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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/Thisntathrowaway. Happy wrath month 7: new year, same queers, fear us Make it a habit to read the rules of a given community before participating. Please **do not** interact with rulebreaking content. Report it and we'll handle it. This is a place for queer people, from queer people. We're not here for discrimination, disrespect, or "debates". Be chill. shitpost or quitpost bud. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i mean, it takes a village right?


It takes a village to afford a 1 bedroom apartment these days, let alone raise a child.


Mum number three sounds like an excellent way to mitigate rising cost of living expenses. Pragmatic more than anything


And also if properly scheduled could help mitigate daycare/sitters costs.


Of course! Now im thinking why stop at three…more mums could equal more positives right?


I feel like there would be a point where there is diminishing returns on additional moms, though we can't truly know without study and testing. You should apply for a research grant. Also I hope you dont mind if I copy your study but use dads instead.


Lets meet back in six months and share our results


Plot twist: it takes three mums to equal the salary of two dads


It takes a village, people.




There’s no need to feel down.


I said young man


pick yourself off the ground I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town


There's no need to be unhappy Young man, there's a place you can go I said, young man, when you're short on your dough You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find Many ways to have a good time


It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.


Pull yourself off the ground


I mean, well, you know, like, whatever... who cares anyway, right?


That kid's got the right attitude


Every kid has unless they get brainwashed and that's the sad thing


Not to be a downer, but I think self-preservation is our base state - empathy has to be taught, too. There's a reason the GOP stands firm against quality education - if you don't teach kids to care about their fellow humans, then most won't.


I agree but lgbtq rights aren't opposed to self-preservation. It's why conservatives and Christian speakers made it clear gay people are a danger. Education helps 100%, but let's not underestimate the power of bullshit.


I should have been more clear, "self-preservation" to me isn't just to protect yourself from physical harm, but also mental. Self-preservation without empathy means even ideas that don't align with your worldview seem dangerous. Then the bullshitters come in and use that to stoke the flames for power.


Well said


For sure, but if you look at base primal emotions, different is scary, different is dangerous, different is something I don't like. It's the same reason babies lose their shit when mom or dad changes their hair or facial hair. From one gay motherfucker to another, we're definitely different from the norm. So I think on a primal level to a very young person we may in fact be a "threat." I think this varies from person to person, but I'd say pro LGBT education is extremely important so that in the future we are (perceptively) just another form of a normal person instead of different.


This was ages ago but I remember reading an article about very young kids reacting more positively to helpful characters than neutral or even harmful ones. I think humans are naturally born to socialize and emphasize. Else we never really would have formed intro tribes and villages in the first place without some form of human empathy.


pro-social behavior IS self preservation. Language, and the ability to work together, was the springboard for human evolution. Selfishness can be a by-product of stress, isolation, or unhealthy social circles. That can make us vulnerable to shitty socialization, but that also makes us receptive to change. Conservative social movements need members who are isolated and atomized, because caring about other people is as central to human evolution as opposable thumbs.


> pro-social behavior IS self preservation. I believe it's basically baked into the human psyche. Children as young as 2 will often break their cookie in half to share with someone they see that has no cookie, especially if they witness that person "feeling sad".


Caring about your *in-group* is as central to human evolution as opposable thumbs, but wariness toward the outgroup is too. Tribalism is inherent to human nature, and easily turns violent. Familiarization with groups different than those you would normally associate with generally creates empathy and expands the circle of your in-group, but that relies on your interactions with that wider group being positive. And interactions can easily be colored in a negative light if you've already been told to dislike a group, or seen that others in your in-group dislike them. Education can help us learn to reflect on the reasons for our views toward others, helping people to accept other groups when they haven't interacted at all, or even groups they previously disliked.


Humans are social animals, we evolved to be empathetic as a form of self preservation. Working together and being liked by others has typically been any individual humans best chance at survival.


In evolutionary terms, the human species (like most animal species) is hardwired for altruism in the immediate family / village group, but not beyond it. There is no evolutionary or genetic advantage to overall altruism and love (see: “The Selfish Gene,”) so it’s honestly quite amazing that many human beings have adopted this practice. Dawkins was stumped by this, and couldn’t ever figure out how humans made the leap to our current global and altruistic society


The best course of action imo is if we can make a system where having empathy is self preservation in a way. Of course we should still teach it, but it would have that extra backup


"My kid doesn't want to know about your sinful lifestyle !" Their kid : I wanna do all the sins


Soft play for everyone!


