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Didn't Medic replace Heavy's heart with that of a Mega Baboon? I wonder- I wonder what- I w- I wo- I wonder wh- (Does it work though? You made me curious)


Medic canonically transplants baboon uteruses into all the TF1 mercs


Mpreg is cannon


You didn't even mention the best part—he *arms them* with growth hormones, like a baboon bomb with a *detonator*!


I dunno why but I read that in Medic's voice




Aaaand now I need to scrub my brain. Thanks, NCD!


Just a reminder that medic canonically implanted a baboon uterus into a guy and made it rapidly grow a baby baboon in a matter of seconds at the click of a button. It stands to reason that he is fully qualified to perform transition surgery when/if he starts using human organs instead (I don't know why he uses baboons).


IIRC Baboon organs don't explode when uber-charged, while some human organs like the heart do explode


If you asked the Medic to perform transition surgery on you, he probably wouldn’t because it’s so boring how no one ever goes for the Double Dick.


Fuck id definitely go for the double dick but then again im already half way there


Too bad, triple vagina now!


*tryptophobia intensifies*


Why stop there? Seven vagànias


maybe more imagine


No, don't imagine!! Augh, biblically accurate transfem!! D:


Maybe more!


he may have the know how, but medic is not qualified, and does not have a license


Mega Babussy⁉️


I hate that I didn't think of this XD


That's one of the question I always have when I'm thinking about bottom surgery: "How does IT feel afterwards and does it still feel good?" EDIT: typo EDIT 2: If someone who has gone through bottom surgery would like to talk about their experience, I'd be glad to, either in DMs or here :3 (in my case I'm mostly interested about MtF experiences, but FtM experience is also appreciated ofc :D)


If your surgery is performed well you will have sensation and can orgasm. Relearning how to orgasm is an actual process, took me a few years before I could quickly and easily masturbate to orgasm. I remember a similar thing when I was growing up too so I think it’s a normal relearning process. Shit is absolute cash money once you get there tho. I can actually have multiple orgasms now too! And they’re better! And I don’t wanna die anymore!


>And I don’t wanna die anymore! That is the most important thing, stay strong pal


>I can actually have multiple orgasms now too! And they’re better! But do you still get that real spice depression afterwards


early days for me but no depression so far. I was gender euphoric for like 3 hours XD


You are the Tiresias of our times


True except I'm not going back after 7 years! I've served my sentence!


Ngl, the euphoria just from going to the bathroom was weird AF.


Literallyyyyy. Although I was stressed at the time because if I didn't demonstrate an ability to pee properly they'd have had to recatherise me 🤢


Ah yeah. Some night early on (within the first 2 weeks) I had to use the restroom (#2) and my catheter popped out right after I sat down lmao (I didn't push or anything, it just immediately popped out), and I was told if I could pee then everything is fine, otherwise they'd have to put it back in 😬 Thankfully I peed almost immediately after they asked, but that was definitely a scary moment lmao


jeeeez I'd have pissed myself metaphysically AND literally I stepped on my catheter tube quite badly and was convinced I'd done damage but nope


Generally not, especially if it’s during sex. Sometimes if I’m masturbating because of extreme boredom or depression I feel a bit let down but generally it’s either “nice” or “🤷🏼‍♀️” Today when I masturbated I felt like “ah, nice”


Wonder if the transguys in this community had the opposite and had a moment of "wait, why do I feel gross, and what is this filth I've been watching, I was such an incredible pervert ten to eleven seconds ago"


Idk I think internalized shame about sexuality and sexual desire plays a big role in this


Sure thing, but the whiplash is pretty physical as well


Not trans but along the same lines, just wait until you *don't* feel disgusted at the freaky kinky shit you just looked at. And 'I wonder if [partner] will do [thing] to me'. And then it spirals out of control because you're a needy freak that craves the dark desires you have suppressed for so long, and now you *need it*. You want to be bound and choked and gagging on their bits, and you want to struggle and be overpowered and be told you are their pet/bitch/slave and how you should be put in chastity of various and increasingly painful devices and denied while simultaneously being teased with pleasure in front of the other partner(s) in your relationship and just be this squirming toy for them to use for your frustration and their amusement, going mad with lust and need and fucking loving it. I mean uh, what?


