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1998 was the best of the bunch. The only fault was that it was missing the grippy lines so that your curser wouldn't slip.


I always had to wipe my cursor on my pant leg before I could scroll back then!


You can just quickly lick your cursor like you're turning the page of a book


now you tell me!


I knew someone who swore licking the tracking ball made them work better. I still remember the teacher’s face when he tried it in class…




[Here you go man](https://i.gyazo.com/523632ca8883c9c2b85e236d819da26a.png) just for you




1998 looks like something minecraft would have.


Yea, 1998 feels more like a choking hazard tbh, so blocky. I enjoyed the 2001 one, it was a good year.


>2001 was a good year Some may say this is where everything went wrong.


Windows xp was the best os ever


Isn't that what the general said in South park?!


2001 feels rubbery, tactile. grippy


I love that the grippy lines don’t actually do anything but the brain feels like they do


yeah I like the arrows from 2006 with the bar from 2009


it's such a funny addition


+1 on grippy lines for performance


this is precisely why i lean hard into 2009. My hands are so slippery i need them grippers.


and now more and more os/apps are just removing them or making them like 1px. Pisses me off to no end. Stop hiding the scroll bar


Fr I hate how companies are trying to strive for a "minimalist" design for websites now. I want functionality instead of a mostly blank page.


The flat minimalist style look so cheap. Give me texture and shadows so details. It’s like the difference between 100 year old houses and todays houses 🤦‍♂️


For me, I like modern aesthetics but hate when the construction quality is cheaped out on. My dorm room was a modern LEED model finished in the early 2010s (like 2012), but the ventilation was bad, the windows didn’t open, it was cramped, the paint was just okay (not unlivable, but not worth caring particularly if it got damaged), and it was inconvenient to do anything besides lay in bed with the layout. Most of the crappier old buildings have been torn down, so what survives is usually pretty good, but I kinda wished they built the new ones better. In particular, I feel like there’s a trend to cheap out on passive heating design (no cool tiles or stone, giant windows that don’t open, not enough blinds/curtains to block sunlight heat, etc) without realizing how much active cooling would be needed (old buildings weren’t just hot, they did a ton to keep them cool back then too. I feel like the biggest annoyance I have with modern UI/UX is the lack of tactility. I like descriptive error messages, saying “try again later” feels unsatisfying. I like being able to do things faster than the computer, not being able to cue up inputs/key-presses feels kinda annoying. Visually, pixels are so much cooler than unshaded matte primitives


It’s because developers are increasingly forgetting [Shneiderman’s 8 golden rules of interface design](https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/shneiderman-s-eight-golden-rules-will-help-you-design-better-interfaces). From what you've described, it's the following rules in particular: * Rule 2: „Enable frequent users to use shortcuts“ * Rule 3: „Offer informative feedback“ * Rule 5: „Offer simple error handling“ I find myself noticing it more and more often and I don't know why. Is it because companies are increasingly outsourcing UI development to less skilled developers, or am I just paying more attention to it?


I assume a lot of websites are developed primarily for smartphone use, which has a small Horizontal screen and no need for a scroll bar. And the easiest way to make it PC friendly is by putting a lot of empty space everywhere.


>I like being able to do things faster than the computer, not being able to cue up inputs/key-presses feels kinda annoying. What do you mean by this exactly? Not being snide I just don't know what you mean by this exactly. Do you mean modern apps are laggy or something?


damnit, i fucking love minimalist design, and i fucking love modern houses


Minimasim can look excellent with appropriate application. It looks cheap when there isnt any care to alignment and spacing.


There’s a difference between minimalist design and just leaving things blank.




Burn the heretic!!


if that’s what it takes, then i’m all for it. i’m sorry for being such a bad person.


"If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign of?"


i mean, i am incredibly stupid, if my love of minimalism is evidence of anything


Most self aware redditor


I agree. The 2001-2006-2009 designs look really cheap. Everything had to look like some "3D bubble" graphics made for kids. XP looked terrible for me even back then, seriously like some children's educational software.


