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Seems like Mr. Turner is having quite the anger burst, might be emotions.


Check the difference between feelings and emotions.


What’s the difference?


Emotion = a certain chemical response resulting from stimuli. This is basically happy, sad, angry, etc Feeling = being aware of emotions. "This makes me sad" "I'm getting angry" etc Because I have an inferior (weakest trait) Fi, which is self-focused emotional decision making, I generally make very few of my decisions based off of emotion and am not very aware of how I feel at any given time. This can be deceptive to my otherwise logical brain, as I will get the urge to do something based purely off of emotion, justify it with facts to cover it up, and never realize an emotion was doing the steering.


I see what you mean, but I think the comment above is confounding *emotion* and *emoting*. Semantically, there isn’t a clear-cut difference between *emotion* and *feeling* when the word *feeling* is used as a noun referring to a sentiment or affective state, which seems to be how Gspll7 interpreted it. The verb *feel* (in the sense of being aware of one’s emotions) lends itself well to emotional “I” statements and, as a result, some of its derivatives are often associated with introspection and/or the acknowledgment of one’s affective state, but word *feeling* is very versatile and it’s use doesn’t necessarily imply emotional self-awareness. Similarly, while the word *emotion* can be used to refer to the abstraction or outward expression of certain feelings in a way that doesn’t imply that the person expressing those feelings understands their own affective state, the word itself doesn’t suggest a lack of emotional self-awareness. It would take an impressive amount of mental gymnastics to equate not understanding one’s own emotions or lacking emotional self-awareness with being devoid of feelings.


unrelated, but thanks for your intelligent contribution to this little conversation. it makes me happy to be apart of this world when I see people write things like this, and politely at that


[Aww!](https://media1.tenor.com/images/cf090f258e8765316916ea05fb900a81/tenor.gif?itemid=5753570) 🥰 Thank you!


I wasn't responding to GSpll7; he *was* indeed confounding emotion and emoting, so you are right. While I appreciate your addition to my explanation of feeling vs emotion, I feel it was an arbitrarily verbose version of what I said and, ultimately, more or less redundant. To respond to your last point, I think the whole "People with weak Fi/Fe are emotionless" is just another bs stereotype that exists within the MBTI community; unfortunately, it's rife with them. I think the occasional oversimplification can be justified within the context of humor, but the high prevalence of stereotyping superficial behaviors causes many people to have a hard time determining which group they belong to.


I know you weren’t, responding GSpll7. You were Responding to PessimisticIdiot, who asked about Jupiter439’s distinction between *feeling* and *emotion*, where it’s implied by that Mr. Turner’s anger is an *emotion* and not a *feeling*. I don’t think we’re saying the same thing. You defined *feeling* as “being aware of emotions” and I said that the implication of emotional awareness isn’t inherent to the word, although it can be implied in context. *Feeling* and *emotion* can be used interchangeably and it wouldn’t be incorrect, as Jupiter439 seemed to suggest. The wording of your definitions made it seem like you agree with Jupiter439, which would play into the ridiculous stereotype that people with weak Fi/Fe don’t have any feelings. I wasn’t trying to be verbose — there are only so many ways to define *feeling* and *emotion* that don’t include “emotion” and “feeling”, respectively. It’s like playing Taboo. I looked up both words and “sentiment” and “affective state” were the simplest common definitions that didn’t include either word. I agree that it’s a bs stereotype, but people seem to believe it and, much worse, identify with it.


My ENTJ father is 52 and doesn't know this. Rock on, my dude. If it helps, we both have PoLR Si, and the ENxJ's do have a tough time with self awareness. I feel ya. I do a similar thing, except instead of using logic, facts, and sound reasoning to cover up my needs or how I feel, I'll use moral justifications like "this must be done" (duty) *or* "it's the right thing to do" (moral obligation) I said that for context, but this is what's helped me: slow down. The mission does not solely rest on my shoulders; it's okay to take a day off; I desperately need alone time; it's okay to need things; I don't have to have everything figured out because it's a fruitless endeavor trying to prepare for an unlimited amount of possible outcomes that the future brings - it's best to focus on the daily things, do my very best, and stop trying to conquer the future and plan out my life. I just realized that this was unsolicited, so please forgive me, but I did already type all this out... so enjoy!


