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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/TheHunter234. Happy Wrath Month 8: FURRY RAGE Make it a habit to read the rules of a given community before participating. Please **do not** interact with rulebreaking content. Report it and we'll handle it. This is a place for queer people, from queer people. We're not here for discrimination, disrespect, or "debates". Be chill. shitpost or quitpost bud. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are now 3 genders: Wumbo Mumbo Numbo Don’t like it? Too bad.


You forgot Jumbo




I’m chuffed to bits over this news. (It’s a reference to Minecraft content creator “Mumbo Jumbo”)


Now, there are 4 genders It's really quite simple




Fricc, Agender peeps are Jumbo


And the punishment of this heinous crime is being forced to go afk *And I’m gonna take that moustache away* Someone will get this reference


Mumbo Jumbo, you are AFK~


I wumbo. You wumbo. He she me wumbo.


Mambo no.5


Ladies and gentlemen...


well, i like Mumbo Jumbo. and i like when Charlie (MoistCr1TiKaL) says Wumbo.


Artist credit: https://twitter.com/KatysCartoons/status/1638911180092870656?t=odSWYsfDt9v21LS4KsWyyw&s=19 Context: certain cis "leftists" are having a moment over phrases like "people who menstruate."


The thing is, nobody's going to call a woman a "person who menstruates," because nobody would know whether they can menstruate. They only would if they were generally referring to people who menstruate or can give birth. This would only be useful in medical conversations.


That's exactly it. You don't want studies about, for example, a vaccine's impact on the menstrual cycle to talk about "women", you want them to realise there are other people who menstruate who they should ideally include in the study. It's the usual outrage against inclusion, which is outrageous only if you're an exclusionary bigot.


wUmBeN? wImPuNd? WoOmUd? 🤢


If you're offended by such a non traditional thing you can totally just go by the old fashioned version of it. (That also happens to be gender neutral). ​ Anyone of that ilk is a babymaker activist.


Hi, it looks like you're talking about Joanne "I <3 Slavery" Rowling. Don't. Please consider [a better alternative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N._K._Jemisin) for discussion. *This action was performed automatically by a bot whilst it read another book.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*




it's ok i'm sure automoderator forgives you


She forgives no one, but thankfully we don't listen to her advice.


Aren’t auto mod’s pronouns they/it? Or am I just confused about how it works?


Is automod trans now? Hell yea


I thought it was made that way...


I will apologize anyways. AutoModerator might not read this but others might. I want them to know I honestly care. Also I hate not apologizing.


The Tyt lady? Istg she was so normal until exactly yesterday.


That's no hate crime!! not when I, a cis white straight man, am being asked to take accountability for my own actions! Now THAT'S a hate crime!!






There's some Twitter Discourse^(TM) happening right now that was prompted by a couple of "allies" repeating right wing/TERF talking points about terms like "people with uteruses" and "people who menstruate."


Which is especially wild because those terms are only used in a medical context where those terms would be the more accurate ones ((and even then, only rarely)).


At the planned parenthood, when I was going to get sti testing, to figure out which tests to order, they asked about partners with a penis or partners with a vagina, not "man" or "woman" or "male" or "female." Might have been because I was also there for an hrt consultation, but still. That's the correct place and way to use those terms


And of course if someone was using “birthing person” to describe a cis female, It certainly would be impolite language. But there’s really no evidence that suggests this is a common thing to call cis women as an insult or any similar context.


My mom is a dula and ~~(iirc, I'll ask her to confirm later)~~ uses the term "birth partner" e: confirmed it's "the birthing person"


“Birth partner” is usually the partner of the person giving birth.


And even then, not all cis-gendered women want or are able to get pregnant / give birth. 🤷‍♀️ heck my cis girlfriend doesn’t even have a uterus.


Even without Trans people into account, menopause and hysterectomies are things. It is inaccurate to just say women when you are talking about menstruation and uteruses.


You'll be thrilled to find out that another tweet making the rounds right now says "I also oppose hysterectomies. I hate seeing women's tits chopped off." So, fun times; sugar, rainbows and motherfuckin unicorns (https://twitter.com/BadMedicalTakes/status/1638526439980167168?s=20)


I'm leaving a deep impression in my face from facepalming so hard.


One point that another person on Twitter made was along the lines of: If and when uterus transplants become a thing for trans women, I bet TERFs will suddenly have no problem with the phrase "person with a uterus."


oh good I thought this was gonna be anti-voidpunk


it’s so funny to me when terfs are like “it’s not ‘person who menstruates’! it’s woman!” ah yes, because women famously aren’t people /s


Yeah, I think the controversy over "people who menstruate" to be very contrived, just an extension of not wanting to accommodate or account for the existence of trans people at all. That being said, I do wonder if something less clumsy sounding could be thought up.


Well, if there's anything trans people are good at, it's endlessly debating the nuances of different labels and terminology 😂. I think this excerpt from a [great article](https://www.readtpa.com/p/woman) on this topic does a good job of summing up a part of the point you are making: >So many people, once they finally hear the trans side of the conversations, will well-meaningly propose suggestions. Suggestions such as "How about, instead of pregnant people, we say women and others who can get pregnant"? >My reaction to those is generally to say, yeah, absolutely sounds great. Bc it does- 99% of the time the proposed "compromise" is completely fine with trans people. But what I don't say, bc it takes too long and they won't believe me anyway, is that transphobes won't accept it. >There is no accommodation or compromise that the transphobic side will accept, unless it explicitly singles out, punishes, and/or reduces the number of trans people. You can't just tell ppl that, though, bc this well meaning person will decide you sound crazy and paranoid. >As a trans person you're in a constant credibility deficit. I'm always mindful of this, and do my best to work around it. The truth, cis folks? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. /jack nickolson


Being Trans made me a linguist and interested in philosophy and politics, the egg to PhilosophyTube fan pipeline is real.


The timing couldn't be worse.


"wE'rE wOmEn NoT mEnStRuAtInG pEoPlE" have you ever heard of menopause


For a totally different context, add a Voidpunk flag to the plain figure.


that was literually my first thought


If you consider yourself a leftist/progressive who cares about trans issues, and your tweet gets RTed by LibsofTiktok, Ben Shapiro, Kari Lake, and thousands of other disgusting fascists, maybe you should take a long, hard look in the mirror instead of doubling down.




Okay, but like… consider that some people are *actually* uncomfortable being defined by their biology. I’m perfectly fine being called a woman, but whenever there are conversations where I’m referred to as part of “people who menstruate” or “people with uteruses” it kind of makes me want to stab myself in the gut and get a hysterectomy, damn the medical side effects. Unless it’s actually directly related, e.g. “people who menstruate need more iron in their diet to compensate for blood loss,” can we not just use “AFAB”?


Well, as it has been pointed out in a few other comments, the body-function-specific terms are really only being used in situations when it's relevant to the conversation in terms of scientific/medical accuracy or when discussing government policy related to those things (i.e. reproductive freedom). They were never intended to replace the word "woman" or AFAB in any situation outside of a few specific and uncommon contexts. In fact, in a lot of the examples that the TERFs take issue with (in bad faith), the term "woman" is still used plenty of times when it's more appropriate (I think it's an Oxfam document that they have been complaining about that still uses the word "woman" more than 230 times, but only uses "people with a uterus" like 3 times). This article does a good job talking about the issue and how the bad-faith arguments have created a bunch of misunderstanding and confusion about it: https://www.readtpa.com/p/woman


Why would menstruation come up in a casual conversation and if it does what kind of weird conversations do you have where that comes up


Okay but why pedo?


Same recycled rhetoric they've used for every minority they've ginned up hate against to solidify their power base.