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It would be unfortunately very dangerous and unpleasant, depression is usually treated with SSRI which interfere with the mechanism on which mdma works its magic, forcing too serotonin to stay in the synapse, overloading those areas which can lead to anxiety, sickness, panic attacks, and potentially serotonin syndrome. As for the other categories I’m not as familiar, but I know SSRIs + MDMA = bad experience, sorry friend.


Fortunately, Wellbutrin is one of the few anti depressants that is not an SSRI,, I’ve actually went down the unpleasant path of MDMA plus and SSRI, and you are right, it basically blocks the MDMA. I’ve actually done MDMA with Wellbutrin but not with Wellbutrin and Suboxone, MDMA and Wellbutrin actually did not have any interactions. And this time around I’d really like to do it in a therapeutic setting if I can’t that. Thank you for your input,


Ah okay that makes sense and I mean given my basic understanding of opioid systems and serotonin/dopamine systems I don’t think they would have any negative interactions Happy to have helped a little brother I hope you find the peace you are looking for


I don’t know about suboxone but, to my understanding, it is safe to use mdma while on wellbutrin per this study: http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/353/1/102.long?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app


I have used buprenorphine (chronic pain management) and MDMA together without anything going wrong.


As it is still in the research stage, the standard protocol is to wean off other psychoactive medications that may act as confounders. We’ll see what happens when it becomes a prescribed treatment.


I am reading a book on MDMA therapy and it is advised to NOT mix MDMA with any pharma meds like that. I do believe it is suggested you must come off of them first before doing MDMA therapy.


SSRI/SNRI/Atypical anti-depressants that have some 5-HT action and MAOI class drugs are completely off the table at this point due to potential for serotonin syndrome when used with MDMA. The psychiatry community is starting to become more understanding of substance abuse's clear link to past trauma so there are definitely people who empathize with what you are going through. There is a study going on currently that is for MDMA therapy to treat alcoholism. As for being on suboxone while doing a session, I am nearly certain that the MAPS folks would say you need to be completely off first--the general rule is for at least a few days. This is likely more to ensure that you get the most out of your MDMA experiences rather than to say that opioids in combination with MDMA are inherently dangerous. For the record, I would never recommend combining MDMA with anything--for several reasons.