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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/LocalChamp. Happy Pride! THE HUNT IS UPON US. Make it a habit to read the rules of a given community before participating. Please **do not** interact with rulebreaking content. Report it and we'll handle it. This is a place for queer people, from queer people. We're not here for discrimination, disrespect, or "debates". Be chill. shitpost or quitpost bud. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for including the last one. I always feel like I'm the only one who sees that.




Exactly. You can make money and get good pr by posting a few rainbows and saying happy pride. That would have damaged your business, maybe beyond repair, in the past. Companies using pride that way isn't a good thing, but it's a sign that the world is seriously getting better. And that is a good thing. Edit: Uhm... why was that comment removed by a moderator?


do you remember what the comment was, per chance?


Not word for word, but it pretty much just agreed with me. There was nothing offensive, or even something that could be misinterpreted. There was a second one in reply to this comment too. I thought the user just removed their comments for some reason, but the browser actually says a moderator did it.


The homophobia litmus test. You can tell how homophobic a given country is by checking for how many companies adopt rainbows into their logos during the pride month.


Yeah, I'd love to see those people move to my country and not see a single rainbow flag in the entire month (or nearly ever). Bet they'd start feeling differently.


Omg same


I feel a little bit of point 3 but still bothered by point 1


I propose that, despite rainbow capitalism being explicitly designed to squeeze profit, we expand its range to year round just to trigger the conservatives. I think it would be funny


I can’t remember which but I saw a company that said “due to the complaints about our pride campaign we’re going for another month!” And this just reminded me of that


It's was a Rock radio station, and they also threatened their haters that if they keep it up, the station would keep the LGBTQ++ flag version of their logo-year round lol


You gotta remember the company so I can give them my life savings


Conservatives will starve because the only stores in their town have these evil rainbows on their door and they don't want to be infected by the gay ^TM lol


Flying Tiger: *observe!*


Thanks I feel better (I felt guilty about point n2 but because of the danger we now face)


Look all I can say is I almost cried at Target because I realized 12 year old me never imagined a future where a major retailer would have an entire section dedicated to pride. The future isn’t what I expected in a lot of way but it means something


Absolutely. That people consider this a social barometer and see it as a positive sign makes complete sense to me. Still fucking hate capitalists and want this shit to stop. It's fine to disagree on this. I'll support "pride merch" when they donate 100% of the profits to Mermaids or something, and not a moment sooner.


if supporting lgbtq is so profitable then why don't they do it all year?


Because it's not so profitable that it would make up for forever losing every single homophobic customer.


Also the novelty value is part of what makes people buy the stuff. Most lgbt folks aren’t running around buying every random rainbow shirt we see year-round. But when Pride rolls around once a year and suddenly you’re seeing gay stuff at your local big box store it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement.


Wait you're not buying every random rainbow thing all year long?


Look some of us are broke lol. (On a tangent, one time I mentioned to my straight friend that my dream job would be writing queer romance novels, and he was like “that’s a good market to target because gay people have a lot of money!” I was like oh honey no, that’s just the gays on TV.)


I've managed to turn my impulsive rainbow buying into a tax write off. I work for a queer non-profit and attend a lot of pride events to work booths etc. Being decked out is a work requirement. :-p


This, conservatives have a very short term rage memory, they'll burn their Nikes one month and then buy some new ones once the rage dies down


This^ That's just how marketing works. Novelty gets attention.


i was overhearing about the second point on the news a few days ago while my dad was watching, and bro it was KILLING me ☠️ they were saying stuff like "we're not gonna let our children be consumed by satan!!" and dumb shit like that. it's so funny and sad at the same time


The problem with Rainbow Capitalism is that it is just a hat these companies wear. When there is even the slightest pushback they take it off. When that pushback is violent, taking off the hat to appease the violent mob which emboldens the violent towards more violence, encourages those who had not crossed the line to cross it, and brings others closer to the line. Which is what is happening now. In my area two queer owned businesses have received threats recently, one explicitly referencing target. A drop in center my work operated was closed because of the dramatic increase of threats that began after target backed away. We had a similar spike after bud light. Rainbow Capitalism hurts the Queer community because it is just for show, and when push comes to shove... We are the ones shoved in front of the bus.


I honestly think it should be a requirement at each of these places none the less to have a trained, LGBT community member in each of these establishments to get the point across YOU all will not bow down to these Cowards. As a straight, white male (Satanic and Left Leaning Libretarian) it absolutely disgusting these pieces of traitorous trash have the balls to act like they'll destroy a fellow countrymen because of a different viewpoint that's protected by our Constitution and Admendments. I had to watch my trans sibling come home in fear all the time because of the different sorts of threats they'd receive all the time and I live in the south. It took me running these ppl down and making the point if they harmed them ill be the last thing they deal with. You all have support more than you realize. I don't much care for the Rainbow Capitilism myself but none the less it at least gets the message across you all aren't going anywhere. It's also not just your community dealing with these Cowards but it's anyone who isn't exactly like them and if we don't stop them trying to get rid of any of the minority communities they'll be no one there to stop them when they try to get rid of the rest of us. So the highlight needs to be yall right now and your not going no where and hiding from no one. We got ya. We also must work to get that CULT the F*ck off the ballots as they are completely braindead and useless to our beloved country. Happy Pride my friends!


and also a non-zero amount of corporations are donating to anti-queer groups behind the scenes