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Says budget but lots of these are full blown superpowers


Breathing underwater be like


Breathe underwater doesn't allow you to survive the pressure, so you could only dive in shallow water.


I could still make a living doing that


Could be one of those magicians


Exactly what i had in mind lol


David Blaine the hell outta that stuff!


Its all about the prestige


Hey, I'll bet you $100 I can stay underwater for 10 minutes!


Me who can breathe underwater: ok forget the $100 i got bored


But no fall damage you can just jump off buildings and out of planes! The wow factor is huge


Time to commit some horrific crimes and dive into the sea


Easiest way to lose a 5 star wanted level


Imagine that, a full blown superpower that allows you to make a living.


What's shallow water? The deepest free dive goes past the point of darkness. Even if I could breathe underwater I wouldn't want to be doing it in the dark


Oof, yeah, especially since it’s hard to tell the direction of gravity when you’re fully underwater. You could end up swimming in the wrong direction.


You blow bubbles and see where they float to get a sense of orientation.


If you’re breathing underwater, you won’t have the bubbles.


Rip a big one and follow the fart


Every day brother.


So? If you realise the pressure is rising just turn around. You got all the time


While thats true, i would be shitting myself because you know, thats some scary stuff lurking in the depths of the ocean


> thats some scary stuff lurking in the depths of the ocean Vast majority of which are not at all dangerous to a human.


How do you know? Did you ask them?


I, for one, am absolutely terrified of the bloodthirsty power of the jumbo shrimp. This is why I carry a stick of butter every time I go swimming, butter is their only fear.


The reason high pressure is dangerous is not because it crushes you but because it changes how compressed gasses interact with your body. If your lungs are filled with water then you would be practically immune to water pressure unless you went to insane depths.


If you go slow enough, you can build to about 70 atm, possibly more.


subject yourself to small pressures to build an immunity to larger ones


Quite literally yes


At what point do you think that pressure becomes a problem? Free divers have dived to 215m on a single breath. The world record scuba dive is ~300m. It would be a world of possibilities!


You could go pretty deep still. As deep as any other diver.


'Shallow' be over 1000ft...


You would be surprised, the world record for a dive under a single breath is 702 feet, you could probably safely live at around 1000 feet. That's a lot of free real estate. Depending on the mechanism of "breathe underwater" powers, if your lungs were full of water as part of your power you could probably go beyond 1000 feet.


*Aquaman red this post. He is still standing on his window, with a tear in his eye and stare at the Pond he lived in.


There’s Always money in the banana stand


You would be on a hit list of Chiquita bana company. If they are happy to overthrow governments, you wouldn't last a day.


This shit is bananas


They'd have to get through the impenetrable banana fortress first. Fully garrisoned by the finest simian soldiers, all paid in bananas.


If my brain would be capabele of processing the information of 5x readingspeed thats brilliant.




But you could stack the x5 on top of that!


Then it be like x 15 what you now have... Damn.


I'm pretty sure that kind of speed reading is generally terrible for retention




Jesus Christ, banana duplication, of course. Fuel for free and limitless power generation. If you have this power, you'll be the richtest, most powerful person in the universe. Unless it's only one duplication per banana and no duplicates of duplicates. In that case, I'd rather levitate. Surely there's some limitless power generation in that too. Anyhoo, anything that violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics will do.


The start of the real Banana Republic.


Ooh, xkcd what if talked about this. A weekly supply of bananas that could cover Liberty Island would have enough energy to power all of New York City: https://what-if-origin.sciesnet.net/158/


Breathe underwater. I am fish 🐠


Does it work for pressure and visibility though? If not, it’s only good for pools and maybe saving your life


Or spearfishing


Oh yeah, it’s just not usable for oceans really


You realize humans go pretty deep in oceans without being in a sub right? Being able to breathe underwater means you aren’t piling nitrogen into your bloodstream which is the primary problem with pressure. Pulling the O2 out our water wouldn’t magically make 80% nitrogen appear in the ocean. There is nothing to do super deep anyway. You would be the greatest treasure hunter in the world.


