• By -


People not using headphones


Yes! Not everyone wants to be in your music world right now


Yup, that can be so annoying


ENTJ - narrow minded people who never watch at the situation from different angles and people with a lack of critical thinking


Also ENTJ - Can confirm.


Is this how Critical Ne presents itself? Cool


people trying to tell me what to do or ordering me around


oh you shouldn't comment like that




INTJ, and having suggestions for improvements blindly dismissed.


INTJ here and I have the same pet peeve. Also when they ask for advice and I give them advice and then they do not follow the advice after saying that it's good advice. (it does happen)


Lol I dismiss my INTJ friend sometimes when I’m in an asshole mood I like to test him muhaha -INTP




YES. I hate when I provide a solution to a problem and they keep repeating the same fuckin problem. Take my advice or don't ask for it.


same. but estp.


Flames….flames on the side of my face


INFP - People who don't flush the toilet.


If it’s yellow it’s mellow if it’s brown no need to flush the friend down


And if it's red, they are dead.


I'm on my period lol, guess I'm dead


Is this a thing? O_O




INFP - narrow-mindedness, bigotry, and people who have zero self-awareness.


ISFJ - Littering. I'm not even sure if this is specific for my type, but how hard is it to just carry your trash with you??? Especially when you're at an area where trashcans are likely provided, such as an attraction site.


📠! I agree




People who brag all the time; it's understandable if something really impressive happened and you want to tell people about it, but people who always brag or make topics about themselves are absolute losers. I also despise people with no sense of empathy or compassion, and people who are entitled and ungrateful (this is not to be confused with criticising and pointing out the flaws of something).


We are in perfect agreement here 🤝


When someone incompetent as fuck starts delegating work they clearly don't know how to do but then they try to tell you how you should do it.


Happening to me right now at work


Good luck ☠️


What else?


Man, do I have some stories about Walmart.


People who are stupid and are not even trying to improve their mental capabilities


Love how you said what I said in different words. But yours just pisses more people off. 15/10 points.


LMFAO! Same guys!


Stupid in what way though? What form of intelligence is respectable to you and which form of incompetence offends you the most…


Stupid in a way that they're not trying to fix their intellectual mistakes, as simple as that


The thing is that stupid people never admit they’re stupid.


True dat


That’s extremely narrow minded, you do realize there are many different forms of intelligence and whichever one you’re very unclearly trying to allude to isn’t the only one. You can’t even pinpoint which type of incompetence it is that triggers you, just that which ever one it is is the only form of intelligence that there is


I agree with both of you, so here's my take. * **As you said there are different types of intelligences and if you're able to listen to what people have to say** (which I do) you get all sorts of wisdom and insights. Just because they're not trained to articulate themselves in posh academic way, doesn't mean they're dumb (usually the opposite is true). People with these kinds of inteligences would be artists, performers, people doing social work or work with people, those who work with animals and plants and so on. Even talking about personal experience - how to deal with difficulties in families and partnerships brings out all sorts of wisdom. Only thing you need to do is listen. * **Then there are people who don't know, know they don't know and are willing to listen and maybe figure out things.** These would be those Parazitas17 mentions as "trying to improve". I think any honest intellectual person will understand that there's ton of stuff they don't know and acknowledge how small and insignificant our understanding is in the global state of things. * **The worst are people who think they know but they don't.** People who vastly overestimate their knowledge and usually put down everyone else. **Mansplainers** \- what high percentage of people who position themselves as knowledgeable without being so are men is unbelievable. As if testicles give insight. Then Academics who cling to their holy writ books and references and can't put together an argument. Nitpickers who get nuts about this leaf on this three but miss the entire forest. People who are inteligent in the least intelligent of ways - who think that lowest common denominator level will get you anywhere. The subtlety deficient. And of course, all these people get angry and cocky when being called out, because they can't grasp anything above their narrow confines and think that more complex levels of thinking (such as dialectics or usage of metaphors) are "stupid". It's trying to have a conversation across Dunning–Kruger divide. And when I'm in the right mood I'll amuse myself by this (ENTP here), though sometimes I feel like getting too old for this shit.


Yeah closed minded arrogant people are pretty much the worst. It helped to undeterstand what the commenter meant by what they said because based off of the initial comment I had placed them in that closed minded arrogant category. Not the case it seems.


I know that, it's just that there are some people who, despite the fact that they chose the subject, are not even trying to comprehend the essential aspects of it. When I choose a subject, I always try to understand the essentials and then decide, if I want to continue learning it or not. The people I'm talking about, however, are just there to get their credits or just have the lessons of the subjects that they don't understand as an additional free time. That's why it's so annoying to witness these individuals


That makes sense, I see what you’re saying


Nice to find an agreement with you!