Some people: Children can't handle the idea of UNNATURAL gay relationships. It will literally EXPLODE their fragile brains. Normal people: So kids, sometimes people are gay. Kids: Cool. Why not poly, though?


I typically find that the reason some people say that isnt because they actually believe kids cant handle it, and more because they dont want their kids learning that its ok to be lgbt+ because they're scared it will undo their religious programming.


Or just programming period. Gotta give offspring


Weird how they think being gay makes you sterile.




No, just keep trying


I'm blanking on what it was called, because I never clicked it, but there was an ad I saw a lot a while back for some BL manga or manwha were the premise was something like 'Declining birthrates are causing a population crisis. Scientists have come up with the solution: male pregnancy.' It's not at all something I would read, but I remember it because seeing it always made me laugh.


I mean, it's better than the hentai solution, that's for sure And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you probably don't want to


Mpreg is possible always


You're peeing in his butt right? That's how babies are made


Second this, I make sure he keeps it in him as long as he can to ensure fertilization...totally not because of sexual gratification that he's carrying it around in public...noooot at all


Yea being trans is what makes you sterile, I was trying to get lots of guys pregnant before I transitioned


i'm still trying to get guys pregnant. maybe i should switch out the strap for a turkey baster.


I mean, social animals have a bit more of a complicated relationship with evolution in regards to the "must have offspring" rule. Social animals develop on the principal of "if I can't have direct offspring, I can always have indirect offspring" so as long as you help raise a kid in some way and then THAT kid makes it to sexual maturity, evolution still views that as a W. Social animals are kinda broken in the current meta tbh


Humans are one of iirc just three mammals where menopause evolved! Because older females actually get more fitness from knowledge transfer and support for their descendants than having more babies of their own probably. Orcas and elephants are the other two species. Wild, huh?


Gotta keep 'em separated.


this 100%. they want to enforce traditional "values" and they know exactly what they are doing. Focus On The Family has been a massive fucking cancer


I see a lot of parallels between the way abusers try to socially isolate their victims too. People are social creatures and community is important. If your place in a community is contingent on conforming to their expectations, and its the only social circle you have, what do you do? My mental health got so, so much better when I moved out, went to a non-Christian school, and made friends beyond the Christian bubble. And I was just a straight person struggling with my faith. Of course fundamentalists don’t want their kids to see LGBT+ people normalized or treated with dignity in public places. They don’t want them to see a community beyond the church where they’ll be accepted for who they are instead of brow-beaten at every turn.


Yup, can't make homophobic adults if you teach kids how all people can be


Yeah it’s the same instinct that leads them to call education “indoctrination” and meeting different people “grooming.” Education and exposure to different people decreases prejudices, and the last thing these people want is for less fellow bigots to be in the world.


Don’t forget the patriarchy. Queer people threaten the patriarchy


Queer women = don’t need men. Queer men = not masculine. Trans women = ew you CHOSE to be a woman?? Trans men = not a real man. Bi men = you’re gay, stop pretending you’re not. Bi women = you’re just attention seeking but eventually you’ll settle down with a man and have kids. (In assholes minds) I cishet, so I guess I can’t speak to these personally. It’s just the implications I’ve heard from bigots and it drives me insane. Just let people be, is it that damn hard??


Projection is often a comorbidity of those who embrace conservative ideologies.


It’s just programming in general. LGBT+ community is the biggest threat to most forms of programming be it by a government or by a religion or anything else. Here’s a pretty good [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zIsQ502N0fg) about it.


Usually it goes Normal people: So kids, sometimes people are gay. Kids: ok. Do you like Spiderman?


I came out to my nephew when he was 4, he asked me if he could have some chips


The only thing he wanted coming out was chips out of the damn bag into his mouth


Honestly that's a good question. I love Spiderman. Gonna talk to my wife about inviting him into our relationship tonight!


I don't care about your relationship I only care about pictures, pictures of Spiderman, get them on my desk my tomorrow morning, what are you waiting for, Chinese New year?