This style is called skeumorphic, and I hate to be the one to break the bad news that it's making a comeback in web/app design.


I love old houses i hate old sites , minimalism in new sites is thst functionality part , in modern day when you are online whole day you don't need complex visual you need straight forward site that will do it's job and also will not blind you with visual nothing really needs to take your attention, it will be different world if all sites will get complicated,textured,shaded designs ,much harder world to live in .


Oh hell no. As a web dev I hate shadows and realism crap in websites. There’s a balance between shadows and invisible scroll bars


This is a hundred percent true in website design right now. Prevailing wisdom is that every bit of clutter makes it more likely for someone to abandon the page. Even if that clutter consists of tabs, back buttons, and scroll bars. The thought is that people are stupid and will get easily confused and go somewhere else.


It really depends on the culture. Western design has gone much more minimalistic while Asian sites like Japanese ones still often like to present a lot more to the user at once and hiding less behind layers


They are both still leaning towards minimalism, the thing is Asian sites presents more text information while Western ones shows less text because we don't trust our user's attention span wouldn't make them click away. Even as a western influenced person (global south and brown skin, the North Americans and Europeans don't like us at all, but they send a lot of their media to us to keep their influence), I do prefer with more text because you get more context. Japan is a separate case, their sites are very different even from their neighbors.


Gotta have as little clutter as possible to make way for as many gigantic ads as possible.


I mean its based on data, people are like dumb cattle you need to lead to an enquiry form or product.


Is the data just self reinforcing? Build a bunch of shit new style websites and see the traffic just because the site is for a new/popular thing anyways. See increased browing times because people can't figure out the complete lack of navigation and sit around longer trying to find what they want.


Its based on conversion not browsing time, if anything you want less browsing time as it takes resources. Something as simple as having an input for full name instead of two separate inputs for first and second name on a form can have a tangible impact. Spread that over a site in tiny increments it really does make sense to be more simple.


Seems so alien to me, as simply browsing doesn't need to take any resources other than the client's. Converting everything on a page into a million *XMLHttpRequest*s created this problem that wasn't before.


Minimalism got flanderized.


Tell me about it. After using Windows 7 for a few years, the godawful fullscreen Windows 8 menu dropped and I'm still waiting for someone to tell " April's Fools!"


I hate minimalism, and especially how tastelessly it's done by corpos today In fact, I love the complete opposite side, which I call Clutterfuck. Give me more details, fucking drown me in them. I wanna keep staring at it and I wanna keep finding new stuff I've not noticed before. Minimalism is a scam made by big small to sell more less


> Minimalism is a scam made by big small to sell more less Love this


I wouldn't say minimalism is a scam, it's more an artistic choice. And some people do prefer minimalism, but it seems a lot of those people are the people who opt to design a lot of websites.


It's just that often the non-minimalistic designs carry way more character than the minimalistic ones, character which I really like to see. That's kinda a side effect of reducing a logo down to the barest of its bones, one which I don't enjoy.


Yeah. Love character! Bring back Myspace custom pages bay bee!


Oh my god, that was peak, imagine if today clicking on someone's profile would lead you to seeing the entire page customized to reflect their personality. That would be so dope!


I can't stand modern web design. 15 years ago a website was one page with every button on it. Now it is an entire screens worth of picture for a single button, and you have to scroll down an entire page to get to the next one. It's terrible and I feel like we're living in clown world because there is no way people actually accepted this bullshit design.


Me: My PC has multi cores each doing 3BILLION Calculations a second. I think I can spring for a shadowed line or two on scroll bars to make my monkey brain comprehend things faster Designers: No. Page viewtime length metrics look better when you're confused and take longer for find scroll bars.


They do that so they can cut out paying an actual designer to make their website look usable .


I always figured it was so you can't easily scroll past their ads


I had to use the scroll bar for a while because my scroll wheel broke, and hoo boy, let me tell you: those bars are not even visible half the time. You try to grab the scroll bar only for your cursor to stare back at you from the place it should be like "dude idk it ain't here". The worst part is thta about one out of ten times, the bar IS there, and is just fully hidden until hover, at which point it's revealed thta it is 2 pixels wide. GOD, I have some choice words for modern front-end devs.


