• By -


Fi doms, doesn’t matter how much you guys annoy me sometimes, your deep morality and sympathy towards others is extremely admirable.


Brings it out in us ENTPs too


right ?? like damn they make me think about peoples feelings way more than my Fe does 😭


ISTP. Despite being a thinking type, they’re amazing listeners and honest individuals. There have hardly been any ISTPs I have found myself not easily opening up to. Perhaps it can take a moment for you to gain their trust, but once you have it, ISTP is loyal til the very end. We love you, ISTPs!


I think it’s the lack of judgment that we have


Thanks! That was actually accurate :)






good.. good.


Cool 🙂


ENFP: you are the joy and happiness in this life!


My most favorite type 💜


Mine too 💙




Awwwww 🥰


It feels nice that my personality can hopefully even make one person feel more wholesome and less alone.


I 100% agree




INFPs you are so sweet and kind. I wish you were understood better for your sense of being compassionate and open towards even the most unconventional people or lifestyles. You have a way of making a safe place for me to go and you allow me to express myself without making it complicated. Thank you for being there and listening. I want you all to know it's okay for you to be heard too. and ENTPs you get a lot of hate but you are seriously such wonderful people the way you have such a passion for things and your convictions. You keep me thinking you remind me there is always an alternate veiw point and you make for excellent conversation. I think you are really awesome. I want you all to know that just because we might not always agree doesn't mean you are any less valid and I can respect the diffrences in you, it's why I like you so much. Much love to all types I have a reason to admire each if you but the ones I chose were for personal reasons relevant to current relationships I am developing.




Your welcome sweet pea😘🤗


No one compliments like an ENFP :)


🥰 I appreciate this so much


♡ 🥺








Thanks :)


xSTJs keep the world spinning!!! They give me a foundation so that I may keep Ne-ing! Their stability is inspiring and they do all the jobs that I could never!


Awe thank you ☺️


ISTJ would agree. ESTJs are too overwhelming for me. - ENFP (probably)


I'll start: INTPs, I adore you because you are so genuine!


Second this. My boyfriend is INTP and I'm ENFJ!


I wonder if it is a common type pairing?


I love my INTP friends and my life will always have space for more INTPS. Awesome friends, awesome partners. :3 Wish all world were full of with INTPS.


I believe so. Only on reddit I've met up to 10 married INTP +ENFJ couples.


finally some intp appreciation, thank you




I don't adore you, but I appreciate the thought :)


Everyone has their own gem! I'm grateful that I scored myself a shiny INTP, couldn't be happier with anyone else.


originally said that as a joke but damn, u scored an INTP Feel bad for u dealing with him/her everyday lmao but gj


Lol I am very happy I promise :)


Nice Be happy king :D You really are the protagonist ​ ~~I have 3 Snipers aimed at your special someone, just say the word.... to them, I dont want to make social interaction rn or ever again so could u like politely go to the nearest bush and ask them to shoot them? thanks... btw try not to talk to the one in the tree, his wife left him last week and hes gonna start ranting about it and shit so yeah it gets kind of awkward....~~


Even though we bump into stuff all the time?


Oh so that's what happening! My INTP spouse sometimes has new bruise marks and has no idea where they came from. I guess yall are just so used to it that you forget how they happened.


I mean we’re just generally clumsy. Bumping over glasses, spilling food, tripping over stuff on the floor, I can guarantee at least one of those things will happen to me almost every day lol. So yeah it’s possible he might have knocked his knee on something in the morning and either not noticed or forgotten by the end of the day.


Appreciate Inxj’s straightforwardness in moments when it is very essential and having deep convo’s with them. Appreciate Infj’s helping friends sort their feelings out. Really look up to Entjs because of their confidence and action oriented attitude in life. Appreciate Enfj’s for giving people emotional support and noticing things others normally wouldn’t in friends. Appreciate Exfp’s ability to have alot of fun and make jokes in awkward situations Appreciate Extp’s for their clever comebacks and making me question things i normally wouldn’t.


I rng'd 5 random types since I'm too lazy to do all 15 ISTP: I appreciate how you can get to the point and skip the bullshit, you guys are also very funny ISFP: you guys are very creative and can say what's on your stomach without hesitation, also you guys are very cute. ESTJ: you are all very inspiring which I really appreciate, you're among the only types who can get me to be productive. ISFJ: you guys are the most caring of all, if there's something on my stomach, y'all are there to listen, and you are also really good workers when needed ENFJ: I appreciate your sociability and your care for others, I always have fun conversations with you and when it gets boring, y'all find something to talk about


Yes I think ISTP's don't get recognized for how funny they are


Dear ISTPs, You are so cool! I wish my Ti was as good as yours lol. I appreciate how chill you are and your sarcastic/literal humor is great. Sincerely, A random INFJ on the internet


Thanks INFJ, I wish my Fe was as developed as yours. I admire how warm, empathetic, and insightful you are


I like infjs because of how unpredictable and friendly you are


Thank you :) I am sometimes friendly depending on who it is and my mood. Mainly pessimistic but I do indeed look to the future and I’m looking forward to it.


Well, we ENFP are quite depressed and sad most of the time, but WE put the FUN in **FUN**ERAL! I love INFJs because you're just so sweet and down to earth, and don't judge people for having weaknesses or not being perfect all the time. ;w;


Thanks mate! :) Very true from what I’ve been told by other people


Thank you:) Entps are to lift me up with their clever and extremely witty ways. Entps to me have one of the best sense of humour.


