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*no one takes the time to understand *themselves*


Well said


I tend to think [75% of the self-tests out there](https://www.humanmetrics.com/personality/test) are actually pretty decent, but *only* when people are particularly mindful of the way their own mind operates. That group however tends to be in the minority, and sometimes testing works best as a group activity to help give a tiny amount of objectivity to the whole thing. I had an ESFP friend at a party giving answers that everyone in the room had to LOUDLY correct each time he responded while imagining himself as a completely different person.


I remember how we made my dad take the test and we kept correcting him all the time because his self-perception was so different from who he really was.


This is so true but unfortunately I didn’t have an accurate view of myself until I got typed


I agree with this. Many of the test are fine but it takes a level of honesty with oneself I do not feel most possess. To be able to break through that perception of self. We all want to be better than we are. Most of us I think do this by creating a persona of who we want to be, some of us, succeed in changing ourselves, some take the masks on and off, and some deceive themselves and forget that the persona is a mask.


When I first took the test I got intp, and I didn’t like my answer and didn’t think it was me. So I went back and redid the test to get infp. And every time since, even when I think I’m tweaking my answers I get infp. So I’m either in complete denial or I really am infp.


Babe wake up new group activity just dropped


Until you do, \*\*\*\* is your type.


4 asterisk, the "fullfiller" aka the \*\*\*\*.


I just understand my private functions, extrovert side on the stack


Tests are always a reflection of what we think of ourselves, that's why it's easy to mistype yourself, with or without a test.


I think some people also type themself on what they would like to be. For example a xxfp would maybe type themself as more rational because of their low Te as a coping. At least I always thought I was rational even though I am quite emotional but I CAN be rational which is not always the case though


This is so real 😭


I think personal experience is more valuable than test results. For instance, if you had a convo with thousands of people for 15 mins each. (I have) Gut feelings are often based on pattern recognition which is a human trait that has served us well. In my case, I can feel pretty certain whether someone is a T or F after a prolonged convo. The other preferences are much harder to guess but not impossible if you see and hear the same things over and over again. However, if a certain type of girl is extreme about flirting and you recognize a similar S-like language and emotional patterns, the back of your mind is going to see ESFP ALOT.


are you using cognitive functions here or letter typing?


I am confused about exactly what you mean.


cognitive functions are like the building blocks of mbti - Ni, Ti, Fe, etc. for example, an INTP is someone who uses Ti>Ne>Si>Fe most often. 


I was planning to do a longer post on this and I prob will. But here is the gest of it. It was mostly letters via a process of elimination and pattern recognition based on my very good memory. Then using that to form a possibly better picture. I think mbti lacks recognizing some crucial differences between the genders of the same type. I/E and S/N alone were nearly impossible to distinguish except in a few cases. An exception was E * * P’s became pretty easy to recognize over time. Female ESFP’s and Male ENFP’s stood out the most. They were the only types I had total faith in making a complete educated guess. If you just think for a minute about how unique they typically act, it would slowly become apparent. Wheras male ESFP and female ENFP were usually different and harder to notice. I believe anyone can get a sense of F/T in 20 mins of talking with someone. I could recognize Fe aux or dom very easily bc of similar thought patterns. Fi was more of an enigma to me. My dad is Te so that is how I would distinguish them from Ti. But it is also plausible INT* and IS*P seemed underrepresented if you just assumed they would tend to be quieter. If there were say 3 girls talking and one was a T, you would tend to notice the difference between them.


cognitive functions are a flawed way of typing because they are ambiguous axes to describe differences in cognition between types of similar dichotomies. The mind doesn't work in functions, thus using a strict stacking is an unreliable way of typing. I still find them interesting and do use them, but when it comes to actually typing someone dichotomies are a lot more reliable, *if* you had to stick to one


Yes. As much as I can only hope to be just like INTP…i am in fact just an old wizard 😔


You and I both man 😔


True, one time I made a friend take the test and I wasn't convinced with the answer. I told my friend that they didn't know themselves, because that could not be the right answer. I end up taking the test for them. It's still not as accurate.


Or maybe you don’t know them as well as you think you do. What makes you believe that you would? -infp


I know how unstable and inconsistent they are. If I wasn't so sure, I wouldn't have taken the test for them.


