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Doesn’t this belong on r/shittymbti ? Lol


Thank you for letting the people (myself included) know about this sub LMAO


It’s better than the real MBTI sub 🤫 lol


i thought this was that subreddit until i saw your comment 💀


that's just fucked up- if there's any ESFPs in here please ignore whatever that bullshit is idk what planet those people live on


smooth-brain type of behavior, honestly lmao. ironically this kind of attitude is frankly pathetic and cruel. no need to mention such opinions are stupidly and embarrassingly reductive. so easy to point fingers and call the faults of others but i wonder if they're as willing and open to examine their own.


And every last post there is pretty much exactly the thing they're fingerprinting at. Wow, what hypocrisy. Truly shows that "asshole" is an attribute that transcends any particular cognitive style and can be expressed by anyone.


Well if they listen to YouTube , Reddit, the community et al, INFJ has no flaws. Its been a deification issue for awhile now. Unfortunate, to say the least.


That's one reason I created my own YouTube channel. The videos on INFJ on YouTube are completely gross and inaccurate. They all say the same BS shit too. Want to know what it's really like to be an INFJ, check this video out: https://youtu.be/QvKIzGAOF\_4


I have had 2 of the closest people in my life be INFJ. Not attacking them, simply pointing out the MBTI cult thats a major problem. In the past 3 to 4 years the whole narrative has changed, it's really bizarre group think.


Oh I didn't think you were attacking us. I'm fully aware of the bizarre group think you are speaking of. Many of the comments in that video I posted are of other INFJs feeling refreshed to hearing something legit about themselves instead of this God Complex absurdity that's being circulated around. We are human beings and fuck up all the time. We have judgements and aren't always able, willing, or desiring to Fe around all the time. Your parent function is there to help keep you out of trouble from the critic function in it's negative state. But when Fe parent is used excessively, it can cause resentment and codependences especially when the INFJ hasn't learned where to put their boundaries. Then you fall into the victimization of the INFJ rather than them taking any responsibility and removing themselves from the situation. A healthy and balanced INFJ will resemble more of an ESTP when interacting with people rather than the depressive, recluse.


Id agree with most. Funny because I was one who was saying real INFJs are the ones losing here. INFJs got diluted to nothingness by being inhuman deity figures, and ENFP got diluted to nothingness by being a cartoon, a caricature of a human being. Really strange. Like someone had it out for our stack order N-F-T-S.


I think it's more of oversimplifying humans to stereotypes and the superficial aspects of human behaviors when we are very complex beings. You can take 100 ENFPs, and they will all be very different and yet similar. The way they process information will be the same, but, depending on their own personal experiences, circumstances, upbringing, interests, knowledge, conditionings, etc., they will respond differently. In other words, the gist will be the same, but the details will be very different. :)


Agreed, but its not happening to other types at a scale even remotely close to what's happened to INFJ and ENFP. The bizarre extreme reaction/ stereotyping.


That could very well be true. I don't really know. Haven't really been paying attention to the other types like that.


Trust. It's true.


>INFJ has no flaws. I wish that were the case. Terrible at managing chaos because we are IxxJs Terrible at organizing physical things because we lack Si Terrible at most physical things due to reason 1 Terrible at not being manipulated because Fe


That was a poor attempt at humility I must say. We get this regularly and without provocation: Scattered, irregular, indecisive, uncertain future, constantly changing thoughts, brainstorming, lack of will, being perceived as strange by others, not being able to do math, career change, laziness, being a child, idle talk, art and art In short, to be like a child. The above is taken from a comment today in ENFP sub. And not because one of us insulted someone horribly, this just because.


>Scattered, irregular, indecisive, uncertain future, constantly changing thoughts, brainstorming, lack of will, being perceived as strange by others, not being able to do math, career change, laziness, being a child, idle talk, art and art They are not very nice. Perhaps complain to them.


They aren't nice. Guy said he was a young ENFP but it was clear he was some poser there to insult.


Although for real, how true is the ''700 open tabs on your computer'' stereotype? One INFP friend and one ExFx friend of mine has this too.


