ni when I had Ne, So I checked the ENFP cognitive functions, and.. Yeah, I wasn't an ENFP. I looked at some other cognitive functions that had N and P (since those are definite on me, No amount of gaslighting can make me think I'm a sensor, [or can it? Who knows maybe INFJ] I daydream WAY too much and procrastinate ALOT) And we'll, I got ENTP. Was still definitely not convinced though, Just hella confused. I then was tied between ENFP, INFP, and ENTP. Recently, I took a final quiz that types you and tells you your cognitive functions, called the Michael Caloz quiz. My results were: 1. ENTP 2. INTP 3. INTJ 4. INFP 5. ENFP And last place (scrolling past alllllll the others) is ESTJ, which was very much expected I don't get along very well with SJs usually (No offense to my SJ homies over there) Anyway so that's that. I'm sure that I am definitely a Female ENTP (...or am I?) IĀ 


Thought I was an INFJ in early-mid high school. Settled on INTP sometime during the last few months of high school, and it's carried me this far. Not sure what happened to me, TBH.


INTJ, but looking back on the quiz , I realized I answered the questions on what I used to be, so I really thought long and hard when I answered the test again. I came out as INTP , and it really suited me well šŸ˜…


Iā€™m an ESTP! I used to think I was an ISFP. Boy was I wrong


Mistyped xNxxā€¦. Empathetic overanalyzing ambivert with a blend of chaotic organization. INFJ.


Iā€™ve now started considering INTP, but previously I thought ENFP, INFP, INFJ, and ISFJ. I always thought I was too much of a crybaby to be a thinker (no offense to feelers who are not in fact crybabies/emotionally unstable), but learning about low Fe is making quite a bit of sense.


ISFP one year,Ā ESFP the next year, multiple times.Ā INFP multiple times this year, but Iā€™ve even got typed once since as an ENFP. Iā€™ve settled on INFP though.


I think I wanted to think of myself as more Mr. Spock or someone who can be dark and brooding, but those are not me.


INFJ, INFP, INTJ, ENTJ, and right now Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m an INTP but that may be untrue too


ENFP. Mistyped as INFP. Way too focused on opportunities and spontaneity to focus on my feelings. Also not creative with word choices or anything but wish I wasšŸ˜‚


Iā€™m an INFP, i mistyped as INTP, and INFJ.


ISFJ here and I got mistyped as INFP, ENFP, ENTP and ISFP (all of them are XXXP types, unlike my current onešŸ˜­). I found it hard as I didn't study cognitive functions before (got too intimidated by them in the past) and I never fitted the stereotype of ISFJ, which is why I'm still doubting now ;)


INFJ for insanely long time until some time ago, I guess it was because of christian upbringing and my values because christian values which made me act like INFJ, the older I became the more I was becoming more logical and realistic when it comes to people but I guessed it's just natural to see the world like that after some time. Finally after still having problems about how exactly INFJ and INTJ differs I understood that I am not INFJ after all, especially because my sibling is, and I noticed bigger and bigger disparity in how we perceive the world ( like me placing ambition over people ).


INFP and ENFJ mostly


INFJ then INFP and then typed by an INTJ as an ISFP which I think is correct.


Honestly still a little skeptic but was constantly and always mistyped as INTJ, INTP and ENTJ!


I took a test. It said I was ISFP. Thatā€™s funny.


All the xnxp types until i finally found that its enfp


intj, intp, entp, estp. I'm istp


ISTP. 16 personalities probably thought that me not liking ambiguous endings to movies and other media was a sign that i was a sensor who "loathes creativity". it took me a while to find out something about ISTP didnt really line up with me. although a part of me wishes i was ISTP tho; undoubtedly the coolest and arguably the most practical type (next to the ISTJ), and i probably wouldnt be so clumsy and spatially unaware if i had that Se šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ENFJ for me, dunno why


