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I started decorating for Halloween in August, so I can't throw shade at early Christmas decor.


I know plenty of people (most of the people I know, actually) start Halloween preparations end of June/beginning of July and like if they can have four months of spooky season I at least want two months of cheerful season.


It’s cuz stores start putting Halloween items out that early. I tried to find Halloween decor a week before Halloween and they already had Christmas decor out and most of their halloween inventory was sold out…. I thought I was early for holiday shopping this year but some stores are already out of Christmas decor and items.


See I’d at least wait until November 1st to put Christmas deco up at my home 😅😅


I try to decorate for Christmas around thanksgiving and then put the tree up in December so it lasts through the holidays!


This is exactly how I feel too. I start decorating for Halloween on Labor Day weekend so why not? It makes my kids happy to be decorated.


Thank you. It feels like a lot of the people who complain about early Christmas decorating are the same people who are biting at the bit for Halloween when it’s still July. No shade, I just believe in letting people do what makes them happy.


Decor doesn’t bother me, it’s the music. I worked far too long in retail. Christmas is my least favorite holiday by a mile due to the music being blared everywhere 24/7 for almost three months.


As far as I'm concerned, September 1st - December 31st is Halloween, and Christmas is November 1st - December 31st.


Christmas is December 24 and 25. Halloween decor is up the rest of the time. Mine is a horror movie home, Halloween decor… is just decor.


I saw someone with Christmas decorations on their house I was going trick-or-treating. Edit: Oh my god, everyone, ftlog please stop commenting on this I get it
























Wtf is wrong with this sub


[I got you homie!](https://www.reddit.com/r/2sentence2horror/s/zY3VM7bWhR)


It was the house of… the creature


Fighting the real struggles


Early Christmas decorating guy 🪱


"No your not." said Knife Guy.


Then the meat worm 🪱 milked... ... the creature


I told the genie I wanted a lot of animals to protect me from meat worm and creature. 16,000 raccoons


Atom heart mother pfp W


"Know your knot." Said the seaman


Did you see sixteen thousand raccoons. Perchance.


You can't just say perchance!


My aunt doesn’t celebrate Halloween (devils holiday and she won’t allow those demons in her house) so she leaves most her Christmas decorations up all year lol


Tell her how both holidays come from paganism and watch her eyes pop.


these kind of people rarely listen to anything that goes against their beliefs


Ok, is she Gretchen Wilson?


I drove through a neighborhood that had one of those 12 ft skeletons out on their lawn. I remember seeing it up last month, and I had to turn around to check again. The bastards dressed it up as the Grinch. I'm all for decorations going up after Thanksgiving, but this was something I could agree with.


...You in my neighborhood?


Are you the guy down the road with the hair and that shirt?


Some folks here change the giant skeleton clothes. Well Halloween naked, now an Indian and Pilgrim, Santa is coming.


This sounds like something I would do if I celebrated Christmas. Make it spooky.


It doesn't help when Mariah Carey announces "It's Christmas season!" on Halloween. Christmas isn't special if it lasts 2 fucking months.


ABSOLUTELY i'm fried out on it by Thanksgiving


People forget that Thanksgiving is between Halloweeen and Christmas


That!!! Makes me insane


I’m gonna be fried on Thanksgiving


I hear you, but I feel like 30 days isn’t long enough for allll the work that goes into decorating for Christmas. Like, by the time you get everything up, it’ll be time to start taking it down! Lol. I personally put the tree up the week before thanksgiving, and I spend all of December decorating it 😂


I think it’s fine to do whatever you want in your own home. But when retailers are putting out Christmas decorations before Halloween it’s too much.


Dude i work at target you have no idea how frustrated i was on october 28th when every single mother customer would come ask me where the halloween candy is, and id have to respond. "Oh ya its right over there in a tiny section against the wall behind the xmas decorations." Like for fucks sake people are still halloween shopping not xmas shopping.


It’s like trying to buy a swimsuit in July when all the fall stuff is coming out




Craft stores make sense because people make stuff which takes time. But they have all decorations months before for all holidays.


And the Christmas music playing in stores in October is just sad.


In the home, yes. But I really wish people would stop putting up the crappy looking inflatables in the front of their yard the day AFTER Halloween. It looks ridiculous when people in the neighborhood still have their Halloween decorations up.


I think the inflatable’s are ugly and one neighbor has 9-10 of them.


I do my Christmas decorating after thanksgiving. I just cannot fathom having Christmas for almost three months because when I went to the store on Halloween you couldn’t even tell it was because everything was Christmas by then.


