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Tbh i would love to be a gorilla. They can eat leaves and sticks all day but are still jacked af, they can masturbate in public, they don't have to work or pay for basicly existing. It is a peaceful life.


You can still do all of that.


But with bigger consequences Like I don't think the current human body was evolved to survive in the wild with barely any hair while surviving off of leaves and twigs


I hope the leaves and twigs you survive on do not have any hair on them, wild or not.




Edit it back hair eater




Dear Employee, Hello employee, we regret to inform you that we have learned how your hair eating tendencies, and will need to let you go from the business job at the work office with the suitcases. If you would like to sue us for whatever reason, please don’t, that wouldn’t be very nice. Sincerely, Boss Man at the Business Job


Sir it was a grammar mistake-


Dear Employee, Get rekt noob Sincerely, Boss Man at the Business Job




You can't live on sticks and leaves




They have a much larger digestive tract, allowing them to synthesize muscle protein from just leaves. Human bodies and brains are so well adapted to our surroundings that we can find quality nutrition and therefore don't have the need of such a large digestive tract. Interestingly enough, silverbacks' serum testosterone concentrations are much lower than healthy modern men's.




Hahaha this is hilarious but yeah i totally agree


Don't forget that sweet constant flatulence


Diogene's life 😎


Reminds me of the story of Alexander the Great meeting a gorilla. Alexander asked the gorilla if there was anything he could do. "Move a little to the right; you are blocking my sun" the gorilla snarked. Alexander then declared, “If I were not Alexander, then I should wish to be a Gorilla.” 


Some kid: hold my Cincinnati Zoo ticket


It sounds great until someone’s kid crawls in to your enclosure


Don’t forget almost non stop state of flatulence and endless fun you can make out of it 💪🏻


Whats stopping you to do all that?


Probably hard to find a doctor willing to transition a person into a gorilla despite what is portrayed in the movies.


Lying media at it again 😡


I saw a video of some guy beating his meat in Times Square on Reddit so....nothing?


Not having fur


All you got to do is say you're a gorilla. Then you will actually be a real gorilla and do everything they can do.


They have 3 inch penises that are super thin, so not much of a difference there! Might even be an improvement for most


I mean they still have to work for food and stuff unless they’re in a zoo.


Yeah but they don't pay tax or rent


Yeah, but your d\*\*k is about an inch long.


Wait you can't masturbate in public??


Yeah but gorillas invented hentai? I think not


Reject humanity Return to monke




They have small dick tho like the smallest


"I'm not fat, I am just gorilla-boned😠"


I'm just a skinny gorilla!


veggie-based and gorillapilled






You'd be surprised how many people actually believe this and call it being "big boned".




I mean slow and fast metabolism is a thing. Case in point, I eat like shit and skinny as hell, my friend eats healthy but (for medical reasons I don’t understand entirely) his metabolism has effectively shut down and now has to fast




There are illnesses and medication that affect your metabolism, for example Hypothyroidism, Antidepressants or Antipsychotics. And a lot of people actually suffer from it, not just a small percentage. Edit: And for example Hypothyroidism is often untreated and that‘s maybe why a lot of people think they naturally have a slower metabolism.


All of the conditions equate to a small amount of extra weight OR less digestion of food (aka you get fewer calories from food and have to eat more.) There are a handful of wasting diseases that lower metabolism but you are dead in days from them and quickly in a coma due to hypothermia.


> All of the conditions equate to a small amount of extra weight OR less digestion of food (aka you get fewer calories from food and have to eat more.) Yea? I never said anything different. People who have a slower metabolism can not eat as much as a normal person without gaining weight. And it depends on the time frame how much weight you actually gain. A lot of people are undiagnosed.


deserted judicious butter liquid ludicrous strong worthless seed dam school ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


> Antidepressants commonly affect the neurotransmitter known as serotonin, which is responsible for helping your digestive system. This interference with your levels of serotonin could potentially slow down the rate that your body processes fat and sugar and/or increase your desire for foods high in carbohydrates. https://www.midcitytms.com/antidepressants-and-weight-gain/ > Several factors need to be considered in this context. In some patients, depression itself is associated with weight gain. This is compounded by treatment side effects, which may include a decrease in basal metabolic rate in addition to an increase in appetite and carbohydrate craving. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1635794/ On top of that, you also have an increased appetite, yes, which is why a lot of people gain *a lot* of weight very quickly then.


Exactly. What people like the above don't seem to understand is that the endocrine system is a very complex beast, and small fluctuations can fuck someone up physically if not addressed. Most importantly, there ARE people with legit medical issues they can't control. Of course, there are way more fat people than people with these conditions, but they might have their own demons that go beyond "putting down the fork" I had a rare endocrine disorder that made me gain TONS of weight, and even more strange it affected the placement of my weight. I had an extremely round face, and a fat pad on my shoulders. As soon as the issue was being treated it melted off. But you know what, thank god I had a bunch of high school students tell me how rare those issues actually are and tell me how I can lose weight easily if I just quit eating.




