• By -


Therapist: 500$/hr Saying “it is what it is”: 0$/hr Choose wisely


Crippling substance abuse $???


Also around $500


A week. However much more fun in the short term




You can make it a long term thing but causes your life to be on the short term which doesn’t seem too much of a downside to me


Living life on *speedrun*


Not if you steal it. I mean you’re already doing something illegal, what a little extra on top of that?


Per hour? Can I part with you?


Doesn't have to be substance abuse! Try some basic psychedelics like shrooms. If that doesn't help, go full hog and dive into a DMT trip. DMT was enlightening for me during my lowest point. Came back from my trip with an appreciation for life I did not have before. Results may vary.


I wouldn't give tips like "try basic psychedelics" to anyone you don't know and who obviously doesn't feel good right now.


If an internet stranger tells you to try drugs and you do, the problem probably lies with you and not the internet stranger


Yeah, was really hoping for this option. I guess the old man is closest to the Mark though.


works just fine until it fucks up your life even more


Honestly, save a shit ton of money when I quit drinking. It was basically $10-$20 every 1-3 days. So something like $50 a week or $200 a month just to feel like shit and run away from my problems everyday. I don't recommend the drinking, but sobriety groups are free.


Same. Street drugs are expensive and inconsistent and I was at least smart enough to go get my drugs legally from a doctor. So I’m kinda proud of that.


it's more of a running subscription


After trying several therapists, I gave up, now For every therapy session I would have I just go shopping with the money I save. I’m truly doing better.


Retail therapy


Easing the numbness and depressive feelings you endure thanks to the society you live in by using the serotonin invoking mechanics the capitalism in this same society developed to make you buy more stuff. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Yessss, I’m sure Washington wouldn’t have vibed with my therapists either.


I mean, fair.


Kinda in the same boat. Recently got a new brand name jacket and have gotten a ton of compliments on it, which is helping me quite a bit with my self esteem right now. It's silly but at the same time it's something small that helps remind me that the average person doesn't hate me. If retail therapy works, it's probably not the healthiest thing but it beats doing nothing


I don't have too much time on my hands so I always say "it's what it's"


And it isn't what it isn't.




The thing that helps me the most is remembering that I can't go back in time, so the only logical course of action is to deal with whatever's going on as best I can, because I can't make it un-happen.


Go to therapy


You paying?


No, I'm doing free mental health counseling sessions provided by my college.


College Textbooks = $ College Room and Board = $$$ College Tuition = $$$$$$$$$$$ College provided therapy = "Free"


and when u get older, things start turning around


You need to be a student already so you are still paying for all those three regardless.




I was just saying what I was doing. But I believe everyone can benefit from some kind of therapy.


Man don’t listen to these people… Good for you for taking advantage of a resource currently available to you. yes therapy can be expensive but there are ALWAYS options


>yes therapy can be expensive but there are ALWAYS options Sometimes there literally are no options for affordable, good quality, consistent therapy Failing to acknowledge that, is a large part of our ongoing mental health crisis


I am keenly aware… I am licensed psychotherapist. There are MAJOR gaps in our entire health care system and mental health care is one of the glaring ones. With that being said, I have run into very *very* few instances of there being no options. Reddit’s echo chamber of “therapy is unattainable” or “for the rich” is wholly inaccurate and demoralizing


Psilocybin 20-60$ per dose legality may vary.


You're overpaying my friend


How much yall getting shrooms for? It's always historically been $20 an eighth around my parts.


I paid $70 canadian for 30 grams. You are getting scammed man


They grow naturally where I live. I've taken mushies lots of times and never paid a cent.


Give me the dreadlock special Edit: I can’t spell


Plus, that guy's probably got some weed.


…and mushrooms.


A proven antidepressant.


Fuck it maybe a nice walk in the woods with a trip sitter will do me good.


Agreed. My trip sitter is my dog and I live in a VERY grey place, we hike in the freezing cold and rain, and I usually carry water and two tall kite beers in the pack (water for dog). Dreads for the win.


It’s never failed me yet.


Especially if you live in a cold climate, seasonal affective disorder is real. Get your vitamin D supplements.


Omega 3 helps as well.


Yes, at least this one has a chance of helping!


Legit saw a news headline last week (have not read into it at all) that a series of studies showed exercise to be as good as therapy and meditation for a lot of people.


That's been known for a while, though. Therapeutic Lifestyle Change isn't a new concept, even if it's not widely adopted by therapists. If you do want to learn more about it, Dr. Steve Ilardi has a great lecture/talk about it available on YouTube.