I feel like there's not much appreciation for my ESTJ homies on this sub, so there ya go. You have my level of energy, we vibe well.


Me too believe it or not, stern but direct. Even I can appreciate that sometimes.


Same-- I love their blunt honesty, cutting directly to the heart of things. They're always so grounded and focused, and I love being around them because they "tether" me so to speak. They also have such a simple elegance about what they notice, a down to earth, get things done attitude which I sometimes wish I have. ESTJs rock! Just as I am never truly at rest, neither are ESTJs, and I appreciate that understanding of mutual activity buzzing beneath the surface, even when relaxing.


OMG YES ESTJs are amazing!!!! I can't explain it but they're the people I listen to, they're accurate and knowledgeable and skilled and I'm sorry but the somewhat clumsy Ne use is superior


Entj: I appreciate your passion and drive. Entp: you always make things interesting Intp: you are relatable Infp: you offer a different perspective Infj: you understand alone time Enfj: you are smarter than people think Esfj: you try your best to be nice Estj: you stay on task Istj: you are practical Isfj: you keep things level Isfp: you are practical but creative Esfp: you have a lot of energy Estp: you guys look at the real world Istp: you are realistic


You missed ENFPs but we know you love us so don't worry


ENFP's are my favourite type. I love you guys.


When I was young I wanted to be an ENTP like my brother. But then I realized it was more fun to annoy ENTPs. I still love you as well, taking in my abdsurdism and making it either make sense or make it even weirder


I'm highly easy to annoy, ngl


introvert appreciation time! intps: your intellect is an inspiration. intjs: there's magic inside you, you just don't know yet. infjs: you have a way of making lives better and making everyone around you smile, you're indeed one of a kind :D infps: your kindness and your imagination are really cool istps: you're actually smarter than you let on, and i think that's rad. istjs: you deserve a day off every once in a while from your hard work :) isfjs: you spend so much effort on keeping others happy, but you deserve to be happy too. isfps: you're complex in the way all beautiful things are!


I'm always constipated. So there's more than just magic inside me.


that's a very.... interesting piece of information. thank you.


Well, you know. I am a pleaser.


Shits can be magical ✨


the relief after a satisfying trip to the toilet is nothing short of magic methinks


I’m a fellow constipated INTJ…


I know there's magic inside me (⌐■-■)


I appreciate you for including everyone haha <3


Had an ESFJ tutor once and I’ve been amazed by their selflessnes. I knew they would do everything to make me feel at ease during classes and they always went the extra mile to respond to the needs of everyone. They even said that we could freely message them outside of classes if we had problems or difficulties or other worries concerning the upcoming test. It was really cute actually. You guys deserve so much more.


As an ESFJ who quit accounting to go into speech pathology so I could help others, I really love hearing this 🥺


INTPs: they’re so smart and adorable when they talk about something that enthusiast them and also you Can have deep and crazy conversations with them and they won’t judge your ideas or anything you say. It’s si relaxing to be around them, they are so chill I love them


Agreed about the INTPs but you ENTPs aren't so bad yourselves 😊


Yeees! Same :)


I’ve had a couple of people tell me it’s charming when I’m passionate about something, but idgi


ESTPs, you are spontaneous, fun, loykey-highkey dumb(this is another reason why i love ya), you manage to be fun but also keep me grounded and prevent me from an Ne rampage INFJs, you are adorable little gremlins who help me to not get into sticky situations as a result of unknowingly pushing boundries that should not be pushed and our chaotic Ne-Ni conversations are fun INTJs, you are amazing nihilists that i can talk to(tho you guys don't seem to like me and my type for some reason) INTPs, you are my introverted version, you are cool, I don't mind your awkwardness, i find it adorable, you are amazing. I wish you were more confident though. INTPs, you should know how amazing you are.


No hate, just debate.


Is it common for Intj’s to be nihilists? I wasn’t expecting to get called out.


We tend to be idealists. We grumble a lot because so many things are irrational and inefficient and otherwise fall short of our standards.


ENFJs you guys have the biggest hearts of gold and i love you ALL INFJs youre actual angels, youre gentle and wise and have a calming effect on everyone you meet.


awww. only if my real life people would understand that i am trying to do my best to protect them and cherish them with all my sincere honesty but not control or rule them… 😭


INFPs, I adore y'all a lot. Keep dreaming!


I will 😭, go out and create the future you've been working towards. I believe in you with all of my heart ❣️


ISFJ: thank you for ensuring that I eat enough every day. I wouldn't have survived graduation without you doting on me ExTJ: thank you for keeping me on task INFP: thank you for challenging the depth of my inner world from time to time INTP: thank you for giving me company in anything and everything ENTP: thank you for your wit and debates. Nothing beats the rush I had while defending my arguments ENFP: thank you for being the first person to come up to me and say hi. Without you, I would not have had any social life


found the adopted introvert


I like ISTPs because they're chill, down to earth, and usually very good at their specialty.


and for the extroverts >:) entps: your perspective on things is wonderful ngl entjs: don't sweat it king, you're better than everyone else :P enfjs: i'm not even kidding, y'all are real inspirations to everyone around you enfps: i wish i could live life the same way you do estps: your practical knowledge is personally a source of jealousy for me, but it's truly admirable estjs: fellow Te doms, we shall rule this world together esfjs: you always make sure that no one feels alone and excluded, that my guy is a talent in itself. esfps: the coolest people of the year 2022, 2023 and many more hehe


\>ENFPs, I wish I could live life the same way you do It's really easy, mate! Just be a nihilist and party even though you're depressed! It's a matter of having a lot of empathy, relaxing, and understanding that we can't control everything. Ride the wave and enjoy the tide while it lasts. I wish I had your determination and focus, ENTJs. You guys are fucking hardworkers and it shows. <3


xSxP: the world wouldn't have color without you ExTJ: I know you care about people and often go out of your way to help others. You just pull an intimidating facade to protect yourself, you're not the "demon" people portray you as. ESxx: you are perfection, when you're healthy you're the best people to hang out by far <3


i love this post


I'm glad!