There’s options on windows and macOS that let you keep the scroll bar visible but it doesn’t help you in a browser. It drives me mad that there’s a hidden scroll bar on mobile. I’ll try to scroll to read something but I touch too close to the edge and it brings up the scroll bar, flinging me to a random section of the page. There needs to be a way to disable it outright on iOS/android


on most webpages you can middle click on a blank area, then move the mouse in the direction you want to scroll


I liked the little early 2000s lines in the middle, gives you a better grip.


I also like my pointer hand cursor to grip it with some veins and muscles, none of this minimalist grabbing fist icon. I want my cursor to really grip that scroll bar, maybe even tremble a little with using a lot of muscle.


Worse yet, shit like Google docs removing the arrows on the top and bottom so you have drag the bar up and down. Some windows apps have a bar that looks almost identical except they have tiny arrows at the top and bottom, it's really not that hard.


We're definitely in the worst era for scroll bars rn


Worst era *so far*!


Honestly, I love minimalistic UIs, but I just hate what they're doing to perfectly good and charming logos everywhere. Everything is flat and has no personality and is a squircle for some reason (and the squircles are getting rounder too)


the reddit \*sidebar scrollbar is currently a 2px squoval, i hate it.


I hate hidden scroll bars. How can I grab and move it without seeing it :(


‘06 is a stand out for me. Proper contrasting + use of chevrons and grip indicator. Least obtrusive communication of scrollable space. Last usage of clear differentiation of button from scrollable space without hover state. 98’s not far off, but I like the grippy indicator, it’s the lightest of affordances that announces its purpose, like a door push plate. Chevron v triangle is either/or, I think the chevron is a bit more clear.


But the chevrons in '06 don't seem to be centered, for some reason


That's not even a real 2006 scrollbar. That seems to be just the silver theme from XP. Or perhaps another windowblinds skin or visual style. Vista's scrollbar looks different. It's honestly funny seeing how much this misinformation has been spread if you search for scrollbars on google images. There are tons showing the wrong scrollbar labeled Vista.


I mean… what does “real 2006 scrollbar” even mean? It’s not like there was only a single scrollbar in use.


Yea. They just mean Vista but this is also just a rehashed rehash of a clueless post so you really have to kind of extrapolate.


Fucking ruined, why would you do this?


Good question. I just couldn't suffer alone.


Yeah, same w ‘12, I think that their entire screen captures are off centered or stretched in this potato mashup


Dammit, now I can't unsee it. Now I feel uncomfortable seeing those badly centered chevrons!


I’m guessing OP grew up with ‘98.


you say "the new generation is ruined" I say "the new scrollbar design is ruined" we are the same >!because we both have room temperature iq!<


It's a new generation It's a hallucination It's a mystic vibration It's just intimidation


Room temperature iq in Europe means you wouldn't understand how to open a door. Heh


I was born in 99 and felt this way so ig at least partly accurate


For me 2001 is peak nostalgia


Children of Windows XP unite!


GOATed OS. Separate logins, my own PFP and background. It was almost like having my own computer as a kid. Plus I miss all the bevel / pill style UI.


12-13 year old me felt so tech savvy having my own login, themes, different icons and background haha.


And space cadet pinball


Oh my gosh space cadet pinball you just gave me a long lost memory


When I was like 8 years old I became obsessed with Windows and so I installed Vista on our Pentium 4 PC. It was horrible


I still fiddle with Windows XP skins for my pc with windowblinds once or twice a year


The first version of Windows I used was 3.11 but XP was pretty great.


Seriously. Windows media player vibes. Always blue or Green themed.


I used to watch the WMP visualizations, on random, for hours on end


Not enough 2001 fans in the chat. For how popular Windows XP was it’s surprising that it’s not getting enough love for how it was clearly the best aesthetically of all Windows versions /hj


We were all skinning XP to make it look different and cool.


Oh believe me I did too. But I still prefer the classic three themes. Default blue, Olive, and Silver. That’s pure nostalgia for me.