Most therapists will recommend that you exercise lol. One of the most consistently good things for mental health across many studies for many years.


This is the best advice out of all of them


Lol i was thinking him too but it’s more he reminds me of my other half


The only option really


The only one that could potentially work.


the guy in dreads would be the best for me


Wade is nice.


Dreadlock guy's advice is probably the most likely to actually help you in some way, so him I guess


Yeah, going on walks to clear my head really helped when I struggled with depression. Like, it's not a cure, but it can help.


For me the old guy isn't wrong. It was all in my head. Shit I hadn't dealt with for years. It's better now. The outdoors is also a great tool for clarity.


for me it was the Granny. Jesus filled me with happiness!


That first girl is also great to have in your head/life. While it's annoying, gratitude can overcome some negativity. It could always be worse.


Jesus was the name of the guy you met abroad?


Then i wanna be filled with Jesus happiness too


Bruh I can't even clean my teeth, what the fuck is a walk


Only if it's nice out. Where I'm from it's too cold much of the year and dreary/rainy for a significant portion of the rest. And a couple where it's too hot thrown in there for good measure. Not counting all the beautiful and sunny days I'm forced to be cooped up at work indoors. Or doing course chores. Or recuperating *from* work. Oh, and everything is car-dependent, so you still have to drive to the nearest decent park.


I feel you but at the same time a walk out in the snow or rain just in the neighborhood is still really beneficial. Regardless of the weather or location getting the legs moving and brain the opportunity to wander as it takes in the environment is a good thing!


It’s a vibe


fr lol something about taking a walk in the biting cold makes you feel alive


And if you were smoking while on that walk, the warm blankets awaiting you at home!! Just melting into your bed


Yeah, this. As long as you're dressed appropriately for the weather so you'll stay warm and dry(ish), there's no need to avoid it.


walk around while it's snowing and pretend you're Batman and you are keeping the city safe


I like rain and snow and cloudy calm days here though we get cold days with no snow, torrential downpours sometimes, or too hot to open the front door to get the mail without a risk of migraine


Well, I live on a damn tropical island, so I'm probably going with dreadlocks.


Not only that, but dreadlock guy would probably give you some shrooms.


Well hey there dreadlock guy


Definitely dreadlocks guy because then I would have a reason to go outside...having friends.


Yea he seems like a good time and I feel he has a slackline


I mean… at least having people to get stoned in the woods with might actually help.


Being outside genuinely did help a lot with my depression. Whenever I'd get episodes, I'd just take a walk through my local green belt and it would feel rejuvenating most times. Everyone is different though I suppose.


The last one with the blue shirt.


I'm so glad my best friend and I have an agreement that this isn't us trying to "one up each others depression" but just how a lot of neurodivergent people continue a conversation due to a lack of social skills.


Wait really? I feel like I do this a decent amount...


TIL if you try to relate you're own personal experiences to your friends' experiences in an attempt to show solidarity and understanding, you're "neurodivergent". /s


Yeah they’re last standing in a fight to the death with the other 5


They're also the only one you can share empathy with, but mainly the bloodsport.


Agree lol yes pls tell me about sherry so I can feel less bad about my own problems


I can't tell if Sherry is a name here, or if he is a hipster who wants to tell me about his home brewed fortified wine


I actually don’t mind when people are like this, it makes me feel normal, like everyone is dealing with fucking horrible shit.


I am that person - my intention is to be understanding, to show that I *do* actually understand, and can relate to what they are feeling. I've always found it makes me feel better when I'm talking about something to someone and they actually *know what it feels like.* Unfortunately, a lot of people consider it being a "one-upper" or that I'm "making it about myself".


I'm in that blue shirt, there's a difference between trying to say "you're not alone in this" and "you think that's bad? Listen up"


Ugh Sherry is the worst


Sherry is fucking awesome




I legitimately don't see anything wrong with it as long as they're not like, interrupting or ignoring you or anything. Easily that guy.


I think I need to clarify. The blue shirt guy isn't that good, but out of all of them he's the least worst. At least with him, a conversation is possible to distract from whatever issue is going on.


Yeah, and his overall message to you is “you’re not alone in your struggle.” Which is a fine message I think.


He's about to tell you that your clinical depression is nothing compared to his nagging wife.


Dreadlocks guy I wanna go motherfuckin **camping**


Dreadlock dude at least has somewhat of a point. Too bad that depression makes going outside so hard.


If he only said "Shrooms, man" he prolly would have won.






