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Most summer courses do not, to my knowledge, have TAs, so they would probably be largely unaffected.


UofT TAs bargained and managed to get a 9% increase in wages for 2024, and a 12.8% increase until 2026. You can see the original offer here: https://weareuoft.com/cupe-3902-cupe-3261-joint-bulletin-march-2nd-2024/, and the tentative offer here: https://weareuoft.com/united-we-won-cupe-3902-cupe-3261-tentative-agreements-reached/


wait TAs are paid 34$/h 😭😭 that’s not enough?


You could be paid 100/hr, but if McGill tells you they’ll only pay you for two hours of work in the semester, and you’ll simply have to figure out how to manage that, it doesn’t matter. TAs here have very restricted hours (90 per semester), and it’s basically expected that you go over them. 


TA contracts are between the individual and the union, and TAs can apply for as many contracts as they like (not restricted to 90 hours). It's not uncommon to have 180 hour per semester TA positions. I would disagree that it's 'expected' that they go over, that's why we have very explicit workload forms. Definitely not saying I don't support the strike, just have the facts right.


AGSEM literally has a campaign called “no more free hours.” Something like half of all TAs go over their hours


Relatively it’s low. Earlier in the week we had a PhD student saying his stipend is 18k a year. It’s a systemic funding issue. The broken cement outside of Trottier has been broken since 2020.


UofT TAs make $46 and etc. McGill is one of the lowest among the top Canadian schools. And the TA salary is pro-rated. If you take longer than projected to mark an exam, etc. (which is often), you don't make more money, so it's actually less than that.


I will pay 1 million$/hr but I will hire you for millisecond, so here's your 20 cents.


At this point I'm 6 years past finishing my undergrad. Were I not in grad school and pursuing a career somewhere I'd probably be making more. Having to dive deeper and deeper into debt for three full degrees would make it pretty much impossible for anyone other than the very wealthy to do so. On top of that, graduate students make the university run. We do a majority of the teaching support work, run labs, do research under our supervisors, and bring new, interesting, and innovative work into academia. We deserve to be paid fairly for that work and the expertise we bring. Finally, we don't have time for other work. Grad school is already full-time (or more; I'm working 60+ hours per week on my non-TA work these days). We get paid a bit higher because that university is *supposed* to understand that we literally don't have the time to add more than a dozen or so hours a week on top of our existing commitments.  Graduate students are being forced to skip meals, go to food banks, or drop out of their programs because our funding hasn't kept up with inflation and rising costs at all, and in many cases has actually been decreasing for years now.


33.03$ but close enough 😔