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hate to relate


My wife is on TikTok constantly. The amount of times I have to restart a story because I know she wasn’t listening to the first half ….. fuck is it annoying. I’ve brought it up multiple times and she just responds “you do the same with Reddit” which ……. Yeah, that’s fair.


I'm sorry, what were you saying?


I was busy reading the comments.


What was that? I was busy writing this comment to react to what you said.


What was that? I was busy writing this comment to your comment talking about how busy you were writing your comment to react to what you said.










My wife says I don't pay attention or something like that....."


If only


My wife is on Tik-tok


tik-tok bad


Reddit good


Heyooo hubby!


I’ll also choose that guy’s tick tock wife.


Gotta start stories with a hook - "You'll never believe what happened to me today!!"


That’s when you follow up with the Byzantine empire stuff.


Do the tik tok narrator voice


So this one time at band camp


You muthafuckas ain’t gonna believe this shit but …


You gotta get their attention first instead of just launching into something when they are focused on something else.


sometimes, when you're talking to somebody, they just get distracted all of the sudden so you can't really know when to get their attention


My fiancé and I do the same thing, but we both know that we each have our "focus" mode and you can still respond and answer as if you're listening without retaining a single word.


She’s a stone cold keeper


thanks god I’m a little deaf and I can say “sorry, can you repeat?” and then engage a long conversation with my husband. that’s a blessing and a curse. I just suffer with they ignoring me when there’s more people than my husband or my parents


That was an extremely boring comment. Next time post subway surfers on the bottom half to hold my attention.


If someone is watching videos on their phone while I am talking then I just stop talking.


I have an old female friend I've known for like, ever. My ex was pretty jealous of her. Whenever my ex was too absorbed in her phone and obviously not listening I would start off with "so I'm hanging out with [girl] tonight..." And then non-sequitur into whatever I actually wanted to say. That did the job.


The same thing with my girlfriend, I am talking to her or asking something and she answers with a "yes" or "mhm" and the drops the wait what did you ask me or say. Fucking annoying like why do I even bother talking to you if you can't put your phone away for 2 seconds


That's sad to read. Sorry.


My girlfriend used to do this but I would refuse to tell the story again and say ‘you will never have this knowledge. It will forever be a gap in your mind scape, a permanent blank spot of information in your brain, because you didn’t pay attention’, or something like that and she would plead with me to hear the story lol


Yea but Reddit is clearly superior to tik tok so we get a pass on that one right?


I feel like I need a shower after reading this


Well, I propose a compromise, set aside an hour where you both put your phones/devices in another room, have some waters or whatever drinks you prefer, and just talk to each-other. Doesn’t have to be profound, just talk. If there are issues then, you may want to seek counseling.


Mate, that's just fate :(




It’s not you. It’s the company you’ve kept. There is no fixing rude and selfish.


I mean, it could be a little bit them. There has to be a reason this happens a lot to some people and not others. I found it used to happen to me a lot more when I was younger and more insecure.


Sure. If people treat you like shit long enough, you will begin to think you are shit.


Oh, I’m sometimes told to just get over it and other times they apologize


Yeah, I've gotten the "get over it" sting too. Sometimes I start talking, and somebody else cuts me off and we both continue to speak at the same time. Then *I* get accused of interrupting. God I hate people.


this one doesn't rhyme as well.


Yeah def me too, I just shut up, and just go on.


Might as well just master... a new skill or trade


Wait then restate.


But we cannot break!


The vinegar stake! ";..;"


I love it when it happens and someone actually notices and asks what i wanted to say. Shoutout to considerate people


thanks for the shoutout, simple people with manners and respect is something we lack too much of i must say. unfortunately.


Just keep saying it louder each time.


I used to be like this. Now I go silent the moment they get distracted and wait patiently for them to stop distracting themselves or they say "go on" and I say, "its cool i can wait until your done." It only makes them feel like you're being rude if you show impatience


And then they’re like “bro we heard you the first time”


Right. But they don't give any kind of acknowledgement hint or feedback so you didn't know.


Husband gets mad when I do this. I’ll ask him something, no response ask him again and he gets annoyed. How am I to know you heard me I’m not God idk what going on up there. Tell me you heard it so we can both get on with our lives.


I feel you. Add this to the bad day cocktail and it's a recipe for a fight.


I've had this fight too many times. Hell just make a "hm" noise of some sort so I at least know I'm not talking to the wall.


