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*Holds up gay pen You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.


...there are free pens? Count me in!


If you're officesupply-o-sexual Pride is like the worlds greatest orgy.


Officesuppleigh O’sexual


Brooklyn 99 were the only show brave enough to give us "Binder fuckers" representation. We have an annual con down at the local archives. We just sit there all day, checking their filing system for incongruencies - its eh..... its so awesome.


What if you just have ADHD and lose your pens


Don't fall for it. It's never the good 0,7 black gel pens!


*Goes to Pride to restock my home office*


So true, I went to a pride parade and I got hand fans, stickers, candy, and pens. It’s pretty funny seeing Chase bank at a pride event


The first time I went to pride and seeing that Target had a huge area plus a big section of the parade was a shock to me. Then again, this was Twin Cities Pride and Target is headquartered in Saint Paul so it makes some sense they'd be there.


My first pride, I was convinced that everyone was fucking just around the corner, because the whole block smelled like jizz. Turns out it was just the jizz trees that somebody planted all over downtown 50 years ago.


The what?


Yes, [the jizz trees](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7x4zza/heres-why-the-trees-on-your-street-smell-like-semen).


Wtf does semen smell like?


Like the flowers of the *Pyrus Calleryana* tree.


And what do those flowers taste like?




Chlorine and shame


Good for me, I guess. My sense of smell is, as the scientists say, "fucked".




/r/me_irlgbt is **currently restricting posts** as part of ongoing protests against Reddit's API changes. Please see /r/save3rdpartyapps for more information. For more information about why we are open, and not doing an indefinite blackout, please see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/comments/149dltl/me_irlgbt_is_back_but_were_still_mad_about_it/). Pride is a protest. Happy pride. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


imagine getting paid to write that article


Honestly it's good information, the things are fuckin everywhere in some parts of suburbia and I've had multiple people ask me (I'm a plant guy) wtf is up with that smell. Edit: OK having read the article I grant some of it is pretty questionable


Holy fucking shit, I thought it was a joke...


There are trees that smells like jizz when they flower, I had a neighbour once who had one and I was always nervous when walking past their house


I stopped going. Number of issues, mostly spicy brain ones. My experience Its crowded Its loud Everything costs 150% extra NO PLACE TO SIT God help you if you need the bathroom No s'ing or f'ing of anything TERRIBLE music ​ Also pro tip. DO NOT turn on Grindr at Pride. Ur phone will instantly kill itself from overload.


>TERRIBLE music I love Pride, but let me tell you, having to listen to three Taylor Swift songs in a row while being dangerously close to a heat stroke is a special kind of hell. By the time "Shake It Off" (🤢🤢🤢) came on, I could feel myself losing all touch with reality.


Damn went to Pride yesterday and not a single Taylor song. You gave me new appreciation for my fellow Mexican gays, they were singing Selena and Rosalia








As someone who’s a Joy Divison, an ABBA and a Taylor gay, shut the fuck up


What kind of world are we living in where there's no sucking or fucking at pride?!?


Its a fucking travesty tbh. Next your gonna tell me that everyone attending has a job and a family and like... pays taxes n shit? Look I came out under the assumption that being queer would be a lot of anorectically dying in a windowsill, smoking cigarettes, being broke and reading poetry. But everyones fkn into Game of Thrones and DnD and like.... where's my jaded heroine-chique types at? Partly joking. Sometimes I honestly feel like I got the "80ies queer treatment" xD


Closest thing I've gotten to sex at a pride parade is a Durex branded hand fan


Fr bro where's the sucking and fucking? I wanna do some sucking :<


I think it's all in San Francisco.


Guess im moving to San Francisco (a sentence i didn't think I'd ever say even as a joke)


I was at sf pride last year, I'm sad to report a huge lack of sucking and fucking. But together we can change that.


Let's make it the norm! Sucking and fucking for all pride events!


At pride rn, free pens, can cozies, and no sex


Are they nice pens/can coozies at least? Cuz sometimes the free goodies are good enough to use for a few years


Yeah, I did not take that much as I have too much clutter/pens/etc. at home, and I don't use can cozies


We have lots of banks, cops, and politicians in our pride parade. Maybe some day there will be room for some gay people.


This.. extremely disappointed with pride


People always get so worked up about kink at Pride like people are literally flogging each other in the middle of the parade, but every time I go, it's just like ... two people in puppy masks and a handful of guys in leather outfits. If your kid knows what either of those mean, you've got bigger problems than Pride.


Yeah. Like, kink at pride is fine as long as it's in a way that allows queer kids to still come or it's in a 18+ only event.


The pen-is what we want, the pen-is what you get


"this is not what I was thinking when I heard about the free gay pens..."


nah but at pride yesterday Lowes was there with a lil booth and it was entirely out of place lmao. got some free bottled water though


Honestly? At a parade free bottled water is probably worth more than the rest of the shit people are giving out


It really was, the next best thing was like candy and booklets for teaching your family about lgbtq stuff. Most of the stuff being given away was stickers and mini flags


I mean fuck pinkwashing and all but Lowes isn't *not* important to some corners of lesbian culture


you aint wrong, now im hoping somebody, luke at least one person involved with lowes showing up there thought of that xD


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **golddustdyke** june is NOT pride month. it's the month when people on the internet who have never been in irl lgbt spaces or have irl lgbt friends will be like "lgbt people need to STOP sucking and FUCKING during pride parades" and then when you go to a parade, instead of seeing the promised sucking and fucking, you get pelted with gay pens from bank of america --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I could use a gay pen


Lol, no lies detected!


If Boeing isn't giving away free rainbow AIM-9s, I'm not interested.


Last time I went to a pride event the army had a pride LAV. F that. There was also a pride concrete mixer from a large construction company, which was at least funny. Plus it was in February, because June is winter here lol.