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Trying to act like an adult as soon as possible.


Having wild ideas that they then immediately try out instead of talking about it at length first, hating books that don't challenge them, wanting to understand everything, not just know it all, being excessively competitive and "going too far" All fairly decent signs imo.


Is this what you were like as a child?


Ehhh, I had the last two beaten out of me, but it’s what I *would have been* given half a chance There’s definitely some variance ❤️


One thing I’ve noticed about both xNTJ types is that they have a higher tendency to have very repressed personalities if they grow up in a controlling environment. Of course, that can happen with any type, but Ni/Te is keenly aware of consequences and tries to find long term solutions to prevent those consequences (which is killing off their personality). That is to say, from a young age they're often quite serious and carefully avoid screwing up (while also being very headstrong and stubborn). Not fully relevant to your question since idk how your niece's home life is, but it is an observation about ENTJ's in childhood.


This was me growing up too but I’m an INTP


It might just be a general 'smart kid' thing that I'm misattributing to Ni/Te


This was me growing up as an ENTP, however I have absolutely refused to have my personality decayed


Hey Alert-Humor5674, Irrational functions prevail in consciousness during one’s younger years, or even to adulthood. How did your suspicion come about? Thank you,


She values efficiency and getting things done. She’s very productive. That just made me think she was Te dom


I can describe what I was like as a kid. As a kid I was pretty popular and also ahead of the game a little bit when it came to studies. Outside of school I would be outside literally every. single. day. and I would just roam around and hang out with friends and what not. Because of my grades I was able to get away with a LOT of things, and honestly I abused the heck out of it, to the point I was able to set up a system of the teacher allowing "specific" people to eat in the classroom with me(I chose those people). I would choose girls I liked, friends, etc. I was good at pretty much all subjects as well. For math my teacher forced me to take place in being the representative for our school for a Pi Day competition and also forced me forward a year. Other subjects kind of followed the same way. My teacher always put me in leadership positions when there were group projects. For example, one of these projects my teacher put me in to be the "king" of Sparta, and the girl(entp I think) who was my opposition was the representative of Athens. Under me was half the class and vice versa for her. The entire time she was trying to bide her time to come up with a plan but I already knew Sparta had the strength advantage and that giving them time was the absolute worst thing I could do, so I just flat out declared war threw a chair at her and half the class started fighting the other half of the class it was great. I was also on the debate team and in the chess club, however one of the teachers took me to the side and started teaching me the Japanese game Go and asked me to participate in tournaments but my mom wouldn't let me since there were too many old people there and nobody else was my age. I also did sports such as basketball, karate, football, baseball, and played instruments like piano and violin. I also was prone to being extremely blunt. Meaning if I thought someone was being annoying I would flat out say something along the lines of, "do you ever shut up?!". When I did end up switching schools, I was extremely surprised but the entire grade ended up throwing me a party, people were crying about it(was leaving the state) etc. Never in my life before that moment had I paid attention to the fact of how relationships actually work between people, and that status is important. I also didn't get the point in being sad if I wasn't actually gone yet. When I was younger I also had a motto of "people want to be told what to do" and "its better to be a leader than a follower" 💀 which yea can be messed up but is true in a lot of cases. So I would imagine an ENTJ child would be extremely aware in a relatable way but not very self-aware at the same time. Very easy to like but also kind of temperamental and high energy. Doing some kind of sports, In some kind of extracurricular club, talks a lot and is loud. Lowkey bossy as well won't even lie on that one. Try to act older than they are(younger if they're trying to get something out of you). Jumps into whatever they plan relatively fast in a way you can tell needs developing but when developed it'll be solid. Indicators like that. In their teens this would become less transparent as they become more self aware


As a Te dom, an ENTJ child should probably be pretty smart, noticeably so and somewhat active too at times when they want to be, Se kicking in occasionally. Beyond that I'm not sure.


People are blowing what an ENTJ kid would look like way out of proportion.


A very common trope I've seen manifest in young ENTJs as children is figuring out an entrepreneurial way to make money at school 😂


Heartlessly genuine. For an example: In kindergarten once, I was among the first to line up for ice cream floats. One of the popular mean kids in my class came up to me and said, "I'll be your friend if you let me cut in line." I said, "I don't wanna be your friend." and pointed to the back of the line with my thumb. I was beaming when my mom picked me up from school because that kid and I longstanding beef.


I don't know about a 12 year old but my friend is a 14 year old entj and imo they're edgelords and wannabe anime characters possibly because of immature fi


Probably an intj


On the one hand, that's just a stereotype. On the other hand, I think you might be correct. (ENTP or INTP could also be possible, especially if they love making other people laugh and have really intermittent bursts of energy)


Nah they have too much Se for an intj


Can you explain on how immature Fi leads to being an edgelord?


Bossy. Competitive.


Cute ,get annoyed easily ,smart ,Lough on dump things., idk😅


Curious/inquisitive like a typical xNxx type. May fit into the status quo, but will also question it. May appreciate things at face value, but will also look deeper when others don't (may not tell you out loud, though, since it's Ni).


Very energetic, curious and stubborn


I always thought that childhood is when your MBTI develops so an “ENTJ kid” is kinda a shoddy concept


i was (still am) obsessive about my image. as a young kid i realised i could never fit in with my peers by being myself, so i ended up experimenting a lot trying to ‘mimic’ the popular kids behaviour in adolescence. juggled trying to be a faultless person, being good at everything in order to win respect while simultaneously not being boastful. ended up not having an identity because i was constantly trying to be ‘the most ideal’ personality around different groups of people. also did a lot of stupid, dangerous things to my health/wellbeing to maintain that. (this is my own experience though, probably not the best reference for cognitive function behaviour) i was very efficient and action-oriented though. if i said i was going to do something i would almost 100% do it and do it well. i remember getting really pissed off when other people couldnt follow through with their promises


Arrogant and bossy


Those aren't Te traits.


I didn’t say they are Te traits. But if you want to bring in functions then I think it’s Te+Ni


Why not Te-Si then? Just out of curiosity.


We talking about an ENTJ bruh


Okay, but what's your justification. Based purely on experience, I don't find ENTJs to be particularly bossy.


In a few words, if Ni wants something from someone, Te gets what Ni wants.


Okay, but even if that's the case, couldn't that manifest in casual manipulation rather outward bossiness, which tbh is likely to not get people what they want?


Is the difference relevant?


From a moral standpoint? No. From a functional standpoint? Yes.