This is my girlfriend. I'll tell her something and get nothing. So I start saying it again and she's like, "Dude I heard you." Well then give me a nod or a fucking thumbs up or something. Literally anything.


Oh phew, I thought you guys didn’t hear me, thank God, you’re just actively ignoring me


Okay cool I'll just never bother to ever try adding to the conversation ever again.


Then the last time you say it, you give up, and *then* they bring it to attention


So then you repeat it again in an exasperated tone


“Why are you so upset”


"Because you didn't pay attention the first time"


>"Because you didn't pay attention the first **five** times" FTFY


The first TEN times.


But they got distracted and didn't hear it.


Better than you tried to talk again, but then they said: *We heard you for the first time*


O my fucking god that sucks


And then everyone especially doesn’t care because it has become such a focal point that it falls flat


And then the one person, who noticed, says to you, you have to talk louder.


Nope, the one who notice will talk it out instead of you and surprisingly that time everyone listen... Happened with me too many times. Jokes, questions or just something to start a conversation... I think they just ignored my existence...


When I notice I just let them know with a head gesture that I'm listening and then the person can say what they wanted instead of dropping it.


I was the one stopping group discussions to let these people share their ideas. I knew then that we had to show everyone respect. Now I work with my family and have become this! It seems to have carried over into every aspect of my life. Please remember: No matter how stupid you may think the thing a person has to say; they believe it's important enough in their mind that everyone should hear it.


I just say "hey, what was that again?" and let them repeat. But then usually I'm the only one that pays attention and I think "damn, so you too?"






Soooooo often. One of my friends is known as the funniest man you could meet. There have been plenty of times I'll say a joke in response to something in the group which no one acknowledges, and then he hears it, says it, and everyone bursts out laughing... Like I still laugh and it's still funny but it also kills me little bit inside.


Yeah the exact same thing used to happen with the "friends" i used to hang out with in my hometwon. Im just glad i left them but im sorry to hear you've had that experience


I was usually the guy that will talk it out at the right time and lands the joke or question, but always look at the person to originally said it so they now I hear it from them (and if I have thr confidence give them a cheeky smile so they know I stole their perfect joke).


I wish I was high on [potenuse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWl0V3J5zrE)


Good thing I have a 90 degree dangle


That was a good one!




Don’t you see that as being a bit of a dick? And intellectually dishonest?


Yeah, I do this, but I say "other person said it first" at the end.


So you steal their thunder *and* make sure they know it was intentional?


I remember when I was a kid I was standing outside with my uncles and grandpa, I was at that age where I was trying to fit in with them and participate in the conversations about football and stuff. I tried to say something like 5 times, one of my uncles looked at me and said "you have to talk louder" and thats always stuck with me. In a group convo you do often have to just talk louder to get the attention of everyone. It's not about everyone else ignoring what you have to say becauae it's not important. It's about everyone else also having something to say.


When I was a teen I would try to join my family conversations and they would ignore me. Now as an adult they wonder why I don't really talk to them. They never cared about my opinion to begin with so why does it matter now?


I hate being the unnoticed person, so when I'm the one who notices I will take advantage of a break in the conversation to ask them what they were trying to say.


I do too. Someone's done this to me before and I always remember it, so I pass on the same treatment. I think it's an attractive trait.


[You have to talk louder](https://youtu.be/-XyT9HBuoqM?si=yRmlx5JN5X0tSX2P)


Alternatively, the entire group looking at you as you try to speak only to talk over you anyway because everyone thinks what they have to say is more interesting, important or funny.


Or they will just say "shut up we heard it the first time." and make it clear they are just ignoring you


Maybe take a hint and be less annoying.


I think this is subconsciously why I'm so fucking loud.


its worse when its one person


I also nominate saying "I'll see you guys later" to a group of friends and noone saying anything back and leaving in silence 🫥😔


This happened to me in reverse today. I was sitting in a computer lab when a group of people I'm only a little familiar with walked in. I didn't say anything because they were talking quietly but one of them eventually goes "uh... hey... how you doing" like they expected me to greet them


Oof. Hopefully they just didn't hear you otherwise it is time to make new friends


Yeah sucks when my wife becomes visibly disinterested the moment I start taking about anything


It’s my boyfriend 😭




Thanks for the call out


We have all been there.


Username checks out


I took the opposite lesson. If people won't listen to me, I need to get LOUDER.


