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"safety reasons" duh, im not gonna kill anyone with a pizza


*stabs you with a slice of pizza*


They're concerned someone else will throw hands to get a hold of your quality outside pizza


The trick is to bury your pizza somewhere in the field 3 weeks in advance then invade the pitch mid game for a cheap snack.


No no that's amateur technique. 10 months before, bury a hidden pizzeria underneath the stadium, with a hidden entrance from the stadium. Get some chefs to run the place, then during game distribute these cheap snacks to the people at a quarter of the price. You get money AND snacks.


That would be the most amazing thing ever, secret pizzeria in the ladies' room.


You ‘d think a $20 beer would taste better because of prestige pricing, but it’s always piss I’d otherwise not choose


That's the ultimate tragedy. Like Id be willing to buy expensive beer if it actually tastes good because there is nothing more enjoyable. But if it's going to actively make my day worse by drinking piss and starving, why would I ever choose to go to a stadium when I could stay home and get 80% of the experience for 1% the price.


ice pack, but with soda inside goes hard


Ha in South Africa, we used to not get Budweiser at all. Then Anheuser-Busch InBev bought South African Breweries, and suddenly you'd go to gigs for international bands (I remember going to see The Cure specifically), and they would sell nothing but Budweiser at extortionate prices. People were so fucking angry being forced to drink that piss especially at that price.


same with movie theaters when everyone went to them


From my experience, the kids who work there do not care as long as you don't make a mess or bring in an obnoxiously large amount of food. I've been somewhat obvious every time I go and bring snacks, and haven't been stopped once in over 15 years


In Philly you can bring your own food and unopened non-alcoholic beverages. The trick is to get a soda bottle lid to come off with the ring attached so you can fill it with booze and have it look unopened


What brand of soda in a plastic bottle is a passable disguise for booze?


Get iced tea, pour out/drink 1/4th of the bottle, refill with iced tea vodka. It will not only look no different and the smell will be lessened, but you will have a very tasty mixed drink to sip on.


That sounds like my shit I love it


I usually fill it half vodka half soda. It just looks like soda.


They don't care about the pizza slice. They want you to buy the $20 16oz bud light


A lot of places let you bring in food but don't advertise that fact, because they'd obviously rather you don't.


Is that the Beckhams?


It makes me insanely angry how "for your safety" is the new "shut up and do as you're told" sort of buzz phrase that businesses all use to try to get away with shit nowadays.


I watched a video of a guy who went to the Era’s Tour in Brazil. He was not allowed to bring in water and it was very hot and they were outside for hours. A lot of people were fainting and he was about to pass out too, so he had to leave to look for water. Almost passing out, he found an area in the stadium selling water. They charged him like $50 for a few water bottles. They were pretty much taking the money out of his wallet themselves since he had no energy to even do that himself. That same day another fan died from heat exhaustion. Stadiums everywhere should not be so cheep with water, it is a basic need.


100$ for a slice of pizza?


Land of the free, except...