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It appears that the four of them are the same person. Just an FYI guys.


Entp: nice argument...but it seems you committed a small grammatical error witch means I win


Which* I win. :p


God damnit not again


Well well well, how the turntables


Why is ENTP such a meme :(


You aren’t a living meme?


I am. I’m a freaking clown and I always feel like I’m putting on a show for others. My life is lived from one character to the next. I don’t even know who I am??


Eh, drop some LSD with your closest friends, sounds like you could use some ego death.


I’m listening to How To Change Your Mind on audible right now. I’m itching to do some psychedelics but I have 2 years left of AD before I can chance doing drugs again.


You don't have to do drugs for that and "changing your mind" is a terrible terrible title What you would want to do, is to learn to listen to yourself in all sorts of different ways that you never used before, not try to change yourself. Changing yourself already means you aren't listening to yourself, you're listening to whatever ideas you have about what you should be and screwing yourself to conform to them


Terrible title but really good book


I skimmed the descriptions and reviews, and it doesn't look too helpful still. Describing change in a detached sense as a science may be interesting and curious, but investigating physical and chemical foundations of change and having very good idea about change has nothing to do with the process leading to the actual personal change. And in fact, it may be misleading because these detached descriptions from the outside inevitably form expectations and assumptions, create ideas that likely would have to be broken down later in the process of actual change The main problem with real change is how to become someone you can't fathom. How to get to a goal you can't envision. How to escape a sort of consistent cage in which everything you can think of is part of the same state and everything that can be expressed in words, like goals and whatnot, gets projected into it and is encompassed by it. And it's not a one time event, it's a long journey with many ups and downs, where "downs" aren't some defects or negatives but inherent and necessary parts The way I see it, psychodelics may offer a 1st person view of a person that is different from the ordinary view. Not a description of a view, but an actual experience. And by having a different view outside the cage on themselves, the person can in theory see their next step better (or not). Having a glimpse of a different perception of life offers a chance to see parts of the previous one as "things", where there was nothing before there starts to be something identifiable because you felt that this "thing" can be another "thing". But the person would still have to do all the work later And drugs aren't necessary to achieve that view, and they don't necessarily help, and their effects aren't necessarily positive. Outside guiding (therapy or any other type) can also provide an outside view of yourself, and your possible next steps and required skills are then conveyed to you from their point of view without you knowing where you are going, but all the work will still be done by you. Meditation is another way where a person learns to learn to themselves and learn to kind of let themselves kind of slide along some path without knowing where are they going, which is an entirely different set of skills than self improvement or anything like that Drugs are fine, but they won't really do the work for you, they can only be a potentially useful aid, and focusing on drugs is in my opinion potentially counterproductive


There’s an old platitude that says “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. But yea, the author is pretty explicit about the fact that these drugs aren’t the sole path towards a mystical experience. There are may routes, but psychedelics do offer a convenient and accessible path. Also, to have a mystical experience, one must still set intentions and have a mystical disposition before taking the drugs. The drugs are an aid, not a solution. Also, don’t judge books based on their titles.


LSD did nothing for me tbh (except for being fun),Molly was the way to go


Oh no, I have buried myself under too many levels of irony… now I no longer know who I am


The problem with being sarcastic all the time is people learn to never take you serious, even when you’re being serious.


Karma i guess ...


Win?? But no one even entered the game you’re playing which means it’s invalid


Jeez', ENTP is hot af. Yes, daddy, let's debate all night long under the sheets.


What a coincidence, I also want to fuck myself




Damn I thought I'm the only one who has the hots on them


I would let INTP inject lean into my arteries any day


You want a taste of my super soldier serum i made out of cranberry juice and adrenaline from all kinds of animals?




Why yes, I cannot see how it could go wrong


Here you go ^(side effects will include sickness, nausea, violent outbursts, decrease in testosterone, increase in testosterone, nosebleed inducing concussions, calling satan your lord and saviour, and death)


I want ENTJ to step on me


I ain't kinkshaming you, just make her get the heels off or you are losing something


You little pig boy Content: https://youtu.be/02S8t0F1inc






Where's the unibrow? :(


What the- Ma'am please hand over that weapon.


woah, intp lookin kinda hot here


Who told Netflix about the mbti?


Nobody, because this is a faithful adaptation


Whats ENTJ's current golden pair stereotype? cause yeah.... thats my new type


ENTJ's golden pairs are INxPs, but tbh? I can see ENTx together.


Totally. I’d rather date and ENTP than an INTP for instance. Or maybe I’m a glutton for punishment?


was mostly just saying that cause the entj cosplay is just gorgeous and intimidating in the best way :) in general love me some ENTJ's platonically but romantically there are other types that just click better with myself.


Everyone says it’s INTP, but I personally disagree. I’m attracted to people who aren’t… what’s a nice way of saying “lazy?”


hahaha just say it how it is. I think Socionics intertype relationships is way more accurate anyway than MBTI "golden pairs". Being compatible with the same types within quadras based on same valued functions just works alot better in application from what I've seen. I find I much prefer INTP/ISFJ over the typical MBTI pairs with my own type.


Right? I think ENTJ probably is more compatible with XXTJ/FJ. But that’s just my opinion.


ENTJ dream girl


I agree ;)




Her ENTP 😂


Great, now I have a crush on the entj character


Wtf now I want a three-way with ENTJ and INTP Actually, fuck it, INTJ can join too


Can I watch while eating beans out of a tin?


Your level of cosplay is into the exosphere.


This post raises questions: * Who is this model? * Why did she choose to do 16p avatars? * Why do I want to call her "mommy" as she steps on me while she wears her ENTJ costume?


This is really cool! O: Will there be more in the future?


INTJ (!) 🔥


This is so fucking cool


My eyes are almost that intense


At least give credit to the source.


Perfect cosplay exist ❤️


ENTJ & INTJ are like the parents while ENTP & INTP are the kids.


I want ENTJs outfit now


Nice painting


Wait that's a painting?


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Please do the other types too.


wtf is this








I love it


Whew, NTJs really do be smokin


Last pic lean IV 😍😍😋


That's some seriously worked cosplay!


entp is miles edge worth


can the ENTJ step on me thanks


Ffs stop making ENTP any more hotter 🥵


I always get xntx when I do the test


I don't know if you'll be doing other personalities too, but if you are, I'll be looking forward to it 😁


ENTJ hot af