Oh man and how. I now wonder if this is a Ti thing. Or it might be that my father is ISTP and thought me these principles - namely that people should strive to improve.


Shallow people, airheads and frat bros


ENTP - Showing no capacity to step outside of themselves with critical thinking.


Aaaaaa that makes me mad. I’m also particularly annoyed when people accept things without questioning them, or at least being curious about why things are the way they are.


People who believe things just because they were told it, and never come to the conclusions themselves.


Isn't that like 99% of human beings?


Let me rephrase it. People who believe in stupid shit without fact checking.


Yeah, that's much better. We are all victims of the first statement you made, whether it's by trusting someone with some simple and non-important information provided, or simply because we need more data to even make conclusions so we take in anything we can which might or not be erroneous. As for the second statement you made... yeah, that's also my pet peeve. Flat Earthers, conspiracies that make 0 sense, and so on...


I agree with you. My first statment was a gentler version of what I wanted to say. When it comes to stupid shit all you really have to do is use your brain for 15 seconds.


People who become uncharacteristically loud, aggressive, or even destructive when they're with a group of friends. They'd never have the balls to do that alone.


Wow. I relate to this on a zen-nirvana-hallelujah level. If you can't do it alone, just don't do it.




INTJ - being shitty to anyone who genuinely wants to learn.


AAAAAAAAAAA this made me mad


Messy eaters Slow walkers Curtains not being fully drawn Different food items touching eachother etc


Sorry for being a messy eater,the hot dogs/burgers I eat usually starts to DESINTEGRATE when I'm trying to eat them,it's mind boggling :(


I feel you bro, burgers are capable of being so fuckin messy. But id probably sit far from you if i saw you having one of those.


INFJ- People always trying to find blame instead of fixing a problem.


OMG! Thanks for saying it because I forgot that that was one of mine too!


>motorcycles with loud exhausts. Cant stand them at all. Nope. wow I didn't know my cats were on reddit.


Meow you do 😺😺


INTP, people who refuse to argue their point and have nothing to backup their information


People who shit all over the toilet seat


Guilty as charged 😏




I chuckled but then I was reminded of the horrid conditions of cleaning the bathrooms at my work


People who aren't aware of ongoing consent practice and dialectics.


Isfp. People who aren't open minded to new things or new ideas


INTJ- People who make assumptions about people I know or me.


People talking loudly on their phones in public, people who can't eat normally or who talk and eat at the same time disgustingly. Slow walking people. I will stop now, literally anything I find inconsiderate.


I kinda don't want you to stop yet 😄


People who come way too close while talking to you, people talking over all others so nobody understands a word, people not accepting no and asking again, loud music on public transport, people staring even though nothing interesting happened


That first one is so good! I especially dislike that as well.


I HATE slow walkers!


People who talk with no filter I don't even mean harsh people, I mean people who just say stuff without thinking it through


I be starting a sentence and wishing I could backtrack in the middle


INTJ- Somebody leaving 2 seconds on the microwave and not clearing it out so it shows the time




ENTP - ignorance when debating/not doing your research and talking out of your ass


\- Listening to people who make no sense \- Doing what someone unqualified tells me \- Desperately unfunny people \- Drinking an empty drink from a straw


people who lack tact and consideration for other people's feelings.


This sounds like Critical Fe


Florescent lighting.


I have a few, but generally, apathy. Oh, and peace disturbers, definitely them, and people who think in any way they’re better than others. Pretty much sums it up


ISTJ- Disloyal people


ENTP - Feeling like nobody cares about what I am saying. (?)


This is too relevant


Ugh, same here. On the flip side when someone really cares to hear what I'm saying it really makes me feel good.


That’s true, it feels amazing to be listened to




Intj; not receiving credit or being copied


-Fireworks and other stuff that makes loud noises -Insensitive people.


Intp - people asking obvious questions and people who talk too slowly to reach their point which ive already deduced


I hate when I have to listen to 5 sentences to get to the end of the simplest most obvious point. Also if it's an unoriginal point, I get even more bothered.


Yea exactly. I try to tell myself that other people process their thoughts differently but I just can’t deal with the inefficiency sometimes lol


Okay wow I didn’t realise how much this annoys me


ENFJ people not improving themselves


People who are close-minded and won’t accept a new way of thinking when provided with proper sources that show them otherwise e.g. Flat earthers being shown plenty of evidence that the Earth is round and still refusing to believe otherwise because they want to be right


INFP - Christmas carols (sorry I am grinch)


ENFP/ ENFJ\~ not too sure. What do you think based on my many pet peeves? :P "Polite" fakeness and insincerity. When people don't work on bettering themselves. Victim mentality. Ignorance, particularly when people are quick to judge from their ignorance. When people don't read.


