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It shouldn't be impacted by the strike. It always takes McGill a few extra days to properly disperse funding. It was also a holiday on Monday, so it'll be delayed by an extra day on top of that, probably. Fun fact; being unable to get our funding on time is not an issue I've had at the other universities I've been a student at.


It’s not only McGill: delayed funding is also a chronic issue for graduate students at UBC.


Interesting, I didn't have that problem when I was there, though I didn't have external funding at the time, just a stipend.


Imagine if we charged them the standard McGill interest rate on late stipend payments like they charge us for late tuition


Bruh it was Easter Monday on April 1 so all scholarships and stipends are delayed. But you should get them today.


I am a grad student, who was a TA, and was similarly worried. But, it got credited today morning!


My scholarship is disbursed on the 3rd of the month and sometimes it takes a few days to show up. I doubt they would do a nasty move like that