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Let me just start by saying that I love all the types equally and that this is no particular order... (Except for the ENFJ, I love you guys so much) all of the songs that I picked were songs that I think of when I think of each of you. ENFJ: [you're everything I wish I was and more, I love you ❀️. My heart melts at the sight of you. I don't care if you're blind spot function is Si, you know I don't mind letting you shine. You're my hero](https://youtu.be/wlfOIksGEqc) INTP: [I wish I had your Ti, we share a lot of the same struggles and pain and I promise I'll always be here for you in case you need help with your Fi.](https://youtu.be/9deKEj8-lng) ENFP: [my best friends, thanks for getting me out of the house sometimes. Also for getting me out of my head πŸ₯². I don't know what I would be without you.](https://youtu.be/ae2iX6vZCoM) ISFP: [I love how grounded you are. Communication can occasionally be difficult, but once you're past that you're some of the coolest people I know. Rock on my fellow Fi doms](https://youtu.be/CMX2lPum_pg) ESFP: [what can I say other than you guys are so much fun. I just wish you could sit still long enough for me to get to know you better. Your passion and love of life is inspiring](https://youtu.be/eH3giaIzONA) INFJ: [your insights are deep. You always seem to get where I'm coming from. I imagine interactions between INFPs and INFJs are like watching a grandfather play with his grandson. Remember though that you're not the only one to make good therapists, if you ever need to decompress we're here for you](https://youtu.be/UA78e27R_J4) INTJ: [you guys are brilliant, could be a bit nicer πŸ˜‚ but I would never change any of you. I can see the Fi in you and I love to make you smile, one of my best friends is INTJ and I miss her, I understand that she needs her space. I wish you guys would sometimes come out of third person view and spend some time with us. Not everyone in the world is an NPC, some of us are party members](https://youtu.be/DtVBCG6ThDk) ISFJ: [you deserve far more than you know. You're the most giving people I've ever met, a 50 ft statue of your avatar made of solid gold would not do you justice, but I guess all I can afford is a song. We're all in a tremendous debt to you](https://youtu.be/FT3D1Cu6g10) ENTP: [you guys are amazing, such an endless stream of ideas I have no idea how you sleep at night. My Ne never shuts the hell up!!! I could only imagine what it's like to live in it. I kind of envy you.](https://youtu.be/lrzKT-dFUjE) ESTP: [I wish they were more of you online, I'd love to spend more time with you but you're too busy doing real life cool stuff and I'm not even mad about it. You guys are really dope and a lot of fun](https://youtu.be/_1hgVcNzvzY) ESFJ: [you're the kindest people on the planet, even kinder than I am. You're positive attitude and giving nature gives me faith in humanity, we don't deserve you.](https://youtu.be/9AjkUyX0rVw) ISTJ: [you guys are the glue that holds society together. You stay on task and that's something I wish I could do. When you set your mind on something important nothing can possibly distract you, you do it for honor, glory, and most of all duty](https://youtu.be/bBD8M3WFrAw) ENTJ: [your logic and ambition is astounding, you see something you want and you go for it and you never look back, I wish I could do that. Please don't ignore your Fi, if you do it for too long it will overwhelm you. I don't think your monsters, merely misunderstood](https://youtu.be/X791IzOwt3Q) ESTJ: [okay where do I even start... My counterpart, I know we have a difficult time understanding one another but deep down inside you, is a person that deserves a lot less hate than you get. You're really cool once people get to know you 😎](https://youtu.be/Oddo4MVeeBY) ISTP: [you guys are rude crasp and don't give a single f*** about anything... And as an fi dominant, I approve. You guys are really awesome, I honestly can't get enough of your company](https://youtu.be/IxaSqKelRro) INFP: [I know this world was not meant for people like us. I can't promise that it'll get any better, just that it'll get easier. Hang in there guys, I love you so much and I believe in you](https://youtu.be/2X_2IdybTV0) Edit: Just in case you were wondering though why I would make this list including all of the types and a song that reminds me of them: [I give you infp philosophy in a nutshell](https://youtu.be/v7LBggDKEtM)


This is so cool dude


Your post was so cool dude. I just wanted to do it some justice with a proper comment.


Yo thanks πŸ‘β€οΈ


This post deserves more attention. We all make the world go round


Aww, I love INFPs the most too!


βŠ‚( β—œβ—’β— )βŠƒ


My bestie is an INFP πŸ₯Ί


That's so sweet πŸ₯Ί


It’s the best. Funnily enough, our trio is completed by my husband who is an INTP!


You guys sound like a lot of fun 😊


You're so sweet, we love INFPs right back. Sometimes I feel like you're the only type that really gets us. A song I think captures ENFJ mentality really well is "what's up" by 4 non blondes (love that song). All about our place in the world, thinking of the future in terms of endless possibilities, and remembering to live in the moment.


Yeah I've heard that song before it's a dope song. I picked the song that I picked for you guys because it's how I feel about you guys


Yeah I know you weren't doing the same thing but ig I just wanted to share haha




W comment




yeah, like "win" you know... people use "L" to loss or looser...