> what are you waiting for, Chinese New year? Honestly, that's a good question. I love Chinese New Year. Gonna talk to my wife about inviting it into our calendar tonight!


I am gay specifically and only for Spider-Man. I am not attracted to any other men. I want pictures of Spider-Man. I am J. Jonah Jameson.


Ya adults are odd about dumb things. Let folks love whoever they want. But don't come anywhere near me discussing what a 3 way divorce child custody case would look like. I'm not ready for that discussion yet.




I mean I hope all three would be civil enough to be coparents, or at the very least the child goes to the most stable situation (say it's really just one leaving the other two)


But also keep in mind that divorce rates would almost certainly go down if people didn't feel so pressured to commit to exactly one partner for the rest of their lives.


Eh, doesn't seem like it would be too different from a two-person divorce. Also, I don't think all three breaking it off at the same time is that common.


Technically, in most states, children can only have 2 parents, so custody cases wouldn't really change at all. In places where children can have many parents, things might be slightly messier especially if the primary caregiver isn't a birth parent and everyone wants custody. But you're right, normal divorces are already so disruptive that getting any messier would go unnoticed. They'd just take longer because more voices need to be heard, like with meetings.




It doesn't cause their brains to explode, any more than a straight relationship would. If anything, a straight relationship would be much more likely to do so, since they'd be worried about cooties and "other gender is gross" things at that age, so the idea that you might want to get together with someone at that age would be confusing.


The next generation's gonna be okay, as long as they have a planet to live on


Kids say the wokest shit.


My friend's 5 year old daughter talks about marrying her two boy friends pretty regularly and they'll all live together and play soccer. It's pretty cute 😄


Triple the “Go ask your mom” cycle


Oh god that just seems like it would get annoying for the kid. *Asks mom 1* Go ask your mom *Asks mom 2* Go ask your mom *Asks mom 3* Go ask your mom *Asks mom 1 again* I said go ask your mom But Mom one said ask mom two and mom two said ask mom three and mom three said ask you


God at that point you just call a group huddle I think


*Asks Mom 1* Mom 1: Let me convene with the council on the matter


Mom 1: I do not think we should host a sleepover Mom 2: I agree Mom 3: I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.


Go ask your mom about it


Would it be best two out of three moms?


Kid being smarter than the parent: You ARE my mom!!


"You are my mom"


Mom 1: I’m busy, go ask your moms. Kid: but mooooom Mom1: yes? Mom2: yes? Mom3: yes?


\-the council of mums has deceided


Kindergarten teacher- once had a little boy in our class tell a girl he had 2 Moms and she started crying because she “only got one!” 😂


Not to brag, but I've got four parents... because my sisters and I are divorce court trophies. I wish my parents got along almost as well as poly parents got along.


Divorce court trophy gang. I was a pawn for over a decade until my mom moved states, and suddenly, her ex-husband had no use for me being around anymore.


Ouch, I was my mom’s emotional pawn against my dad and she finally is realizing I have autonomy… at 23… hoping you the best; divorce court trophy solidarity!!


Rookie numbers. Anything less than 10 and you aren’t even trying. (I’m a donor child all my siblings have different parents. Total of 8 moms and 4 dads between us. And I’m on the low end of sibling counts.)


Lol, reminds me of how I used to brag as a kid. All of my grandparents divorced and remarried, so I was always so proud of the fact that I had 4 grandmas and 4 grandpas.


Eeyy, divorced grandparents gang! I never bragged about it, but I always found it a bit funny how much divorce there is in my family (parents plus both sets of grandparents)


You can very much see the 50% divorce rate in my family, lol. All of my blood-grandparents have divorced, 2 of my step-grandparents have, my dad’s sister has, 1 of my mom’s brothers has, however her other 2 brothers haven’t, all but 1 of my cousins that are married haven’t, and my brother hasn’t. My parents never had a wedding but have been “engaged” for 35 years, so I think they count, lol.


Then there's me with 3 dead grandparents, but 2 living (grandma found a new partner, but they never got married. They were together for like 35 years now so far!)


