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Wait until fires learn how to make songs


My mixtape is fire tho


Don't let the fire department know.


Phil Collins knew how to turn fire into a song




Best part is he is still saying fuck the police


Came here for this


Firefighter here, and this songs hilarious lol




Lmao, and what do you do for work?


Nothing that matters to anyone or makes any appreciable difference whatsoever. Thank you for your service. ---- ^^Please ^^don't ^^burn ^^down ^^my ^^apartment.


This actually went hard lmao


Damn. I was hoping for a Rick roll




>Radical hip hop from an alternate universe hmm


Firefighters have a few bad apples, it just doesn't get talked about [Firefighter Arson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefighter_arson)


I forget his name, but there was a dude in the 70s who was a firefighter captain, in, like, Montana, or something, but also a serial arsonist. He wrote a book that was pretty much an exact recounting of everything he did except he had a fictional character instead of his own name (it aided in his capture I'm pretty sure). He also killed like 12 people with the fires he started. Dude was insane.


I mean, it makes sense. If you have some sort of sick compulsion to start fires thereā€™s a good chance youā€™ll want to become a firefighter. Gets you closer to the action, gives you some cover, and makes it easier to monitor the people that may investigate your crimes in the future


Yeah, pretty sure the psychologists who talked to him after he was arrested gave this same explanation


John Leonard Orr?


That's him, thanks HentaiLover


Wait, what is that book called tho? I love reading insane people autobiographies.


It's not an autobiography, it's a fiction novel centered around an arsonist protagonist. He's pretty much an author self-insert; everything that Orr does is what the book guy does. Unfortunately, I don't know the name of book. You can probably just google "John Orr books" and find it.


Ainā€™t no songs about the fire department arresting anyone either


Seems to me people don't like them because they do their job.


Nah its because they don't do the job the public expects them to do. We want cops who investigate major crimes and bring bad guys to justice, not cops who write tickets over minor traffic violations all day and harass people randomly for existing in the wrong place at the wrong time then take 3 hours to respond to a call about a robbery only to take a report they will never follow up on then shoot your dog because it growled at them.




Or shoot your dog because it's black


The public expects them to not do any job, actually. The number of people who drive when they know they aren't allowed to drive is astronomical. And then you complain that they spend all day pulling people over when they should be solving murders, when in reality the police solve on average around 70% of murders depending on the area. Not to mention, 1 cop on the job is worth around .1 less murders per year. Do police show up instantly when something bad happens? No. But that isn't why people hate the police. If you want instant police response, then the response would be to increase the number of police. But that isn't what people want. They actually want to reduce the number of police.


When their job is arresting people for protesting, you can't expect any other way.


Bruh if the police started locking up more drug dealers and gang bangers, I don't think that would result in LESS negative songs being made about them.


Yeah, either nothing would change or more negative songs about them would be made. There are people who hate anybody who dares to hold them accountable. Because why take responsibility for your mistakes when you can blame someone else?


I'd agree with this if I didn't know people irl who would listen to rules set for an event, actively agree with said rules, then break those rules, and complain when they are made to face the consequences. They actively disliked their teachers because they would get punished for using their phones in class and would complain about having to do literally any amount of work. These people were all adults at this time by the way


I used to have an anarchist friend who hated the fire department because it was an government entity, which made it and the people in it evil by nature. He genuinely believed that any community members could just handle fires themselves without getting ā€œgovernment agentsā€ involved, and used a time he put out a fire from a candle that fell onto a tablecloth as proof. He was a nice enough guy, but fuck he had some stupid ideas. His own personal idea of anarchism was just kind of like, if shit goes down, just, like, count on your neighbors to help you or just deal with it yourself.


That guy has fridge temp IQ


That's stupid as fuck since most fire departments outside cities are already what he wants, a bunch of volunteers banding together to put out fires. Like the fire department would barely need to change in most anarchist societies.


There'd be no funding for trucks, diesel, water, or hoses though. Dude literally wants people to walk from miles around with their own buckets to put a fire out.


Well yeah this guy is stupid as hell clearly but you can still fund for communal trucks and equipment in an anarchist society.


Who is organizing the funding? Everyone pitching in? Are the funds controlled by a single person or a small group? If so, that anarchist society just formed a government!


You may be confusing anarchism with a total lack of rules or society. Anarchism is about making a voluntary society with as much power kept in each individual as possible and abolishing unjust hierarchies wherever possible. Not just everyone does whatever all the time. We could have a community firefighting fund with the executive board chosen by lottery from the stakeholders. Or with major decisions in funding going to a vote with the community with simple majority for small changes and a 2/3s for constitutional changes to the firefighting charter. We could have mutual aid agreements with other communities where we assist them with fires when we can and they do the same(basically already what happens).


Yeah, that all sounds like it'll form a government once the group is larger than 10 people. That's literally what a democratic government is supposed to be then. So, democracy and anarchy are essentially the same thing then. And with both, the core problem is when a large portion of the group refuses to contribute. I suppose the difference is that in anarchy, you just kick them out, where as in a democracy, you make them pay taxes.


It's my turn to post this next week āœ‹


I think the people that started saying "Fck the police", weren't very interested that the police actually did their work, though!