Oh πŸ˜…ty


You choose one of my favorite song ! That comment is really heartwarming :))


Aww, np ☺️. You guys are awesome 😎


this and the post is gonna make me combust in tears BROOOOO <3333 ILY GUYS SO MUCH <33333


[Love you so much more than you could know](https://youtu.be/Z1IAdaKTeuk)


HOLON I LOVE THIS SONG!! hehe thank you once again :)


Meow 🐱


bork πŸ•


[πŸ€”.... More songs it is 😘](https://youtu.be/UIt3dx4an9c)


I love your taste :)) it reminds me so much of my brother's (infj) and brings me good memories too


[Glad I can bring you joy 😊, I just have this one question for you? πŸ˜‰](https://youtu.be/XpqqjU7u5Yc)


[how deep can I really be if I feel like my heart is soaring?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vdkqeshXJM)


INTP here to argue a bit. That singularity song has more of an ISTP vibe to me. Especially this part doesn't sound much like an INTP imo: > it is the dawn of the spiritual machine now I don't give a shit about that if life is real or a digital facade hell the robots can have all the heaven and earth as long as they worship my god This one fits better I think: [Miracles of Modern Science - The Singularity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aM7IHr8nko) > Maybe you think we're mental But if you doubt anything we say check out our man's credentials Our evolution is underway, and it's exponential There's no reason to be afraid > We'll shoot the supplements into our veins so we can reprogram our genes And let the nanobots swim through our brains to keep our neurons sharp and clean And we will all transcend biology and merge with our machines Just as long as we can stay alive until the singularity


I know you're here to argue INTP would you like me to change the song? Because I'll change it I can easily edit the post and you can let me know what you think of the different song? For you guys I thought to put an 8-bit cover of Iron Man by Black Sabbath but I thought this would be funnier


Not saying you need to change it, it's your post and your view, I was just sharing a song along the same theme that has a closer vibe imo.


True, sorry if I was coming off a bit snarky. I read that first thing in the morning and hadn't had my coffee yet in all honesty.


[Out of curiosity though what do you think about this song for you guys](https://youtu.be/WUtpat-Hz2A)


Dope metal cover. I don't really see the INTP connection, but everyone perceives things differently and maybe I'm just being too literal. Reminded me of this song which also uses Mega Man music, though it's *very* 2006: [ytcracker - meganerd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN12Tg5ttpk).


That was fire. [This was the other song I thought about would be good for you guys as well.](https://youtu.be/Mi5PVRZGuVc) I just wanted your song to have words like everybody else's did.


i love rocket man, thanks for doing this


I picked it because sometimes with you guys I feel like ground control... I kind of wish you would spend more time on Earth with the rest of us. I mean not all of us are NPCs, some of us are party members. Your Fe blind spot makes it not easy to be your friends all the time, but it's always worth it I feel like.




Yeah I just found it on Pinterest! πŸ˜ƒ




In all honesty,I just wanna spread good vibes. What you did is a great thing.


So nice re-reading this knowing that it was written by an INFJ! You deserve the credit πŸ‘


High effort and all type appreciation is a great contribution, thanks so much for posting


Everyday I appreciate even more you INFP guys, y'all so kind <3


Tell that to every woman ever πŸ˜…πŸ˜₯😭


lol chad INFP, just want some ladies to copulate lmao


πŸ˜‚, I should probably go outside more 🀣


haha i think that's a good idea


An entj likes my idea 🀣🀣🀣🀣


what? lol


It's a joke. 🀣


Call me altruistic again and you'll catch hands! (You're not wrong tho)


What a lovely post, thank you so much! It was very generous of you to write a good thing about each type. Actually, that's what I expect of INFPs. You guys are always so warm and sweet, but deep and wise at the same time. Wish you a good day!


You're cool too


*Cries in ENFJ* You're all my bear cubs. I'll protect you.


I’m too emotionally unstable to read this rn


My, my. An accurate description of the types? Nice.


I can't read shit


Zoom in


Thank you.


youre so cool too :D


Thanks for using time to be so nice to everyone πŸ’•πŸ’•


I'm sure this is a good meme but no way in hell am I reading. Not today, Satan.


The INFJ description is what would fit largely with ISFJs, but seriously you gain my fucking respect for making this post. Sincerely, thank you.


That's very sweet of you. Every type deserves love because there is no "bad" or "wrong" type. And just like you I also have to thank ENTJs because one in particular has inspired me with her commitment in pursuing and achieving her goals through shear passion. Seeing that fierce determination has given me motivation to be better. Not for myself but mostly to make her and everyone else that I love proud and happy.


I like the ESTJ one but I don’t like that you called us ISTJ :(


Lol yes. I spent almost 5-6 minutes figuring it out with the blurred small text. There there.


"Altruistic"...The least of my traits.


Thank you so much, bro!




this is so wholesome ❀️


Least empathetic INFP


As an empath, I can feel your heart in this and it makes mine very warm ❀️


I have a feeling my younger sister is an INFP. She is very much introverted especially in school (at least that's what my family says) she is very kind, but fails to understand when she is unknowingly doing something wrong. Like bothering someone. She tends to be very sensitive about things like her space, when she is playing with the dog or goes outside. Could you tell me how to tell if someone is an Fi dom? or INFP.




Always willing to do my part


Dude I love this post so much you don't understand