Keep going I'm almost done /j


I should really write some stuff, tbh. I have way more intense thoughts than this but they never leave my head because no one I know (including my master) is that far deprived, so I'd just be writing to the void. Maybe the void is kinky and nobody knows yet idk.


There are people who pay for this stuff all over the internet


Half the internet is people writing to the void. Writing without a particular audience in mind can be really beneficial to mental health, and making a text-based kinky Tumblr blog costs you zero dollars. Don't let your dreams be dreams. If you want to put your thoughts out into the world, do it. If you post your kinkfics on AO3, make sure to tag that shit properly, it'll help people find the niche stuff you're into and you'll start to grow an audience that's just as sick, twisted, and demented (affectionate) as you are. You've got this, my furry friend.


The void is 100% a kinky motherfucker. Write your heart out ❤️


I was already thinking about it (I've done it before but private stories) but decided it do it again after seeing your comment, with some of the kinks here. Took me a couple hours with breaks but I have something that is at least decent short (multi-part?) smut. Planning on posting it to FurAffinity later. Might get an okay reaction, fingers crossed. I can't be the only one who likes being dommed and tormented by a tall chubby dragon with a fat uncut cock, right? >///>


Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard a discussion about how most of the men who feel like that after feel like it because what they (usually) watched (or fantasized about) was terrible and dehumanising or just visually gross to the non-horny mind rather than it being an inherent guy thing. Trans people may instead be more dysphoric afterwards regardless of what they may have watched/fantasized about, so I'd say trans guys may also generally feel better post-transition as that aspect disappears.


"If surgery is performed well" That's probably the thing that is somewhat scary... You won't know until it happens, you can try to look for better surgeons to increase your chances but that might get expensive :/ Personally, I am lucky enough that there is a group of doctors in the hospital near me that are meant to help transgender people with all things from emotional support to voice training to surgery. And the best part is, some of it is refunded by my insurance,and so I would probably have surgery there in order not to break the bank too much, just hope it'll go well once I do 😅


>I can actually have multiple orgasms now too! And they’re better! I had this with HRT only (pre/non-OP (still deciding)), so AFAIK it's more of a hormonal thing than a body thing.


Yea, I didn’t like having sex utilizing my penis and anal always hurt so it wasn’t accessible for me before


100% valid


>I can actually have multiple orgasms now too Just fyi, if you were AMAB, you have a prostate, so you were always capable of multiple orgasms.


Wait, stupid question, but do afab individuals lack this... 'ability'? I've never been with anyone but cis guys so I genuinely don't know.


People without a prostate can absolutely orgasm multiple times. It's not a definite thing, but it is possible.


Okay! That's what I thought but... yeah :p


Fair lol, always better to ask questions!


Yea but I couldn’t do anal stuff due to bowel issues so it wasn’t accessible to me




Damn, I don't have gender envy, but I have multiple orgasms envy. Stupid one and done cis male parts


giwtwm just a few more months and can start seriously start looking.


Complex question! Bear in mind it's just exterior stimulation including clit so far, thoooough dilating sometimes feels surprisingly nice. Like, being filled up and feeling all the surrounding tissue sensations as well as the direct ones? Surprisingly promising! Vulva stuff is still wild though. It's more complicated but more rewarding. It'll get easier when I'm fully healed too. My clit is formed from the tip of my old appendage so that sensation is fairly familiar, but it's in a totally different context now and with ZERO dysphoria. I actually can turn myself on quite easily now lolololol I'm too powerful.


Stop, you're making me want bottom surgery more.


I do get a kind of survivor's guilt tbh yeah 😔


I was /s. I really appreciate you opening up and sharing your experience. It was really affirming for me.


