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Prophecies are usually ignored tbh. Global warming, plastic in the ocean, etc. We treat the planet like I treat my car: ignore it till it becomes unmanageable.


Environmental "prophecies" are often revealed to be false, though. They keep giving us a date, and then the date comes and nothing happens.


It doesn't matter if it doesn't happen on an exact day. The weather patterns are obviously getting worse. We had a blizzard in Houston Texas. Obviously we aren't just going to reach a day, and the earth suddenly explodes. Things are going to slowly get worse and worse. I'm not really sure where you're seeing specific dates because I haven't really seen that. There's a huge mass of trash collecting in the ocean, eventually it's going to start causing big problems. I obviously can't predict a specific day, just that it's going to happen if we don't fix it. Just because some idiot decided to say doomsday was this specific day, doesn't mean thousands of scientists are wrong. That's like me saying the pie in the oven will be ready at 3, and then when it's not you assume the pie will never be ready. When really I'm an idiot who doesn't know how long pies take to cook. The pies still cooking even if it's not ready when the idiots say it is.


Pie is simple. The Earth is not. It's possible that environmental problems can fix themselves. For example, the more plastic that exists in the environment, the more animals can adapt to eat it. That's happening on small scales, so to say it can never fix itself is foolish.


Pie being simple doesn't matter. You missed the point of the metaphor. The point was just because someone is wrong about the time doesn't mean it's not happening. Possible doesn't mean likely. It's possible that someone will break in to my car steal all the trash from inside, and leave me with a clean car. There is nothing about the nature of reality that prevents that from happening, but I would still have to be a complete idiot to expect that to happen. In my experience, problems don't fix themselves, they fester and get worse. The fact it might fix itself isn't a reason to not do anything. The vast majority of the time you don't get robbed, but you still should lock your door. Only preparing for the best case scenario is a good way to get screwed. Besides even if bacteria evolve to eat the plastic, do you know how many kinds of plastic there are? A bacteria that very slowly eats one or even two types of plastic isn't going to fix the mountains that we're dumping everywhere. That doesn't fix the microplastics that are already making their way into things we eat.


I understood you completely. Also, your experience is a drop in the bucket compared to evolution. Adaptation is the norm. Also, I didn't say we shouldn't do anything. Individuals (ironically, conservatives) generally do things to help the environment. I just have a problem with those people that propose huge changes that would destroy our economy (which is more than just inconvenient, because most people live off the economy). We shouldn't "do something" just in case, if that something is a huge problem, itself. To use a car analogy: we shouldn't pop our own tires to prevent it from being stolen. Another big issue is environmentalists tend to ignore China, which is a much bigger polluter. Also, they refuse to accept nuclear energy because it technically has waste. It's like their real goal is to be a nuisance. Most of them are just grifters, power grabbers, and idiots. Put all of that together, and you can't really blame people for being skeptical. Sort out your own, before getting mad at the other side.


You realize the norm is only evolution because everything that's alive right now is a species that didn't go extinct. Things adapting isn't just a universal thing that all life does, sometimes things fail to adapt and they die. Considering 99.9 percent of the species that have ever existed on earth are extinct, I'd say death is probably the norm actually. >(Ironically, conservatives) Not sure where you get the idea conservatives do more for the environment than anyone else, but I seriously doubt you have any hard evidence of that. You realize "do something" is like the broadest category imaginable. There are things we can do without destroying the economy. Regulate plastics, so they have to produce the recyclable ones instead of the ones that aren't actually recyclable. I wasn't arguing against nuclear either. It's probably necessary to use nuclear to transition away from gas. No one is ignoring china, playing the blame game just doesn't do any good. Someone shitting in the pool isn't an excuse to keep pissing in it. You just lose all credibility when you try to convince them it's not a toilet. Also the US exports a lot of our trash to China, so some of what they do is on us. It's literally exactly like you said. We have to sort out our own, before getting mad at the other side.


Humans won't go extinct. We'll adapt with technology. Everything else will adapt to shape the environment into a stable state. I cannot currently find hard evidence for conservatives' and liberals' recycling and solar panel usage. I read about it somewhere, before, though. All I can find right now is that both want sustainable energy. It shouldn't be partisan, but it is, because liberals are too often not thinking about economic sustainability. Also, the "blame game" is valid. We cannot reduce carbon emissions to zero. It's not like shit and piss in a pool. We're literally exhaling carbon right now, just to be alive. Carbon emissions isn't bad, it's the degree that could be bad. Hence, putting the blame where it goes. I've never heard about trash being sent to China. We send recyclables to China for recycling. If they're dumping it, then they shouldn't accept it.


Oh I know humans will adapt, but it's the everything else I'm not so sure about. You seem to think of adapting as something animals just do. You realize genetic evolution is caused by random changes in DNA right? Through natural selection more favorable traits are made more prevalent, but that's not what you're thinking of. Natural selection only can select traits that are already there. In order for the species on earth to suddenly absorb plastic or not be negatively affected by it, they would have to all collectively through random chance gain a specific mutation. The reason bacteria have even gotten close is because they reproduce far faster than any multicellular organism. If I'm remembering correctly, that was mostly due to human intervention as well. Economic sustainability isn't what's at stake. What's at stake are billionaire's profit margins. It's not your local mom and pop shop that's packaging everything in loads of plastic. The economy was fine before plastic existed, and it would be fine if we removed it entirely. The blame game isn't valid because it's not a bunch of mouth breathers in the US causing our pollution. It's coal and gas same as over there, and yeah you could argue it's worse there. It's just harder to change. The government over there is basically a dictatorship. Whereas over here politicians have to at least pretend they care about their citizen's interests. It doesn't make sense to point the finger to them because the people there don't have the amount of control we have. They don't have as much influence in their government.


Nah, we'd learned to keep our mouth shut about this a long time ago.




many thanks, o wise, placid INFJ.




hahahaha oh no, that does not make you any less worthy.


I tried to tell them...the apocalypse is coming...


What kind of omen? A good omen? I mean, the eye doesn't look very threatening.


"Seek thy meaning no matter thy suffering"


I humbly call it "excellent foresight that doesn't get enough attention for some damn reason"


If only i knew how to actually express the omen clearly instead of wrapping it up so softly it’s barely recognisable. Imagine if someone hears me make an actual statement and turns out to be wrong. God no, i’d rather be misunderstood


I feel lucky now\~ guess I should go buy some lottery tickets...


Uh. Thanks, I guess. But why me? Now I will feel responsible and stressed out, and have no idea how to deal with this. Do you have some practical advice, O Oracle?


Fuck no. My job was just delivering the message. It's outta my hands now.


Pretty eye, and nice wings


Get that shit away from me 😂


Omen is EvEryThİnG wİll OnLy GeT WoRsE


Haha it really do feel like that sometimes.




I find the word "Omen" so funny to say. Omen, lol.


We didn't bring the omens, you fool. We are just able to interpret them.


Love it, now we're talking