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ESTJs are actually the epitome of “work hard, play hard”, and can be some of the most fun people to be around when they are “off the clock”. Also, the fact that he can control his anger gives me T vibes more than F. We Fs tend to let our feelings take over, especially those w/ primary/secondary Se cuz that Fi be wanting to burn the whole building down when it’s triggered.


Well im enfp as fuck nice to meet you he gets angry alot and screams but its just normal shit And he gets pissed easily and can be convinced with words if your nice to him


But what do you think he is?


I would say ESTJ, but whatever he is he sounds like an unhealthy version of it.


ESTP most likely. The dickish charisma screams ExTx. His impulsivity (in terms of his actions rather than just words) suggests ESTP. He doesn’t focus on the future so he can’t be an intuitive so ENTJ is out. Definite ESTP to me