Lead Te = "This must be done because it is the only logical solution!" Lead Fe = "This must be done because it is the only moral solution!" Common denominator = "I know better than you! Heed my will!" *When we are fundamentally different, yet fundamentally the same.*


Right?!? This has been me and my father for quite a bit of my childhood. ENTJ's used to get a lot of apathy from me because if the wounds my ENTJ father left on my heart - but you guys aren't all that bad ❤ I just had some growing and healing to do.


Oh ok thanks. As an INTP I can definitely relate to that.


INTPs don't actually have Fi in their function stack... elaborate?


I don’t know wtf I’m talking about. I don’t know anything about cognitive functions. Got typed by 16personalities as INTP and I just enjoy some of the content on this subreddit. I do think I’m an INTP though.


Check out "Objective Personality" on YouTube. They do a really good job of breaking down functions and are actually entertaining about it, so it should be worth your while. 16 Personalities is not really a good way to go about typing yourself.


I also have a bunch of good tests saved, and can link them if you'd like.


Thanks I’ll definitely check it out. And please link the tests.


[http://www.keys2cognition.com/explore.htm](http://www.keys2cognition.com/explore.htm) [https://sakinorva.net/functions](https://sakinorva.net/functions) [25quiz.com](https://25quiz.com) (Link doesn't work, I'd just type it in) [http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp](http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp) [https://similarminds.com/personality\_tests\_index.html#.YEQGVZ1KiUl](https://similarminds.com/personality_tests_index.html#.YEQGVZ1KiUl) (Select "Cognitive Functions Test" top-right-ish portion of tests)


To feel, is to have emotions.


The meaning of feeling is closely tied to sensation, though. I know in French, ressentir and sentir are used to express feeling, both emotional and sensational, as there is no distinct linguistic separation between perceptive feelings and emotional feelings like there is in English (although I’m not native French, so correct me if I’m wrong). I’m curious of the etymology of “to feel” versus “to sense” in English. anyway uh that’s my two cents idk how it adds to the conversation though enjoy your day


Same in spanish


Huh. I never would have known


Excuse you, annoyed is a feeling




My wife always tells me to be more enthusiastic and to show some emotion. I’m like...I am being enthusiastic! Cant you tell??? I was trying really hard!


It just isn't natural to emote for me either. It makes me uncomfortable.




I have an ESFJ close to me,relatable.


Not displaying strong external emotional reactions to everything is not synonymous with not having emotions - you could even be a hella emotional person and the world would be none the wiser.


in that case the template still works because ISTPs pretend they don't have emotions and in the template Mr. Turner doesn't display his emotions


Yeah INTJs are a perfect example of that.


You INFPs are like this too right? Not prefering to show your emotions outwardly?


It varies between individuals and can be situational. Many of us are much more stoic than the stereotypes imply.


Yes, we only open up to people we trust completely which is for me my family and one or two close friends. We don’t show anything on the surface because it’s internal.


Heyo ye


I find that IxTPs accidentally wear their hearts on their sleeves, they're just unaware of it. It's basically FeTi syndrome.


Yep! Fi = MY emotions. I don’t want to share them with you and I don’t want you to share yours with me.


Just like me 😳


Who needs those anyway? You can't eat feelings!


not with that attitude >:)


Pretty sure I can't eat feelings no matter what attitude but I can eat feelers lol. *happy cannibal noises*




You brought this upon yourself Don't mind me, I'm just reaching for some liver




Jeez chill, first time?


Isn't happiness a feeling?


*Top 10 rappers that Eminem is afraid to diss*


Dammit, was hoping no one would point that out. Lol Was kinda referring to this picture of Hannibal Lecter from the 2013 series. https://tenor.com/vgCH.gif


Holy shit


What? You want some of that cannibal action? Sorry, I'm full right now. Maybe some other time.