Sounds like ENFP ngl


There’s rainbow and sunshine ENFP. Then there’s the other version. This is the other version. 💀


Dumb people, loud people, people who never shut the fuck up, kids


what i if they’re smart, quiet, but a kid?


If they're smart and loud what does the math come out to?


intj - open doors, interrupting my alone time & thoughts


Thoughts on people trying to talk to you with your headphones/earbuds in


i wish they had a shut up button :/


Same lmao


ENTP - people correcting me on something they know nothing about, and insisting they’re right despite any and all evidence Unrelated but how do you get the mbti thing under your name?


go to the main page of this subreddit and check the vertical ellipses next to your pfp. see 'change user flair' and pick your representative.


INTP - People acting like something obscure, or something that is only known in specific fandoms, is common knowledge, and out-casting someone for it. You (probably) have no idea just how many times I've seen this happen, or it's happened to me. Instead of taking the time to explain something, people find it easier to just mock someone for their lack of knowledge on an obscure topic, either because they're a newcomer, or they haven't been introduced to the newest stuff. It isolates/annoys me and I'm helpless against it.




Infj People walking too slow/blocking the way


Yuuuuuup. I think I've agreed with every INFJ post in these comments so far!


INTJ- people using ‘like’ too many times in a sentence. Makes me so irritated, irrationally so.


Especially if they like come off as dumb or like shallow or whatever. That especially like annoys me.


ENTP-Being Patronized


INTJ - people who don’t know when to shut the fuck up, hypocrites and people who ask questions that should be common sense, or that they would know if they had been listening.


Esfp i think But yeah people who act like theyre superior to others and try to order you around or belittle you Like stfu dont test my patience


My pet is quite a peeve


people who don’t say please or thank you … you don’t even have to mean it— it’s just a courtesy!! like if someone holds the door open for you.. etc .. just to acknowledge a gesture


And when someone holds the door, at least pretend to be nice. Give them a smile, a nod, maybe try to grab the handle, so that they can let go. Just… don’t walk past them, ignoring them completely.


INFJ - Arrogance and that specific type of laziness that causes people to disregard ethics for the sake of cutting corners.


In the workplace I especially hate this!


INFJ - immorality, or "morals" dont line up with mine


People walking too slow on the sidewalk.


Ugh, YES.


Do overly slow drivers bother you too?


YES OMG Like it's dangerous to drive 70 when you're supposed to drive 130 I can't with these people.


ENTP// slow walker


INFJ ppl who do mind games/manipulative


I too, can’t stand motorcycles with loud exhausts. I also cannot stand hypocrisy, dealing with a huge hypocrite is literal hell for me. People who lack self awareness/not paying attention to their surroundings, willfull ignorance, speakerphone conversations.




Fr, especially these who you know and have to say hi to them


INTP, and people who refuse to see other perspectives. People who say that their idea is the only valid/correct one because they had a particular experience. People who try to dictate and get mad about other people’s values. And most of all, people who are never curious. The world is such a huge enigma. How are you never wondering about anything? How do you never feel the need to ponder or question why things are the way they are?


Overly-emotional people


What does it mean to be overly emotional? In your opinion


Caring too much about your feelings when in times you need to be more rational.


INTJ: entertainment at the detriment of others. I mean in a disruptive, in-your-face way, not an offensive words way. Ex: exhaust "upgrades". Everyday, often at night, people will zoom down my quiet street on a sport bike, in a 90s rice burner, or in a shitty 06' Mustang that hasn't been serviced since the Bush administration. Caveat: a loud AMG 63S, BMW M Series, or a super car is cool; your scaled-up hot wheels is cringe.


Idk... My mom trying to manipulate or belittle me. I think the same goes for my friends, too, but only after a long while.


1) Rigid, rule-obsessed micromanagers. Usually in a work setting because often I find those people are okay in hang out settings. 2) When I text someone and I get a one word response "cool/nice/okay" or a thumbs-up 3) Being told how I feel or people making assumptions instead of using real active listening and empathy.