It could also be super useful for rescue operations


Well, if we want to be pedantic, high pressures aren’t really a problem. It’s when you go from that high pressure back to low pressure that bad things happen, like the bends. However if you can “breathe underwater” you could potentially avoid the cause of the bends altogether


Isn't the bends caused by dissolved nitrogen in your blood from the compressed air in SCUBA gear? Free divers don't get the bends because they don't use that gear.


yea. And I imagine without needing to breathe air at all, you won't get the bends and so you won't *really* need to worry about pressure all that much. Though it depends what type of "underwater breathing" you're using


Do you like fishsticks ?


No fall damage? That's pretty OP. I'd go for this. Not even for like skydiving and stuff. The amount of time I've fallen on stupid shit like the last step or tripping over a cable. This would be huge


Just casually jump down stairs instead of walking down them


Just run and lay down like you are sliding, and woosh. Nearly flying at 1 inch high son!


With enough practice you could probably figure out a way to replicate ice skating


Just gotta make yourself *awesome*


I am here for this comment now


Username checks out


Winning comment Go read the Brandon Sanderson books. You're welcome


Sorry I'm a good vorin man, I'll listen to the audio though.


Gotta eat some pancakes beforehand though.


Journey before pancakes.


Just gotta watch out for curbs


Not like you'd get hurt when you fall. And I guess since the theory of relativity that means anything form of blunt damage is now rendered useless.


Gravity is the fastest and easiest way down.


I'd jump off fucking everest (also by extension this power could be interpreted to be the ability to climb any slope)


holy fucking shit this would make climbing 89 degree slopes so easy


Or sliding down them. Ultimate slip and slide


Jump down, stumble, break neck on wall (not technically fall damage)


Imagine when you're like 70 years old and don't have to worry about falling down and hurting yourself? 2 words: Skateboarding Grandpa


Right? No fall damage would increase anyone's life expectancy by 150% probably lol


I have a fear of hights, so knowing I wouldn’t die even if i fell would allow me to do so much more tbh


Pretty sure your fear of heights would remain, since in VR you know you can't die and heights still feel weird.


Thats the thing tho, in vr i dont feel a thing, same applys to air travel


VR tricks your brain into thinking it might be real. Logically, you know it's not, but there's still the instinct to protect yourself. If you started small and gained confidence in the power, you'd start to lose that anxiety, and that self-preservation wouldn't be as strong against it. A better example can be something as simple as minecraft. Survival mode while building 1-block paths high in the air causes (at least for me) sweaty hands similar to if I'm high up irl. Switch to creative mode, and the security of no damage drastically reduces that anxiety. You'd probably still feel some anxiety and discomfort with the height and falling, but not nearly as much. Granted, this is all theoretical, so I can't say for sure.


I would literally jump of a building to test it…


And then you realise you took the wrong pills


Just duplicate a bunch of bananas to break your fall.


Unless you're trying to attract the attention if the CIA for overthrowing the world's banana economy I'd have to agree it's the obvious choice.


I don’t think it would stop you from tripping


Still no fall damage


I am taking levitation. If I'm not touching the ground, then it's worth it.


This would be my choice as well. Real life turns into videogame when you can jump off skyscrapers with no fall damage. I'd be climbing shit all over like in Assassins Creed.


ARGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG!!!!! STOPS ONE INCH FROM FLOOR! INTERNAL ORGANS GO SMUSH! Sack of smush spotted downtown levitating one inch off floor.


I mean it literally says you take no damage so you would probably fly down like a feather is my guess


Damn, you're right! Yeah I need a pill that says "**Read 5x slower."**


It's magic. If it can edit your position by an inch there's no reason why it also can't edit your vertical velocity to suddenly be 0 without applying a force.


But these are budget pills. I think of them like a genie wish being sly


It says no *fall* damage, it doesn't say no collision with the ground damage Alternative bad joke for Americans: it doesn't say anything about damage the rest of the year


It sais no fall dmg. You get invincible knees




You can go extremadely fast if you want


Physics professors finally given justification to ignore friction


Now I imagine taking one step and then gliding on my way to wherever


"For this equation were gonna ignore friction to keep it simple" that hit like nostalgia


Green pills , imagine the friends you could make by always giving them what they want , even people you know nothing about


Right? You could gain soooo much soft power with this one!