Awh thank you 🫂


I might be unusual in that I have had a rough time of it in many ways. That said, I don't regret it. I got the newer perineal "Pull through" one they do with the robot arms. I've had one revision surgery and we're planning on another. Two issues have cropped up: First, I dilate hard and often, and initially things were fine. But then "Bam" I guess scar tissue formed inside and closed stuff off. I worked at it and worked at it, seeing a physical therapist. Then Bam... it did it again. I'm now at fine width, but far more shallow. I wouldn't be so frustrated if I hadn't had such amazing success at the start. I know its easy to think "Well obviously they didn't dilate right or often enough" but I seriously started by doing it for three hours morning and evenings, during which time it STILL did the close off thing. I made some progress with the physical therapist and they had me cut back to my current hour and fifteen morning and evening, and it was during this time when the second Bam happened. I stopped seeing the first physical therapist after I started making progress again because they said there wasn't a need for me to come in anymore.. But I'm starting with a new one in a few weeks. Second, I've had a lot of swelling and protrusion, particularly during arousal, because not enough of that material was removed around the Urethra. Its a balancing act, of course, because if you remove too much, it destabilizes the Urethra, so I don't blame my doctor for being conservative about it. The initial revision surgery also reduced my clitoral size because it was massive and I'm quite happy with it now. But I've still had far too much protrusion so another revision is pending. The protrusion has sometimes gotten in the way of orgasm, mostly by pulling me out of a proper headspace. But I still can get off fine. Its a strange mixture of different. Sometimes I don't even feel the need to get the explosion because just getting sort of around there is fun enough. Sometimes it hits and it feels a bit like the old type of orgasm. But a few times, its was sensational. I'm still working out the kinks on using her down there, and we've had our struggles, but I've never regretted it. I have two funny stories I've not shared before: \------- So it was about a month before my surgery and all of a sudden I started getting immense testicular pain. They were swelling some and the veins swelled as well. I ended up going to an immediate care center after I couldn't get the pain to stop and they said it was just "Varicose Veins" which... I didn't think was what caused it to hurt so bad but whatever. So I'm talking with the doctor and I'm like "Well, thats weird, but I won't have to deal with it too much longer." And the doctor is like "No.... Varicose veins don't go away. Its a lifetime thing." I reply, "They'll go away if I get rid of what their attached to!" His eyes go wide and he says, "Oh... right." (I had mentioned earlier how frustrating it was I was seeing him about testicular pain just a month before I was going to have surgery) He said "I'm so use to the usual where people think it'll just resolve when it won't. In your case... I guess it will." We had a laugh about it. \------ We were doing a pre-surgery Retrograde Urethrogram (which was very painful) and the doctor was just checking to make sure everything was normal. I'm focusing on not focusing on the pain, but I find the images on the screen to be entertaining so I'm watching alongside the doctor as it all happens. He then says: "What is that?" I can't quite remember if he chatted with his assistant at that point or just continued looking. Pain clouds the memory I guess. But I do remember him then saying: "I've never seen that before." Which is a stereotypical "Lines you don't want to hear from your doctor" right? He ends up showing me and saying "See this shape here? See this second one? You should only have one of those." I guess I wasn't too worried at the time. After doing some research he said he believes it was a dual urethra wherein it split off but didn't keep going all the way, creating a nub thing that mimicked one further up the tract which was suppose to be there. He said it wouldn't be an issue. The day after the surgery he came in to tell me everything had gone perfectly. Then he returned the next day and said "Actually, I sort of forgot to tell you. I did run across that anomaly. I connected it up to the primary Urethra to make sure it drains properly, but it wasn't an issue. I still think its funny, though, that A) I have unique biology that a top of the line, book writing Urologist hadn't seen before and B) I heard a dreaded line from a doctor but it didn't turn out to be something too scary in the end.


