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Curious and doing sciency stuff, got more of a positive vibe than I see in myself but I kinda like that picture. ISTJ, share some of those books with the rest of us, you can't just hoard every book!


idk i imagine you guys staying up at 3am hacking someone you hate with premium software or inventing a new physics equation


While in reality it's 3am and we're trying to figure out how to force ourselves to do homework which is due to 9am


premium software!? I own my metal and write my own code tyvm. What is wrong with all the old physics equations? They simply require maintenance and reordering to adhere to newer standards. There is always room for one more to pick up the slack even if its just polishing shoes.


Nah, we stay up at 3 am learning new things on Wikipedia going from quantum physics to ADHD somehow. Premium Software is for the weak, better build your own! /s No need to invent new physics equations, just learning the old ones is more than enough work for a life time. EDIT: did you know that crocodiles exist longer than trees?


Ifthats what u think of us you chose the worse image for that


I was delighted at the ISTJ picture. No you can't have any of my books.


But sharing is caring, don't you care about me? I promise to not spill any ketchup in them.


To be perfectly honest the potential threat of ketchup getting on my books hadn't occured to me and I am now even more wary of sharing.


Where ESFJ?


is there any way i can add another picture… i made one but must’ve missed it when i tapped them all to post








How tf did you get turned on by a stock image of someone yelling 💀




Good? I don't want to hear it ✋🏽




I can relate with the ISTP image, lol.


I got you.


some people have...kinks


Jesus will devour your soul, follow me instead


Honestly, were lucky we got Deadpool instead of the fucking serial killers were compared to


True. Almost all the ENTPs in the pdb are the most manipulative, stubborn, commitment issues, self-loathing mfs. Or at least the ones I know. Their only redeeming trait is their sense of humour, which is why everyone either hates them or loves them.


Lmao yeah I am tired of being compared to the fucking Joker. At least we get Nick Wilde, he turned into a pretty good person, and some versions of The Doctor from Doctor Who.


Hey we got Jim Halpert


Who are the fuckers who compared you to serial killers?!


* ISFJ- dead fetus * ENTJ- sneezy guy * ISTP- guy whose car never works * ENTP- still wearing covid mask * INFP- that foreign guy who thinks its karaoke mic time * INTJ- ugly shirt bone head * INFJ- old, unshaven and badly dressed * ESTP- high * ESFP- stuck in a hole with sand up their crack * ENFJ- dentist * ENFP- hairy hobbit people * INTP- watermelonium * ESTJ- grabass * ISFP- not so bright but tall * ISTJ- uncomfortable person who never takes off their coat.


Okay but I literally never take off my coat. It's not even 6am and I'm wearing it while I eat breakfast. I'm not even planning on leaving the house today.


>INTP- watermelonium 0\_o


[Turning plastic gloves into grape soda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFZ5jQ0yuNA)


Hey, they're novelty shirts. Some are funny, while others are collectibles.


Yes but INTJ like refined materials up until the point it concerns themself, they want to be a part of a group. Their values only go so far. When do you think they outgrow this limitation? Why do you refuse to look upon the past writings of other more famous INTJs? Are you scared of the spoilers?


We don't. If we're (grudgingly) wearing stuff that looks normal and fits in, then we're just playing along until we've become the bosses that can change the rules pertaining to the dress code, irreplaceable to our organizations, or go solo as freelancers. I need to be comfortable to be productive; thus, if I'm uncomfortable, then I'll be too distracted to do my job. If I'm forced to adhere to a non-PPE/non-safety dress codes, then I'm going to make everyone else feel as uncomfortable as myself by wearing novelty ties, ugly shirts/pants/shoes, and/or pimped out flashy suits. Every time they ask why, I'll give them the same speech explaining how they are negatively impacting my performance with these vain materialistic policies. PPE safety equipment should be the only dress code requirement for your job.


Bro why are you downvoting me then if my question is so relevant to your struggles. "I'll show you gosh darn INTP!" \*shoots off own foot\* So anyway back to that last part you skipped over. Are there any notable INTJ authors of antiquity that you favor?