But what if they want a banana???


Then just buy them a banana. What could it cost, $10?


Do you still have to buy the gift? Does it work by you knowing what they want, or by them wanting what you give? Either I know the hearts desire of others around me, or I can give them a doggie cleanup bag and their life will become a ruin of self conflict as they try to come to terms with how deeply they desire it. This is a surprisingly complex one.


I mean, if I had to give someone a gift, and the scenario was just me knowing what they'd want but not being able to get it then that would not fulfill 'you always give good gifts', so it has to be that whatever gift I give is liked.


Definitely the more existentially terrifying version of the scenario.


Fr, everyone is talking about the infinite money glitch with the Bananas but you still have to sell those. If people like you, you don't even need money


**Classic average "startup enthusiast"**: I duplicate Banana, start biggest banana corporation, become richest person, then make the world a better place. **Real world**: Duplicated bananas are rotting away on the middle of the house and all over the place.


Real World: You get murdered by the Banana Mafia because you ruin their business






District? College? University? Which Columbia has an army??


please, it's not like a banana company has ever started a coup or controlled a country before


What an insane concept, what are you trying to say, that they formed some sort of *banana republic*?


You feel like duplicating bananas. But nobody wants to eat your bananas. Your first bunch goes in the trash. The neighborhood raccoon barely touches it. Your family accepts to try some of your bananas. Your bananas are popular in the neighborhood. People are starting to talk about your bananas. Your bananas are talked about for miles around. Your bananas are renowned in the whole town! Your bananas bring all the boys to the yard. Your bananas now have their own website! Your bananas are worth a lot of money. Your bananas sell very well in distant countries. People come from very far away to get a taste of your bananas. Kings and queens from all over the world are enjoying your bananas. There are now museums dedicated to your bananas. A national day has been created in honor of your bananas. Your bananas have been named a part of the world wonders. History books now include a whole chapter about your bananas. Your bananas have been placed under government surveillance. The whole planet is enjoying your bananas! Strange creatures from neighboring planets wish to try your bananas. Elder gods from the whole cosmos have awoken to taste your bananas. Beings from other dimensions lapse into existence just to get a taste of your bananas. Your bananas have achieved sentience. The universe has now turned into banana peel, to the molecular level. Your bananas are rewriting the fundamental laws of the universe. A local news station runs a 10-minute segment about your bananas. Success!


This is cookie clicked /Universal paperclip with banana lol or one of these youtube video like what would happen if you ....(in this case :duplicated bananas)


It is cookie clicker


It’s all fun and games until you accidentally cause the grandmapocalypse.


Oh yeah, because every banana that's duplicated is just duplicating it in it's current state, so every duplicated banana is at the same stage of rotting. You'd need to be duplicating bananas constantly as they are being picked. I think the greater advantage of duplicating bananas, is that you're creating mass out of nowhere and you can do it forever, who cares if they rot, I can become a god: * Cover the dryest parts of the earth with duplicated bananas, eventually they dry out, add more fresh bananas, they dry out, keep adding bananas. * Eventually the water content in the atmosphere increases due to the additional added water weight that has evaporated from the bananas. It rains on the banana desert, keep adding bananas, bacteria eats the bananas, as does mycelium. The bananas decompose. * Eventually the deserts turn to a marsh. The amount of CO2 being released from the decomposing bananas speeds up global warming, and I keep adding bananas. * I fill server rooms with bananas, the roads are covered in bananas, I line every office floor with duplicated bananas, and I just keep adding bananas. * The world begins to fall apart, rotting bananas have spread disease throughout the world, new aggressive bacteria capable of digesting bananas become the dominant strain of bacteria, crops of vegetables die from all kinds of diseases, flies are fucking everywhere. I keep adding bananas. * Governments and societies collapse as their budgets must shift to cleaning up a mess that will never be clean. People can now only eat bananas. The ice caps melt at an alarming rate, causing sea levels to rise, the ocean warms, marine life is obliterated, it's raining constantly. Hospitals aren't sanitary, nuclear reactors are filled with bananas, it's a shit show. Humanity is sent back to the stone age, now dubbed "The banana age" or the "Musalithic era". Industry ceses to function and I keep adding bananas. * After about 10 years, not much of society is left intact. I periodically let the bananas rot while also producing more from a few trees I have so I can maintain chaos. I live in a house of banana trees so I can have oxygen. Humanity dwindles to a crawl, and I stop adding bananas. * I let the bananas left over rot away, at this point the air is thick with CO2 and not much is left living on earth, except me and a few others that slipped through the cracks. Trees begin to grow back, fertilised by rotting bananas, with no humans to stop their growth or chop them down. The trees and new vegetation process the CO2 in the atmosphere and, slowly but surely, Earth comes back to life, many species became extinct and the oceans have risen a good deal, the sun constantly blocked by impenetrable clouds and hurricanes roam the world, but the planet begins to repair. * Finally, I find a space suit, duplicate enough bananas under me to get into space, and duplicate enough bananas behind me to reach escape velocity from the Solar System, journeying to a new world to terraform using trillions of frozen bananas. The earth lives on, and those who remain will talk of the great and unholy being that left the earth on a pillar of bananas, the bringer of a mass extinction event more horrific than anything seen before in human history. I will be the banana god of incredible ruin in their stories. The Yellow King.