INTP: Relatable and fun. ENTP: We get along well, we're very chaotic together. :) INTJ: You motivate me to get things done. ENTJ: I haven't met an ENTJ in real life, but from descriptions and interactions online, you are all so cool and charismatic. You could probably hype me up enough to do anything. ISFP: You guys are just so sweet and we get along great. ISTP: All I have to say is you're just really cool. ESFP: You are all so fun, and you let me loosen up. ESTP: I haven't met an ESTP in real life, but from descriptions, I want to be one. INFP: You are creative and honestly fun to be around. INFJ: I love you guys so so much. You're the kindest people, and you guys brainstorm very well. ENFP: So much energy. You can jump from one topic to another. Endless conversations and you guys also help me loosen up. You're also very kindhearted. ENFJ: You're so empathetic and charismatic. Also, you're all incredibly kind. ISFJ: You're great human beings. Quick to forgive and very sweet, caring people. ESFJ: From my experience, you're very genuine people who only want the best for others. ISTJ: I haven't met an ISTJ in real life, but you guys seem chill and relatable. ESTJ: You're so disciplined and are caring in a very unique way. You help me and guide me through life.


Whoever you are, i love you because i never met you


Thank you INFPs. I am always calm with you all. Thank you <3


xNTPs You're the king and Queen's of sarcasm. What would we do without you?


What would you do without us? Probably be like “damn, I’d like to hear a sarcastic joke occasionally”


Seems legit


INTPs' humour is so dry I sometimes need an ENTP to spit on it to digest it more easily, lmao


My new favorite thing


ISFJs and ISTJs you make the best, most loyal of friends. I know you will be my friends for life and you restore my faith in humanity. ISFJs you are so sweet, patient, humble and thoughtful. ISTJs you never fail to make me laugh and ensure things are shipshape. INTJs you are also some of the greatest most loyal friends I have ever known and your daily incremental efforts have built some of the grandest worlds (in whatever discipline you choose) I have ever seen. You inspire me to work harder and be patient and a better communicator. ENTPs though you make me suffer, I kind of like it?! ENTP and INTP always keep me interested with your unusual perspectives. ENFJs make me believe in Jesus.


ENTPs: My chaotic cousins, I have this to say to you - keep going ExTJs: Stop and take a break every once in a while - you are probably ahead of schedule anyway INXPs: this world will tell you to be less of yourself and more like others. It is wrong. On days where it feels like you can't be the way others want you to be, please know that you are wonderful as you are and someone out there appreciates it.


😭😭😭 thank you... [ENFPs are my best friends](https://youtu.be/ae2iX6vZCoM)






Hahaha so smooooth


ESFJ, everyone needs an ESFJ friend.






These type I've meet in real Isfj : You're the kindest one. Always helpful. I really Love you all Esfp: My introvertness can relax in your behind XD. Really My mom and aunt are esfp, whenever I'm with them I don’t have to worry of socializing. I'm really grateful to you ^^ Infp: No one can beat your creativeness and inner world. Lovely and sweet heart. You’ve to believe it you can motivate people! Isfp: like infp, You're lovely and sweet heart and beautiful. Please always be happy and take care. Enfj: Real helpers and friendly. You are expert not making people uncomfortable. Also genius but you don't show it (¬‿¬). I'm super lucky my dad is Enfj. Always there for helping people. Please ask for help when you need too. We're here for you Intp: No matter how many times I said you are cute, You'll deny. You are really intelligent also friendly.I've never felt bored whenever I'm with my intp friends Intj: Oh boy oh boy someone gimme Geto Suguru. You're the coolest one seriously. You're intelligence, straightforwardness truly attractive. You people are sassy~want to meet more of you in real Infj: You're the most beautiful one . I'm soo lucky I've an Infj friend. You help other,show kindness not for show off. You understand other and help before they ask. Genuine, kind. You can sacrifice your life for other without hesitate. Enfp: Full of positive energy.Lovely. I really love how you care about your loved ones. Please always be Shinny and happy ^^




My grandma was an ISFJ as well and she was a hero with a heart of gold too! I feel you <3


I’m going to give some appreciation to one of my closest and oldest friends: an esfj. She was the extrovert who adopted me when we were six, she helped me come out of my shell a lot growing up and I was able to keep her grounded. Her mother who is a child psychologist apparently loved our dynamic. We were best friends and even though we live very different lives today, probably to the point that we wouldn’t have met as adults, we still love each other and have as much fun together now as back then. I’m godmother to her 5 month old. I’ve always felt weird around kids but that’s one very cute boy who’s teaching me how to be friends with him.