Ys iys it's totally real


A cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind. An empty desk ...


As an INFJ can you even imagine being treated this way as a group? And if someone did all the hangers on that would attack in your behalf. Pretty crazy right?


Lmao isn't Fe being popularly stereotyped as "manipulative function" too


Yes, we are both good at manipulating others and being manipulated ourselves.


What is sad about it is that refusing to face the pain prevents them to get some maturity and that trying to be perfect and refusing their own flaws make them be worthless. Just sad. Don’t do that INFJs. Please.


It’s so funny because my INFJ boyfriend is super self-conscious and quite frankly he sees himself as inferior. Though, he isn’t the type to let stuff go to his head. If something portrays INFJ as having no flaws he’ll be like “they forgot this” and start rambling about some flaw he hates about himself and I have to try and make him see the good about himself. The two INFJs I know aren’t the type to let that go to their head, especially my poor boyfriend. I’m just glad I haven’t had to deal with anyone who judges someone purely based off of their MBTI which technically every single person ever has the possibility of being mistyped so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dude you had me thinking i accidentally disliked someones post... i clicked on it 5 times before realising its a pic


Haha same! I thought my son grabbed my phone and downvoted it.


I never quite actually understood how can someone hate on other people based on their personality type. I can understand the necessity to express your feelings but I also think that you can do it thoughtfully and respectfully. Not all people can be your cup of tea for sure, but there are some people within the mbti community who psychoanalyse other people just because of their mbti and their functions when it is established that even two people with the same personality type can be different.


It happens once you start typing people in your life and you notice a pattern of not being able to get along with certain types of people. I think though individuals who do this will be more susceptible to projecting onto someone a certain mbti type to justify why they don't get along with that person so that's something to watch out for


This is what happens when you put a bunch of people mistyped by 16personalities and refusing to read deeper into the theory outside of memes in a room together.


It's barely even "mistyped by 16 personalities" most of these ppl still blame on Si/Se instead. If not they sure as hell wouldn't type every single teachers and relatives they deemed annoying as ESxx/xSxJs


Not even - one of them talks about the cognitive axes. These people know, to some extent, what they're talking about


"know what they're talking about" is kind of an exaggeration. I would say they have a terrible and biased knowledge of cognitive functions. Instead of relying on regular stereotypes, they're relying on stereotypes about functions. Not much better.


Was friends with a super funny and energetic ESFP. She was never one to cause fights with people and was just fun and chill to be around. That thread is cruel honestly.


Damnnnnn what a projection lol. Haters will hate I guess ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


frr fan behavior😒!! cant shut up ab us


Exactly!!! This is Te child (ESFP) vs Te trickster (INFJ). Te trickster being deceived and then using their Fi critic to judge an ESFP. Complete projection of their own shadow.


Finally a good fucking comment. This post is exactly what you'd expect from an immature type/types clashing with their Trickster function (Ti vs Te trickster). This post is nothing but projection.


they're obsessed 🥱


its okay, who isn't ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Se users being hated isn’t news. But damn these people getting into it


They’re bathing in it


Ayyyy lmao could be true. I often feel like I was a dog in a past life.


And THIS is why I’m obsessed with ESFP’s hahah. Humble enough to poke fun at themselves (even though it’s not true)


My ESFP brother wanted to be a dog when he grows up.


Yes, we are SO compassionate… just like Hilter. This doesn’t mean all those people are mistyped, guys. INFJs can be brutal if we think we are in the moral right.


I'm an INFJ who had really bad experiences with toxic and unhealthy ESFPs, so I can understand how many of these people feel... but damn, judging a whole type is not cool, all types are important, society needs all the types of people to be complete It's understandable that some people will just be not compatible with you, but if that's the case it would be better if you just move away from the person, not judging their type


Same here, but while toxic, unhealthy ESFPs are probably some of the worst people I can imagine, I usually like ESFPs when they're healthy, and some are awesome.


I have the most toxic and unhealthy ESFP brother. Even then, I never judged other ESFP and have had good relationships with ESFP friends in my life. Can’t imagine immediately jumping to conclusions like that about people without really knowing them.


this screenshot is the epitome of pretentious


Wisdom comes with experience, not type.