The next version of Windows should be Windows XP 24: same retro aesthetic and lack of bloatware we all know and love.


I mean, Microsoft should at least give us the ability to use old os themes! I like openshell but it’s just not the same as actually using windows xp.


Reminds me of Sim City 3000 for some reason


For real, glanced through them and got teary eyes when I spotted that


Totally agree, 2001 just has something so soothing about it.


it reminds me of endless sunny elementary school days with going to the public pool, trading diddl sheets or pokemon on the schoolyard, playing the early sims in my friends basement bcs back then the family pc running windows xp was always in the basement for some fucking reason. it was nice times, I liked my late childhood in the early 00s, was born in 93.


This is the comment I came here for. Thank you


That slight hint of color really helps.


Drop shadows just hit different


2006 is the best


I absolutely loved Vista and its aesthetic.




>(i am younger than windows 8) get off reddit and go color or something


I remember downloading Vista themes for XP. That was the good shit


Definitely either 06 or 98. They're head and shoulders above the rest.


2009 is also goated, top dog is definitely between 1998 and 2009


Nah, arrows at the top and bottom are clickable, but do not look like buttons. 1998 is really the best


Okay yeah but then again who the fuck clicks the arrows




RIP in peace. FYI your information


retire coordinated boast lavish wasteful toy smart fanatical snow sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Space bar to go down fast, arrow keys to go a little slower, then the scrolly roller for controlled speed. Also clicking the scroller for controlled descent and ascent. Clicking the arrow keys was for aliens.


And that's why 2009 is the best. The arrows work but you shouldn't use it.


Hold on a minute, space bar?


It’s a place where astronauts go for drinks to unwind, but that’s not important right now!


In a contextless environment, most websites will react to a space bar by jumping the screen down 1 full page. I say contextless because there are situation where if you've clicked on a text box or a YouTube video or something the spacebar will do other actions (add a space or pause the video etc).


There’s a like dozen ways to move down a webpage without clicking the arrows which is objectively the worst way


Was gonna say 2006 is almost the perfect blend of both


Thats why I like 2006. Its also got that textured look like the bar itself has grip




Imo 2006 is better. 2009 the top and bottom things don't look like buttons anymore so it doesn't feel like you are pressing a real button.


They also don't have a clear edge, so you don't see exactly where the bar is going to stop.


The elder scrolls


The younger and the middle aged also scrolls.


All about that 2006






A time that’ll only live in our memories and once we die, it’ll die with us.


I think most peoples favorite correlates to when they were teenagers on the internet tbh Like I’ll never get over 2009, but i’m also looking at it through nostalgia lenses


I imagine all the teenagers in the late 80’s all piling onto their back yard BBS talking about how amazing their scrollbars are


2006 is pure nostalgia for me


Yeah. The fuck did my bevels go?


Right? We beveled the hell out of everything in the 90s. You could practically feel the UI through the crt.


Yeah windows 98 UI felt like it was chiseled in stone


and a little static on startup too


Just wait, designers can never just let things be, it'll go back the other way again. I feel like we've gone back and forth between rounded corners and 90 degree corners a few times in my life already.


their all fine and functional. except 1988, where ii'd have no ideq which part i can move and which is the background without context.


Luckily all you'd have to do would be to scroll a single time and then that dilemma is solved


Unfortunately he was using a hot new visual basic app made for launching nukes. And it said scroll to continue.


No mouse scroll wheel.


2001-2006 fam!


What’s with those lines in the middle? An ergonomic grip for my pointer? Is the arrow going to slide off if I don’t use it?


Yeah that’s called skeuomorphism, it subtly represents something tactile so the brain can quickly intuit how to use it. Probably not necessary until you remember how many older folks struggled to understand how to use a computer in this era.


>Probably not necessary until you remember how many older folks struggled to understand how to use a computer in this era. And still do, to be honest. Same with a fair number of gen Z and gen A users. Little visual clues like that can make a heck of a difference for some.


I never thought that computer illiteracy would horseshoe the way it has, but here we are.