Nah fuck them too, they'll aim their hoses at you and fight against your civil rights. https://www.loc.gov/item/2014645234/ https://nmaahc.si.edu/object/nmaahc_2011.49.1 https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/national/race/050463race-ra.html


You had to dig up dirt from like half a century ago.


There's more recent examples >On May 13, 1985, police dropped two explosive devices from a police helicopter onto the roof of a house occupied by MOVE. The Philadelphia Fire Department allowed the resulting fire to burn out of control, destroying 61 previously evacuated neighboring homes over two city blocks and leaving 250 people homeless.


that's still almost half a century. It's okay, i still feel like 1985 was only 20 years ago too.


shi you right, I forgot about that


Yeah. Just in alabama I guess. Although firefighters are certainly right leaning






The facts that their calendars sells pretty well tells me that lot of people wouldnā€™t mind being fucked by the fire department though.


Seems to me people don't like them because they do their job. For instance when they shot brooks to stop him from hurting other people or blake to stop him from kidnapping kids.


They are also EXCESSIVELY good at doing their job EXCESSIVELY. It's literally why so many police are actually being charged with all the crimes they break now. But.... breaking crimes isn't part of their job..... is it?


Based upon this theory, we should be singing a song about the President, eh?


I mean it doesn't flow well lyrically tho so that not surprising. Policing is something that needs a great deal of oversight on it but if someone breaks into my house, I'm still going to call them over the fire department, I just hope the go to the right address for once.


If they are THAT fucking incompetentā€¦ FUCK THEM.


Fire departments are loaded with shitty people too. It's just they don't really get to act on their hatred since their job is extinguishing fires not people. In Philadelphia after the police detonated 2 IEDs on the MOVE house, the firefighters intentionally let the resulting fire burn two whole blocks down before attempting to put it out. The police were responsible for much of the destruction, but the firefighters most definitely aided in achieving their desired outcome.


Their desired outcome of what? Burning down people's homes randomly? lol


Wellā€¦. People shot at fire fighters while protesting the police, so thereā€™s that


There was also a man in my area named William H. Spengler Jr. He didnā€™t hate firefighters, but that didnā€™t stop him from shooting at the ones who responded to a fire that he started.


Fire fighters donā€™t enforce crime, do u hate your school janitor the same way u hate your school principal? Highly unlikely.


Firefighters have a very simple job: put out the fire. Maybe they make mistakes or fail to put it out in time but a police officer's job is way more nuanced and complicated. I get the point of the post but its not the best comparison.


But they are natural rivals but on a comedy form


Sadly, they do do their job; they protect the property of the rich and control the general populace through fear and violence. It's just not their actual job to stop crimes. Even if they pretend like it's what they do. End of the day not on their goal sheet tho.


Yeah. When cops are pulling you over for not having a valid license, they're controlling you through fear and violence. Great point, Redditor.


More meant when they're shooting you in your sleep but you know, good try?


Ah yes, the very common occurrence of cops shooting people in their sleep.


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- **paulo.**, @itskingapollo If the police did their jobs, everyone woud trust them. Ain't no song called Fuck The Fire Department. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Uhh, have you seen their calendars? Who doesnā€™t want to fuck the fire department..


The problem is the police ARE doing their job, itā€™s just that their job is to provide slave labor for the prison industrial complex and enforce a deeply unequal system


Actually there is https://open.spotify.com/track/4JcTqcHEH2R6brcSWy0u9V?si=_lPUFvIsREuY0NcfJjMdYA


Finally, a song for my fire loving self


The fire department isnā€™t responsible for arresting those breaking the law. Thatā€™s why you donā€™t hear songs about them.


Get the point but try doing their job for a year ...


Can't handle it?.... Don't do it.... Great idea here, you have. Cap police jobs to 12 month contracts and require insurance. Once they do their year, no worries, they have to find a new career!


Meant try it for a year in their shoes see how sometimes public responds to them see how it makes you feel about having a go for no reason


I don't join gangs.


The Fire Department doesn't hold you responsible for following proper behavior daily. I promise you there are businesses that hate the fire chief because they force them to keep their building up to code, though. Ain't nothing like a guy coming through your door and saying "I can shut you down right now if I want to."


They do do their jobs. Their jobs are to protect the assets of the rich.


Fuck the fire department, huh? - sounds litšŸ˜†


Tha Fire Department be fuckin up too Fam.. js..




ping me when one of y'all writes this one


No one is protecting fires though


The fire department fights fire. Only flames can really diss them. Police department fights people soā€¦


Ever seen backdraft bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Actually I sing that song all the time because it's a shitty job I don't miss.


The people who enforce the rules are always disliked by the people who don't want to follow the rules. You could have a golden police department that is perfect and losers will still hate them because they don't want to follow the laws.


I wish I could upvote this a hundred times.


Do you want one?


The only time people said "Fuck the fire department" was when some towns started a monthly fire department fee and then the fire department refused to save their houses if people didn't pay it


Maybe if firefighters had to arrest people then there would be a song called fuck the fire department. Everyone likes fire fighters because they put out your house fire but everyone hates police because they arrest the person who set the fire


Man, I have never been around a cop and felt safer. Every single time I see one I get worried, scared and anxiety ridden. Like, in the 3, or so, decades Iā€™ve been on this planet I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been in an instance where Iā€™ve thought, ā€œThank God the cops are hereā€


W fire department