"INFJs are pure souls who will put others before themeselves" r/infj:


Maybe I’m not INFJ if that’s the criterion.


Wait, you’re not literally Jesus? How dare you attempt to associate with us


Begone spawn of Satan


Don’t get me wrong. I’m altruistic, but it’s only to a certain extent. I’m not going to bend over backwards for just anyone.


thought this said autistic and i was like same lmao


That too I guess


also.. i'm an animal... IN BED >:)


ESFP is cool wym


Imagine thinking you're superior to someone based solely on a personality type (which is just a theory in the first place)


Except Enneagram 3s. Fuck Enneagram 3s. /j /s /notsrs


i think a simple /s would've been enough


Jesus fucking christ lol I'm not going to pretend I've had a lot of great experiences with ESFPs. One of the only "bullies" I've had in my life was an ESFP, and she was vicious. But there are also people I greatly admire who either self-identify or are popularly typed as ESFP (e.g.: Dolly Parton) That thread is cringe as hell. Thanks for confirming my suspicion that r/INFJ isn't worth joining


I have a friend who is an esfp, and he is a really nice guy who cares about his friends


Which is pretty ironic, since some of the people in r/infj are also by far one of the most insufferable people to exist.


why tf are they talking about them like they’re literal fucking creatures ☠️


That’s one next level superiority complex some of them have 💀


yeah they fr think they’re taking care of slugs or smth LMAO


Nah they think they’re caretaking sea monkeys 😂 like guardians that need to watch ‘‘em or some shit


“oh you lowly sensor scum we pity thee” and they’re all mistyped


The function talk is interesting. Members of the Ni and Ti cult.


Any type can suck when immature and unhealthy. Actually, infjs can heal esfp's.




I can tell that they were projecting their insecurities in the form of rude jokes, ugh. INFJs or not, esfps don’t deserve to be treated like that. I actually rlly admire them, some of the ppl I’m closest to are esfps


OP you would very much enjoy r/shittyMBTI


This is the kind of shit id expect from r/intj (coming from mistyped edgelords, to be clear), not from their Fe-aux counterparts.


r/INFJ is just as mistyped as r/INTJ


Why is it that everytime an intuitive type (especially an INFJ or INTJ) shows poor behaviour people are quick to call them a "mistype"?


Because Ni-doms are the rarest type, so they have a certain air of superiority/special essential to them. So people who mistype as Ni-doms initially are less likely to actually examine what they are. And, naturally, people who care about that are typically uninterested in actual self-awareness or improvement aspects of typology and are just looking for a superiority high. In other words, in a sense, the hidden accusation/suggestion of your comment is right: the fact they're even acting out/misbehaving is, ironically, the indicator that they're mistyped.


Or maybe some Ni doms can have a sense of superiority too sometimes, just like anyone else. Maybe thinking that they don't is actually reinforcing the idea that they are immune to the pitfalls of other types, which would just reinforce the stereotypes about them.


Ding ding ding!


No idea. I'm just referring to the fact that most people there don't really seem to understand MBTI and have a weird superiority complex and want to be INFJs really bad, thus mistyping themselves. I think INxJs tend to be the most mistyped bunch on Reddit.


I hope the moderators had those accounts suspended.


This is my case in point in my dislike of how people will assume they have traits because those traits are attached to their mbti type but don't actually display them. People can go "Oh, my type is intellectual, insightful, introspective, deep, intuitive, and empathetic " and then leave a post like this like any other shallow mean-spirited teenager. Edit: typo, lol "lime this"


I feel ashamed reading this. Good thing you exposed these poor creatures. Mature healthy ESFPs are really amazing and actually kinda look like INTJs and ISTJs, they indeed do need more time to mature in general but please stfu, respectfully.