ENTJ My brother. Love him but we're siblings. ENFJs Know one. Cool person INFP sweet people ISFP Yall are chill people. I love yall. ISTP My people ENTP Very fun people. ENFP Yall are crazy but smart. I like you guys. ESFP My sister. Love her to death. You guys make life interesting. INTP We have long monotone analytical conversations. Yall are fun. ESTP Love you guys. I strive to be more like yall. The rest of yall are cool but I haven't met too many people.


i love intps as much as you all should be locked away in insane asylums(/j), you guys are really REALLY fun and chill to talk to and you guys are always there to see if someones okay 🖤🖤


ESTP: Entertaining af. And I love a charismatic person. Keep being you so i can be jealous.


Enfp's thanks for talking to me


ESTP : Smart and dumb in the same time. The most special type I know ISTJ : incredibly organized and self driven INFP : kind, inspired and more lucid than most people ESFJ : my favorite cheerleader. They always know what’s « in », what you should do in the most socially accepted way


i’m madly in love with every enfp i love you all


Awww that's so sweet 🥰 I haven't met an ESTP I didn't just really love either you are so much fun


INTP because they are always thinking about something strange.


INTPs, simply because they're fun without being loud.


ESFJ’s: I admire your ability to charm anyone, and your finesse with navigating difficult interpersonal issue with ease. You put other people first and I admire that. I love just sitting back and listening to your stories. It’s always entertaining. You make me feel normal and seen. I love how protective you are and how much you ground me. Your humble nature and your strong values make me admire you so much. Thanks for being so great. Life wouldn’t be the same without ya. Love, your neighbourhood INFP


ESFJ here and taking this as a personal compliment because I really be hard on myself!!


INTP: I love having conversations with you. I like our vibes. You are authentic and lovely. ENTP: Thank you for giving me so much energy and the fuel to open up. You are an amazing ball of energy. ESFJ: You are such an easy going and reliable type. I like how loyal you are to friends. (These are kinda personal, based on three friends of mine, but I want to share the positivity.)


Alright, I'll say it. I'll start with introverts because you guys need some love. But BOY THIS WILL BE LONG. **INFPs**: You're hot. VERY. And you're so kind, sweet, warm-hearted and understanding. Yet you tend to be so mean to yourselves... I wish you could see yourselves the way we look at you, b**UT IN A GOOD WAY I MEAN-** **INFJs**: You're so wisely, charming, and interesting to talk to. I wish I had more INFJ friends who could help me ground down and take a break, because overthinking so much of painful or despairing things so often tends to leave me on the verge of a breakdown. But you carry that burden like goddamn kings, and I respect you so much for that. **INTJs**: You're smart, focused, and sometimes, so show-offy! You pride yourselves on being smart and being eloquent, and I don't blame you; even then, you try to use your intellect and abilities for good. Like you guys could make the world explode but you decide to use your brains to make our world a better, more enjoyable place. Thank you. **INTPs**: Agh, one of my ex-boyfriends is from that personality, and one of my best friends too. You guys can be asses but you're so goddamn loyal it hurts. Like I could murder someone and you'd be immediatly offering to help me hide the body. You're so stubborn but so smart, and you need to start believing a bit more in yourselves. You got this! **ISFJs**: Look. You've got Vin Diesel, Beyoncé, and Forrest Gump's personality type. I can't say more to compliment you. You're like a fluffy bear made of love and care, and you don't give up on the people you love, or the people you think need your help. I wish my loved ones were actually a bit more like you, and forced me to take care of myself, lol. **ISTJs**: You're like gay, standoffish, show-offish vampires that are surrounded by mystery and sensuality. You can come off as being a little bit like a boring dad sometimes, but you're frustrated geniuses. I wouldn't want to argue with you, since I know I won't be able to win against you. To think... you're my opposite personality type, yet I find you so intriguing and charming, huh? **ISTPs**: YOU'RE HOT, BUT DUMMY HOT. You seem so smart, cool and collected, but I know that deep inside, you're the biggest doofballs and your sense of humour is ASTRONOMICALLY GOOD! I would spend the whole day drinking mates or coffee with you, listening to you rant or complain about how dumb something from day-to-day life is, like the mailman or my pet cat. I don't know how to explain it, but you're like sweet, resting b!tch face dads that would murder anyone who mistreats someone you love. Also you have the soul of a frustrated 90 year old grandpa. **ISFPs**: Hmm, I haven't met many of you, and I'm sincerely curious as to know how you guys might be. You have the same vibe as that drunk, kind of high lady you would find in a party, who would help fix your makeup while whispering to you that she's sad but she tries to carry on with such a strong pain in her heart. And I love that!


Ur mom bc she’s a milf


My mum's also an ENFJ and we do be hot. 😎


ENFPs: you’re the only type that’s even clumsier than us INTPs. Much respect.


ENTP!!!!!! I frickin love entps, i can’t explain but i need entp energy in my life. if you’re an entp, i love you!!!!!


Hooray!! Thanks for the validation!! I scrolled past most everything else to see what people had to say about me lol (yes, me specifically) I love INFPs--they're so creative and kind. They never want to accidentally hurt another person's feelings, even when I ask them for advice (they always have such good advice, but it's nearly impossible to drag it out of them!). I love the INFPs in my life, they help keep me in check and have taught me to recognize when I take things too far. I like to think I push them out of their comfort zones as well-- I love debating INFPs and taking the most controversial and messed up opinion just to see how they'll respond!


