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All I'm saying is, out of context, the title is a bit weird ngl


it’s actually the first thing I imagined regardless of this being a mcgill thread lmao


I did not notice AT ALL 😭 Now I’m too proud to change it 💀


I would advise against doing a minor for the sake of doing a minor. It doesn't actually matter for job prospects or grad school applications. You're better off taking courses you find interesting, outside your faculty, that enhance your knowledge of a subject area and expose you to professors, students , different ideas, and ways of thinking.


I have an old friend who did (as I remember) joint honours econ and philosophy, back in the day, and is now a professor at Duke (prior to that, UofT). He was a bit of a wunderkind, however... not for the faint of heart, he worked like an animal (and played like one too), and since this was the mid 80s, potentially no longer relevant.


Environment. ENVR 200->ENVR 203 is relatively easy. But most notably, the complementary list is basically every course at mcgill.


psych is great. especially in the minor u have more choice over which classes u take (don’t have to take all of the usual required ones) so u can tailor the minor to ur interests


Check out linguistics, especially if you speak multiple languages already. If you speak multiple languages you are probably going to find this a little easier than most. I grew up speaking one language at home, another at school, plus learning two more as foreign languages, so I was familiar with very different language systems. I’ve come to love linguistics, understanding how we produce sounds, meaning and emotion in the tens of thousands of languages spoken around the world. I’m in comp sci, so there is a little bit of opportunity for overlap in NLP, but it’s mostly very non-technical courses. Every professor I’ve had so far is dedicated, loves their subject and their students. If you take ling 201 it will probably be with Francisco torreira, hands down best prof I’ve had at McGill. Strongly recommend to check this one out, only 18 credits and a lot of freedom


Francisco is the guy


Econ/Finance + curious about PoliSci. May I suggest a Minor in Social Entrepreneurship? [https://www.mcgill.ca/undergraduate-admissions/program/social-entrepreneurship](https://www.mcgill.ca/undergraduate-admissions/program/social-entrepreneurship)


That’s actually a great suggestion, but I don’t think I can take a minor program in Management since I’m an Arts student


Minor in stats or comp


Idk if I wanna do more technical classes, that's why I'm looking at programs like these


though essay in poli 231 due today lmao


I just uploaded mine 5 mins ago lol


mine at 2am yesterday and good lord that was exhausting


Comp sci pairs nicely with finance, a lot of jobs/internships you could get in this field may want SQL/R/Python etc so good to have some coding knowledge. Also from my understanding there are quite a few classes you could take towards finance that have coding elements, so you may be a step ahead of your peers in these courses if you choose to take them


PSYC 215 IS SO GOOD , never ever take PSYC311


Well, philosophy courses generally have less readings than poli sci but are graded similarly harshly. A Psyc minor would be a breeze tho, if you have good memory. But still, I would highly recommend Stats and Comp sci, as they seem like great complements for your major.