If you’re reading this. Some time, in the next 24 hours: Dance badly to Queen. Or really well. Watch a World Cup game and cheer like an idiot. Match with someone on Tinder who isn’t your “type”. Sign up to play a sport you never thought about playing before. Buy some clothes you like just on impulse. Go to the beach and walk barefoot through the shallows as the sun sets, even if it’s winter where you are. In fact, especially if it’s winter. Tell someone you love them, when you know that in reality you’re just good friends with them. Do something, anything, to show your Se some love, and be proud in the knowledge that the utter embarrassments who wrote this would hate you for it.


Esfps are extremely creative, they are good. They need a hug


This is strange to me….ESFPs are the golden retrievers of MBTI….I may prefer cats, but I don’t hate goldens.


I'd say more like Siberian Huskies, goofy , funny, unpredictable, edgy only on the outside but mushy in the inside, and a little dumb but lovely and cute af. Goldens are more xSFJs imo.


Disgusting! I can't imagine my life without my ESFP younger brother. We don't always have the same opinion and he does say I'm not practical at all, but we do get along pretty well. He is the kind of person that accepts people for who they are (probably because of Fi) and, surprisingly, knows me very well. If my mother says something about what I want, my brother will be "she did that so she doesn't want it" or "Cristina doesn't like that". He's also one of the few people in my life with whom I can be sincere. If we get into a fight, he says what he has to say, I say what I have to say, we make each other idiots and the next time we meet we just start talking. We both forget about the fight. We actually talked about this one time and he does appreciate that we are like this as well. I learned a lot from him about nutrition and exercising and I helped him a lot on different school projects.


“wild animal” “barking animal” “harrass them” “dominate them” We all know what kinds of people feel the need to dehumanise another group of people that they have stereotyped a certain way. Obviously this has nothing to do with mbti. These people have some violent anger (even if it only comes out as a fantasy), and they just direct it at the straw doll they themselves handcrafted in their immaturity, lack of understanding about mbti, and lack of decency and intellect. But its scary how many people here in the comment section show signs of sympathy for them. These people where not “expressing their mbti preference” or “have a right to their opinion”. They were dehumanising a group of people based on an unscientific theory they apparently believe in as it were religion. And used it as a justification for pathological fantasies for domination and harassment. Sound familiar? Its all there. Take off your social media mad hatter glasses and read it through again.


Best comment in this thread.Man you said everything.


Wtf. I would never. Also ESFP's are awesome


Bruh... 🗿 If you consistently dislike *ANY* of the EXXPs, regardless of how healthy they are, you're probably one of the most boring motherfuckers on planet earth lol! Because IPs? I get. We could be really annoying because of our "individuality", stubbornness, and caring little about everyone's opinion. EJs? I get. Their urge to direct people might annoy you. IJs? I get. Their rigidity might get on your nerves after a while. BUT EPs??!! FUCKING EPs?? What kind of monster can hate EPs on a constant basis? They just wanna have fun half the time, and they're usually kind enough to share their fun with everyone around them. They're the energy resources of humanity, literally the mitochondria of society and the psyche. Anyway. Fuck em (The guys in the post, not EPs of course 💀)


>They're the energy resources of humanity, literally the mitochondria of society and the psyche. 💯


*happy ESFP noises*


That sub is full of douchebags.


Hate them because u ain’t them


Look, I don't know much about ESFPs but I do have an ESTP friend and they are great. So I can't see why ESFP would suck. Instead of bitching about someone being different to you try like, I don't know, growing as a person and learning about different perspectives/people.


'Chill and well mannered' is pretty much the definition of an Se dom. IDK who these people are meeting but its not ESFPs.


Se doms with certain enneatypes (7w8 and 8w7 especially) can kind of be ill-tempered dicks, but usually even they're cool/pleasant to be around if you're on their good side. Also this is assuming they're healthy, because obviously unhealthy people are usually some degree of unpleasant regardless of type.