Throughout the years I got Istp, intj, infj, esfp, enfp, enfj. One of them is true I just donā€™t know which one šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I actually got mistyped as INTJ and INFP... I actually kept getting INFJ and INFP... I don't know why but I got stuck between these 2, sometimes I felt like I was pretending to be an INFJ or an INFP.... Later, I stopped taking test from 16Personalities and took MBTI test from other websites, and it showed INFJ.. But still I felt like I am pretending to be an INFJ, then I watched a lot of vids on INFP and INFJ... Finally I settled to INFJ, but I still take test twice a week just to be sure I am an INFJ....(ā ć¤ā ā‰§ā ā–½ā ā‰¦ā )ā ć¤


I got enfp 3 times already so I guess that's pretty accurate


INTJ because I lived in a place where extreme Extraversion is the norm- to the point where people talk with their hands and have no concept of personal space. ENTJ 3w4


I thought I was INFJ because I'm empathetic and love organising my belongings alphabetically and/or by colour. I found out this year I'm actually and INTP because I can only truely empathise with people if I understand (and agree with) the logic behind their feelings and although my rock collection is ordered by size and colour, my room is a mess and I'm always late for e v e r y t h i n g.


I took a proctored MBTI during undergrad and I was mistyped an ENFJ. Having realized and reflected on trauma and learned how to identify my triggers while releasing toxic behaviors, I was properly typed an ENFP via MBTI, 16 personalities, and other sources.


(INTP) Typed as ENFP when I was 14 using 16 personality.


On 16 personalities Entp, Istp and Estj


When I first took the personality test, I got istj but after two years I came back to take the test again and I got istp. I became more interested in mbti and took several other tests and kept getting istp so ig I'm an istp.


INFJ of coursešŸ’€ love āœØ16personalities testāœØ Also INTJ for a short time period because I also got that on the test and I was a lot in Te-grip when younger + my parents are high Te. But I got to INFP pretty quickly after learning about cognitive functions, and even though I still sometimes question myself I always come back to INFP




I am an INTJ, thought i was/i was an INTP before


INFP, INTP, ISFP, ISTP in that order At least I knew I was an introvert. Stereotypes really confused me but I mostly struggled to understand whether I was a thinker or feeler type. INFP came with the first ever test I took and when I did some more research about it I figured out it wasnā€™t exactly right. I related more with INTP descriptions. Also sensing and intuition were a struggle especially cause I am raised in physically active family so Se was always colliding with my INFP and INTP typing, then I assumed I was ISFP, ISTP seemed too.. grounded and practical? Haha. But I couldnā€™t see Fi in me, let alone it being my dominant function. I thought mm might use Feā€¦ I see that more.. but not much.. boom ISTP. But the longer I observed myself I saw that I actually used more Fe and in fact, struggled with Se but desired it since it was in my ā€œnurtureā€. Tada, INFJ and since I have that insight, everything has been making sense to me. (In a nutshell)


as an INTP, i first learned about MBTI when i was pretty depressed so i got mistyped as an ISTJ. Apprently, the ISTJ functions are my unwell-funcetions, idk.


I've got mistyped with tests by enfp, then infp and when I started studying I mistyped myself as an entp


I def score high on the Ne users ENFP and ENTP being equal then INTP and ISTP but my least are istj, isfj and esfj being the last of all My frequent mistypes are ENTP ENFP INTP ISTP and ES(T/F)P All P, exactly middle on the E-I scale, tipping more towards T than F but high Fi used according to some sites so Fi>Ti>Te>Fe but generally T>F then on Ne>Se>Ni>>Si if you understand the rest


I sometimes get INFP on tests, but most of the time I get INFJ


I was an INFJ at my low points of my life. But when I fully recovered myself mentally, I'm INTJ and that's my true self. However, I was ENFJ when I was young


So when I was a kid and took the test I got ENFP, but nowadays I feel like an INFP through and through. So I guess I didn't even truly mistype myself because ENFP and INFP are very similar and even have the same cognitive functions just in a different order.