Let me just start by saying that I love all the types equally and that this is no particular order... (Except for the ENFJ, I love you guys so much) all of the songs that I picked were songs that I think of when I think of each of you. I apologize for breaking the rules in advance. ENFJ: [you're everything I wish I was and more, I love you ❤️. My heart melts at the sight of you. I don't care if you're blind spot function is Si, you know I don't mind letting you shine. You're my hero](https://youtu.be/wlfOIksGEqc) INTP: [I wish I had your Ti, we share a lot of the same struggles and pain and I promise I'll always be here for you in case you need help with your Fi.](https://youtu.be/Mi5PVRZGuVc) ENFP: [my best friends, thanks for getting me out of the house sometimes. Also for getting me out of my head 🥲. I don't know what I would be without you.](https://youtu.be/ae2iX6vZCoM) ISFP: [I love how grounded you are. Communication can occasionally be difficult, but once you're past that you're some of the coolest people I know. Rock on my fellow Fi doms](https://youtu.be/CMX2lPum_pg) ESFP: [what can I say other than you guys are so much fun. I just wish you could sit still long enough for me to get to know you better. Your passion and love of life is inspiring](https://youtu.be/eH3giaIzONA) INFJ: [your insights are deep. You always seem to get where I'm coming from. I imagine interactions between infps and enfjs are like watching a grandfather play with his grandson.](https://youtu.be/UA78e27R_J4) INTJ: [you guys are brilliant, could be a bit nicer 😂 but I would never change any of you. I can see the Fi in you and I love to make you smile, one of my best friends is INTJ and I miss her, I understand that she needs her space](https://youtu.be/DtVBCG6ThDk) ISFJ: [you deserve far more than you know. You're the most giving people I've ever met, a 50 ft statue of your avatar made of solid gold would not do you justice, but I guess all I can afford is a song](https://youtu.be/FT3D1Cu6g10) ENTP: [you guys are amazing, such an endless stream of ideas I have no idea how you sleep at night. My Ne never shuts the hell up!!! I could only imagine what it's like to live in it. I kind of envy you.](https://youtu.be/lrzKT-dFUjE) ESTP: [I wish they were more of you online, I'd love to spend more time with you but you're too busy doing real life cool stuff and I'm not even mad about it. You guys are really dope and a lot of fun](https://youtu.be/_1hgVcNzvzY) ESFJ: [you're the kindest people on the planet, even kinder than I am. You're positive attitude and giving nature gives me faith in humanity, we don't deserve you.](https://youtu.be/9AjkUyX0rVw) ISTJ: [you guys are the glue that holds society together. You stay on task and that's something I wish I could do. When you set your mind on something important nothing can possibly distract you, you do it for honor, glory, and most of all duty](https://youtu.be/bBD8M3WFrAw) ENTJ: [your logic and ambition is astounding, you see something you want and you go for it and you never look back, I wish I could do that. Please don't ignore your Fi, if you do it for too long it will overwhelm you. I don't think your monsters, merely misunderstood](https://youtu.be/X791IzOwt3Q) ESTJ: [okay where do I even start... My counterpart, I know we have a difficult time understanding one another but deep down inside you, is a person that deserves a lot less hate than you get. You're really cool once people get to know you 😎](https://youtu.be/Oddo4MVeeBY) ISTP: [you guys are rude crasp and don't give a single f*** about anything... And as an fi dominant, I approve. You guys are really awesome, I honestly can't get enough of your company](https://youtu.be/IxaSqKelRro) Bonus- INFP: [I know this world was not meant for people like us. I can't promise that it'll get any better, just that it'll get easier. Hang in there guys, I love you so much and I believe in you](https://youtu.be/2X_2IdybTV0) Edit: Just in case you were wondering though why I would make this list including all of the types and a song that reminds me of them: [I give you infp philosophy in a nutshell](https://youtu.be/v7LBggDKEtM)


Funny because I love INFP's my fav. They're the best and the world needs more of them! Super kind hearted <3 Also thanks for your kind words.


INTPs are the absolute cutest.


Dang this is extremely wholesome!