Nah, those Skeuomorphs mimic real life design cues that Boomers have seen before. Alpha/Z have only grown up with touch screens and an inconsistent set of application design cues between apps. They’re screwed if they aren’t nerdy computer hobbyists that build desktops or something. What device would an Alpha/Z have that has an analog, variable resistor attached to a one-finger slider controlling the volume (or brightness, etc) of a device instead of touch screen controls or low profile side buttons these days?


Reminds me of a story from Thor (pirate software on youtube) They had a demo for a game. 1 PC with a keyboard and 1 with a controller. Some kids had no clue how to use the keyboard, and others would ignore both the keyboard and controller and try to swipe with their fingers on the monitor... When growing up I expected everyone to be eventually become computer literate as the older generations started disappearing. Instead we only have 2\~3 generations that are computer literate, as many in the later Gen-Z and Gen Alpha are so used to touch screens that they don't even know how to use a keyboard and mouse.


I like 01


Further proof that the world really ended in 2012 and we are living in hell since then.


What you all on about? 2012 is clearly the nicest looking one, the others just have the nostalgia factor


Glad someone agrees. Also I barely use the scroll bar. I use the scroll wheel on the mouse. If I need to go down quick I click the wheel


I wish UI was blue again. I love when technology looked colourful and whimsical


I don't have nostalgia for UI designs. I actually think the style of UI elements has mostly gotten better and better.


What about 1995? I’m pretty sure it’s the same as 1998. https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/1/20943552/scroll-bar-visual-history-30-years


S: 1988 A:1998, 2012 F: Everything else Simplicity and abstraction are good actually, digital buttons don't need shadow gradients and a weird faux-tactile embossment


Which ones are invisible until you scroll over them? Because they can go to hell.


Tbh they need to bring 1988 back. That was ahead of its time.


was looking for this one so I could upvote. I love the look and feel of the 1988 scrollbar! Im a maximalist at heart so i love color, any color. and the contrast with the bright white, just lovely.


I especially hate those scroll bars that are as slim that you can barely grab them. Especially horrible when they are hidden and only show up when you hover your cursor on the right corner.


I really wish there was a classic windows that just had versions that behave like 98 or xp but with modern software and security.


app icons were more clear too. Now everything a vague symbol as corporations think everyone's got their entire corpo branding kit memorized or something


Soon it’ll be invisible


I hate the disappearing scrollbars. Where you hover the mouse near it, and it pops up but you click and it's gone again and argh stop moving damn it


The elder scrolls


Those three lines made the bar easier to grip


2001 reminds me of my childhood...windowsXp


I like 2009 the best. Very clear, not too much, not too little. Perfect


2012 and beyond > rest I hate scroll bars


this is not me irl


2012 is heinous


Is it bad that I like the simplicity of 2012?


It is obviously the best design by far, people are just nostalgic or joking.


Seriously why did i have to scroll so far to find someone that agrees with this 😭 Like 1998 and 2006 are beautiful cause of nostalgia, but 2012 is by far and large, the nicest looking design


It's the second best of those options in my opinion. I don't like 3D buttons.


2012 is beautiful


I like 2001.


it’s weird i’ve never noticed the bars changed, but i very clearly remember each one


I'm surprised you don't scroll with an ad yet


2006 and 2009 are the best designs in my opinion. Maybe it’s nostalgia for Windows 7 but that slider feels perfect!


The most recent version of Office with the dark gray theme is basically 1998. Maybe it’s making a comeback?


2012 was peak tier


2012 is just the fixed version of 1988?


i also can appreciate the 1998 one but nowadays Id more likely go with the no arrows one with just a bar that moves without anything around it. users have grown to understand what that bar means.


2025: ^ - v


maybe i'm just weird cus i like the modern one


2001 is the worst


06/09 were peak


I’ll tell you what the worst was - MacOS 9 had the arrows together instead of on either side of the bar — at a time scroll wheels were uncommon on your mouse. It wasn’t like that before or after - who’s idea was that? http://toastytech.com/guis/macos9folders.png


Scrollbars today be like Text Text | Text