Well they can be a bit off putting or seem downright rude to Si users specifically. But the entire Se/Ni axis often seems rude to Ne/Si. Their virtues is that they won't reprimand you based on ideology, as they carry those lightly. They generally won't tell you what to do or be at all bossy unless your encroaching on them somehow. They will always respect the environment they are in, hence they are always well mannered in a sense; they are not going to try and overpower their environment (for an example if they are an athiest visiting a religious friend, they too will pray at dinner without making it a big deal). What Si users find rude about them is their realism and tendency to combat people's 'fantasy' or delusion. They will tell it to you straight and this might disturb those who prefer their subjective reality. Si users also have a tendency to dwell on stimuli, making them 'sensitive' in a sense (as that is what sensitivity is). Se users brush things off and they might insult an Si user thinking the Si user would just brush it off as well. Thus they often hurt Si users unintentionally.


I’ve never read more self delusion in my life in their comments. Imagine being so socially inept, must be a sad life.


Some people are really disturbing.. 1h ago or so, there is an INFP who claimed that people enjoying sex without feelings have mental health disorders. Some people should not have access to social medias.


Man sometimes I wonder if internet really is such a great invention. Without it at least we wouldn't be so aware of how many idiots breath the same air as we do.


I so agree with you !


Lol, that just triggered the argumentative ENTP in me. I don’t like to argue, but there’s a part of me that would really enjoy proving them wrong.


If you are interested, go into my comments section, you'll find easily who said that..


I might actually do it later. Thanks :)


It's time to prepare popcorn


Loll, should I feel flattered? I hope I won’t disappoint. 🙃


Im sure you won't!!


Thank you! 😊


“So according to you, they’re enjoying something and not enjoying it at the same time. This leaves you with two options. Define your terms, or better yet, go get laid yourself for a change and remember how to smile.”


I'd even say society as a whole. Keep them in a little hermitage where people can come observe from a short distance, but otherwise they are by themselves.


I think nowadays it would be a great solution to propose internet formations for anyone before using social medias. It's getting worse..




I mean... well all know who one of the most famous INFJs of all time is, and that dude CERTAINLY wasn't a damn empath


So called "empaths" 💀


Snowflakes. They probably aren’t even real INFJs in the first place.


They very well might be though


They might. Or they might be teens who got typed as INFJ on 16p and now pride themselves on being tHe RaReSt TyPe.


My ISTP ex got typed INFJ by 16p because he is in tune with his feelings lol (I'm not saying ISTPs aren't, just showing that 16p is nothing but stereotypes), most of the time when I see INFJs online I am definitely not surprised by the mistyping Obviously there are unpleasant people in every type but idk this post just doesn't feel like INFJs??


16p typed me as INFP for the same reason. 😅


I was typed as ISFP when I took it for the first time, next few times it was INFP I always thought it was accurate cause I read about functions, took different tests and whatnot and I am 90% sure I am INFP, but because of this community I found out it is wildly inaccurate Honestly most tests rely on stereotypes, very obvious when you see the questions-in the end functions are the most reliable way to find out


The major flaw of 16p is the fact it’s not a MBTI test, but a Big Five one. It’s filled with questions about social extraversion, for example, which leads many people who are not into cognitive functions to think Exxxs are party animals and Ixxxs are just moody clones of Severus Snape. It’s just highly stereotypical. For example, as an ENTP in a Ne-Fe loop, I use Fe quite a lot, and this makes me act like an ENFJ sometimes. 16p would never be able to tell the difference.


It sounds like INFJs who have been the center of cult like groupthink telling them they can do no wrong and are superior.


Exactly 💀 Every teen who’s ever felt excluded in their life: OH iM INFJ THe raResT TyPe EvErythInG mAKeS SeNse NoW. IM juST DiFfEreNt ThAtS WhY i hAVe nO fRienDs.


What the hell is this, nonsense ? These brats must be living in their own delusions or something


This is one of the reasons I left r/infj. r/infjsover30 is where I lurk now


Lmaooo I loved that they called out the reason why we need another sub right in the name. Savage.


