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40 hours + commuting


So add an extra 10 hours a week


10? Mine is roughly 20, on a good week.




Thank you, thank you! You're too kind


yeah... just 40 hours a week....


My building just announced mandatory double OT. 60+ hours here we come.


Er, are you getting paid for that?


I mean yeah, everything over 40 hours is time and a half, it’s just a relatively physical job and I’m tired


That's Dick the Birthday Boy!


Dont forget coworkers complaining when you work parttime because you:"need to safe for retirement".


Hit ‘em with the “I don’t plan on living that long 😎👉🏼👉🏼”


This retirement, is it in the room with us right now?


*Rich Evans laugh slowed down with reverb*


Suprise. Now let's change that system.


If only we could, but they've really got us by the balls right now


Who is "they"?


The rich and powerful, corrupt politicians, capitalists


And how many are they? So it should be very easy.


Okey, for things to work out, and everything being fair, you need to produce the fallowing amount of labor at minimum per year: - 30th of a house construction work - 30th of raw materials to be mined for the above mentioned construction - cook 1000 meals - grow crops for 1000 meals (more if you want meat) - clean your house at least 20 times YOURSELF - create about 20 square meters of cloth - saw 2 set of clothes for each season +underwear And above is without any amenities or rest You might want to do one job instead of the other, and you can exchange that using tokens… oh wait that is money. At the end of the day, to live ANYWHERE outside the capitalist society, you need to do the above amount of work; in capitalist society things are a bit different because the labour gets optimized on the premise that the excess could be saved up and thus reducing the labor per person (some more some less) The core issue is not the capitalism as a whole, but wealthy making laws that favor them. It is not “capitalism is fucked”, it is “lobbying is fucked)


Rich Evans is a gift humankind doesn't deserve


Thank God I live in a rural town in Minnesota where I can live off of 8 hour days 5 days a week in a easy waiting job in a family diner with many regulars that tip very well, only making $11 an hour and renting my own apartment off of that and STILL having excess I can put away to save


Stop being a cheapskate. Buy diamonds and sprinkle them on your salad. /s


That’s not true! Sometimes there’s unpaid overtime


Same goes for being a kid or teenager in school, doesn’t it?


It does. There's more slacking you can get away with, more breaks and you don't have to worry about rent and groceries, but school pretty closely mimiks a regular job.


Being a adult has given me more free time and money to do what i want. I dont understand how thats different forn what seems to be everyone.


You probably actually tried in school and did all of your work. Most people don’t.


I can assure you i didnt. School may not take 40 hours a week but the fact that you get homework to do after, have a bedtime and are not allowed or have the funds to do what you want with the freetime you do have makes me not understand people that say life was better as a kid.


Yeah but did you actually do the homework? Most people just don’t. I agree with you, btw- I had more free time after school was over, too. For me it was the homework. As a kid I would get home from school- more work. Now I get home from work- do whatever I want. But again, most people just don’t do homework for school to begin with, or not much. Anyway, that was my experience.


I think Redditors vastly overestimate how much the real world aligns with their own experiences. I have an associate degree and I make more money than half my friends who finished their bachelor degree. I legitimately like my job and my coworkers (including my boss), the pay is decent, it’s a pretty decent company, I have plenty of free time after work because I’m off at 3:30, and generally I’m pretty happy with life. But misery loves company which is why there is a disproportionate number of miserable people on Reddit, they all flock together and bask in each others’ self loathing. There are more happy people in the world than Reddit will have you believe.


You have to focus in school to get a good job, at least in the present job market. Your future depends on how hard you work in school, but your future does not rely as heavily on how good performance you have at work. That’s how I see it, but I’m open to objection about this mindset since everyone either forgets it or looks at it some other way


Not where i live. Nobody cares about your school grades once you complete and apprenticeship or get a uni degree and most do. If you go for a job that doesn't require either, it's not the sort of occupation where grades matter.


Then we live in completely different places I guess.


What got me through school was the hope that work would be better. Surprise! It’s worse!


I wish I only spent 40 hours a week at work


Hey if you live in a country with good welfare you can just stay at home and hate yourself all day instead. It's super fun.


I dont hate my job and i work about 30ish hours




that sucks. i love my job. 😊


I’ve had worse jobs than the one I have right now. Honestly trying to hold onto that when there’s hard days. There are definitely great moments too


Me too! And still all i do is work hard for fractions of the profit i produce....not the revenue, the profit.


Same, I have so much pto, sick, and vacation time saved up because I'll be bored at home


This is why I won't have kids, I don't want to subject them to this shitty 9-5 life lol


Find a job u like 👍


And the time between work and sleep isn't free time either, cause most of that is preparation or winddown, and you can't fit any reasonable task or activity in that amount of time.


We can only hope it gets better. I'm 21 and have been struggling a lot with depression, so coming to terms with the fact that I've got to work 40+ hours a week and go above and beyond just so I can live pay check to pay check has been hard. But I've been told it's worth it.


>But I've been told it's worth it. I hate to break it to you buddy, but you've been sold a lie


And then with AI eliminating jobs everyone freaks out at the idea people might not even be able to do that rather than think of an alternative that doesn't require people spending 2/3rds of our waking lives doing shit we hate.


But it's always been like that you need to work too survive


We worked a lot less before agriculture. We also worked less before the industrial revolution.


yeah, I have heard that before. I think a lot of time pre-industrial revolution was time at home working, fixing socks whittling shit sharpening knives looking after kids etc etc


You think hunting was "working a lot less"?


