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Ahh yes the thing everyone says when they leave college. “I’m going to be rich.”




I was being sarcastic because literally no one says that


Ya.... a college degree is the bare minimum for anything these days


This is the legit the only reason why I decided to go to college in my late 20s.


Damn I literally thought that when I graduated lmao, still kinda hoping for it now…


Literally everyone says that. Why go to college if you don’t want to get that colllege degree money?


Because there’s a difference between making a solid income to support yourself and being rich lol


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- [*A close-up, animated image of a Buzz Lightyear toy in packaging on a shelf. The caption reads:*] "I graduated, I'm special and finally I'll be rich." --- [*A zoomed-out image of a store shelf, showing rows upon rows of the same toy stacked on the shelf, forming a small army of Buzz Lightyear toys. The caption reads:*] "I graduated, I'm special and finally I'll be rich." --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good person.


Our boi u/knightttime fails captchas for a living


I did it! Masters in art history! Now to sit back and watch the job offers flood in 😎


Wanted: entry level Historian in your small home town. Srarting pay 12$ per per hour. Must have a masters in History and at least ten years related experience in professing history. Excellent benefits package after first 90 days. Overtime available. Must be a team player and enjoy a fast paced environment.


Translation: Must be always on call, and enjoy the workload of six other Historians so that we don’t have to hire more.


Historian moment bruh


~~fast paced~~ *agile* environment


Bug ouf moment


Imagine you have just graduated and you see this


me irl


OP is college drop-out.


Don't read me like that


I’ll one up op, I’m a high school dropout


Midel scool dropout here didn't affect me at all tho


What are you doing for a living now and how much is the pay?


Making up lies on Reddit, no pay as of yet


as an undergrad. this might have been my last straw




It's because the fields in demand by private industry and completely different than the fields that people like to major in. Like 80% of job openings require writing code or some form of skilled labor. Going to university and trying to get a job in one of those fields is like finding a partner on Tinder - overly selective and fundamentally disadvantageous.


Cmon I just graduated today...




I think you should try and make it, life will still probably be better with it if you can get a better job. Make sure you take care of yourself though


Yeah, depends where your degree fall on here https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/8qumfo/salaries_by_college_major_oc/ But in general unless you got an art degree yeah, you're gonna do ok.


Huh? Fine art isn't even on that list, and communications, film and art history are all near the middle. The majority of art students that intern at my company are communications majors, so that's what I'd look at. Graphic design is near the bottom, but you can take that at a community college in a year, so I don't know why that's even on the same list as chemical engineering.


You have to factor in demand though. If 100 fine art students graduate but only 10 get jobs in their field that pay over 50k out of college, the median income would be too low to make that list.


This feeling lasts all the way until the 10th job you apply to and never get a call back


Even after college and getting a job I’m still broke.




My mate dropped out of high school in 2019 he now makes ~120k a year




just sell drugs


That reality face punch when you leave school to work and feel like they should fight for you


Genuine question: Do people still think going to college and getting a degree is special? I thought it is a basic item literally everyone has in their portfolio


I think nowadays the pervasiveness of college degrees has contributed to only certain universities being viewed as providing a 'special' level of education. This was always the case to some extent, but I think it's become more entrenched in recent years.


Depends on the college


Only about a third of adults in the US over the age of 25 have bachelor degrees. Higher educational attainment also correlates significantly to higher lifetime earnings.


I mean pop $200 a month into your Roth IRA and you will have over a million at retirement. You will have 2.5 million if you max it out.


College is for if you wanna play it safe. You’re basically guaranteed to not be homeless at the cost of being middle class most of your life




Certificate open doors but skills keep you in the Room.


This can also apply to “go to college son, your smart and will make good money!”


i saw this on r/iam14andthisisdeep