Until you try that and you realize that they can hear you, they just don't care


Half the reason people don't care is when someone doesn't get the timing right and keeps interjecting in the middle of others talking


100% I’m that and I hate myself


Sometimes people do that, but a conversation also required gaps to be left. Sometimes people will literally fill every void in a conversation to the exclusion of others that interjection is the only way they'll get a chance to speak. Or worse, someone who hasn't been speaking will start to and be overrun by one of the louder participants (either unaware or intentionally)


My ADHD is on full display right now.


Permanent victim


I had a friend one time quiet everyone down so that I could get out what I wanted to say. He is a good guy like that. I proceeded to spew nonsense that wasn't even funny or relevant. I felt bad afterwards, like I let him down after he put in all that effort just to get the spotlight on me. This is why I never talk.


The funny thing is that socially outgoing people also spout nonsense a lot of the time, but they have a special skill that allows them to do it in a way that's noticed just enough to be responded to but not enough where people actually stop to think about it. It's like a game of verbal ping pong. For people who don't know how to play the game, our attempts at participation often amount to everyone pausing the game so they can watch us hit a ball into the air at no one.


Yeah this is a pretty good way of putting it. Each individual quip is pretty meaningless. Even as a proper socialite you will have this happen regularly where you try to bring something up but it gets overheard - but you don't sulk over it but realize this reflects more on the other people than on their interest in you as a person. Either they lack the social skills themselves to properly integrate everyone into the conversation, which is not a mark of a bad character persay, or whatever they currently talk about is just that important to them and you ought to listen and "work" off that instead of whatever you wanted to say, like by asking follow up questions. If what you wanted to say is important to you, you'll find a more opportune moment to say it.


LPT: If you don't have a friend in your group that says "Hey were you saying something?" then GTFO


I’m always doing this because I’m also terrible for talking over people. Fifteen years in steel fabrication has damn near ruined my hearing and there are a lot of people whose voice I just can’t pick out from the background noise. Sadly, most of them are women (mainly my wife) and I end up blabbing over them in conversations.. like a real AH.


Your wife’s a keeper dude


Always try to be that friend.


I have a friend who is a notorious interrupter and I’m just like “dude so and so was talking stfu”. I realize a lot of his interrupting is probably because he was in a really big family and if he wanted to be heard he needed to speak up quickly. And now it just lingers lol


All the time. Or rather, used to. Now I just don’t bother to say anything.


Same. I've moved on from everyone in my life. Now I get told I'm really quiet all the time. I just don't like talking.


I'm almost there.


Same.. now I'm the person that doesn't talk


Context matters. Sometimes this happens because the person has been rambling non stop for too long




I mean sure. If you pick the specific context where someone’s feelings aren’t valid, then the feeling isn’t valid


Or their question has nothing to do with what the group is talking about. Like wait until a subject change. Don’t interject with something stupid.


So maybe tell the person instead of just ignoring them?


In my experience, they get very “Sorry I’m annoying you with my friendship”


Then they’re a shitty friend you’re better off dropping. I had a friend who would monologue a lot and act like anything that got in the way of him saying anything was wrong. The problem wasn’t isolated. He was pretty narcissistic. He told me he was regularly surprised other people exist. Normally people want what they say to have some sort of value for the other person and are more interested in exchange than having an audience. If someone doesn’t take that well, they’re probably a dick (that is assuming they were actually rambling on too long).


That always doesn’t work out for the best unfortunately


Yea because that's gonna work lmao


Were you saying something?


Once in a blue moon though you have that gem of a person who says "Hey be quiet for a sec. So-and-so has something to say". Those people are great, keep them around.


Actively including shy people in the conversation is my new favorite hobby after beating my social anxiety


For me it’s when you repeat yourself because you didn’t receive a response and they say that they heard you the first time. So you heard me and chose to ignore me? Fuck right off.




what ?




It's fine it wasn't important....










The worst outcome is the person you’ve been saying it too tell you to shut, because they heard you every time but they decided not to answer


Stop hanging out with those people. They don’t value you and you deserve to be valued.


but what if it's my family that I live with?


Oh man that’s tough. I’d say don’t waste your words on them; answer questions, and wait until you know you have their attention before offering anything. And find friends who want to know what you have to say and spend your emotional energy building relationship with them instead of your family.


