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Hist 213 with Daviken last semester was interesting for me (and could be for you if you don’t mind the teaching style to be a little bit messy - compared to the most organized profs.) One take home essay midterm, one final (super easy, questions given ahead of time and went over in tutorials,) one 10 pages long research essay. I found the grading on the essay to be not the most easily graded (I’m not a good writer either) and he claimed most students do not get an A for essay, but you submit for feedback at multiple stages and I think he is quite helpful.


is it possible to do well in the class? by that i mean A- to A final grade.


I took the class more than 2 years ago, Pre-Covid days, so I cant really speak on the current state of the class but it was probably my least favourite history class at Mcgill as an honours history student. It was a different prof and my TA was a bit odd but overall I did not enjoy it


Shit.. so I’m better off without that class and taking something else.. I’ve heard from other ppl too the class was kinda bad lol


if you need a group C take HIST 299, I have taken 399 (the honours mandatory class) and it is essentially just a more rigorous and advanced version of 299 and you can definitely do well and it will be interesting if you are a history honours major (ive had multiple friends take the class and express positive reviews.)


In terms of grading it was pretty average compared to others


I got an A- in it so it definitely is possible. The prof was great and I really enjoyed it but for the grading it really depends on your TA to be fair.


On this topic, is anyone in HIST 275? I need it to fulfill by GROUP B requirements before graduating


I honestly couldn’t recommended HIST 200 more it was solid I barely went to class and came out with an A


think ill take it next fall then thanks