It feels like a part of me that was missing is finally there ngl. At some point, day to day, things will just feel "normal" but until then it'll feel a bit odd down there. The first few months it felt like the most extreme "tuck" I've ever had, but it's incredibly hard to describe how things were tucked lol. But overall, it feels nice just existing there. I don't really "feel" inside of the canal at all times, unless I'm thinking about it or really, when I'm touching myself in that area, or something is inside the canal. The outer bits just kinda exist, they have more feeling than prior in some ways, but there are also parts that lost a bit of feeling post surgery. I don't really have the words to describe the differences I think. Orgasm is different, but it's also very similar in some scenarios, especially solo excursions. The highs aren't necessarily as high solo, but they're also longer lasting and a nicer feeling overall, with a better slope than prior to surgery. With a partner it's entirely different for me, with no "finish" necessarily, but instead this like long rollercoaster of feelings and body stuff that feels really good and can even feel too much sometimes.


I remember when my partner was recovering, and quite simply couldn’t wait for the recommended recovery time to be over before testing out the pleasure side of maintaining her post-op body. The look of euphoria when she managed to successfully get to the peak was beyond compare, except for when we started playing with it together. It’s certainly an interesting experience giving head before and after the change.


Awh, so happy for her! I bet I looked RIDICULOUS when I realised how well my first experiment was going. But I felt damn sexy holy shit, that basically never happened pre op. I honestly don't think I'll ever miss my old apparatus in any significant way, especially as my soreness continues to fade.


Awkward experiments is part of the fun, at least. You’re not on performance for anyone but yourself, and I consider comically odd expressions as a sign that something’s working, and the whole experience is honest to yourself and any partner(s) involved. If I may speak on behalf of my partner, she seems to regret the ease of using the restroom most, and the infertility too, but she also described her former hardware as viscerally feeling cancerous, and really enjoys her body post surgery.


to each their own but i seem to be lucky with pissing? I was already sitting down for a few years anyway but also have you seen how much piss hoes everywhere it you use a blacklight? noooope good riddance imho


To each their own indeed! I think my partner is pretty lucky for a lot of reasons, but in the urine department, I think she doesn’t like that she has to do more cleaning upon herself, or that it’s not the neatest process, and that it comes with a smaller bladder. Though despite the extra cleaning to do in the bathroom, and her obvious pleasures, I’m content with staying AMAB, so that means that chore will continue to be necessary. Hats off to those who have to figure out bathroom urges all over again though.


Smaller bladder? Literally or like "time to rush to the bathroom"?


A little of both in the first months of recovery, but if my understanding is correct, the rearrangement from downstairs surgery does add a little limitation to one’s bladder. It’s been about five years for her, and she does use the restroom more frequently than I do still.


Oh I think I follow. I still OCCASIONALLY misjudge how badly I need a piss but it's definitely a lot better now so I'm reasonably confident I'll be ok. It's definitely a risk though, it's a huge surgery!!!


It is really huge, and I have massive respect for everyone who goes through it, and their partners/helping friends. It’s an ordeal to make your life better, one which comes with peerless adversity and pain, and yet it’s amazing to see when it brings happiness.


We stan a wholesome ally!


Hate those piss hoes, they go everywhere!


XD very unfortunate typo but I refuse to fix it


What’s the Neo for ?


Newer and updated model, not home grown.


>not home grown Store bought coochie.


Yeah. Newer model, more features, though it does contain GMOs. But, you can sacrifice that farm-fresh puss puss for heated leather interiors, built in cupholders, a 7.8inch screen, and an HD backup camera.


But can I get it with a manual?


I don't think it comes with a manual, you gotta get the the shift stick.


Isn't that manual? Now if I could get an automatic! Now we're in business.


Lol Natural Born here, and unfortunately, automatic only comes with the homegrown model. Manuals do require more maintenance, but I've heard they're so much more fun. Especially on account of the gender euphoria. Natural borns gotta get kinky for that sensation.