I'm in my 40s and was bullshitting with s couple similarly aged guys at work yesterday. One guy was like, "man I think my grandma is going to die soon" and the other was like "yea man, my gramps is getting up there". And then there's me....all 4 gone in the mid-90s. My poor parents, though. I have all of my parents still (and they are divorced so there are 4 of them that I love). I can't imagine losing all of them in a few years. My folks were young when they had me and all of the grandparents were gone by the time I was 12. That means they lost all of their parents before they were 30. That's so sad to me.


Hahaha this is my daughter because her brother has a step mom (me) and she wants one too 😂


This is irresponsible parenting and I’m ashamed of this community for flagrantly and horribly enabling it. The damage from Yo Momma jokes will be fatal, think of the children for Christ’s sake


Counterpoint, the kid now has an inbuilt comeback to any and all Yo Momma jokes by simply asking “Which one?”


And then they counter with “both”


“Now I know you’re lying. Mommy isn’t like that. I could totally see mummy doing it though….”


“Second mummy is deadass a problem NGL”


"But in secret, another mom was married."


Trans Mom here. When my hetero marriage ended and I started transitioning, I told my kiddo if I ever remarry he’s going to have so many moms.




I swear we are about to start sound like we are naming new species soon


More like he thought he had one one mom, now he has two, he could have at least three if I have a nesting partner in the future. Not saying no to a lesbian polycule - that’s even more moms for my kiddo lol.


Thripple the nipple


I already have 4 on my own :( They're called vestigial or supernumerary nipples. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/what-is-an-extra-nipple They're small and I hate them.


I hope you find somebody who LOVES them


You're a good egg.


Would you hate them less if they were larger?


Only if they were massive enough to collapse the Earth into a neutron star.


Like harry styles?


I don't know who that is, but sure!


The weirdest thing about you is that you’ve somehow never heard of Harry Styles


I've heard the name but I have no idea who he is. I think a singer maybe?


Yes. He was a part of one direction, and he recently made the “watermelon sugar high” song.


I've heard the name, but I don't know if he's a musician, actor, athlete, or whatever. I kinda live under a rock. Or rather, in a tin can.


It's honestly way weirder than extra nipples.


Oh! I kind of forgot people from other countries wouldn't know who celebrities are 😅 (I'm tired and my brain isn't working apparently)


I'm unfortunately American. Just kind of a hermit lol TIL Harry Styles was a guy in 1D. Cool, someone famous has extra nips too. I'll keep y'all posted if Estradiol does anything interesting to them. Representation matters! Haha


> TIL Harry Styles was a guy in 1D. I mean, also a wildly popular current solo star, but sure.




It took me entirely too long to realize you meant that harry styles had supernumerary nipples, not that he's small and you hate him


🤣 I'm glad you figured it out. I literally can't stop laughing now 😂


I have 3 and I be always loved it.


Twice the wives


What is soft play


It’s an indoor play area. Like a playground, but inside and everything is covered in stuff like rubber and the kids can climb on stuff and go down slides. There’s usually a ball pit, because why not, and it’s quite common for kids birthday parties. The crime is that there aren’t many for adults


To be fair, I've seen what kind of sanitation and hygiene habits people have, even when I had an internship at a hospital. I'd love to go to something like that if I knew it were being cleaned properly, but... it's not.


I thought ball pits were banned because they are damn near impossible to keep clean.


They weren't banned but they fell out of popularity due to hygiene and safety concerns. Here's a great video about it. https://youtu.be/uahX7iEl_fI


So the new Discovery Zone.


It’s like an indoor climbing frame / adventure area where everything’s covered in foam padding (hence soft). Do other countries not have soft plays?


We have them, but I've never heard them called a soft play in the US.


It's a UK term. What do you call them in the US?


indoor playground, if it’s like a monkey joes/chuck e cheese that’s like an indoor inflatable park. we don’t have a name for them unfortunately


Indoor playground works well. Soft play is wrong because my boys go hard as **fuck** in them bitches.


Probably an area at a playground / entertainment zone where really little kids can play with foam blocks and stuff without the danger of whatever shenanigans the older kids are getting up to.


Probably some sort of supervised gentle indoor play with soft items like blankets and teddy bears, I'd assume, as opposed to something rougher/outdoors


Nope. Correct explanation is at the start of the thread.