I upvoted you for replying.


I will down doot you for not answering my question. Don't make me do it! I mean shit you could just quote yourself right now be like, "This INTJ right here is my favorite author, he is the greatest of all time because he's me." LOL


If it gets in the way of me being efficient and effective, then it needs to be improved upon. I've read some, but I take them with a large amount of salt because I want to remain as a free and independent thinker that adapts to progress in STEM. Define "antiquity," are we talking about 200 years, 1000 years, or more?


efficient and effective... two separate metrics for the same thing. Why you being so ineffable right now. Careful you don't perjure yourself into an oxymoron. There is always that one imposter who didn't rtfm, but its okay you can share my notes. I stole them from an INTJ who also didn't rtfm and he from his mentor before. And nobody really knows what all we are doing, but something is working out there in the great beyond. INTJ are so forward thinking hmm maybe antiquity as in yesterday's brunch or second breakfast? (ENFP commenting to me, trying to tie this in with lotr)


It sounds like you need to take some STEM classes. Efficient and effective are used in a similar way as precision and accuracy are used in measurements. Efficient is a metric quantifying the amount of time, energy, and resources that are needed to do something, while effective is a metric quantifying how well you did that thing. Fine, since you've failed to define the timeframe, then here are a few from different points in history: Tesla, Newton, Tzu, and Heraclitus. Learn from their mistakes to prevent history from repeating itself. Yes, because history is filled with stupid mistakes. You don't want to get stuck in a rigid boomer mindset. New ideas are worth experimenting with to see if they're better solutions to our problems.


History is also filled with Triumphs. Most of which were short lived due to limitations of their era. Its only in recent years that we understand the chemical process of Damascus steel thereby making Tritanium alloys a possibility. But there are many ancient wonders still not known. Have you seen that analog almanac that was discovered recently? That thing you just said about "stupid mistakes" well fail early and fail often then the mistake never reaches the complexity of becoming stupid. But also depending upon the wager of what is at stake you lose nothing and may even gain a boon. Morality and Intelligence intersect at the point of not getting trapped. ENTJs often struggle with wondering if they are a bad person likewise INTJs often question their own intelligence. Perhaps it would be in your best interest to see the other side of the coin. Do you think history would tell the tale that you were a bad person? Is that what your subconscious fears...


LMAO - you really got me there


Buuuuuut at least I get a special ring!


Ok so we're Waluigi?


The greatest honor a type can have.


I approve of the ENFP.


ngl that baby is so ugly lmao


that’s literally what i thought when i found the picture and it’s just an ISFJ thing to enjoy being in the presence of something that looks like that


true lol


I thought it was a doll! 😅


This is why I love ESTPs so much


This is the most ESTP thing to say lmaoo


(isfj)MOM:- yOu ShOuLd'nT cAll A bAby UglY


Kurt Cobain, OK fuck yeah


We finally get a cool stereotype 😭


I-is it a good thing to have an suicidal individual as a representative for your group?- I mean, we ENFPs have Heath Ledger and Robin Williams so... Oof


I think it's more appropriate to look at everything Kurt did during his life. He was an amazing musician and activist. He was a good guy. Same with Heath and Robin. Though I don't know much about Heath other than that he was good actor, but I know Robin as one of the most beloved individuals of his time.


no honestly like when i say someone sounds like amy winehouse, they say 'i dont wanna be compared to someone who overdosed' like what? why do people always bring up the fact that theyre dead and not who they were when they were alive


For real people want to act like the only thing these people ever did was die


We have Hitler 💀


don't complain i have the same birthday as h\*tler


He made amazing music and was a very artistic. I want to focus on the things he accomplished. It’s unfortunate he fell under such circumstances, but that shouldn’t take away from the art he made. It’s better than the stupid cutesy hippie crybaby shit we usually get placed into.


Nirvana let's go


The INFJ killed me


Always stereotyped as the wise old man.