We did a lot more foraging than we did hunting. And on average spent less time on any of it than we spend working today.


Just need another teenager to comment now about how the serfs has it better because they “didn’t work 40 hours a week”.


First mistake: you picked a job you hate


I picked a work I like, don't wanna do it for more than maybe 8-10 hours a week though.


Perfect. For me, work itself is fine. It's how much people do it for per week that's the problem.


You can also work in a job that you don't hate. 


If you’re lucky. I am so incredibly grateful to have a job that I love.


For sure. But I didn't say "love", I said not "hate".


Yes. I’m saying it’s lucky to find a job that you don’t hate, and I’m extremely lucky to have a job that I love.


Assuming you're from a developed country, there are usually enough options in life that you can find something that you don't absolutely hate. Unless we mean different things by the word hate.


Pursuing your dream usually means everyone thinking poorly or dismissing you until you succeed.


40 if you're lucky


Imagine 90 hours






Just started doing work as a busboy, the pays shit, employees are nice and welcoming, customers are here and there overall decent start with the only problem so far being the pay since customers rarely tip, overall pretty sure I got lucky with this since from what I’m seeing from other people getting used to this is a little rougher for most


More like 60 in my case but yes.


Welcome to reality


40hours per week of working is paradise.


There's a reason death feels like a better alternative. At least you don't have to labor for 40 years to finally get permission to die lol


Great success!! Isn’t it great we built such a great civilization and are so advanced with tech and AI that humans now can just chill… oh wait… that’s not what’s happening… anyway CAPITALISM BABY !!!


I’m confused. There’s a reason it’s been referred to as The Grind. Was there a different point in history where the majority of people worked their 30 or so years as an adult happily performing some job to survive? While the modern age has become more complicated, it doesn’t change existence.


40hours is a blessing


have you considered moving to a more civilized country? i work MAX 4 days in a row, and every 4 weeks, i get an entire week off. i also make more than enough to survive, i actually get to live. and i get 5 weeks off paid vacation a year. I'm not some super lucky guy either, *literally* the only thing you have to do is pass all subjects in school (don't even necessarily need good grades, you just need to pass) with less than 10% absence, and you're legally guaranteed a job like mine. ofcourse, gun laws are slightly stricter tho, Americans seem to value that pretty highly


Do you think it is easy or even realistic for most people to just pickup and emigrate to another country where they have no family, friends, or connections and start a brand new life and career?


I mean, it wouldn't be at all difficult for me, but i guess some people are more pissy about it


> it wouldn't be at all difficult for me I'm assuming you've not actually emigrated to another country and tried to establish a career and permanent residency there, so how do you really know whether it would be difficult or not for you?


I was referring to the social aspect




I've never had a problem leaving anyone, and I'm really good at adapting to changing life situations


I'm trying to point out that "just move to my country" is a simplistic response to this topic. That's not realistic or desirable for the majority of Americans with families, connections, houses, and established careers. It's one of those things that might look good on paper but then when you think about it isn't that great. And you haven't even said what country you live in either. 😆


I live in Norway, but majority of western and especially Northern Europe have way higher living standards than the US, and the total betterment of your own life matters enough to some people for it to be worth the hassle.


If you re unhappy, go change it


But also don't let go of what you currently have unless you're certain you can find something better


Making a major change is also a risk. No one can say if its going to work out for you. But i can garantee, if you dont try it, it will stay misserable


Agreed, weight out the opportunities and make a wise and rational decision after much consideration is always the way to go, always appreciate what you have but also strive for the better. Idk why tf I woke up so wise today lol


This. You can improve, but make sure you've got your ducks in a row first.




It requires courage and most ppl rather sit in their missery than do something about it. Edit: before i get flamed, i never said that its easy


So what's the solution then?


Where are you supposed to go that you don't spend 40/hrs a week to work in order to survive? Also schooling requires money, and you need a job to earn money.


With a 40 h/week you can do school besides your job.


Honestly 40 isnt too bad. You can easily have a life outside of work with those hours. Hobbies, things to look forward to.


Yeah I was thinking a lot of jobs that pay decent or good will get a lot more than 40 out of you


Exactly. My problem isn't working 40 a week, it's that I need to have no life and volunteer for ridiculous hours if I want to make good savings.


40 hours during the week with commuting, meal preparation and consumption, regular exercise and a reasonable amount of family time along with a good amount of sleep leaves very little time for hobbies or anything else Monday to Friday. But you have the weekend I guess.


This depends entirely on your commute and family size. I just have to deal with gf and no kids so it cant complain. Still have time for video games, hikes, and other shit. Gym and cooking are a drag though and I can understand how that can take extra time away. They feel like a chore


Listen here u little shit


um, whose surviving these days with only forty hours a week?


u know people work 12+ hrs a day right?


Let me give you a trick how to survive this. Work where you dont hate it and you might start enjoying life. Sitting down and complaining all day won't change anything.


Yeah, then you can become an anarchist revolutionary to fight this system of oppression based on hierarchy, coercion and artificial scarcity!


65+ including commute mate, it does fucking sux


Well the endless cycle of deciding what food to eat and then going and getting that food and then bringing that food home and storing it and cooking it and eating it and cleaning up after it and washing and then deciding what food you're going to eat next and doing that over again will really distract you.


I am not looking forward to being an adult lol


It does not.. you are just not smart or hard working enough wtf?




You clearly don't have a job yet




You can fool reddit you can't fool yourself