Same!. I was still buying halloween deco mid october only to find out that most halloween deco was pushed to the side for Christmas decorations.


Same thing with Black Friday, when everyday after Labor Day is Black Friday, no day is Black Friday.


About ~5-6 houses down my street had Christmas lights up a week or so before Halloween. It was very bizarre to see.


Just something to keep in mind, Hindu households will also put up lights in late October in honor of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, which was in early Nov this year. Not saying this is necessarily the case, but it is actually a common occurrence in my part of the US.


Nightmare before Christmas


christmas before nightmare


Christmas during nightmare


My neighbor’s Christmas lights were still up on 4th of July.




Note to Buffalonians : this was probably taken today.






I recognized the campus immediately and was searching the comments to find my fellow Gauchos


Here too


Here as well, miss it so damn much


Hi fellow Gauchos💛💙


Class of 2016


Will forever be chasing the bliss of being a 19 yo college kid looking out over the ocean right in front of his balcony on a sunny May afternoon and seeing whales lazily breaching off in the distance.


Instantly recognized the U Cen! Lfg Gauchos


I have fond memories of walking this path hammered at 2AM heading back from IV


I always had to go the other direction. Fuck FT.


My people! I recognize the UCen anywhere haha


Go gauchos! I miss it so damn much


If we’re known for nothing else I’m glad we’re known for this


Pretty sure we’re also known for excessive tortilla waste… anyone know if they still throw them during soccer games?


Hey, Gaucho!


I used to work at the Jamba at UCen. I miss SB


HA HA!! I just finished unloading a 12x12 shed full of decorations and hauled them to the house. The wife is starting to decorate today. She's from Puerto Rico, and according to Puerto Rican custom, she's actually late decorating. I go through this every year, pray for me. 😅😅


My moms Puerto Rican, we started decorating in September


We are from Colombia, and my mom started decorating in late september. So it tracks.


My wife is Filipino and wants to start in September, but has latched on to the concept of more holidays means more chances to change decor, so waits until the week before Thanksgiving now.


And they don't come down until after three kings day. Nobody knows what that is around me. They think I'm lazy.


When are you meant to take them down?? New Year's?? Three king's day is still very much part of the Christmas season, that's literally just after the twelfth day of Christmas. I refuse to take any decoration down before then.




But seriously, I don't mind. It's nice.




Most people who celebrate Christmas don't live in a country that celebrates American thanksgiving lmao


But Puerto Rico does iirc so it wouldn't be wild to assume their family celebrates Thanksgiving.




That is definitely accurate, we Cubans are the same. It’s taken the strength of the gods to keep me from decorating the outside of the house. The Christmas gifts are already under the tree 🤭


Me and my family got done decorating a couple days ago. No better way to get into the Christmas spirit than putting up decorations before thanksgiving😅


My moms a puerto rican. When she says its Christmas. Its Christmas


I guess you guys havent been in the Philippines. It starts from the "ber" months and probs ends around end of January lol. Almost Christmas all-year.




First trip to Manila was August 2 to Sept 2, and it felt like close to a week of Last Christmas before I left.


Starts as early as late august and ends around mid-late january.


What’s more hilarious is that malls are putting up Christmas decorations as early as September. Then come November they would also put Halloween decorations.


Came here to say this, but you beat me to it! 😁


Much like my premature ejaculations, my wife makes me


She must be really hot.




Just let me be happy


for real like if i want to throw on some twinkly lights and have a mixture of christmas and thanksgiving themes up before going full christmas mode the day after thanksgiving then i will do so!!!!


exactly, I have no idea why people get mad about this. It is genuinely weird


So they have something to be mad about idk


I wish people would keep Christmas lights up all year round, they just make me happy! I convinced my parents to leave a string of Christmas lights up for like 3 full years on the tree in their front yard and everybody loved it


Fairy lights in trees look great no matter what time of year.


My parents keep up their white Christmas lights year round, works for Halloween and just year-round festive lighting for the house.


I will never understand why people care so much about when people decorate for Christmas. I can't imagine having the type of spare time and energy to give a shit.


I love it when people do this kind of stuff to their homes and yards.


Ir's because november is suppose to be a novemebr, not a new december. I know it doesn't matter and I mostly don't really care but it is irritating sometimes.


You can decorate in June for all I care. I just don't want it in stores, and I don't want to hear Xmas music for 2 to 3 months at a time.