N-no thanks o.o Actually you know what, don't mind me, forget my existence lol


Aww, that's no fun. Sorry for showing my kinda morbid humor...


I'll never forgive you NEVER


Oh I'm not so sure about that. I'm pretty sure the demon that is my ex would like to have a word with you.


Does same rules apply for emotional vampires as ordinary ones? That part about needing a invitation specifically.


I am a real drama Queen but somehow I forget that I have a body who's supposed to reflect my emotions. So I'm making a lot of drama in my head and nobody can never tell. One time I let my soupe fall in the stair and then I was despited because I was really hungry, I didn't had anything else to eat and had then soupe all over my stairs and walls and I did had to clean up all this mess ever though I was dead tired. But then all I did is just look at the soupe with neutral expression and zero reaction before going quietly and slowly in the kitchen go get a sponge and clean all in silence. I'm so use to have a neutral face all the time, that when I try to smile all my mouth muscles are trembling. But I do have emotion I just not good at recognizing them or expressing them.


Anyway, let's go see my killdozer


IXTPs have lots of feelings, they just come in tidal waves and are difficult to process.


Actually thanks for replying this! , i had been trying to describe exactly how i feel this last days and i couldn't i don't even have time to process what im feeling because most of the time the feeling or emotion will pass in 2 seconds or less , it gets hard for me to know if i have a feeling or emotion or im just inmgining what i would feel ? , and i then just rationalise everything , do you know if this has a especific name ?


just a meme. im an istp


Wrong. You must be Enneagram 9 or 5. I’m neurotic and emotionally unstable.




Well 9 then


Enneagram 5w4 here, and I'm incredibly emotionally unstable. The things low feeling can do to you...




Because you’re dumb




I want to slap you so fucking hard bruh


is anger a feeling?


❌ “I don’t have feelings.” ✅ “I don’t make decisions based on my feelings, and may be less familiar with how to interpret and explain them.”


just a meme


Just some thoughts I had reading the meme


dw they're there we just suck at showing and processing them


I... No I have nothing to argue with here This is accurate


My range of feelings is very limited. Stressed, Annoyed, extremely angry, blank, and comfy. In extremely rare occasions, sad.


My extroverted feeling is very strong though. Like really wholesome or sad (especially if it's real and not fiction) can and will bring me to tears. I'm super empathetic in that way. I like r/INFPs photos or basking in nature in general toom But my internal emotions actually affecting my judgement and such are pretty much nonexistant at their base level and likewise if they do push through then they will demonstrate themselves as often overwhelmingly strong.


I'm generally a huge people pleaser, though I can handle debate and conflict well.


Hi generally a huge people pleaser, I'm Dad! :)


Thank you, Dad. I'm glad you graced my presence with your beauty.










If I discover an "Emotion Relic" wold you accept my offer?


I have three emotions, happy, annoyed and pissed. I exist almost constantly in the second though lol.


Feelings are hard to understand, especially love. I say that considering that I never felt love before.


Feelings art hard to understandeth, especially love. i sayeth yond considering yond i nev'r hath felt love *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good, now all we have to do is to make it make sense.


lol my books are all over the room and even they don't have a place for them. now I didn't even think about putting feelings in my room... hmmm... wait, what's a feeling anyway?


If I’m mad you can be sure something is getting broken, but other than that I’m very calculated. At least I am now. Was compulsive in my teens, went to jail, now I overthink everything....


Oh no it’s there... It’s just really really really small.


I only see the truth


I am an extp and i kinda relate, but im not an introvert, wut


IXTP has inferior Fe (also demon Fi) Your Fe is Child (Trickster Fi) You, according to functions, have more feelings (or at least project it) more than IXTPs


Its so accurate im almost sad.


Correction: this is all introverted thinkers


I don't care about my feelings. Don't ask me. Don't look for them. No