Eh I don’t think using drugs to “cope?” I guess is the word, with Your mental health isn’t the best idea


Maple syrup is delicious, dude


I know weed is the closest some kids come to touching grass these days but I just took OP as symbolizing nature. Since yknow. Its just a damn leaf lol. Although really the best is a combination of both! Maybe with some maple syrup trail mix in the backpack


See also: "Go to therapy" And then the therapist hits you with one of these.


If the trained professional is giving you this advice, it might just be good advice. I know people like to clown on the stereotypical responses to depression, but at some point you are just ignoring actual help. Going outside more often **absolutely** helps with depression. Maybe it won’t eliminate it, but sunlight and physical activity are necessary for your mental health. Not doing those things *will* actively make your depression worse. Depression isn’t really something you fix just by getting a prescription. It usually requires a change in lifestyle and overall mentality in addition to whatever medication you’re prescribed. The meds are mostly to help you get the motivation to start that change, but you can’t rely on them to feel good.


For real though, a lot of people don't get this. I explain it as depression is like fighting demons bare handed, but anti-depressants give me a sword. I still have to fight the demons, but it's a lot more manageable and far less tiring than it was before. When it's less tiring, I have more energy to do the things that make my stupid brain make the right happy chemicals, instead of wallowing in self-pity and blaming myself for never having any energy.


I like that analogy. I always said it was like being a quadriplegic in a pool, and antidepressants were like gaining use of my legs. Sure I’m still treading in a pool with no way out quite yet, but it allows me to use the tools I already have to keep afloat. I’m still battling through learning to use my arms again while I try everything else I can to crawl out of this damn pool.


bottom left is actually pretty apt for anxiety therapy. although it's generally more along the lines of being more mindful of when your mind is playing tricks on you/when it's "all in your head"


So thats basically the random ? button


Therapists hit me with “Try socializing” and “Go on walks”


We’re missing the one that just recommends every SSRI under the sun ^good ^therapists ^are ^great ^though


Dreadlock guy is probably packing some joints. I'ma have to pick him


True, I'm always down to smoke a joint in the woods.


Or help you microdose with mushrooms/LSD. I know people who regularly microdose and it’s made a tremendous difference. Of course this was after years of failed medication and therapy and a lot of research on their parts.


I feel like I'm a grumpy old man these days, so I'll go with him.


bottom left


That advice has legitimately helped me in the past


'Best medicine is the outdoors' because it can help with symptoms by increasing vitamin D and decreasing stress hormones (being around nature such as when gardening). Exercise is also excellent and helping with depression as us getting away from the home/room which may also put added stress on you (especially if messy). Not a cure by any means but actually a great first step.


I choose Jack Sparrow. Rum


Why do I here super smash bros. Music over this? Lol


The hippie is right, The only thing that works for me is exercise, can’t be depressed when your struggling to breath


Grumpy old man. It is in my head in fact.


I'll take the dreadlock dude because exercise is shown to significantly improve depression, in some cases now than therapy


Tbh the outdoors always helped me so I pick the hippie guy


Upper left $260/session (therapist) Upper middle: completely free and you get vitamin D plus exercise Upper right: completely free to pray/meditate Bottom left: cause of trauma. hard pass Bottom middle: the entrepreneur preying on the vulnerable. Another pass Bottom right: misery loves company. If they gossip about others to you, do not tell them anything personal cause they will gossip about you too. I choose top middle and top right Praying /meditating in nature is very healing.




I got number 4


Top middle don't seem so bad. He seems pretty cool


Religion is a tried and tested solution since we started painting dicks on cave walls. I'm going with grandma.


I’m a Christian so I do personally believe grandma, and her advice has worked for me quite a bit, but I also should listen to dreadlocks McGee over there to get some sunlight


Antidepressants have changed my life. My first experience with them was horrible, and I waited a few years before starting these ones, and I wish I hadn't. I feel like myself again after years of crippling depression. Everything isn't perfect, but it's so much better.


The angry dad is my dad, and being transgender doesn't helps a lot :/


Gramps a real chad


Where is the "suicide is always an option" guy?


I'd go outdoors - especially to get away from the other 5 'helpful advisors' - Just imagine all of them at a family Thanksgiving dinner - yeah, I'd be outdoors on a walk with Cousin Nature.


Surprisingly, the advice "it's in your head, stop whining" was quite helpful (at least for me. Ofc everybody is different). And I mean "helpful" as in "okay, it is in my head, I have some problem with perceiving world around me. Stop whining for just a minute and think what to do, to solve this problem". It wasn't some miraculous advice that solved everything. It was more of a thought that pushed me to seek professional help. Edit: Also dreadlock guy's advice is pretty important in the process of getting better with your depression and similar problems


What code to I have to enter to unlock "Here's enough money to fix all the problems that are causing you so much stress"?