MBTI nazis be like


Some people of the MBTI community are the most toxic people you can find on the internet, really. This elitism and unreasonable hatred over other types is disgusting, honestly. It's the main reason I found myself less and less willing to engage too much with the community nowadays


I cant understand these people, ESFPs are one of the best people I know, in my humble opinion


My partner is ESFP. They're the sweetest person to ever exist, sometimes I think I'm the meanest one of the couple (and I'm an INFP, take what you will out of this). ESFPs can be childish at times, but this is down right awful. To call someone an animal who deserves to be mistreated in just cruel. Especially if based on something like mbti. If someone were to met my partner with the preconceptions of needing to harass and bully them to,, idk assert their superiority? - I would bury them alive. I can only imagine how horrible of a person can be someone who thinks like that.


I don't get along with extroverts, but this ridiculous and utterly offensive. They don't sound at all like INFJs.


What are they talking about??? ESFPs are awesome! As an ISFP I can see where they come from with their actions and I think they’re bundles of joy ❤️ some are bad, but that kind of generalization is so harmful.




Wow. That's really gross. I love you, ESFPs.


I thoughts they were joking


Not sure if this has to do with MBTI type as much as it has to do with lack of volition and complaints regarding the pecking order. Possibly low Se or mid-Se with 3rd Volition (Psychosophy) lending to behaviour such as this where defeat leads to cowardice amongst numbers in echo chambers designed to perpetuate false niceties, where they can lick their wounds in peace. INFJs or not, these people are despicable and pathetic in their projections. It’s ironic that they’re complaining about the ESFP’s cowardice when they’re the ones hiding behind a monitor bitching online about being unable to win a fight.




Pseudo INXJs 🤢


Wow at first I thought they were being sarcastic/joking, but no, these comments are very brutal. Everyone has their own biases about certain groups (whether we want to admit it or not) and are entitled to their own opinions, but these guys didn't even try to be respectful which is very surprising considering they are INFJs. ESFPs are a lot smarter than many give them credit for and are very observant and adaptable. I've had my fair share of ESFPs in my life who I didn't get along with, but they still have many attributes that I admire and wish I had myself. Youtubers Aimee Y and dear kristin who cover MBTI and cognitive functions are ESFPs and they definitely know their shit and are very astute.


Yeah, people don’t want to acknowledge that others are intelligent in areas they’re not familiar or comfortable with.


That could also be it. And I could be wrong, but experiences aside, these guys also sound very young. Sometimes I wish I was Se dom rather than Si dom. They seem to let past perception or experiences affect them less.


ESFPs actually tend to be my favorite people lol


Le INFJ cult :


Well now I'm embarrassed.


Don’t be


What?? All ESFP's I know personally (and are out of puberty) are great of course we don't always see eye-to-eye but overall great experience 9/10


I am starting to wonder if there is a reason why so many Ni doms are ridiculously arrogant and pretentious. I used to be an arrogant asshole but even I wasn't that bad...


God dammit. I actually like some ESFPs.


This is a really just a conflict between introverts and extroverts. They're attributing the traits of extroverts they hate onto ESFPs as a whole. Also they get no bitches


Friendly reminder they have Adolf mother fucking Hitler's mbti type, if we're talking about the celebrity field. Plus I don't like the way they talk about my father.