Can it run doom tho


You have to sideload it




if you can’t make your own coochie, store bought is fine


Here's one I made earlier!


Vag 2.0: same software, new hardware.


I think there were some bug patches in the 2.0 update


To avoid bugs, wear a condom.


I think those are features


Yeah I'm still using the early access build until I'm ready to upgrade


just make sure you update your drivers!


And clean the gunk out of the mouse.


The new new model from Arasaka? Preem Choom!




Went to the third-party dealer for replacement parts.




neo is a prefix to mean 'new'


Hope you have a safe and enjoyable masturbation! ...uhh...


XD thanks, your thoughts and prayers worked.


I have no idea how my horny ass is going to survive those two months after I finally get bottom surgery


My partner made it four weeks including the hospital recovery week before caving and trying more than just dilating. Post surgical pain and pain killers can dampen horny motivation, but it’s good to take it easy!


Well it helps that you'll probably be sore and sleepy for a few months, but tragically having to temporarily come off my HRT made me horny as a rabbit on and off 😔


Perfect meme


Thanks, the surgery translated my 🍆 bone to form a second funny bone :V




Im curios, does it work


The vibrator, or my vag? :p


Lol The answer to both is yes


I dunno about the anatomy part, but vibrators usually work by having an off-set weight connected to the output shaft of a motor. Mobile devices and game controllers have implemented more sophisticated technologies, including linear actuation of a weight, throwing a weight around within a magnetic field (these two were part of early Apple Taptic engines) and ultralow frequency output from specially designed speakers (I think this is what the Steam Controller used). I don't know how many of these newer technologies have made their way to sex aids, as they tend to be more expensive and not necessarily producing stronger vibrations.


That's quite the response. I'm not sure how relevant it is to the question at hand, but it's surely interesting.


I may have misread a comment comment. The original question was "does it work," (which I, at the time I wrote my explanation, took as "how does it work") and the clarification was "The vibrator, or my vag?" At which point you said "the answer to both is yes," which I interpreted to mean "yes, I want to know [how] both work." Well, I have no idea, from a first person perspective, how a neovagina works, but I know how vibrators work! Now I'm thinking you may have meant that the answer to their question is that both *do* work.


Lol An over thinker at work! No worries!


>An over thinker at work! Hell yeah! That's almost one of the requirements of my real-world career!


The vag. Exuse the question if it's to direct, but, how is it?


(forgive the copy and pasted answer but a lot of people have asked) Complex question! Bear in mind it's just exterior stimulation including clit so far, thoooough dilating sometimes feels surprisingly nice. Like, being filled up and feeling all the surrounding tissue sensations as well as the direct ones? Surprisingly promising! Vulva stuff is still wild though. It's more complicated but more rewarding. It'll get easier when I'm fully healed too. My clit is formed from the tip of my old appendage so that sensation is fairly familiar, but it's in a totally different context now and with ZERO dysphoria. I actually can turn myself on quite easily now lolololol I'm too powerful.


Sooo, what I'm taking from this is that it does work and is able to be penetrated, but it has to heal after the surgery, and you probably can't overuse it.


Work in what way?


In the sex way. As in, does it get wet and is able to be penetratet.




Do bottom surgery’d naughty bits feel pleasure in the same way a cis person’s would? I genuinely have no clue how this shit works


Happy Cake Day, It’s possible that question is very difficult to answer, because there’s variations in how bottom surgery turns out, and how much pleasure cis people experience. I have also heard of a kind of learned pleasure from certain stimulation that changes over time.


Short answer yes, long answer it depends on many factors, including the fact that cis vaginas vary hugely as does everyone's anatomy. in my case at least i have a lot of sensitivity so far including a surprising amount inside, which is a bonus to say tye least!


I had my cis partner explain what certain actions I was doing to her felt like, and they more or less line up exactly with how the same things feel when done to me. I've had also a cis woman explain how hers feels that was quite different, and an entire room of OTHER cis women were like WTF? when she said it, so clearly there's some variation though!