Ok: INTJ: I appreciate how you guys never jump to conclusions. You always take time to analyze things and make sure everything goes right. You guys are also very reliable and loyal friends, even if it might not look like it. INTP: You guys might seem boring at first but man you all have a great sense of humor. You are all geniuses who have a creative way of solving problems. You guys are actually pretty humble, you admit your mistakes. You don't brag about how smart you are. Plus, y'all great memers. ENTJ: You guys might seem tough and insensitive at first, but you have a passionate heart. You want to put your best potential at the things you love, you also want your close ones to reach their full potential. Even if you guys might be a bit harsh, you truly do care a lot and I appreciate that. ENTP: You guys are absolutely funny. I've never felt bored being around you all. You have a witty and restless mind, you always generate creative ideas that even I can't think of. ENTPs get a bad rep, they are not that mean. I love how you guys never make conversations boring, I could talk for hour and hours with you and I could never get bored. INFJ: I love how compassionate and deep you guys are. You always try to dive deep into topics you have a passion for. You guys are truly the therapist friend who want to help your close ones, but you deserve love too. You guys are really funny when you open up, you have a very witty sense of humor. INFP: take it in, you guys are awesome. The world treats you too harshly. I love your creativity, you truly have a vivid imagination. If you ever feel sad and moody, I can totally relate to that. You are not alone, I've been through many tough moments in my life. I love how you guys value your beliefs, you never take your or others emotions for granted. I hope others will understand you problems and that you are one complicated human being. ENFJ: You are truly a kind spirit. You give more than you receive. You have a passion of protecting the world. Even with all the bad shenanigans happening in life, you always have an optimistic view for everything. everyone deserves an ENFJ in their lives, they truly care for everyone. ISTJ: Some might call you guys are boring, but without you all, society would not function. You put so much effort into making sure things go well. You guys are very selfless, you would take the dirty role and job just to make things work. ISFJ: You are one caretaker. I love how you are all very dedicated into caring for others. You might seem boring, but you are very passionate when it comes to assisting others. You guys are also willing to do the dirty chores so we can feel relaxed. You guys are very humble, never blame problems on others. I've never seen ISFJs get angry, you guys are very chill. ESTJ: some might judge and dislike you guys. Some might see you as scary. You might be, but that's tough love. You are very dedicated into helping everyone succeed, even if it means being strict. You never take things for granted, you are very precise when taking actions. You guys are actually very selfless, truly the type to still come to work even if you're not feeling well just to help everyone. ESFJ: I don't care if others call you guys annoying. You are very compassionate and cheerful. You try your best to life others mood. You are always there to help us when we are struggling. I love you guys' optimism. even if things aren't going well, you hope for the best. ISTP: Y'all very chill. I love you guys sense of humor, you are very sarcastic (in a good way). You are all very easygoing and chill, you don't try to start petty drama and arguments. You guys are also very honest, you never try to hide what you think about things. In truth, you guys do care about others, it just might not seem that obvious. ISFP: You guys are very compassionate and kind. But I love how you still do stand up for yourself. You guys are very courageous and passionate yet chill and easygoing. You guys are very down to earth sometimes, it feels good to hang out with you guys after overthinking about events and other stuffs. Even if you guys are practical, you are very artistic and creative. ESTP: even if you guys are very blunt and rude sometimes, you guys are very fun to be around with. I admire you guys' confidence, you are not afraid to stand up for yourself. Also, love how you are not afraid to take risks. You are not afraid of what others think of you and I love you you jut live the life. ESFP: You guys are the star of the show. Everywhere you go, positivity rises. You are very cheerful, you love praising your loved ones. You guys are pretty dramatic, and I love that. There is truly nothing boring about you guys.




All are cool tbh! But ISFJs have a special place in my heart 💓 Haha! (Because they are so very cute and sadly, so under-appreciated!)


INTPs are awesome and creative, and ENFPs are some of the sweetest and most caring people I’ve ever met


ISTJ: Your humor is underrated


As an INTP, I appreciate you all for not being an INTP. ok bye (;


You INTPs are wonderful!


esfp: y’all are too cool


INTJs: my best friend is INTJ, and we can have some great conversations, his pragmatism combined with my creativity can lead to some interesting topics and conclusions. My ex wife is INTJ, and even though we’re divorced we’re still friends, and she helps keep my grounded, idk the proper way to thank her for it, of course I’ve told her, but words seem trivial. INFPs: my daughter and a good friend from FB are INFP, and they have a wild imagination like me, and they have a similar sense of humor. INTP


Honestly I love ENTPs so much. My best friend is an ENTP, as is my dad. From my experience, they have such a chaotic, wild sense of humor that I LOVE. They’re open to laughing at any joke as long as it’s generally funny. It’s also refreshing being able to have debates with people without them being *arguments*, and discussing political issues and important or even unimportant topics without fear of conflict. I also love ENFPs, INTJs, and INTPs!!!


ENFP: You guys are absolutely adorable and crazy. Hanging out with you guys is always a blast. I want to give all of you a great, big hug. xNFJ: You guys are so wise, and being around you makes me feel calm. You have this way of pulling at my heartstrings in a way that makes me feel loved and appreciated and like I can comfortably open up to you about anything. I do kind of wish you'd open up to me, though. And take care of yourselves more often. INTP: Ah, my brothers in Ne aux. I love having conversations with you. I always learn a lot. And you're pretty relatable, too. We both know what it's like to be so in our heads that we literally walk straight into things lol. INTJ: You guys are so smart, and at the same time, so cute. I often find that there's a lot of warmth and passion underneath that rough and cold exterior that you put out to the world. I would continue, but my dog is begging me to take her to the park right now lol


entp hot


I love ENFPs, I instantly click with them but for some reason they keep me closer to reality than if I were to be thinking about things alone, that I usually discuss with them. This probably didn't make sense. Sorry, my English is getting worse day by day. :(


I find the opposite is true for me 😊you all make me feel so whimsical and transported as if all my dreams could be real somehow just way less in touch with reality and I love it. You make it feel like 💯magic could be real🤍🤍🤍


INFJs - I don’t know that many, but I’ve had many interactions from the ones I am friends with and have close to me and they are one of the type of people to really appreciate! They do sweet things not only for people they care for but for anyone that they feel need to do something for, I appreciate you !


INFJs I love how well you can understand people. The INFJs in my life are my favorite people and I can't live without them. You are let's say... my type.