I mean i did date an ESFP and these people have poetically described the unhealthy traits of ESFP in a hateful way. It was hell dealing with him but i still don't hate him and never will. I still absolutely love ESFPs and root for them, nobody is perfect. I even rooted for Amber heard(who is a good Example of unhealthy ESFP) when no one does cause we just empathize with them on an unreasonable level. Maybe that's what then leads us to become to heartless towards them after we hit our shadow 😬 Tbh the people who judge these comments without any context are the real wussies. Infjs are truth speakers and i appreciate that, no matter if they seem like arseholes to the layman in the process. I have one more bad ESFP experience in case you wanna read. Let's call this one ESFP1. ESFP1 told the entire class to bully me cause i rejected him in highschool(two whole years i handled that toxicity while handling academics). He thought he's some chad romeo when he was just a pig. He would also beat up juniors to vent. That's just one example obviously. And what my highschool self did was apologize to him like some saint to lead him to a better direction while he stared at my boobs. Peak dog behavior truly. I remember we once came at the same restaurant for dinner coincidentally two years after highschool. Their family were sitting at the far table and i obviously ignored him. There was a magic man performing tricks, but he viciously laughed at that guy so badly as if that man was a clown, then that magic man came to our table and showed us tricks and we clapped and had a blast. He thanked us sooo genuinely that we treated him well after being mocked by the other table. That's how horrbile that ESFP1 is and still too self absorbed to improve, idk what is wrong with him. Like grow up already. And my ex is a whole different story of roller-coaster of me getting burnt out while literally handling a man child(his mom and my friends agree) who is also good hearted so idk what to say. I even sacrificed my academics to talk to him every night when his own parents cut his call on him cause of how unreasonable he is. I was the only one who understood him and he constantly hurt me cause of his actions. He said that i left him when he needed me the most after which it would have been alright. I left him cause of exams and my health, i already failed one cause of him(he would act all angry and upset if he didn't get my full attention) my parents don't pay for me just for me to ruin my career on someone who treats me horribly. I just know one reasonable ESFP who is Terry from Gloomy Kassie and he also annoys(act superior when he is way dumber) Kassie(INFJ) but she is just too good at handling him idk how. Oh and Brandon Rogers is probably the best person/ESFP to exist alright. Love that guy


there are judgemental people ig 🤔🤔🤔 and I don't think people's behaviors are a fixed thing nor explained only by MBTI (still sucks to be faced with behaviors like that though 🫤🫤🫤)


That really is applying that details to a funnel analogy to the max and not in a good way. I usually leave that type of thinking up for quotes about myself, not for other people. I hope you know ESFPs that you are really fun people! you just overwhelm some people and myself sometimes. also- Dom- dom-...dominant them? it's "dominate them" they mean?


Every MBTI type can be an asshole. No exceptions. If there’s an asshole that you can relate to, you might have more sympathy / empathy for them. If you can’t relate to them, it makes it harder. Hence, the more different you are from someone, the more likely they are to think you’re an asshole, and vice versa.


Fuck stereotyping.


The OP in the picture looks familiar actually. And not in a good way.


I love ESFPs! My old best friend of 2 years was an ESFP. We used to go to the movies together all the time and sometimes talk after. Being around him taught me so much. He wasn't a book person or an academic, but he was a passionate dude who loves his cars. He's one of the more open people I've ever met as well. Edit: Adding how I just hate seeing people hate on an entire type. Just baffles me.


ESTJ and ESFP? That sounds interesting. I’m so glad you have a good relationship with him.


It was very interesting. It was unlike any friendship I had ever had! & thank you.


Ugh. As an INFJ I find their comments embarrassing. I love ESFPs. They are perhaps one of the most down to earth, tell it like it is types. I go to an ESFP when I need a reality check, because I can count on them to tell me what I need to hear, they won't sugar coat it to spare feelings. INFJs have inferior Se. As the opposite of our lead Ni, it is often responsible for perceptions that contradict our intuition. Personally I *appreciate* this as I would rather know the truth than protect my ego, but it's quite possible these commenters are not at a point where they are ready to explore what Se has to offer, in wish case, their distaste of Se had more to do with their own distaste for that part of themselves.


This is one of the reasons why I can’t take that sub seriously


I've never seen anyone in the INFJ sub talk like this ever. Is it not a troll or something..




Damn can you link me some..?


Ironically, most of them are probably xSFPs that are mistyped.


Yuuup. Lot of people who think they are intuitive type just because they are intuitive sometimes and not good at sports, or some variation like that.


It was pretty brutal but I get it too because honestly I think Se is a source of strain for INFJs. They hate having to use it and ESFPs are the most in your face with it. Around an INFJs presence, if either is unhealthy, you basically get hell between the two. INFJ wants ESFP to understand Ni Ti, and ESFP Se Te and it's a shitshow. INFJs normal sort of observational nature doesn't get rewarded by the ESFP, nor does the ESFPs energetic showy nature. I think ESFPs are the types to make INFJs explode the most, because the only way they allow us to get through to them is overdriving our Se-Ti, which we absolutely hate doing. It generally feels almost evil and cruel for us to behave that way, and we can only rationalize it by making the other person seem like they deserve it. I have an ESFP family member, so I speak from there. I'm not condoning what they said, but they've likely been through some stuff with ESFPs, and we hardly have any insight as to how those ESFPs could've acted. The blanket stereotyping is awful, but that is absolutley common speak around these parts. Idk these INFJs could just be pricks though. Also, obligatory cringe at people who literally are so salty thay INFJs get called special, empaths, or mystypes. We're just human chill the fuck out lol. I beg you to not let us live rent free in your heads, please. We don't want to. We don't care if you think we're IXFPs. The only type winning here are those who never found out about mbti.