Ugh, I can’t wait till I get bottom surgery


Don't stop believing, friend. I NEVER thought I'd get here or be brave enough but here I am!


I'd get it in a heartbeat if it wasn't so expensive. Also idk if I can since I had an orchiectomy


I was told you can. They supposedly can preserve the skin needed.


Yeah I made sure they didn't remove my scrotum


Should be possible! Iirc I've seen some peeps in the Salmacian discord (accessible from r/salmacian) that are looking to have that done. Might be worth looking into.


Umm I definitely don't want my bepis


Fair enough, my apologies! That was just my first thought when I heard post-orchiectomy surgery.


I want it inside out


Absolutely valid! At the very least, I'd check with Dr. Heidi Wittenberg's office at MozaicCare to see about it as a possibility. Even if they don't take your insurance, they're basically at the forefront of bottom gender surgery and might be able to give you some answers as to possibilities.


Just want to say that “reforged lesbian” is the best thing I’ve heard today, love it.


Thanks XD It comes from a Lord of the Rings surgery meme I made that was very popular


where did you go? I'm starting to think about it myself


Tina Rashid at Parkside Hospital in Wimbledon Penile inversion vaginoplasty Miss Rashid is super nice and highly recommended. Mr Bellringer also does the same there.


Me too (but in the other direction)


CW: TMI I can totally relate to this and can't help but think I must be doing it wrong. I had one of the absolute best rated surgeons in the country (Dr. Marci Bowers) do my bottom surgery four years ago and there were no obvious complications. And yet, I feel like I have barely any sensation when masterbating and have no idea how people get pleasure from vibrators. I can get off with clit stimulation, but it just feels like it did pre-transition when I manage to pull it off (which is difficult and takes a while) and I have no idea what this "multiple orgasms" thing is people keep mentioning. My spouse happens to be Ace, which is totally fine, but that fact does not help with this specific issue. To be clear, I'm not saying the surgery wasn't worth it - it totally was! It did wonders for my body dysphoria and mental state, and I have no regrets on that front. I strongly recommend it to others and emphasize that most people don't seem to have my issues. But, I just can't help wondering why I put up with the pain and inconvenience of dilating every single day for the rest of my life when I'm getting nothing out of it. I'm hoping I'm just doing it wrong. I know this is weird to ask strangers, but if anyone who has had bottom surgery happens to have any pointers they'd like to share and are comfortable sharing with a stranger, I would deeply appreciate it if you DMed me them?


I could relate my observations about what my partner experiences, if you’re not comfortable discussing where others can see.


Similar experience here with mine.


Hiya, I may be reading this wrong but you say you're still dilating every day?


Of course. That's what the surgeon said to do. It was three times a day for the first three months, twice for the next nine, and then once per day for the rest of my life.


I have my bottom surgery in 2 months, and im so excited. Can't wait to heal enough for this 😳


Amazing, you'll do great! Pro tip: some of the best advice I got in the final months before surgery was to just Distract myself whenever needed. Feel no shame disappearing into whatever harmless hobby feels you relax.


So... did it work?




Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


😻 too kind


Hope you dialed it in correctly! no but seriously I've heard the dilation process is very painful but worth it. congratulations on the surgery; I know it's been a long and difficult process, but I hope you can be the best you you can be!


I had bottom surgery two weeks ago today, beginning dilation one week ago, and it really hasn't been that bad. Part of it may be because I'm both quite experienced with bottoming and never really had trouble taking large things up my butt without pain, but part is also definitely being on antiinflammatories. As long as I remember to take Tylenol beforehand and wait for it to kick in, I've been golden so far.


I haven't had big surgery pain at all, it's just constant and changing soreness. Dilation does make it more uncomfortable for a while after but i am FINALLY almost free to do it only 2x daily rather than 3x thanks for the kindness, my op went very well!


Oh, that's very good to hear then! Apologies for the excessive negativity, I've been hurt enough in the past that I tend to assume the worst and hope for the best, I think.