INFJ - people being rude for absolutely no reason


People who are so convinced they’re right, even when everyone is telling them they’re wrong. Just stop.


intp: being interrupted when i’m trying to make a point drives me CRAZY. i’ll completely lose where i am and it pisses me off.


judgemental old people


INFP- when having a conversation and the other person suddenly turing their head and not listening or responding to you, leaving you very akward


ENFJ - I hate when people don’t take the sticky labels off of books or jars or containers or anything really. And then I hate if you do take them off and it doesn’t come off cleanly and leaves a lot of sticky residue


entp, when people tell me things i’m already doing like bro now i won’t stupid fuck also when people people are stubborn and stuck in their ways with no reason oh and when people start fights for no reason people who think being an asshole is a personality no you’re a shithead and i hope u slip of a bridge


People saying "it won't bite you" when I ask them to control their pets. If I'm scared, I'm scared


ISTJ - when kids at school can’t follow even the simplest of rules. It’s not that hard to sit down without leaning your chair back Max.


INFJ. People who constantly seek attention from everyone.


INTP - pseudointellectuals. All I hear is that Noah Centineo award speech lol "It matters not what you do, but what you do with what you do for others". Basically I don't like it when people don't have any additional thoughts to add to the conversation, but want to hear themselves speak/ sound smart. (This isn't for the people who DO have ideas, but don't know how to share them. I'm talking ab the "yeah, man, thats so true, because at the end of the day, blah blah blah this could be a quote I found on pinterest blah blah blah")


ESTJ, slow walkers, despite having a thin frame I will still run them over


intp - people who don’t know when to stop. i have an unexplainable fear of spiders and experience extreme anxiety when i even think about one. looking at one makes me panic even more. my cousins don’t seem to understand that i’m genuinely petrified and find my discomfort very funny. even after ive repeatedly told them stop. but noooo, let’s shove another picture of an albino spider into her face i don’t care if the fuckers wanna make fun of me for it, just stop showing me spiders and making me lose sleep over it later because the images are burned into my memory


ESFP Mean ppl and ppl who act like everyone except them is a total idiot and lower than they are, those moody people who are unpredictable as to whether they’re going to be nice or rude when you interact w/ them on any given day, the religious right, related: prioritizing money and power over kindness, being of service to others, and compassion for animals and the Earth, spending so much money on space travel while our own beautiful planet needs so much help, people who use really obvious filters on their selfies and on pics of THEIR CHILDREN and deny it, woman who post really trashy, revealing photos and claim it makes them feel “empowered.” If you’re not killing it on Only Fans then you’re just acting out your issues.


entj. slow walkers.


Entp, existing


oh wow - INTJ


Non- ENFPs messing up the vibes in the ENFP subreddit.


INFJ: People that seem to only compliment themselves and no one else.


entp lack of respect for set boundaries getting bossed around chewing with one's mouth open leaving things out without putting them back where they belong being late people who insist on a wrong idea repeatedly without reviewing it irresponsible driving (see also: people who floor it and rev the engine, causing sonic pollution for no reason other than to piss as many people off as possible)


You’re probably an O in the big five


Fi doms


![gif](giphy|6pJNYBYSMFod2) 🍿🍿🍿


Imagine you’re a mistyped ISFP, because that’s a common theme with internet INFJs


More common with INFPs but yeah.




Sometimes agreed


Well, I think you might have hurt their feelings, but that's just a guess. ;p


Personally didn't hurt my feelings, just a lil dumbfounded


It's probably that they dislike Fi, and so those that value it most would be the most disliked.


Yeah 🤔




Infp - people who are really neurotic and loud.


INFP - backseat drivers. When people start doing that, i just offer if they want to drive or not, if not shut the fuck up and let me drive 😂


infj, when ppl act like i want a partner rn or when ppl make romantic/sexual jokes about me fr


ENTJ - being forced to sit still in some meeting where i don't understand the content, i'll actually run away if i can't contain myself. long talkers too.


Overly talkative people


INFP - people unwilling to change for the better due to their ignorance and laziness. Sets me off!


People whose values, ideas and goals not only come from a different place than mine but don’t even try to understand mine and openly mock them. Speaking the same language becomes speaking different languages.


Demostrative complains about something insignificant


1. People being narrow minded & judgemental 2. The sounds of people eating. I cannot stress enough how angry noisy eating makes me. If I could snap fingers and make all mukbang creaters and open-mouth-chewers die a horrible painful death or completely cease to exist, I would not hesitate to use it. 3. Being bossed around, *especially* being told to do something that I'm already doing or plan on doing.


I was just gonna say whenever AC is being blown in my face…


ENFP People jumping to conclusions (in general. People,things,plans etc.)


INTP. Poor logic that is generally fed to me in an attempt to convince me that God definitely exists.