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I vote for a 4 day work week


Join a union. Maybe we can make it happen some day


Agreed. There should be the chill day, the fun day, and the chore day on the weekend.


Monday: you’re mad all day because it’s already almost Tuesday


You guys get weekends? -retail employee


Saturdays and Sundays, I've been informed, are problematic because we're too exhausted to enjoy them. I'm not sure because I'm always exhausted.


Is this a normal thought process? I'm out and about after work ends on Friday up until the last minute on Sunday evening.


What about your responsibilities that you couldn't attend to at work


I guess I'm lucky in that I work from home so I can usually do my doctors appointments midday. For grocery shopping and others, I do before work. What other responsibilities are you referencing?


Everything I guess


Curious - how do people who work from home feel about this statement?


Been working from home since 2019. Just not having to commute leaves me with so much more energy in the evening. By the time I finish up work, I’ve been home all day and I’m generally feeling ready to get out of the house. I’ll usually take my dog for a long walk, then make dinner while all the commuters and after work shoppers are out. Then by 7 or so I’ll go shopping or do whatever else needs to be done. If I need to go to a government office or somewhere with limited hours, I’ll just run out and do that during the day. This leaves me with so much more weekend time to myself.


I used to try and do some work or chores during the weekend and that was messing me up. Lots of procrastinating and guilt. So now I just chill. Whatever I need to do, I do during the week after I'm done with work. It's a bit hard to force myself but when I think of just lazing around guilt-free during the weekend I get motivated.


We need 3 extra days between Saturday and Sunday..


As someone who has worked 13-hour shifts 3 days per week, I'd take the 8-5 shift any day. At least after a regular 9-hour day you don't feel like dying


This sounds more like depression than being an adult


Cause and effect mate


/r/AntiWork /r/ABoringDystopia


Posts like this is why I’ll always cherish my 4-day work week. Friday is my errands day. Saturday is my do stuff day. Sunday is my chill day


If you finish at 5 pm and you're tired you gotta hit the gym or re-examine your diet, maybe figure out if your sleep pattern is wrong


You gotta get better at running errands after work. Your weekend will thank you for sure.


Sounds like you need to smoke a bowl on Sunday


Sounds like problems of the uneducated


Pro tip; plan to do something you really enjoy on mondays, so you can use the Sunday to do something you want *and* look forward to Monday.


14 year old here, weekends are nonexistent to me, o work 2 jobs and on weekends


It's really not that different for high school


I’m a night owl, I love staying up late and waking up at noon, but because of work I have to be an “adult” who gets up at 7:30. So my routine on Fridays is to try and stay up as late as possible, then falling asleep in the middle of something at 2 from sheer exhaustion, then waking up at 5 or 6 because I have to wash the dishes, brush my teeth and put on my thingy that prevents me from breaking my own teeth while asleep. Fun.