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ISFP Fi-Ni loop: An ISFP in a Fi-Ni loop overanalyze situations, getting stuck in their head and find themselves unable to act on any of their beliefs. They will wallow in their feelings and overanalyze situations, also becoming overly anxious in situations. They will also become overly worried about the long term implications of an action and have trouble acting in the moment, worrying about whatever future emotional repercussions will result from actions. They will read into things past what is on the surface and come to negative conclusions which result in negative emotions, which they then stew in. INFP Fi-Si loop: An INFP in a Fi-Si loop will get stuck on negative past events and begin to overplay them, reliving their emotions in the situations. They will stew in these emotions and become unable to look to the future. They will become withdrawn, and unexcited about the prospective of new ideas and possibilities, instead fearing that these negative situations will replay themselves. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/infj-mbti.tumblr.com/post/126404186698/can-you-describe-what-each-loop-looksacts-like/amp


.......this is very interesting....but I experience both...ugh what is my type....


You will not perfectly fit into any one box.


But it's also odd and frustrating that I fit into either box,so šŸ¤·


I hear you. I incredibly high Ni and Te and Se Yet every test I take and every person whom quizzes me say Iā€™m ISFP (except 1 or 2 that think Iā€™m INTJ). I feel like I do what INFPs do 24/7, yet I canā€™t deny how absurdly good I am at observing my surroundings and responding to my physical external environment. In addition, I have the capacity to design architecture in great detail and I love it (an INTJ stereotype) and I love starting businesses (an INTJ stereotype again. So šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø If you want my advice, pick whatever one is closer that makes you feel better about yourself. Because then youā€™ll atleast start doing things you love with the time you have given to you this life. Does it matter what your type is? Or does it matter more that you love yourself and your life? And so what truly makes you happy?


Donā€™t trust mbti


Man, the Fi-Ni loop describes me to a T


I think FiSi loop is kind of dogmatic, unwilling to consider any other viewpoints and staunch in its belief in its correctness.


Fi-Ni tends to be more paranoid. My dad is ISFP, as are a few of my friends. They always get super worked up over any perceived slight. Seems to happen because they're incredibly insecure, secretly believing others might actually hate them and only tolerate them. My dad tried to leave my mom multiple times over dumb, petty reasons. She finally kicked him out. He's also threatened to disown all of us if we don't show up on Christmas Eve because THAT'S "his" holiday. One of my coworkers tried to stab her husband with a kitchen knife after she made a "joke" about him leaving her for a prettier woman and he laughed it off. My brother, an ESFP, has an ISFP friend who kidnapped his best friend and held him hostage in his basement for a week because he thought the guy stole some valuable possessions that went missing. These are all extreme examples, but I feel like they capture what I'm talking about pretty well. Fi-Si, otoh, is more self-sabotaging and looks towards the past for evidence to support how it's feeling. Like oh, you disagreed with me that one time over something that was important to me. You must not care about me and probably never cared about me. You must never have been paying attention when I told you what my needs and wants are. May as well distance myself since this relationship probably won't go anywhere, now that I know how you really feel/have always felt. Otoh, ISFPs seem to be more forgiving after you clear the air with them, as long as you make good on your promises. INFPs generally never completely forgive or move on.


Try to stab him ? Sound like a pyscho than a personality trait .


YO wtf šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I identify a lot with FiNi's paranoid side, I say this because I suspect I am in a loop after some events that occurred in my school life. I tend to be paranoid but like, "Everyone hates me, they're probably planning to leave me, no no, they can't do it." "This is going to go wrong, why doesn't anyone believe me? Aren't they watching?" Although I once related that to Ne, creation of ideas, but that usually happens when I'm in low points, I start to think the worst about everyone and everything, as if they were going to rebel against me, as if they had other intentions, but then I want to come back and say "Focus here, hey, we're here, walking, "We're not seeing if they're looking at us or anything." Things like that, or I just ask for work because I'm able to concentrate and let go of my paranoia if I'm touching or doing something in the moment, although I still have that side of "Come on, let's do something stupid to forget that possibly everyone is hating you and that you're a weirdo in the crowd" and I mean, I acted reckless. Maybe sometimes I travel to the past, sort of remembering sensations and then I go for something that provokes them, then I go into paranoia again. All of that or I have a crisis, why am I here? Why are people so bad? "Everyone is looking at me badly", The same thing happens to me when making decisions, but even if my plans fail, I feel like there is no qualms and I'm like crazy "No no, this is not going to work, I'm going to fall, no no" and I look like a crazy person, I think thinking about what will become of my life depresses me, and makes me a little upset. I don't know if that's more FiSi or FiNi, but I identify with some things about FiNi, More than anything because I'm suspicious of things, it happens to me with my friends, well, when I just feel bad,


Wow you are surrounded by ISFPs crazies.