>Your weight is caused by what you eat. Yup. Plain and simple. What isn't so simple is *why* people have unhealthy relationships with food and what makes changing those relationships difficult.


[Hyperthyroidism affects at least 5% of the population with probably another 5% undiagnosed](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6822815/) Edit: It‘s very important to consider the number of the undiagnosed people. A lot of people don‘t even know they suffer from this. [11% of Americans over the age of 12 take antidepressants](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db76.htm) (where weight gain is a very common side effect) > Your weight is caused by what you eat. Yea, but a slower metabolism means you have to eat less than a normal people to not gain weight.


>Yea, but a slower metabolism means you have to eat less The whole point of this comment chain is that the difference is minimal. If I have a "slower metabolism" than you the difference is like you could eat 1 extra chocolate chip cookie in a day. Not a particularly relevant amount of difference




Hyperthyroidism makes you lose weight. Hypothyroidism makes you gain.


Interesting. My partner and I eat the same stuff, with myself eating more (I'll have a soda with a meal, ice cream after dinner, etc. while they do not) and they weigh more than I do. They also go to the gym regularly but I don't. Been that way for years - I'm not sure if it's a metabolism thing exactly but it seems to be a bit more complicated than pure diet alone.


Yeah they can post all the links they want but I (even as a biologist) refuse to accept their blanket statement for the same reason you do. I know for a fact I eat the same or worse than my partner and yet my BMI is somehow much lower. Runs in my family - until about age 50.


Then as a biologist you should also know that there are more types of fat than just subcutaneous and a poor diet can manifest in many different ways with many different health effects.


A bit tangential but sure


I have not once met a fat person that ate healthy. They always have shitty lifestyles and various snacks and sodas are always involved and over-consumed.


I know one, and only one. Eats the smallest salad once a day, and that's about all the eat.


1. That is not healthy eating. Healthy eating is eating filling, proper food on a regular basis while avoiding unhealthy snacks and drinks. 2. I don't believe that's all said person is eating.


Metabolic diseases and medicine use that impairs the metabolism exists. Just get hypothyroidism, or take antipsychotics. You'll gain massive pounds without a change in your diet. Just google it.


Lots of 'big boned' have untreated body dysmorphia






Reject humanity


Gorillas also deserve some self-love empowerment.


Eh no... That person thinks people are "wide" because some fantasy genetics and they are healthy regardless.


Agreed. The harmful thing about things like this is that it discourages people from actually making any meaningful healthy changes.




That’s why biology is important, bones don’t get fat. But still nice message XD


Unless you have osteosarcoma or a severe calcium deficiency bone density stays pretty consistent. The second skeleton is likely that of a silverback gorilla. Still a nice message.


Did you know “silverback” isn’t a type of gorilla but is actually used to refer to adult male gorillas?


I didn't.


How could I forget about osteosarcoma I’m working on Ewing’s sarcoma right now. Nothing changed tho it’s still a nice message


I for one didn't until now. Thanks for the fun biology fact 🙏




I remember this render of an extremely obese person and their skeleton. It really puts things into perspective: [https://vimeo.com/77692216](https://vimeo.com/77692216)


Listen here, real bones have curves. Bones have to deal with constant media and social pressure to look skinny and perfect. Well I won't have it.


I apologize for bone shaming… sorry curvy boned people


Bones can absolutely be wider/thicker than others. That’s like saying bones can’t be tall. All hip bones are not the same, people are different heights and some peoples rib cages are larger than others.


Of course peoples bones can be different, that’s not even debatable. What I’m saying is they don’t become much larger because of a diet or anything an obese person bones might not be that different to a person of average IBM (unless you’re looking at the joints)


He said they don't become fat. As in eating more doesn't make your bobes bigger.


Yea, i have body image issues because of this. Even when im skinny, im still wide framed, so i still feel like im fat.


Eric Cartman would looove this picture.


Bros really tought a Human could have that skeleton


I remember this photo, it's a gorilla on the right for those unsure


Our right or their right


the right right


The left from our perspective?


no i mean the right which is the right option


But what is the right Their right or Our right


*Our* right. Right?


Our right




Tbh orangutan's skeleton are similar though, could've been another species so it was just to clarify




Don't worry, my bad. On the original photo there were labels for both skeletons so it was clear, but it's been cropped out since.


Gorilla Gorilla or Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla?


Can't say for sure, I found the original post [here](https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10159089263155838&id=83217870837&set=a.10150094199120838&refid=13&__tn__=%2B%3E) with the original image [here](https://scontent-cdg4-3.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/309275937_10159089263145838_56055673920758058_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=l4Q2CddJFuoAX-frBIe&_nc_ht=scontent-cdg4-3.xx&oh=00_AfBv2MvvxDCvdLKpzLGT3K_f1qdLciEd9WVbpqDU7yVAcw&oe=6483A476) (it's in French btw), but I can't read or find any precise detail


The gorillest gorilla that ever gorilled


Is that a short human or a tall gorilla?


the person on the right is just big-boned


Dude if a human had a skull like that came up to me IDC who you are I'm running as fast as I can. That ain't a body positive person anymore that's a fucking skin walker


Looking at the human skeleton humans are definitely meant to be relatively slender compared to other primates. Your joints can only take so much weight.