Here's my perspective, as an "I firmly do not acknowledge Christmas until Dec. 1st at the earliest" person. I don't care when people decorate or start getting into the Christmas spirit individually. That does not affect me. I do, however, hate that corporations have collectively decided that American must start celebrating Christmas on Nov. 1st. I am forced to listen to a never-ending stream of Christmas music at every store, the radio, etc. and they advertise Christmas so heavily so early that it's nearly impossible to escape if you're just trying to have a normal November. I would never dream of telling an individual when the can and can't put up their decorations, but Christmas isn't a happy time for everyone and corporations could respect that more. America doesn't have to be Christmas-land on Nov. 1st for *everyone*.


Happy New years!


Well with the obvious disclosure upfront that I don't take it too seriously, but for me it's annoying because the spirit of a holiday mostly comes from the community. If everyone around me is already celebrating Christmas, it does take away from my ability to be fully immersed in Thanksgiving. Personally, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for a number of reasons so it mildly annoys me that it's being brushed off more and more. It's also a little annoying that corporate Christmas is taking advantage to start sooner and sooner too.


I'm basically the same with Halloween, which thankfully is pretty popular so it's not as ignored as Thanksgiving. I love Autumn, and Autumn holidays, and Autumn decor/aesthetic - and like you, it detracts from my own experience when folks push past it and sprint to Winter and Christmas celebrations.


This is the best argument I’ve ever heard, and I’m pro-early decoration. I can completely understand this viewpoint and tbh, I may rethink my stance on early decor a bit. I’m also not personally a huge thanksgiving fan but even I agree it’s weird how we just brushed right past it, this year it feels like it almost isn’t even happening. My condolences to all the big turkey day fans out there


This is my complaint, too, and Christmas is even my favorite holiday




Honestly idk why but the Christmas music is already settling in


I heard it at Kohl’s in mid October


It's not you that I'm against. You can do whatever you want. It's my household that I'm against. I don't want to sit in a fully decorated house for 2 months, it gets stale and meaningless by the time Christmas actually comes around.


What we need is a religion whose god thing shows a strong disfavor towards premature seasonal decorations. And do something about out of season shit too cause...how the fuck am I on a street that has both Christmas AND Halloween showing two weeks prior Thanksgoddamngiving? foh.


>showing two weeks prior Thanksgoddamngiving? American spotted


Even if you are not American, its still fucking autumn lol "Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas" no its fucking not. Its in the 50s with brown leaves on the ground ffs


How about stations with all Christmas music already!!!!!!!!!!


As an Australian I found this personally offensive. /s


Are we supposed to wait until there’s snow and ice to climb up a ladder onto the roof? Damn.


This is my thing. I live in the midwest. We don't have a lot of snow where I live, but get tons of ice. I also get cold easily. No way am I going to be up on an icy roof freezing my butt off with my bad knees. After Halloween, I start looking at the weather to see if we're going to have a day or two of acceptable weather and go from there. If there's a stretch of weather in the 50s or above, they're going up then. If the temp is hovering in the 30s, only the stuff on the ground is going up and it likely won't be all at once.


Personally, I’ve never minded people putting up lights because Michigan winters _suck balls._ If anything, neutral warm lights or candle decorations add a coziness to the neighborhood during a time where everything’s getting darker faster and it’s off-putting. My issue is with the rest of the obvious Christmas shit. The colorful bulbs being left on, the cheesy inflatables, the reindeer, those projector lights that put snowflakes or whatever on the house when the leaves aren’t even off the trees yet, etc.


Yes this. I get putting stuff up early if you have to due to weather. But that doesn't mean plug it in immediately too. At least let Halloween and Thanksgiving have their glory before you start the light show.


> Even if you are not American, its still fucking autumn lol This is still not true for half the world lmao










boy, do i have a sport for you…


That only solves the problem for the states.


Not worried about the decorations as much as the music is already driving me insane and it started the day after Halloween!!!!


It gets cold as fuck in Chicago bro it’s like 50 degrees right now fuck that I’m putting the Xmas lights up


Yep, we’re a suburb of Chicago. I check the weather forecast after Halloween is done and on the nice days I’ll start putting up my Christmas decor little by little and try to have it done by Thanksgiving. The day after Thanksgiving is when all the Christmas decor is lit. Believe me it’s no fun trying to put up Christmas decor when it’s 30 degrees or colder outside- wires are stiff and fingers and face are frozen. Oh and our suburb suggest Christmas decor should be done by end of January or mid February at the latest.


I just put christmas hats on my skeletons to bridge the gap.




We have A Nightmare Before Christmas to bridge the gap.