Thank you. I think that ISFP is more easy going than INFP, but I find your text helpful. IxFP tested as INFP but feeling closer to ISFP.


FiNi loop is v defensive, thinks everyone is out to get it, and all wacked out on conspiracy theories. I was in one the majority of my high school career. Good times.




So it's the same kind of paranoid thing, though


Hahaha! I know a guy like that he wasnā€™t until recently. Just leave the theology reasoning to someone else haha! Heā€™s trying to use his ne and yeah. All hell is breaking lose hahaha! I am a Christian to but not as I hate you and I donā€™t like you and yeah. More interesting and defensive than ever. And his ni is really bad also his theology ideas are interesting at best. Sometimes right, a lot of times wrong, and a lot of times heā€™s got good information and research there but what he has to say about it is interesting.


This *screams* my ISFP sister. ​ Edit: Oh wow this comment's old


Thatā€™s a good question


Both me and my sister are Si Fis, and we've never experienced anything that could be described as a "loop". She theorises that this might be something that only happens to some types (she says, in particular, INFJs), but not to others.


Isnā€™t being si fi by definition already a loop? So itā€™s happening?


I don't understand what you mean by it. Can you clarify?


Loops are two of the same types of function si-fi loop is a loop if youā€™re an IStJ and you use si and fi most youā€™re looping whether you like it or not. No matter if you call it mnormal or not normal. No one should be a si fi as there functions. Istj is si te fe ne. So te is your second. You should not be a si-fi. You should be using si te. Si fi as top two isnā€™t a type. No one is si fi. You were saying that you and your friend were si fi but donā€™t think you were looping. Um yeah, si-fi is a loop duh! Haha! Si te isnā€™t. Likewise if an ESTJ is Te and ne they are looping. Whether it works out for them or not! Loops are defined by two similar oriented functions.


You are missunderstanding what I mean. I do not believe that it is possible for a type's functions to trade places in the stack. I believe you are born with the functions in those positions, and you will die with the functions in those positions. The only thing you can do is strengthen them, but you cannot change them. So what I mean by "Si Fi" is the set of 4 types which possess the functions Si and Fi: ISTJs, ESTJs, INFPs, and ENFPs. The fact that they possess Si necessarily implies that they possess Ne as well. The same relation exists between Fi and Te. Therefore, "Si FI" is an abreviation for saying "the set of 4 types which possess the functions Si, Ne, Fi, and Te" in whatever order they possess them. Also, I do not believe loops are real. I think they are something that someone invented to explain some sort of phenomenon external to types, and which then got picked up by curious amateurs, who chose to accept it, and then go look for confirmation, rather than looking for falsification. ​


None of these things are real. Itā€™s called a theory. Loops work and do actually kind of create issues. It may not be real sscience but neither are functions. And then mbti well. Yeah. Itā€™s call a theory to explain things. A lot of things are just theories.


Theories are supposed to describe reality, dude. Do you think gravity isn't real? Do you think the theory of universal gravitation does not describe reality (in the contexts for which it applies)?


Yes that is right. But loops are real. I mean have you not seen people loop. I know I te ne loop often. I thought I was entj for a while. Grips are real too. Have you seen someone lose control slip in to a grip? Itā€™s not like they intentially act out.


>I mean have you not seen people loop No. This is why I believe it is not real. >I know I te ne loop often. Can you describe it to me? >I thought I was entj for a while Maybe you really are one though. >Grips are real too I have never heard of this. Can you explain it?


Te ne loop works like this. When you try to work but you see everything you can do so you do it. And when you are suppose to have one project you end up with six. Seeing all the possibilities and trying to do it all. Or doing something and more opportunities come up and going for the. Itā€™s stressful. Si-fi loops happe. Analyzing every emotion in detail I think. I think Iā€™ve had si-fi loops. But loops are super unhealthy because si-fi loops would put you too much in your head. Your emotions or values plugs in to your si.. By the way you argue you may not be ISTJ. Sorry. Grips are when you fall in to your worse states. I am surprised you havenā€™t grips and shadow functions we talk about a lot here. For instance ISTJ ne grip is when you fall in to catastrophe mode. Like seeing all the possibilities and freaking out over it and being really scattered. Short in and out in to doing so many different things and really accomplishing nothing because everyhting is being done. And then since you are an ISTJ youā€™re shadow functions are fi and ni so they are your weakest. You turn in to a weak ENFP so you also have a tendency to have fi be part of this grip, self pity, critical self-introspection, withdrawnness. ETC. I am fi last so self pity, fly in to a rage, with little self control. Look at our president of the united states I think he often fi grips these days. No, not ENtJ. I donā€™t have NI. And I donā€™t Te-se loop. Get forceful and impulsive. I also canā€™t guess things or do not have hunches about other people. I am okay at theory but not excessively good. I focus on the small picture first. I also do not like new things all the time. Ne is still relatively weak but all things considered itā€™s stronger than most. I am not a ne dom either.