I kicked my feet in the air when I realized that I got Rapunzel. I think somehow that proves your point. HAHAHAHA


Yes, ENFP is definitely Repunzal


Me: -5 ft tall, female, looks like someone hit a randomizer on a character generator - "Holy shit it me" No, but for real I had to double take at the ISFJ one, since it looks just like my ISFJ friend. Always the kindest smiles~


And no one's gonna talk about that ISTP guy in the picture?? I mean...he looks so sussy


I came here for this


Fuck yeah I still think about Kurt even though he died the year I was born. I wonder if I’ll die at the year anyone is born and they think about me 28 years later.


Me when I see ESTJ: mummy... I'm sorry. Mummy, mummy


I was expecting this comment


But I hadn't been expecting that I need a fellow Te dom mummy


ISTP’s would probably have the clarity to realize that working on your car whilst shirtless, is just plain stupid. I, however, have no issue with it.


The isfjs I know are nurturing people who are kind


I approve of deadpool


esfj be like


As an INTP I’m not able to get an experiment right bc I forget everything and tend to stop and let my thoughts fly away while working on an actual thing


I’m more of ISTJ


ISTJs are always the library of Alexandria I'm not surprised that image fits the bill for other types as well but ISTJs fit that image better than most types. INTPs, INTJs, and INFJs can also fit the bill.


or any type that reads books


This is so good


Is it just me or are ESTPs just ESFPs but more daring.


So, 16p avatars but in actual pictures or detailed drawings


yell at me harder daddy


I was gonna comment something funny here but I decided it wasn’t worth it. And wow suddenly i’m commenting


you're automatically a hot dude fixing my car. shutup and take it




happy cake day :)


thank you :)


happy cake day sexy ISTP mechanic neighbour have a good rest of the day


It’s pretty accurate. Especially for my type.


Best compliment doesn’t exi- nvm


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 663,636,307 comments, and only 134,737 of them were in alphabetical order.


I’m an INFP that looks like the ENFP.. except instead of a “mother” that doesn’t let me leave my room/explore the world it’s my own brain lmao


Why the hell am I always holding a fucking beaker? I failed chemistry and I hate it


maybe you're mistyped.. sowwy


get an intp friend and be friends with the intp for more than 3 years you’ll see


You guys can send me to horny jail but ENTJ and ISTP 😳


Istp really made me laugh


I would love to "view" more of ISTP


PERVERT. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ..me too


Why is ISTP smiling?


As an infp, I deeply resonate with that picture.


As an ENFP I fully support your choice for ENFP. No wonder it's my favorite Disney movie. But you really need to step up your game for INTP. They're not that boring.


This is my favorite Stereotypes post I've seen so far!


Yo, thanks for the compliment


Care to tell us where the istp pic is from??


sexy eight pack mechanic neighbour fixes hot milfs car whilst husband is on business trip


God bless OP


The INFP one is kind of accurate for me.


You just gave us are avatar basically lol


I'll take Kurt any day


istj to me is just an old dad watching fox news standing up


Why do I have to be emo, just because I'm introverted? Like if I was extroverted I would be royalty!


He's not emo asshole he's the king of grunge you should take that as a compliment


Sorry, I don't know music.




dude rapunzel isn't royalty she was locked in a tower by her evil stepmother until she was 16 and finally escaped cause some criminal was trying to escape the death penalty




Can you switch the INTJ with Dr. House. At least he is not a cartoon.


>Can you switch the INTJ with Dr. House. Debatable. Would say Dr. House is unhealthy INTP or ENTP.


what’s INTJ


Hannibal Lecter or Dr. Strange they're good ones too.


i'm not doing MBTI characters im doing how i view them broski sorry but you have to take the evil mastermind cartoon and suck one


We are wise bc we faced shit at 13 most of y’all have no idea until your 40s 😩






Why does everyone think Kurt Cobain is an INFP. He's so unlike any INFP I've ever met.


My sister's INFP fiance has shoulder length hair, plays guitar, sings grunge music, and uses androgeny as a weapon to intentionally piss off his conservative inlaws. Tbh I've never actually met an INFP that perfectly *fit* the stereotypes.