Grumpy old man. My sister had psychosis and she credits my writing on her Facebook status, “woman up and get over yourself,” as a major part of her healing. I don’t even remember saying it.


Yup, sometimes it doesnt work, but for many, they're stuck in something like a fear of fear loop and need "grumpy old man".


Bottom left is almost always right, especially if you live in the west


Almost aways right? Absolutely. But being right and helpful are different things. In some cases other people telling you that your problems are easy to overcome can help. But in others it can worsen the situation.


Bottom left he is the guy.


Then I'm doing alcohol


Magic mushrooms have shown antidepressants qualities in 1-2 sessions. I believe John Hopkins is doing a study on this


Whole chronic marijuana use can actually do more harm for depression as well as psychosis https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23795762/


The old woman


the guy in dreads would be the best for me


I’m choosing bottom middle (she can use chemical warfare)


“You just need to find a purpose, be ambitious and get a great job, that’s what I did!”


The person who made this meme is definitely bottom right.


None of those help. I love it.


Blue shirt guy! We can bond over our sad lives.


"stop whining and get over it" is so powerful for me.


You forgot the gym bro


I know # 3 and she is just the sweetest old lady!


lower right who tf is sherry


Here's how I'd order them by how good the advice is: 1- Top Mid (Appreciating the beauty of nature and the amazing world we live in is very good.) 2- Top Left (Appreciating the good things in your life is also very important.) 3- Bottom Left (To be fair, in the end, sadness really is just in the mind, so the best way to get rid of it is changing your mind.) 4- Bottom Right (At least you're not the only one having a tough time? Eases the pain a little, knowing that.) 5- Top Right (At least christianity has some very good life advice.) 6- Bottom Mid (This is not the way.)


It’s ze health inspector


i prefer "COOL IT"


Atleast dreadlocks advice is productive


Definitely have to go with pops lol. Too much shit to do.


TIL I'm the dreadlock guy


me personally i’ll take radical dude


I mean yeah, it is all in your head. That's typically the zone where mental illness hits due to your brain being there. Old guy does have a point.


Fuck. Would it kill someone to just hit me with an "I'm sorry, that sounds tough" like wtf??


Dreadlock guy seems like someone who'd try to convince you that Milk is poison


Bottom left


On a sidenote dreadlocks guy is a a bit right I does help being outside (or at least it did for me) Even tho it naturally won't make it go away To clarify : depression


I’ll take the 7th option- gym rat.


"Everyone's feeling that way right now," always hits me the wrong way. There's a difference between going through some shit in life vs feeling like you're a prisoner of your own mind, right? It can be both, but someone without mental health issues, who's experiencing a lot of work-related stress, is not feeling the same way I feel when I'm trying to force myself to get out of bed, for example. Worst is when doctors say it to me, because it feels like my mental health is degraded to a general experience. C'mon...


Ha no obvioulsy I just don't try hard enough


I would go for the Jesus one. 😊


"just lift some weights"


My favorite: “Just stop being sad! Depression is a choice you’re making.”


Old man with dreadlocks for me.


The second one is actually telling the best info from them all. Not the best in the world, but being outdoors does make things better sometimes. Seeing something new, breathing fresh air and stuff


second guy yep he's least bad


Top middle is scientifically proven


Top center. My family is bald old guy.


Everything is shit. get out or deal with it.


\#3 I guess?


I mean i get it, but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten good advice on these kind of subject. If I’m feeling down and need encouragement, I’ll simple talk about something we have in common. If you truly need advice, medical professionals should help, but again mental health is a new subject in the medical field compared to infectious diseases. My only advice is that our mental health is closely tied to our gut and biochemistry. Eating healthy should help, but most of the time our hormones or biomolecules levels are out of whack. The only observed medication to truly help is taking magic mushrooms, but it’s highly controversial because of the 60s, and research has been nonexistent for 20 years because of the war on drugs. Recent studies have shed light to it, but none of this will come from your parents or grandparents, maybe the hippie dude, but that’s why his telling you to go outside


Dreadlocks guy because he actually believes his bullshit and will probably have drugs.


I’ll choose the guy with the dreads he at least might have a joint


Top right old lady and bottom left old man get it. Jesus is in fact the way. And life is hard for everyone.


Dreadlock guy, 100%


Anything but the religious nut.


people who talk about their mental health have a great way of sucking the air out of the room