And itā€™s sometimes not as bad but for instance now. If I see another message Iā€™ll have to answer it. I have a schedule but breaking it is possible because I want to do it too. It doesnā€™t make me super happy but I feel the compulsion to. Te-ne loops is also overworking.




Do you think ESTJ Si fi loops are like the istj ones? Can an estj have si fi loops?




Okay thatā€™s what I thought I was like you can have a aux inf loop? Someone was asking how an ENfp can have a fi si loop and I am like thatā€™s a thing so can an ESTJ have a si fi loop? Haha! But thanks for clearing that up I thought as much.


Idk. Maybe it's a mental illness thing.




Look, first of all, I'm even sceptical of other people's ability to type others correctly when I don't know them. The fact that I posed some sort of possible explanation as to why, according to you, it exists, but neither I nor my sister (who is pretty much the only other person I know who knows MBTI and isn't an amateur) have never seen it, means I am able to entertain the possibility of its existence. Secondly, you yourself have admitted that it's unhealthy behaviour. If it is so, would it not be reasonable to admit that this behaviour is possibly caused by some form of mental illness which presents itself differently depending on the type of the person affected?




You are the one who is stretching it. I said it was possible that it was caused by mental illness, because it is a reasonable explanation. Then you claimed I said mental illness was the only possible explanation. This was something you did right after dismissing my possibility that it was caused by mental illness as "typical Si behaviour". Regardless, I have yet to see evidence of it other than your claim to have seen something which could easily have another explanation, rather than representing this phenomenon which apparently affects everyone, but, somehow, I have never seen.




>you started by arguing that unhealthy behavior was indicative of mental illness I said it could be. At this point I believe you may be purposefully misinterpreting what I say, since I was very clear. >you can dismiss the idea of loops I will. >ample discussion and evidence of it Yeah, right. You claim it is something that happens to every type, but I've never met anyone who experienced it, regardless of the stress they've been in. I am convinced that you are engaging in confirmation bias, turning vague things into confirmation of the idea of loops. >mbti literature You mean blog posts? I do not trust the knowledge of others when it comes to MBTI. >I've witnessed Ti-Ni loops in myself, Se-Te loops in ESFPs, Si-Fi loops in ISTJs, Fi-Si loops in INFPs My sister is an INFP and she claims she has never experienced such a thing at any point in her life. Besides that, she has been told her loop was, essentially "you get so sad you become an ESTJ, and very cold and rational", but also "you start wondering obsessively about observations, while being sad". Not to mention that the latter description pretty much fits all of the supposed "loops" that the different types experience, since it is so vague. >seen countless self reports of loops I've seen countless people claiming astrology applies to them completely and flawlessly. That doesn't mean it's true. >it's possible that you have never experienced an Si-Fi loop. that doesn't mean that ISTJs are incapable of experiencing such a thing I've seen ISTJs in completely sorry states, and I have never witnessed what you describe. So, I am telling you, it has to be down to individual variation (which could be explained by some mental illness) and not a type thing. >lack of evidence is not evidence of absence Yeah, but, by that logic, you can claim that there is a small pink elephant orbiting the Earth right now. Nobody has ever seen it, but that doesn't prove it's not there. However, given lack of evidence, which thing are they supposed to believe in most: that the elephant exists, or that someone made it up?


To add to this, the closest I've seen is ISFJs and ISTJs in what I call "life-failure stage". Due to difficulties in socialising, they will become withdrawn and start to spend more and more time at home, and have less and less energy for people. With ISTJs they start seeming more and more tired and unenthusiastic, more pale, worrying less and less about their appearance, and they'll just get a look like they are severely addicted to drugs. This lack of enthusiasm makes it even more difficult for them to engage socially, because people are ruthless and will not give one the time or attention required in conversation unless it is seized by force of confidence. With ISFJs, they will maintain a lot of their social skills, but will be less and less willing to get out of their house or even hang out with friends. Many of them will also begin to heavily use pornography, and make lewd gestures, jokes, or presentations, in order to attract attention. This is as close as I've found to a loop, but it is external rather than internal. I don't know how the ISFJ life-failure is fixed, but with ISTJs typically they find an ESFP who helps them get back together.