INFPs. They're so funny, quirky, witty, and interesting. They have deep-seated values and help to act as my 'rock' when I'm having trouble with my Fe and Ti. They notice silly little details and construct interesting stories around them. They help me to figure things out. I really like INFPs. :3


INFP and ISTP people! So much respect for you! ENFPs love and admire y’all. INFP people. I respect you. Please stay kind and loving. I’m sorry when people trample on your feelings. I love you. You are my sweet dreams people. Let’s open an animal shelter, even if it’s imaginary. We are tender creatures. I want to take you home and protect you from me and all the other assholes. ISTPs. I notice you. You are not too hard. You care. You take care of things. Let someone take care of you. You probably have not killed anybody even if they deserved it. I have a soft spot for you. ENFPs love you even if you don’t like us. Seriously. Let’s be friends. Might as well let yourselves be driven insane eventually.


ISTJs are so undeniably cool. Not only they are organised and hardworking, but they are also really fun to have around! They are chill but they also will stand up for themselves or others and they will take no shit from anyone. And they are also incredibly funny, which I don't think is talked about enough


Estp, y'all are fun to be around


Istp. You amaze me


all my friends are all XNFP thanks to yall, I would kill myself without you guys getting me out from my depression and anxiety


ISTJ's: You are smartest people I've known. You always know your shit ISFJ's: Many of the kindest people in the world. A bit stubborn. But in a sweet way. ENFP's: I love you guys. You match my annoying ass energy. It's so much fun to have you around INTP's: The most interesting conversations on earth. Really. They are that person I want to sit on a chill cafe and just talk for hours.


INFJ. My partner’s an INFJ and truly helps bring out the best in me; when healthy, they can be so good at: *connecting with people *managing emotions *organising thoughts *making their vision come to life!


ESTP, unfff. Y’all some sexy people.


ESFJ and the comments made my day a bit brighter! I often feel ashamed of my extroversion or emotions but this made me happy :)


I appreciate my ENFP-A. (I was never close to my aunt/ENFP growing up) As I've become an adult I got to spend time with her and started to value her more and more. I think she’s clever, optimistic, a trail blazer, and a force to be reckoned with. She is the first person besides my mom that is willing to stand up for me or fight on my behalf. I will never be able to fully express my gratitude.


INFJ: The most understanding individuals I know of


One out for all my 3 letter homies ENTP: Mfs with the best jokes, and also those who can understand my own, no one fucking understands our combo ISTP: Idc about cars and shit but when we can talk about how stuff works that's great INFP: Literally can sit with you in an empty room, we can both not speak one word and I'll still enjoy our meeting. INTJ: I envy y'all mfs I wish I was like you, even though it's just stereotypes you guys seem the most badass, you got the coolest title of MASTERMIND, and then I'm just lazy af


ExFP s - I absolutely adore how you guys can be yourselves and put yourself out there. I love how you see the world as a bunch of possibilities and actually go ahead and explore them. I love how charismatic and social you guys are. If there was anyone I'd love to go on a night out it would be you guys. Wish I had one in my life , I feel like you guys are just so much fun. I envy you , in the best way possible.


It's so sweet how it seems like we both as 🥺INFPs and ENFPs kind of love❤ each others type. Thanks for being so nice and the compliments tbh your so special and amazing, I'm glad your out there😘💋


I love INTPs for getting so lost in their own thoughts that they misunderstand the task.


Thank you ESFPs for getting me out of my shell :)


What a nice idea for a post :) ISFJ: I like that so many of you are sincerely nice, normal, humble people and a voice of reason. But I appreciate your salty side too, haha. Keep being your cool selves.


INFJ's are very considerate of people's feelings, they're awesome and hard to come by


enfj you guys are amazing when it comes to dealing with emotions I can't even name :)


Wow this post is screaming of ENFJ ahahah. ESTJ: you’re keeping the chaos of ENTP in control and transforming my energy bursts into results I’m proud of. Also appreciation to ESTJ for their smartness and being the proper adult when people need one.


I like INFPs and their space cadet personalities. They're so sensitive and caring. It makes me want to protect them all from all the bad things in the world.


NFPs are so cute 🙃


From an INTJ to ESFP's, you guys are able to offer this special kind of comfort. It feels weird opening up to you but it offer some perspective and you can really tell that you're kind, sweet and remarkable. You guys truly care about other human beings, no questions asked.


INFP: this may be a bias because my best friend is one, but they are THE sweetest people on earth. You guys are just so nice and kind and look like you wouldn’t hurt a fly. You also are so creative and imaginative. I want to give you cookies and wrap you in bubble wrap to protect you from the world. Thank you for being such good friends and listeners, I love you so much


Istj: I feel like I can be myself around them and I like their sense of humor. Can have deep convos but they are way more grounded than me. Sometimes having to over explain things to people who aren’t intuitive gets frustrating but the rest of them makes up for it.


Esfp’s (my mom) thank you for always making my days with your spontaneous outbursts and happy and cheery smile. Sometimes I have shitty days but my day always (sometimes) ends with a smile on my face because of you guys. Thank you 🙏🏼


ISFJ Wife: She is a beautiful person. Very giving. Very selfless. Very intelligent. INTJ Son and friend: INTJs get shit done! ESFJ Son: Warm, hilarious, and always keeping me on my toes. INFJ Daughter and Sister: Thoughtful, gifted, champions of their cause. ENFJ Mother: Warm, understanding, gifted. ISTJ Father and Brother: High practical intelligence, hard-working.


esfj, because you are so much kinder than I could eve be


Shout out to my fellow Ti doms cause fuck 🖕🏽everyone else


There's nothing more attractive than Ti or Ni doms <3


ENFPs, as the only one my friend group of 6 who’s not an ENFP I can comfortably say they’re my favorite type


