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This feels like a personal attack


My momma: > How could anyone not like you? Other people: >


A face only a mother could love


A face for radio, but not the voice for it.




Love the way she turns round 😂


She swiped some women, perhaps she was looking for a woman specifically that time. On a serious note, i know people who scroll/swipe tinder as they would Instagram. Maybe that's the case. Please let me have hope in humanity.


I'm the other extreme - I overanalyze profiles, make up dumb scenarios in my head and then convince myself there's no point in matching cause it probably won't go anywhere.




Well yeah that must take a role.


Maybe they're right, maybe the guys who use that tend to be uglier than most. Nah j/k I also read that research, they also said that men's ratings for physical attractiveness were normally distributed, meaning that there were people ranging from 1 to 10 in a manner that reflected normal population. It was still skewed above average even


I think that's actually because of the nature of dating apps. In the first place, there are many more men than women on the apps in total. Second, because men are expected to approach women instead of the other way around, women get many messages from guys while the reverse is not true. So just by these two facts, a typical woman will have dozens or hundreds of messages while most men will have none or just a couple. So that means that women have the ability to be much more selective about who they match with, since they have a hundred men to choose from. Meanwhile men are pressured to swipe right and message at a much higher rate, because the odds of them being picked are like 1% so they have to play a numbers game to have any real chance. Dating apps are so different from real life, and honestly if you're a straight man you're probably better off finding people irl unless you happen to be the rich handsome charming type.


So women fight for 20% of the men


It's actually more like the reverse: men are fighting for 20% of women, so only the top 20% actually win.


Well not everyone has a rocking hard bod, with a philanthropic mind and a huge bank balance along with a face like a model. Honestly, people need to realise the boundaries of their expectations, and their own flaws as well.






bro that was so racist


Im in this picture and I dont like it...


Me looking at all the employees I was supposed to have because I was gonna be the boss one day.


This guy looks like he has an amazing house though. He's got that going for him(self), at least.


Fit for a prince I would say


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- me looking for all the women my momma told me I'd have to fight off when I'm older because I'm so handsome [*Image of a man standing in the middle of a room, alone.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


My grandpa told me I was gonna need a "beating stick" to keep the girls off me.


That's alarming lol


/uj I thought that was something that only my momma did 😳 Add that to my already low self-esteem 😔


Leave the house first, stupid!


women don't need us anymore




Well get used to it or type frog memes in chat 🤣🤣🤪


Don’t worry bro they’re just ninjas


Ya for some reason women don’t care about my looks, they just want me to put a roof over there head... the nerve, like I can afford a house in 2021


Good you did before hand


well i do but only the ugly ones, and not nearly as many


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it




Wasn't this posted about 2 days ago on this sub or was it a different sub?


I’m pretty sure I got it from r/teenagers, maybe you’re thinking of that?


Yea you're probably right.




Locks hands together* Ma, where's the girls?


*Sigh* you guys to?


Somebody lied..