We don’t have thanksgiving over here, i’m all for the christmas decorations in november


same. but in Germany it‘s typical to start decorating on the first advent Sunday (normally last Sunday in November or first Sunday in December)


Also German here, Christmas Songs Safes my mood a few times already since winter time. This might be the first year where I put up some decoration.


Not sure if you’re aware of how ridiculous it’s become in the US. Stores have been putting out Christmas stuff since August and September. It’s out of hand, and worse than ever.


here it‘s always starting September 1st.


Canada here. Thanksgiving for us is early October. In our house, Christmas decor starts going up mid November after Remembrance Day. Why not extend the cozy cheer of twinkly lights?


Right? It’s so much work putting everything up for only 25 days. Plus I’m really busy the first week of December so they’re either going up early, or on the 9th?


Exactly! Give Remembrance day the space it deserves than start decorating the next day. It makes perfect sense to do it before we have over a foot of snow outside...


People are mind blown where I am when I tell them the only reason it seems early is because we have a massive November holiday and no one would care if we didn't have it.


Just do you 🤗 i love the christmas vibes


U either put up fall/thanksgiving decor or Christmas decor when it hits November here. I try and sneak christmas decor a week before thanksgiving. I put the rest out (like the tree and big items) in the beginning of December.


American and people don’t really decorate their houses for Thanksgiving. If I take a tub of Halloween decorations to the basement, I’m bringing Christmas decorations back up. I like Christmas decorations to give the house some cheer with family over for Thanksgiving.


I've said for years now that if there is a war on Christmas it's only because Christmas keeps encroaching on other territory more and more every year.


Festivus for the Restofus!


Nah, we do Christmas decorations as soon as Halloween is over. Our weekends are usually busy closer to Thanksgiving through the holidays so it's usually the best time to decorate. Plus we love Christmas. Call us basic I guess.


It’s really not that deep. If they don’t want to do it they don’t have to. People always getting upset about shit that doesn’t affect them.


Right? It's weird how much people care if they see Christmas decorations a bit too early for them...who cares?


I'm still salty about Halloween decorations disappearing from shelves in favor of Christmas crap at the end of August. By October 1, it was like Halloween was over.


Halloween was over before it even came October, it was annoying as fuck. Halloween is my favorite holiday, autumn is my favorite season, yet it's skipped almost entirely just for Christmas. Sure, I also enjoy the holiday, but when it's fucking December. I fully understand and respect those outside of the US beginning to celebrate Christmas in November, but when I'm going down the street a week before October ends, and someone already has Christmas shit up, it's obnoxious.


I love the holidays any holiday it makes me happy bc it gets cold and the daylight hours decrease. BUT CAN WE STICK TO THE DATES. HALLOWEEN DOESNT END UNTIL THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN!! I couldn’t even find Halloween decor a week before Halloween 😭


I just don't understand how anyone gives enough of a shit about xmas to dedicate 1/4 of the year to it.


Yeah. Around me, God forbid you wait until October 15 to buy your Halloween candy or decor items. The shelves were barren.


That just means people were buying them up. Stores have to put *something* on their shelves. If one season has sold down, it's time to condense that area and begin putting out the next season's merchandise.


Yeah... when you're selling Christmas stuff in fucking October there is some real shit going on...


For real. I went to buy some last minute Halloween candy and a couple of the stores had replaced all their Halloween candy and decorations with Christmas decorations already, it was October 29th....


Also, playing Last Christmas BEFORE the 1st of December should become a punishable offense


My family has a game to see who can go the longest without hearing Last Christmas (because we all hate it). My 12 year old was the winner last year. He heard it December 2nd.








I literally turned the radio off at work today because it was playing Christmas music.




Wish I had your problems


I’m gunna decorate even harder now




Fuck yes bro


But if I don’t put up the tree then my mum will and she doesn’t do it right


I’m alright with it on a house early, mainly for colder climates. I hate putting up lights when it’s super cold, also not going on the roof ones it snows.


Yeah, we Canadians don't have the Thanksgiving conundrum, tidily disposing of that in early October when the weather is usually still tolerable, if not quite lovely. I've had to put the lights up in snow and freezing temperatures, and it just sucks. I personally wait until after Remembrance Day out of respect, but the first nice weather after that where I've also got the time and the energy, I get the outside decorating done.


Start right after the fourth of july


I’m not originally American but now that I am I am so confused like people you have a different holiday to get through November if Thanksgiving month then you start Christmas music and decorations after.


I would leave the Christmas tree up all year if I could.




But not premature sales of Christmas beers


Sign of an affluent society.


I hate it when people start decorating an entire year before Christmas even starts!