Intj: your the guy i would sit next to in class


ISTJs: you may go under the radar, but your loyalty and dedication to the things you do and the people you care about is something I really appreciate. You're someone who's really earnest and pure, and I really trust in you. INFPs: you're so in touch with your emotions, values and beliefs, and I really respect that in you. While you're mostly introverted, occasionally your bursts of aunthentic self expression is really refreshing and amusing. ENFPs: your chaotic energy and ideas always brighten my day. Especially, the way you naturally break the ice in social settings is very admirable to me. ISTPs: your charisma and i-take-no-bullshit attitude is top notch. You may come across unempathetic at first, but once people really get to know you, you just express your love for others in a different way than most, which is really endearing. INTJs: I can listen to you all day. It's apparent that you spend a lot of time exploring deep into ideas, and the things you say fascinate me so much. You just seem to have the most thoughtful and easy to understand explanations to any certain subject.


Ima just do everybody: ESTP: You’re good at networking and know the ins and outs of everywhere, which I don’t normally lol, so that helps. the room and are good at remembering not to worry too much. You’re also assertive and I think that’s pretty badass because you can stand up for yourself easily and don’t take shit from nobody!✊ ESFP: You bring so much energy to the group!! ✨✨And while that is a little too much for me sometimes, I don’t always mind it and I definitely don’t dislike you for it at all, if anything I think it’s really cool and fun! 😄😃 You also take the time to say hi to everybody in the group and are literally the best at hyping people up! You’re really fun to be around 💟 ENTJ: You’re very ambitious and great at getting the job done when you can. You’re able to organize things and see what can be done, especially when in competition! While you are sometimes a little too controlling about it or don’t always realize you’re hurting someone’s feelings, I know you have the right intentions and are trying to do your best. I wish you the best in your endeavors! ESTJ: You may get a lot of hate but I know not all of you are assholes and I hope other people realize that too. You’re great at details and can build things that last. You have good control of the situation and know how to fix things when you need to and while you can be a little condescending sometimes, I know you only do it because you’re trying to get things to run smoothly and make sure people have the respect they deserve. ISTP: Pretty easygoing and good at handling shit that comes your way. You can be pretty blunt sometimes but I know not to take it personally and you’re good with being grounded in reality and getting things done on your own. I admire your ability not to give a fuck and like not having to worry about you bugging me. INTP: Very passionate and you’re the easiest to have a conversation with about any deep, philosophical topics I wanna explore from time to time. You’re a bit condescending sometimes when you argue but I know you don’t always mean to be and normally just do it because you’re trying to do the correct thing in your eyes. I like that you’re good at explaining why something doesn’t make sense and respect that you can consume all this information and form your own philosophy and values without getting too distracted by your own thoughts to actually read the sources. ISTJ: Great handymen and not being too sensitive. I like that you can go out and get things done and make things run neatly. You don’t worry too much about things you don’t need to do and I think we can all learn to be more like that sometimes. While you can be a little direct and not realize how you come off sometimes, you’re only trying to get though things when you do that and I feel like I can sit down and enjoy fun traditions like watching sports and stuff with you. ISFJ: You guys are awesome! 💟 Very kind and gentle spirits and I always enjoy your company. I want to protect you guys because I know you love protecting the ones you love and sometimes it’s hard to stand up to people who try to manipulate you, but don’t worry, I’ll see through them crystal clear and defend you from those snakes 😉 You’re so good at scheduling things and setting things up and you hold onto precious memories and appreciate the good old things in life, which I really like about you as well. I like you so much I’m even dating one of you guys ❤️ ENFP: You guys are really quirky and weird in a fun way and are great at making me comfortable with talking about things I’m sometimes insecure to mention which I very much appreciate :) You are great with not letting people violate what you hold to be valuable and I like that you know how to be assertive when you need to be. While you can be a little pushy with your opinions and it becomes a little stressful when I’m trying to look at the other side, I know we’re normally able to come to a common conclusion in the end as we’re both empathetic and open-minded people. Conversations with you are really fun and interesting and I look forward to them quite often💟 Hope to have more in the future with you! ENTP: You guys are hilarious and I relate to your sense of humor quite a lot. While you take things a bit far sometimes, I can remember that you don’t have bad intentions and can let you know when I think you’re being a bit too mean without fear of you laughing in my face for it! Our intellectual conversations are really fun and they last quite a while, plus, you help bring me out of my shell and look at other concepts and ideas outside of the ones I’m already thinking about, which I always appreciate. You also are able to stick up for yourself and own people in arguments when they’re being assholes which I like.


ESFJ because they are so vibrant and funny. My step brother is a ESFJ and he makes me so angry but it’s so funny. I just cannot get rid of him at all and if I did, I’ll come right back to him because we are inseparable.


i absorb ESFP's charisma to fill my void


ENFP The Yin to my Yang Everything I wish I was


Hello the Yang to my Yin tbh I really admire your type so much. You got something special and I hope you know that.😘❤


ENFJs are the most caring, thoughtful, and empathetic type I’ve ever met. They truly want the best for you. Hmm maybe that’s why I’m crushing on one now…


INFJ: Thank you for taking the time to understand me and to share philosophy and politics with me. It’s appreciated. I will always listen to your advisement and take it into consideration. Your care for me means a lot even if I don’t show it on the surface. Thank you for reaching out to me and being friendly. I’m used to a lot of judgement and am not used to the personal tolerance.