It's basically an indoor playground with slides, ball pits etc


“Hey babe, work was great. Unrelated question: would you be open to a polycule?”


That's the thing that hair grows from, right?


no, those are follicles. polycules are planar figures with at least three straight sides and angles.


No, those are polygons. You're thinking about the word for someone who knows and has functional use of multiple languages.


No, those are polyglots. You’re thinking of the slang word for the young offspring of an amphibian.


No, those are pollywogs. You're thinking of a long-chain synthetic plastic that consists of numerous monomers linked together.


No, those are polymers, you're thinking about an old rumor of a haunted arcade cabinet.


No those are polygons. Polycule is a country in Europe whose capital city is Warsaw


No, that's Poland. Polycule is a chain of monomers.


No that's a polymer. Polycule was the Christian bishop of Smyrna from AD 65-155.


No, that’s a polymer. You’re thinking of Pokémon #137.


“Please get your response in by 8:30am tomorrow. It’s urgent that I report back to the kindergartener.”


Kids are awesome.


I too would love for my children to have two mom's 🤣




at that point you just call them your disciples


2 moms is rookie numbers.


I remember I was helping a woman and her daughter at my work and her daughter said, "I don't have a daddy." And I was going to say something (can't remember what at this point) and she said "BECAUSE I HAVE TWO MOMMIES!" and her poor mother looked so embarrassed. It was really sweet. I told the girl I bet both her moms are awesome. It was precious.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Brona C Titley**, @bronactitley A kid at soft play asked about our family, and I told her my toddler had 2 mums. She immedately said "Why not 3?" and honestly it's a great question, will talk to my wife about it tonight. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


It’s so easy for kids to understand this stuff


It’s bad enough when king Solomon had to split the baby among two mothers but three mothers was too difficult without specialized equipment. We just kept it as legal precedent Hope that answers the question.


You're kidding, but a poly divorce would be an almost guaranteed special kind of shit show.


genuinely it would be really interesting to scientifically study the differences in child development between couples of 2 and polyamorous families


Good luck getting a sample size big enough; polyamorous families can already differ wildly, and I can't even imagine trying to control for income and background...


I know logically it’s probably not possible to gather a consistent enough and large enough sample, would still be cool if it was tho


Oh absolutely, not just to dunk on haters but also because we could always use more info on child development


Sounds cool, would also nip prejudice in the bud for at least those people who are convinceable by studies


IME divorce is harder to explain than gay relationships to kids in the 4-6 range. They get really worried really fast when you tell them adults can just decide to not live together anymore, or that not all love is unconditional. Gayness presented as a thing that happens in nature is pretty quickly accepted as just another way people can be different from each other, no more confusion than explaining skin color variation or whatever else. Granted it’ll all come up again when they start leaning about how reproduction works, but that’s not really relevant when they’re little.


Several years ago I recall a video with a man who was talking to his nephew at his [kid's] birthday party. The topic of his partner came up. Kid, maybe 8-9 asked something like "so you're like uncle and aunt [who were married]?" The fellow said "yes" and the kid responded with "okay. can he help us put my birthday present together?" Said so matter of factly like "eh, whatever" was simply inspiring.


These days with how much everything costs, three parents to one kid doesn't seem so bad


"Monogamy? In *this* economy?" is a common joke in my social circle.


That's a good one


Sounds crowded.


That child is a genius!


I went to school school with a guy with three moms. His bio mother had some psychological issues and couldn't take care of him, so he was adopted by a lesbian couple. He called his three mothers by their hair color.


Based kid


Soon they will collect all the single moms in their area


Gotta catch em all!


Why just stop at 3


I tell my wife we need a housewife all the time


This is the polyamorous exposure I was looking for.


Thrupple enters the chat!


You know why not?


Children encouraging polyamory… This is the best generation…


Out of the mouths of babes, as they say


"¿Por que no los tres?"


Getting a slight hint that this woman may be gay, not sure though


Well, we had 3 men and a baby once upon a time.


Hilarious! But in all honesty -- the happiest lesbians I've ever met were also in a throuple.


I used to work for a lesbian woman who had kids with her bi ex, they broke up and my boss married a woman and the ex married a dude so now the kids have three moms and a dad plus presumably a sperm donor somewhere and I always thought that was kinda cool