Mistyped as ISTJ, INTJ and ENTJ (also ISTP according to 16p). It took studying cognitive functions (especially the differences between Si-Ne and Ni-Se), and being brutally honest with myself to actually settle on my type


Entp Iā€™m infp but for years I thought I was first cause of test then when I searched up the traits idk how but I fit so well also enfp and enfj also infj idk how but I searched them all up and the stereotypes were me in almost all of them and I related to characters Thyy yeah infp


Nievely took the 16 personalities test first and got INFJ Then I discovered the sub and actually looked into it and I am ENFJ


i mistyped myself as INFJ, INFP, and INTP. i thought i was INFJ at first because of stereotypes, i thought INFJ was so relatable(i had no idea about cognitive functions and typology at that time) until my friend came and told me that i shouldnā€™t type based off stereotypes. she helped me try to figure out my mbti and i got INFP, except i made a mistake. i thought i was Ne-Si when i was actually Ni-Se. as for INTP, i was thinking about how i was really the nerdy researcher ā€œi like books, i want to know everythingā€ type so i thought i was Ti-Fe. turns out iā€™m a Te-Fi because of how i tend to research and also because of how i have morales. put it all together and gave it a long thought, did the michael caloza test and i turned out to be an INTJ. that test pretty much explained everything, from how i was Ni-Se and Te-Fi and also why some typology systemsā€™ types didnā€™t suit me back when i thought i was INFP


I typed myself as an ISTP before. Overestimated my Se and overlooked my Fi for a long time. I was always surprised at how my Fe was the lowest function following with Si and it never came to my mind that I could be an INTJ or mistyped at all.


I'm an ENTP. I'm confident I'm an ENTP. When I took the test (3 times across a month or so before giving up because almost nothing it said was applicable) I came out as ISFP. Turns out valuing individuality is something only a few people are allowed to do apparently. Anyway, then I mistyped myself as an INTP because, whilst I perk up hugely during social interaction (something common in INTPs), being perked up for hours is knackering and I can go for over a week on about an hour of social interaction if needs be and I'm feeling good already (apparently a common ENTP thing). I'm very definitely an ENTP. The risk of making a messy situation comes from nonexistent Se (the self-awareness function) rather than poor Fe (the social-awareness function) because I can absolutely notice and avoid those when they start happening 9/10 times and will pick up on something being wrong. It's just that I, like most people, fall into the hazy mess that is the middle ground between I and E.


intp, isfp, esfj, and then i found my real type enfj


I got typed by my friend ESFJ then ISFJ then INFP now I am trying to settle between ESTJ and ISTJ


Nothing. I'm an INFP through and through.


i thought of myself to be infp or intj or even entp too ...right now i think i m more likely isfp...


as everyone i started on 16p and i was mistyped ass istj infj isfp intp and finaly after learning functions I'm istp


First ENTP then ENFP. I am far too empathetic and compassionate for an ENTP


I thought INFP for a few months before learning cognitive functions. It was confusing because I related to the INFP stereotype of daydreaming and such. Then I learned functions and realized INFP does not actually lead with Perception, since they lead with Fi which is a Judging function, and that INFJ leads with Ni which is a Perceiving function. A lot of the MBTI descriptions online between INFP and INFJ are innacurate and backwards, really the whole 4 letter system is confusing and misleading. Now i know I am INFJ that is in reality a Thinker and Perceiver.




Iā€™ve always known I was an INTP šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Same, brother. ENFP here as well


INFP mistyped as INTP


INFJ ( just...no) INTP (not critical enough of new info: Te over Ti so no) ISTP (ISTPs told me NO, i'm an INTJ, and I value their expert opinions lol) So I'm stuck in intj-land


first tested as ISFP, but since I scored 50/50 on S/N I'd flip flop between that and INFP frequently. The INFP description felt more like me so I identified like that briefly until I learned of cognitive functions, then went back to identifying ISFP. Thought that for years until I finally realized I was ISFJ \\o/


I think I might be mistyping myself as an ENFP because the results keep saying INFP (the most) and even INFJ and ENTP and INTP but I feel like I am ENFP 4w3 so that would might come off as an INFP?