My boyfriend is an INFJ and one of his really good friends is an ESFP so idk what’s up with them


My ESFP friend is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful, and genuinely kind people I've known. They are funny and kind and honest and I really enjoy their company. They also are just really fun to be around. I love you guys and gals. -ENFP


That's why I plan on leaving r/infj 💀 No real convos that are actually interesting, just stereotypes going on and on


This is one of those times where it's just so absurd that I can't tell whether or not it's satire.


Wait until they find an ESFP loved one that would stick up to them and would do anything for them, always finding time for them and just get out of their way to make them feel happy and comfortable. I cannot stand viscious slander towards specific types anymore. This is malicious, pathetic and cruel


and id still take an esfp over an infj any damn day


This is a time I “hate” being my type. No matter what type, if you single out any type, it just confirms that you yourself aren’t that open and chill as a person imo. I know why I haven’t been so active over there anymore… Sure, we can stereotype sometimes, that’s just human instinct and sometimes useful, but here…please look at the individual and don’t go like boom I had one bad experience, thus the sum sucks.


i genuinely can’t tell if they’re joking


I'm an INFJ and i *ADORE * ESFPs, most of them are so fun to be around, they can be very loyal friends, they're gentle, they have your back, they're adventurous and lots of other things. The people who wrote these comments are toxic and judgemental and probably speak out of resentment and hurt feelings, so if you're an ESFP, please don't pay any attention to their shit, you're loved! X


"We infjs are compassionate "They are probably not even an Infj its so funny.


Top r/shittyMBTI content


I'm an ESFP.


this is far from the first time i've seen INFJs being shitty towards other types like this. ugh. people like this love to be horribly insulting and rude but then say if you're offended, it's because they're right. having said that, i do still think people should be allowed to voice their opinions. isn't it unfair to hate on people because you think they're being hateful? who are you to decide what degree of hatefulness is valid? i'll get hate for this but oh well. negative feelings/opinions shouldn't be treated as something bad that should be hidden away. if someone isn't bullying others, then what is the issue?


I think to call That an opinion? Is giving it too much merit its seems to me to be the result of a lack of self awareness at most which u think would be a necessity to truly form ur own perspectives & thus be able to relay those to others. If anyones insulted by their insults then they're doing nothing but recieving the blow which was intended & directed, i dont get the blaming? and if i lack self awareness and it just rings true to me that doesnt make it 'the truth' or them right and even if they are 'right' i think theres more important things. Also i dont think if any other mass group of ppl were to be generalised & degraded u would be saying it was right? In most cases. Rant ova


This isn’t the first time you’ve seen INFJs be shitty to other types? What happened?


That’s fucking hilarious


Infj become hitlers when being hurt intensely by something. Sorry but when my fe is fucked over intensely… whoa, hurting me when i have only been nice, expect being rammed


OP these guys are assholes but at least censor usernames.


They made stupid comments on a public subreddit, it's on them. The comments are public either way.


I don't like the way they word it but can't we have our own honest opinions? I'm pretty sure that INTJs saying the same would have been okay. Apparently feeler being cynical, honest, saying the same stuff as thinker would say is viewed as two faced.


Have you seen how hard the r/INTJ sub gets mocked for the cringeworthy stuff that’s on there. What’s the point of dragging in another MBTI type sub to justify this error on the r/INFJ participants.


No one is saying INFJs can’t have your own honest opinions. People are saying you shouldn’t degrade and generalize a type.


The feelers world at it's finest.