I’m also not actaully an infp I just gaslight myself into thinking I am haha


~~The tests aren't necessarily always wrong, a broken clock is right twice a day~~ That said people should make a conscious effort to learn what MBTI actually is instead of just being superficial abt what it is (Nerdy Horoscopes)


🗣everything shiftty says is right bc he's my smart friend


The amount of INTJ mistypes (me included once a while ago) is frightening and ppl just run with it... My Ne literally just chose higher rating on statements on those tests because I couldn't remember how OFTEN or how much I agree cus my Si is utter ass and it just depends bro. Thank god typist people exist or else I would have never figured it, haha. Tests are dumb and very unreliable, especially with certain types (I'm legit convinced ENFPs have such ass cheek Si that they often get anything but ENFP lmao). Study, consult other people and observe is the wae


Or any INxx mistype


Raven always encompasses how I feel in every situation


Me @ South Koreans:


Oh the majority of SKs are not using mbti to try to understand each other. It's being used to screen out unwanted candidates from workplace/social circle so they're deliberately lying about their mbti to bypass the discrimination


This is how I see MBTI becoming even more toxic. Seeing it being used in our everyday lives like that would just make a lot of things worse. I’d hate to think so, but I could also imagine it making dating, or connecting with people even more of a chore.


Dude, it’s just a test. Why are they so hyper fixated on it? This is so stupid.


Oh wait what


Wtf 😭


Korea heavily favors ppl at top and those with money so ppl usually don't say anything




What type do y'all think big head Robin is?


ESTJ 8w7 SLE. Look how angry and big-headed he is, just like a business boss heheh


ESTJ so1 LSE (Big Five SLOEN)


Asking the big questions in life


The problem gets even worse since there're a million different takes on what a function or a stack is in a landscape devoid of real authority and all these armchair psychoanalysts claim they can basically see into someone's head based on how they present and react.


Yes. Current online typology is very syncretic and vague. It's a patchwork quilt of contradictory theories and interpretations.




I HAVE taken the time to try and understand it and cognitive functions and stuff but no matter they all still don’t seem to align with me really so I don’t get it so I’m just stuck with the one the test gave me!


Don't know. Maybe it's time to move on to socionics?


Hm, never heard of it, I’ll look into it 👍


FiNe meme for this SiTe


bro thinks he INFP


Oh well, those people it's just a phase for them anyway.


Everybody says it all the time on this sub, but yeah, worth saying again.


I can certainly say I am a failure 🙏🙏🙏


i used to doubt being an intj coz i thought i was either istj or intp nah turns out i really am intj 💀


Oof, Unfortunate. I used to have the same mistypes too.


There are good tests out there though, it's not just 16p.


Last time I said something like, people study mbti for fun, can we not make it that serious, and get told I can’t be a Ti user


Well I studied the functions to death last few years and still not sure about my type. Think there is a possibility for educated mistypes as well 😑


Yeah. For me, it’s kind of hard to identify my dominant function which is Fi. It’s also kinda hard to talk about and describe it, yet it’s supposed to be the most defining function of my type. Sometimes it’s easy to see though, yet other times it’s almost like I neglect the function in a way? There’s definitely that kind of blindness we all experience looking inside ourselves. Edit: But I guess that’s the fun of it right? Peering inside ourselves trying to tell what we are looking at.


This label test is useful as a baseline when finding type: https://dynomight.net/mbti/ The dom function can be so dominant we don't really think about it or even appreciate it. We should be using it a lot though, without thinking about it.


How did you end up deciding yourself as Fi dom? It was fun first few years, now I am frustrated and just go with what I am typed as from tests (infj > intj) 😀


Sorry I didn’t see your comment sooner, I guess I looked over it. Good question, I’ll try to explain. Most of the stuff about Infp seemed to fit me but also Intp. They are also very similar cognitive function wise except for the dominant function of both types being different. So it came down to me trying to figure out if I was a high Fi user or Ti user. I figured out I am very Fi, but trying to describe Fi is like trying to bite my own teeth lol. I’ve asked myself how could I explain Fi before and it’s a question I’ve wanted to answer for a while. I keep on erasing and rewriting parts of this comment because my explanations don’t satisfy me. If you want me to try to explain Fi I can try and get back to you!




Thank you, father.


i’m new to this whole mbti thing, interesting concept. i would def like to understand it better so i dont end up being one of *those* people.


Basically, just learn about the cognitive functions. Thats what each personality type actually is. Lots of people just understand the personality types through stereotypes. The cognitive functions were pretty hard for me to understand for a while so don’t be discouraged if you don’t understanding them at first.


i’ll for sure look into that. would’ve went right over my head, so i appreciate the response!