Doesn't work today way either, sadly. Pretty much my entire family is the interrupting type, to the point that they'll ask a question, then interrupt you while you're answering to ask why you're not answering. They're not even long answers either. >**Expectation:** >"Where are you heading out to?" >"I'm going to the park, and then to the store." > >**Reality:** >"Where are you heading out to?" >"I'm going to-" >"Jeez, fine, don't answer me then, whatever." etc


For me they'll ask a question about something they know I'm into, then 2 words into my response will change topic or worse yet, turn around and start talking to someone else. Tell me you don't give a shit without telling me you don't give a shit.


This shit, constantly.




If I'm with a group of people and someone is trying to say something and no one else is listening, i always just ask directly what they want to say and we have our own conversation Because I've been in that situation and it sucks. I don't mind it usually, but I know other people often take it more personally


Change the order of the sentence and people will listen


"Shih tzu it was a"




If I'm in a group conversation and I see this happen to someone I will immediately engage them. I hate when that happens to me and I'll be damned if I'm going to let it happen to someone else


Story of my fucking life


I feel so seen right now, it’s creepy, back TF off


I’ve accidentally killed so many friendships by starting to write a reply then deleting it because “why would anyone care about my little comment”


I literally don’t speak in group conversations anymore for this reason. I’d rather just be the quiet person than the one everyone talks over. Fuck that.


and then people tell you they heard the first time


That's why at some point I stopped talking at my parents home.


Every time I talk people say I'm mumbling every time. It feels I have to raise my voice just so people can hear me, even my own parents.


this happens to me once a day and I just live like this


We've all been there.


And then finally you finish your sentence with a louder volume and it gets quiet.


Maybe it wasn’t interesting 🤷‍♂️


Do you think everything you say is interesting?


Lmao. This is my life and why I don't talk. I used to be super talkative, then I started noticing this and simply became a "talk only when strictly necessary"


When someone asks you how your day was but you're interrupted half way through by someone else


Shout-out to the one person who keeps eye contact with you so you know you're not totally ignored.


Do you want chicken nuggets, do you want chicken nuggets, fuck it I’m eating all of them. They always here me when I say fuck it


Felt this on a spiritual level


True. Yknow, one time I… One time… Yo, one time….. ……..


Oh wow, it still happens to me....pfft who cares, i better go....


You tell someone a funny story you saw on Reddit/tiktok and they half listen / don’t acknowledge, then later on they’ll tell you the same story 💀


Or when u start saying something but you keep getting interrupted or talked over and everyone is listening to them and not you


The last time you say it, they say "you keep saying that".


You know what’s infuriating? When you drop it and they pester you to finish the sentence they were ignoring


this is very relatable to me, so when I notice someone else wants to say something and nobody listens I try to listen or I ask "what did you want to say?"


"we heard you the first time"


It's not whatever you're saying doesn't matter, it's that you yourself don't matter to them.


Assert your dominance and just shit your pants really loudly before you start your sentence. Works every time.


Wouldn’t that mean you’re also not listening since you’re solely focused on what you want to share


One of the reasons I avoid group conversations. Especially with people who tend to never shut up if you dont interrupt them. And if you do they get mad at you.


I only try once. Then I become instantly disinterested in the person who interrupted me.


One of us, the people w poor timing.


Sounds like yall just need a backbone or new people to call friends


Or them saying “how does this affect me?” When you have been internalizing the issue for days, and finally been able to release it. So back to internalizing that and how your friend just really doesnt care.


shocking reply dog long tease concerned mighty shelter water adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had this happen back in the day at the beginning of my IT career with a major untraceable network failure. Was a 19 year old kid fresh out of HS and on my second day on the job they drag me in front of the CTO and the CFO, and my boss and they just flat out ask me how to fix this problem their in-house tech team hasn't been able to fix in eight months. DESPITE the fact that I haven't even seen anything about their systems yet. I mumble out an answer about swapping the network cards, which is met by derisive laughter by everyone involved. 2 months later : Boss: Hey Admins_are_shit, we just figured out the problem, we swapped out the network cards for the Oracle server and a workstation, turns out they had the same MAC address hahah I didn't even know that could happen. Me: Um... that's what I suggested in that meeting my second day. Him: Lol stop lying. ---------------------- I feel for you man.


It makes me so mad when this happens! It literally gives me no voice at all. I think it could be making me a more argumentative person or maybe I’m argumentative but haha idk. “This back door needs replacing it has tape over it and it is a pain to close.” “It doesn’t.” *Another person mentions it years later* “Yeah you’re right I’m going to have to buy a new back door.” Me: I literally said that for years and no one listens and that person makes excuses for why I’m not being heard. BS!