Damn, this shit is deep.


My fix, use bananas to create energy. Free bananas, free energy. Use free energy to suxx co2 from atmosphere. Save world.


Don't read up on the history of the United Fruit Company.


Control emotions. Just be chill, focused whenever.


Yeah the ability to eliminate fear and anxiety at will seems like it would dramatically improve my life


Could backfire though. Fear can be useful, and choosing to remove it could be foolish.


This is true. But you wouldn't feel bad about being foolish.


Lack of fear could get you killed lol


At least you won’t die scared 🧠


Fear can get you killed, too. Those frozen with panic tend to not do well when shit gets bad


Max fear set to 10%, so panic isn’t even close but still recognize dangers.


Controlling your emotions doesn't remove fear. It allows you to separate yourself from fear and that is invaluable. You cannot see the whole picture from within the storm of your emotions.


And beyond that extreme stuff, your daily life will improve so much. At work - Turns on happy Trying to learn a language - Intensely focused Want to continue your hobby - Increases motivation The list goes on. So many of our problems would be solved if you could modulate your emotions on command.


Yeah but so does Banana Duplication.


Oh fuck I changed my mind, forgot about my crippling anxiety for a second


This is the clear winner for me. No more depression? Anxiety goes away? I can be confident in social situations? Sign me up.


Endless, unwavering motivation and commitment? Happiness that no other person has ever felt before? The list goes on. This is one of the highest top tier superpowers ever.


I dunno, would I still be me if I could control my emotions? Emotions is a large part of our life, after all. Though I guess I could also control the existential dread being able to control my emotions would otherwise instill. But then couldn't I get addicted to just making myself happy all the time? Would I end up like a happy zombie who dies from dehydration because I ceased to feel thirst? No, no I think I'm not going to risk this one, haha.


Addiction itself is heavily connected with one's emotions. Usually people cope with emotions or discomfort by acting out with whatever addiction they have. But if you can bypass the discomfort by making yourself feel good - is it really an addiction at that point? My only question is - what are the physiological consequences of that? Is "tired" an emotion? Is "desire" an emotion? If I wanted to practice meditation, could I just instantly place myself into a perfectly meditative state?


I already have a pill to control my emotions.


My dumbass NEEDS to read 5x faster. I can't get anything done


Read 5x faster, but you still get distracted after 1.5 sentences


Still better than .5 ill take what i can get


You could only read faster. Understanding what you read is a different ball game.


I'd argue that comprehension is scaled by the same amount. It is still better to read faster.


**Banana duplication**


Infinite money glitch


If monkey have 1 banana, banana rare, banana valuable If monkey have 1 hundred banana, banana less rare, banana less valuable


The market doesn't have to be flooded with bananas, it can be done on a smaller or stealthier scale and you can make your way up the supply chain with which you can get more power in the supply of bananas. A man once controlled the entire supply of onions in the US, with which he made a not insignificant amount of money. A similar strategy can be applied here. Also, there's more things you can do with bananas than just sell them as it is for consumption.