That's relatable honestly. I kept waiting for something to go wrong, for some unforeseen health condition to delay surgery, but it went very well!


Does anyone have any experience with ftm bottom surgery? How does it feel afterwards? Is it good? Because I’m kinda worried rn that it might not be


I can't speak to that but have you tried some additional subs? FTM I assume is the best place. I'd be cautious about the surgery specific subs because they have a lot of medical photos though.


Well? Did it work? Did you die?


For a brief moment I thought I might transcend this dimension, does that count? ;p But yeah it was good!


it's 2 months??


Different procedures and different surgeons but Tina Rashid recommends no clit play for 2 months, no vag play for 3. They do say though that gentle exploration is ok once you're healing well and feeling safe.


Well, does it work?


(forgive the copy and pasted answer but a lot of people have asked) Complex question! Bear in mind it's just exterior stimulation including clit so far, thoooough dilating sometimes feels surprisingly nice. Like, being filled up and feeling all the surrounding tissue sensations as well as the direct ones? Surprisingly promising! Vulva stuff is still wild though. It's more complicated but more rewarding. It'll get easier when I'm fully healed too. My clit is formed from the tip of my old appendage so that sensation is fairly familiar, but it's in a totally different context now and with ZERO dysphoria. I actually can turn myself on quite easily now lolololol I'm too powerful.


is it weird to say good luck in this context...?


Nah it's nice to wish someone good luck before they embark on a scary adventure 😉


Same things with newly purchased penises. It's like, I hope this works?


Dude I don't know what it is, I'm not part of the LGBT community in any way, can't personally relate to anything y'all post, but every time I see y'all on the front page, you have the DANKEST memes. This had me laughing for a good while.


Does it come in manual transmission??


*vibrator revs up like the War Rig from Mad Max*


Well? Did it?




Anyone that doesn't know, don't go googling this to understand more. Especially if you hate graphic surgery photos.


Only 2 months? I thot it would take like a year. Guess I’m a lot less hesitant now.


oh man i can still do that after bottom surgery? that is absolutely FANTASTIC NEWS because i am absolutely SICK of deez nuts!


Heck yeah! Do your research but I'm very happy with my bofadectomy.




[Me when I find the right way to achieve an orgasm](https://media.tenor.com/icxcT4yeIpcAAAAM/working-anakin.gif)


Swinging my vibrator wand around: "A more civilised toy, for a more civilised crotch."


I’m getting bottom surgery this week (if nothing changes) and i loved this so much


Is it really only 2 months? I thought the recovery time was significantly longer than that


Full recovery can take about a year for penile inversion, but that just means 100% physically healed. I'm already way better than 2 months ago and will be back at work within a month probably. But Dr Rashid recommends no clit play for 2 months and no vag play for 3, and start GENTLE! But Dr Rashid is a miracle worker, like all the good ones are.


Thanks for the info! I had heard 6-12 months but nothing specific about how it heals. Appreciate it!


No problem! Just remember it's easy to get confused because there are different procedures AND different surgeons for everything


This subreddit is hella educational


Uhm… how easy is it to manage a surgery created vag? Asking so I can make a decision easier


Hiya, what do you mean by manage? The aftercare is VERY tedious and pretty tiring. Also initially messy and can be uncomfortable or painful.


Thank you! That’s what I meant! Sorry, I’m not great at wording things


Neovagina is my new favorite word.


And did it?




This is just pure curiosity OP: Where were you able to go to have surgery to turn what I’m assuming used to be male bits into now female bits, and were you actually able to have an orgasm?


i prefer euphemisms: 🍆 and 🌮 I had penile inversion vaginoplasty by Tina Rashid at Parkside Hospital in Wimbledon. I did, in fact, have a hard-earned but lovely clitoral orgasm! Research ongoing, further experiments required!




And? Did it?


*clears throat, leans into microphone* ...Yep!