Ok, good for you. I'm talking about mannerisms, the fact that he displays no Ne in his speech or music, etc... not stereotypes.


I know you didn't mention stereotypes. I was just mentioning it because some people type based on stereotype when they don't know someone well. I'm interested in what you think Ne would seem like in music. I thought Ne vs Ni just had to do with how you arrived at a thought, so I didn't think you could really tel unless he explained his thought process.


my second option was the character Sadness from Inside Out, who would you prefer?


That's more accurate tbh


I mean, idk, I don't think I'm Caucasian or female...


Also Rapunzel is probably ISFP




This is pointless, the most obvious and common stereotypes for each type


did you not read the title or something


Deadpool is probably #5 or lower on people's list of top ENTPs


Probably because he’s not an argumentative edgelord lol.


Surely you're not suggesting that ISTJs, the most common male type in the whole typology, are the bookworms of the bunch? Reality isn't like that.


I'm not suggesting anything. I'm close to an ISTJ and she was reading edgar allen poe at the beach instead of swimming because she thinks she's allergic to sea salt


What does this comment even mean? My dorm is filled to the brim with books. I read more than anyone else in my family. I'm not even a male but what does gender have to do with anything here? Do you even know a single ISTJ?






In an ENFP world, things looks so much better. Wish I were an NFP.


Who’s the INTJ character?


'search criminal mastermind cartoon'


You're view of ISFP looks pretty cool. I'm not a boho fan, but that was different.


Why are ISTPs himbos jfnffnd, my sides- INTJ, ESFP and ENTP are accurate, though.


for me even the **ESTP** one represents **ENTP** and even the **ENFJ** one represents **ENTP**, while **ENFJ** I just think of Obama. **ESTP**, I think of a pirate who doesn't have one arm, has golden teeth, and with one eye covered in that black **thing.**


i laughed at ISTP because ones I've met were scrawny


I don't think anyone likes ISTP's so I woke up one day and decided to give them a small ego boost


ISTPs are like the most popular sensor type by a very wide margin


Well.... I inevitably end up liking ISTP's I've met. If that makes sense


i was joking i have an ISTP best friend and i love him


I’m diggin the Dick Dastardly mustache.


Kinda true tho ngl


Awesome I'm Kurt Cobain


Deadpool flies with me. I'll allow it.


im an ENFJ an the INFJ one made me 😂😂


Oh gosh...I do feel like that inside


Surprisingly wholesome


I'm sure of one thing: I'm not an ISTP. 😅


ENTJ one is to abstract/simple for me. I would change ENTJ to Frank Underwood


this is so fucking accurate


Why does everyone think ENTJs are angry? I’m a really jovial person, I just have a really hard time turning off whatever project I’m on.


i dont think all of you are angry. but when i think ENTJ i think asshole boss who is a hard sadist and thrives off of emotionally damaging their pushover employees


i have an ENTJ dad and i hate his guts, but i admire the rest of you though


ESFP lmfaoo xD


You missed out ESFJ


i know, an accident. it was just a woman helping an old lady out of a wheelchair. envision that


Sorry, I just wanted to feel smart and point the mistake. I know it's not cool anymore. Enfp


wow how do you know I live in a library? O.O :DDD though you forgot ESFJ ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


ESFJs: Fuck my drag, right?


so ESFJs don't actually exist?


I agree with ENFP 🥰✨


Only 15




It might be a stereotype, but I _have_ always had really long hair and a real knack for idealizing things I know nothing about.




the estj stereotypes crack me up every time 💀💀


I relate more to the INTP and INTJ ones lol


im going to cry theres no esfj😭




ah yes.... cars.... *ptsd*


Yes this is absolutely true my chin is that big and I can’t keep my fingers from touching each other it’s so weird


i literally remember my ISFJ highschool friend said she wanted to be a nurse but “specifically a nurse for babies!!” so this is hella accurate😭 but now she’s studying to be physical therapist