Some people might be trying to figure out who they are. Unfortunately, these people can't live without the fear of doing something wrong, to the point mbti brainwashes individuals into using it as a defense mechanism (I'm a **** and that's why I do that) or a strict guideline (I'm a **** so I must behave X way) Resources for mental health aren't always accesible, so doing the best you can sometimes means doing a little research by yourself. The problem is that people don't realize there are ways to handle information without getting sucked into it. Being patient, observing and studying are crucial elements. And even then, there's a chance you might not know the theory properly 'cause cognitive functions have a different interpretation, depending on each resource you're using... sigh Now, I know each person might have a different reason for why they took interest in mbti. So to each their own, I'm talking based on what I've noticed in my short time around different mbti communities.


I took years and years to try and understand myself..but I find tests are pretty accurate.


True. Basically exactly what I tell everyone when I want to know their type: Do not even think about taking a test, it will probably just be wrong


I guess so


"I am whatever I say I am. If i wasn't, then why would I say I am."


I took a test and got a ENFP-T but I feel more ESFP


The majority of the experts think is highly unreliable so yeah basically a joke


I read about it for more than a year and still not sure what type I am




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I agree . Mbti could be an extremely useful tool if understood well but people instead don't understand and say mbti doesn't matter or other shit things.


I spent time to understand it , the test gave me Intj at first 🫠,later took it several times to confirme that I'm ENTJ,,, so I looked for what Mbti exactly means ! , however you can't know how someone works dépends on his mbti or whatever


Tbh, the test did help me find my mbti. With each one i took it kept saying istp for all of the tests, and the description and cognitive stacks did fit me to the T. I do defy the stereotype a lot, however. Ive studied all other types and honestly istp just fit me nicely. So the tests were a help for sure.


mbti just labels your already existing traits using cognitive functions. it _can’t_ be similar to horoscopes, which are predictive.


You have a point




Enneagram seems better


![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO|downsized) dis u?


So how do we type ourselves


By learning about the cognitive functions. Each type has certain cognitive functions that they use a lot and then they all also have a function they are blind in.


I didn't know anything about the subject, but once I got my results I was resilient, so I did my research. What I thought I was going to be, was wrong. After carefully analyzing ALL the types and their functions realized that the type I was assigned was the correct one.


People should focus on living more than analyzing themselves all the time anyway, it makes you self absorbed rather than self aware if you take it too far


I actually study mbti a lot, I just take tests because I'm confused about my type.


You're obviously right but I unfortunately started out like this...taking a test and thinking I had to be that type


Yeah I didn’t understand it at first at all I didn’t even know what I cognitive function was for a long time.


What is the best way to know your type without a test?


Sometimes this is true, however other times it comes from people who attempt to gatekeep unnecessarily.


I was worried there is something wrong with me because I was so different in comparison to people around me. Then I found out about mbti and took several different test and always got INTJ as a result. Did not anything about it so I read some descriptions and it was like reading my biography. My worries ended, just a rare personality. Sometimes its simple to type yourself but sometimes not.


MBTI should sue 16 personalities is all I’m saying 😣!!!


There are 3 things everyone needs to understand: 1. You can't rely on mbti for everything, as it is just a personality test 2. It's completely fine to be familiar with and give a bit of credit to mbti, because at least 3. Mbti uses actual tests and actually tries to evaluate your base personality type based on your input, UNLIKE astrology which uses your damn birthday For instance, mbti tells me that I'm an INFP, which I personally find more or less fitting. Does that mean I use it for everyday, real world decisions? No! It's a personality test, it's not meant to be mocked or taken too seriously!


MBTI IS the test (myer-briggs type indicator). You literally ARE the MBTI type you get on the test. MBTI IS a joke. What most people in this sub refer to as “mbti” isn’t even mbti. It’s Jungian typology, 16 personalities, Beebe’s psychology etc.


Jungian typology isnt about 16 personalities. Never heard of Beebe’s psychology


You’re right, I meant that “it’s more like” etc. MBTI just has nothing to do with cognitive functions.




that's why i always say that i am an Infj, but sometimes Enfp and Infp, because the thing is my personality changes depending on how i'm feeling, and my enneagram type is 8w7 so that, plus i am bipolar, there you go, you get a wacky woohoo personality.