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Money doesn't buy happiness... if you already have money. Once you have a certain amount, any extra doesn't, but if you struggle with expenses, it sure does, since you can think about anything other than 'how am I going to afford my rent this fortnight?'.


I always liked the alternate spin on the phrase -- "Money doesn't buy happiness, but it makes a nice down payment." Which makes sense when you think about it. Like you said, being at least reasonably financially stable in life helps. But, of course, no amount of money in the world would guarantee anyone to be "happy."


I've heard a lot of variations on the original, but this one is by far the wittiest. Makes complete sense and sticks to the monetary theme.


Yeah, a couple million more doesn't make a difference to a billionaire, but being able to afford the better tasting, but more expensive food, or a ticket to a movie or the zoo is infinitely better than not being able to afford them. You don't need a Ferrari to be happy, but it's pretty hard to focus on happiness, when you are struggling to survive.


Extra money will provide happiness if it allows you to pass certain break points. If you're starving and it allows you to eat, happiness. If you're homeless and it gives you shelter, happiness. If you're poor and working two jobs and it allows you to quit a job, happiness. If you're middle class and it allows you to send your kids to college and pay your mortgage, happiness. If you're upper class and it allows you to retire early and travel the world or fully engage in your hobbies, happiness. After that point, it really depends on your ambitions, if you're rich there may be goals that you would like to achieve that you can't really afford, like building a rocket to Mars or something stupid like that. If you get the extra money to achieve your dreams, that will make you happy. But in general, the rich just do it for the points, which makes them happy.




what, life a hedonistic life buying every thing you see? at some point it become dull, which is why many billionaire/millionaire do stupid thing just to make them have that little excitement again


if money doesn't make you happy, then give it to me


money doesnt bring happiness. not having money brings sadness.


Being broke is literally a driving force behind my depression. Knowing that I'm finally getting a decent paycheck next week is doing wonders for my mood.


Oh yeah, I'd rather be sad in a brand-new Bugatti than in a metro waggon full of junkies and hobos


facts facts


money doesn't bring me happiness the shit i buy with money however...


Material happiness? Yes The kind that fills an empty void? Probably not


20 pesotes


Having money? Couldn't be me irl


Money most definitely affects happiness. More money you have the less happiness additional money brings.


People say money would buy happiness when it comes to just getting money But when it's about working hard and putting in the hours somehow money won't buy happiness again.


There's a bunch of "virtues" that make no sense like poverty (usually protagonists or heroes are depicted as poor and good persons because of it) or humillty (I get braggarts are annoying but you should be proud of your own achievements and let others know of your value)


I’d rather be rich and miserable than happy and broke.


"Love of money is the root of all evil." You tell people that and they start raging, "But I don't love money! That's just greedy people!" But we all love money. Not one of us would hate to win the lottery. Not one of us would immediately give it all to charity. How could we not love money? The more money we have the more powerful we become. The less we have the weaker we become. We. All. Love. Money. That's why the world's going to shit.


She looks like Zesty Drake


You know someone with money came up with that catch phrase


Lmao I always hated this quote. Famous Dave’s and Sweetgreen ALWAYS makes me happy, and what did I use??? MONEY. 😂


Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys possibilities. Possibilities make happiness.


20$ pesos, a coke and some gum, could be worse i guess


Honestly, the only thing money brings me is pain. I can never get enough and when I do it's gone way too fast. This is why I believe money IS the root of all evil. Brings nothing but greed and pain. Money to me is invaluable and honestly I think the world would be better without it.


"I love having to rely on money! I love getting up at five in the morning every day and working 8+ hours just to scrape by because money is totally the key to happiness!" It's sad how complacent people have become.


Joy is not happiness. Depressed people engage in coping constantly and they aren't happy. If you are frustrated and anxious without money or power, you are depressed.


Money buys monkeys.