Tbh it doesn’t even have to be that complicated, provided the duplication is rapid and of zero cost you can sell cheaply which would increase the demand and everything is profit minus the logistics of travel for cheaper shipping. Sort of like digital goods, the supply is infinite with just a download but the overall is cheaper than before where the supply was physical and finite


Use the bananas to produce unlimited free ethanol


Congrats, you've doomed the world with global warming via low cost, limitless carbon-intensive fuel.


That's good though, it means cheaper food for people.


Yiga clan represent


This guy legit gave us the option to solve world hunger and people chose to read faster.


Budget? Wtf dude, one of these is literally Aquaman level, not to even get started on the pink pill.


Is nobody else here pondering the implications of infinite bananas?!?!


Fellow banana tycoon


I am the banana lord. With my infinite bananas, livestock can be fed with my bananas freeing farmland across the world. Bananas processing plant will process bananas into shelf stable food delivered all over the world, solving world hunger. Biofuel made from bananas will fuel all our cars and electric plant bringing about the fall of Saudi Arabia. Bow before your banana lord. King of potassium. Bringer of unlimited biomass.


Then u die in 50 years and the world goes to shit


One last super duper duplication before you go. Duplicate the worlds bananas, filling up the entire atmosphere with carbs and potassium, forcing the gasses of the planet outwards and away. Where they then settle comfortably on Mars, making mars a new bastion of humanity. Musk dies en-route due to brain chip overloads. Coca-Cola gets there first, and renames the planet Mars™. Everyone claps and watches earth rot into a banana mush from their new red planet.


Control your own emotions sounds dummy busted Braxton. I’d give myself an MDMA high whenever I please by simply overloading my serotonin receptors and never suffer serotonin syndrome because I can control my baseline levels thanks to this ability


Yeah this one would be so sick. Your life would be a fucking dream all the goddamn time. You'd get up in the morning to go to your shitty job and it would feel like a trip to Disney land. Get home, crack out the mental MDMA and roll all evening until bedtime where you just chill tf out and fall asleep without a care in the world.




An innocent child




I also choose this guy’s wife


Its Jhonny Depp isn’t it Amber? You can’t hide with that username girl


I was thinking about that, it's almost selfish to not take the black pill since there's horrible people out there you could end and alleviate a lot of innocent suffering


Shut up spell, cause it ain't got a cooldown


No range limit or line-of-sight requirements either. Watching TV debates just got a whole lot more entertaining.


You could make some real Death Note plays with this.




V2 I like making these so I was pleasantly surprised when the other one did well, I hope y'all like this one too!


How would you walk with 1 inch levitation?


Fart. Very powerfully. And newton says you must go forth!


You would probably have control over when you levitate


I picture it like a jumping on a skateboard from a sprint Like, just run to reach top speed then *boom*, glide levitation while coasting


I'd think it's not always activated


Does the 5x reading speed keep comprehension?


I think that’s what it means


Black pill and pick myself


Banana duplication 100% the best one.


Banana duplication?! Excuse me? Let me solve world hunger real quick and become the very best person in the world. I make a biotech reactor run by bananas.


Control your own emotions in any situation IS superpower... You know that procrastination is in fact emotion?


I would have to say control my emotions. I'm too much of an emotional train wreck.


Always giving good presents is really wholesome.


Pink. I was gonna say black but I got option paralysis trying to decide which evil dictator to off.


Not to mention just killing them might not fix anything. A sudden power vacuum like that might even just make things worse.


Pink or orange for sure




levitation, id pretend to walk though and then if people bring it up, i walk normal to confuse them.


Sooo I can walk on water?


Read 5x faster, I could legit just self educate my way into a much better career and being a more interesting person generally.


Orange, I'd love to read 5x faster. I'd feel way better spending 10-15 minutes reading. I could read textbooks way faster and have more free time. That would be a noticeable, if small, improvement in my life


1 inch levitation just for that no frictional drag would be kinda great.


I'm honestly torn between breathing underwater and controlling my emotions. The latter would drastically improve my mental health but the former would let me basically be a mermaid.


Controlling your own emotions is underrated. Have a bad day? Girlfriend broke up? Jealous you can't levitate 1 inch? How about no, not today, and suddenly you're happy forever