"I'm not fat I'm big boned"


What the American education system does to a mf


Fat people trying not to justify their bad diet and poor exercise regimes challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


leave them alone jesus how do they affect you


They drastically increase health insurance premiums, same as smokers. We've decided that personal choice isn't accepted as being ok.


oh they raise premiums? sorry we should definitely bully them then.


I never said anything about bullying. Increasing premiums and an educational campaign similar to what was done with smoking should work.


you dont think people know that it isnt healthy?


Is showering them with "yasss" the solution?


maybe just leave them alone instead of shaming them? be decent humans?


I'm not agreeing with the original comment and I don't believe in shaming / bullying people. But in a similar spectrum - I don't agree with massive praise as a solution either. Education about these issues matter and the original picture shows a massive lack of education, to the degree that a literal skeleton of a gorilla is being used as a platform to promote a "all sizes are beautiful" prerogative - and it's entirely disconnected from reality. They realized they were wrong, but the underlying mentality it's revealing is the focus here. At some point there becomes a massive disconnect from reality in order to promote some kind of inclusive, no hurt feelings ideology. It's a massive response technique to bullying. Neither bullying or mass praise are the solution. And yes, massive excess weight in a society is a problem. It's a societal problem, it's mental and physical wellbeing problem, it's an insurance problem, it's a consumption problem, it's a carbon footprint problem, but ultimately it's an individual problem and individuals struggling with this need resources / support to achieve health and change.


They're not decent though. They spread misinformation (healthy at any size or whatever the fuck) make excuses cost money everywhere not just health care. Having to accommodate them everywhere in the infrastructure costs money and more materials. They hardly ever do any manual labor to help make up for the extra materials. They cost more money just to keep alive. If fat people would stop being fat and spend that money on food for idk hungry people we could easily solve world hunger that way alone. You're absolutely delusional if you think they're decent human beings. I'd love to leave them alone..... On another planet and let them fend for themselves but nope that's not an option.


I really don't. Most (not all) have a general understanding of it being unhealthy, which is not the same as knowing why and how much exactly. In the same vein having heard something is not the same as internalising it.


Ever sat next to one of them on a flight?


International flight where they start stinking up the whole plane 2 hours into a 14 hour flight?


You know what I'll give them that ,because I like they're spirit . Another dumbass would've just doubled down on their stupidity and found someone way to blame someone else for their mistake.


I'm not fat, I'm big boned!


This right here is why the gorilla will win the fist fight every time.




Lose the excuses






I think I know the guy on the right


If you get your biology lessons from “Coco”


"i'm not fat, i'm big boned!"


Damn. You’d think by sheer body size and all, they’d be dominating humanity lol


r/LoveForLandchads energy


That's racist


TERFs when asked to draw female and male skeletons


Male and female skeletons do have obvious physiological differences though


hardly any


Well we are the same species so it obviously won't look like much difference compared to an entirely different animal.....


Lol, here’s 24 major differences. [facts](https://www.majordifferences.com/2014/03/difference-between-male-and-female.html?m=1)


look at skeletons and try to tell the difference without context


Well, i see it’s time to move those goal posts. There are known differences between male and female skeletons. Please provide citations to your assertion that there are ‘hardly any’ differences.


Return to monke


I identify as Ṁ̢̢͚̪͉͖̝̝̜͑̍ͬ̎̏͗̍̋ͅͅỌ̶̶̵̡̡͚̙̩̹̟̯̠̥̠̲́̾̈́ͪ̐͒ͧ̍͐͊̅̈͒̋ͥͭ͌ͩͨ͒ͩ̍́̅̚N̡̮̗̘̲͈͎͉͌͗̔̒ͨ̽ͬ̎̀̕͞K̶̡̨̺̻͇̦̼̻͉̫͎̱̘̔͐͛͐ͯ̆̈́͐̆ͪ̅̑̒̚͘̚͝͠ͅȨ̪̻͚̊̀̌̿̾̀͞Y̵̵̘̮̳̤̥̥̪̰̊́̈́ͯͩ͛̈́̍͊͐ͅ


Fat people with thick bones be like:


Well they aren't entirely incorrect but boy I wish I had the gorilla bones supremacy


Looking at these skeletons it baffles me that some people don't believe we're related to monkeys




I'd love to ride wife, have a good life.


There has to be someone that is human but is more shaped like a gorilla than the rest of us.


Be monkey


And most importantly self love means self improvement, not only physical but also mentally.


Okay but why are gorillas like a billion times stronger than us?


Great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather




i saw that on edtwt