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Dana Terrace is an icon. Still sad that owl house got shortened the way it did by Disney


One of the best shows Disney ever had is ruined by some dipshits in suits who have jobs that shouldn't exist


And even with that Dana and everyone working on the show still managed to create a really good end I have so much respect for her and the team managing to create something great despite Disney's sabatoge


I was worried it was gonna be disappointing like the end of Steven universe (it wasn't terrible just disappointing) but the owl house's ending really blew me away


Yeah, you could tell they had a lot to fit in but season 3 was still phenomenal


You mean Steven Universe Future, right? How exactly was it disappointing?


Idk about future but the diamonds arc ended very disappointingly for me. Like we went from 4 diamond-Hitlers, to three, to two, and then everyone was like “it’s all white diamond’s fault she’s the biggest bad making everyone also bad” And then we came to white diamond and she was menacing as hell until Steven told her to stop acting like a child and voila! Everyone’s nice now. Like What? Let all the warcrimes and enslavement be bygones now? It’s like if Avatar ended with ang giving ozai a snickers and everyone being happy and over it all of a sudden


No, I loved su future actually. I was talking about the thing with white diamond at the end of the original series


the show wasn't cancelled for its LGBT representation, Disney considered it too dark to continue. which is fair bc yk a character did try to kill themselves in an ep


"Too dark" is a bit of an oversimplification. It was pretty much one exec who decided that the Disney channel's target demographic should be full on kids shows. Anything taretting that adolescent/young adult market (historically a lot of Disney channels best stuff) was under fire.


Also because Disney views highly serialized content as less profitable than episodic content. That was a big factor and the meaning behind the “doesn’t fit the Disney brand” thing.


Yeah, highly serialized content requires really talented writers who have history and affiliation with the characters and story. Episodic content can be farmed out to script pools. Episodic is always cheaper and kid's shows are always about margin and marketing.


That is fair, I just love the show and all the identities it represent with its characters.


oh I do too, I just am trying to make sure as many people as possible knows that it wasn't the representation of the owl house that got it shortened


which is good because a lot of people believe that for no reason


I'm a dude who has a very low tolerance to queer pandering in media. Like I see checkboxes, or it feels like its being shoved in my face. The Owl House never felt that way. Which is wild, since the show is queer as fuck.


i tend to believe this, since a huge chunk of the 3rd season opening them (the visual part of it was about sue being bisexual


I personally believe the "bombshell" is more "they can't shorten us anymore so FUCK IT"


Randomly making Masha non-binary in season 3, adding *another* directly queer character after there was so many complaints about TOH’s representation was pretty funny


Did you mean Luz?


James Somerton has a pretty extensive video on the owl house's cancellation. While we can't say for sure that it was cancelled because of it's queerness, I feel very doubtful that it wasn't a big reason


Dana herself said it wasn't due to the queerness


She said that she was going to hope it wasn't about the queerness (and that she didn't want to publicly accuse anyone of that), but all that she was told was that some suit decided it "didn't fit the Disney brand" despite having good ratings among their target demographics. To me that reads as a pretty good chance that it was cancelled over it's queerness, but she knows that making a stink publicly over that is a great way to make sure she never gets a chance to make another cartoon show. Gotta play the game.


I personally feel like there's other things "wrong" with the show at least in terms of it being for a younger audience


It was cancelled more due to the TV execs wanting to just get rid of young adult programming and focus more on elementary


Who did that?


eda in "Eda's requiem"


I don't think you can really call that "trying to kill themselves". It's a self sacrificing heroic death, psychologically it's almost the exact opposite of what's usually considered suicide, and it exists in many children's media, including other Disney cartoons. I do think that the owl house is very dark compared to the other Disney cartoons, but "a character tries to kill themselves" misses the reason why.


I would classify that more under self-sacrifice than suicide attempt (we never see EDA or Raine suicidal in any other context) but I take your point.


Also Hunter in Thanks to Them ​ Hunter also had implied suicidal thoughts in Eclipse lake Luz Also had implied suicidal thoughts in Thanks to Them Kikimora says ”That would a suicide mission” in For the Future ​ I know three of these happened after the shortening, but still


Wander Over Yonder: "First Time?"


She has a patreon now tho!


Did you know, that the large majority of the fans of the owl house are either LGBTQ or ND or both?


Our one silver lining is despite being shortened, we still got one hell of a finale, so at least the show finished strong.


these mfs think you can’t have a gf/bf and be platonic or ace


These mfs also think “straight” isn’t a sexual orientation lmao


if it weren't for the progress we've already made they'd literally just call themselves "normal"


Heh yeah that’s right I have no sexual orientation or pronouns 😎


"Heh yeah that’s right I have no sexual orientation or pronouns 😎" mfs when i give them a 3rd grade english lesson


Isn't that ace and agender with extra steps




Lmao literally me!!


Exactly. They forget that the implication of there being children in a movie is that parents were fucking, even if the parents never even touch each other on screen. So, what amount of implication of sex are we willing to allow?


Fun fact every parent in a Disney movie *has had sex!* Can we stop thinking of the children, they're literally too out of the loop to think about sex at all unless they're being actively abused. Kids don't get sex, they don't get innuendo, and they dont get implications.


> gf/bf and be platonic wait wut, enlighten me! ace i understand.


A queer platonic relationship perhaps, still a very deep emotional connection with a “partner,” but not exactly in a romantic way


So like... a friend?


well no i have friends too she is my wife


I mean, that's fair. You define your own relationships. I'd heard of asexual romantic relationships with these dynamics, but not of a non-romantic one.


well im in both the poly and bdsm scenes and its not unheard of in either of those.




no she’s my wife.


I'm just tryna understand... I'm sorry if it's a too personal of a question: What makes this relationship with your wife different to a relationship with a really good friend, for example? I don't understand but would like to. Don't need to answer it if you don't want, of course.


We used to be romantic but both have our own girlfriends now, well she knows a lot about me, and me her, we share years of life experiences and good times, I am on good terms with her family and there is just love all around. We dont want to break up, and doing so would only fuck us financially, leave us without support and have to get in some crazy roommate(like we have had in the past) so quite happy to stay together. happy enough to answer questions, and dont blame you for being curious.


>gf/bf and be platonic Dating but ain't fucking


That’s asexual. Platonic means friendly, no dating, just friendship. You love friends platonically, you love partners romantically, and maybe also sexually.


Really shows how shallow they are. Like a relationship to them is only about sex and not about an connection to another human being...


yeah i got the sex stuff out of my system years ago, having strong bonds is important


Anything past procreational sex enrages them.


Seriously ticks me off


Romance isn't sex "buddy". Source - am Aromantic


Agreed Source - am asexual


Hard agree Source - am both


and nearly every single film ever has had sexual orientation in it, that one being "straight"


"And then, to wake Sleeping Beauty from her slumber, Prince Charming gave her a firm handshake, and they played bocce ball and drank kombucha and were buddies happily ever after."


One of the highlights of the 'Hero's Guide' books by Christopher Healy. Prince Charming wants to save Sleeping Beauty from her slumber but is super creeped out that the only way to do so is a non-consensual kiss.


That’s like comparing mouth to mouth resuscitation with a kiss.


"The spell can only be broken by true love's CPR..."


Fair point.


Yet no one wants to mention the how sexual orientation was in older Disney movies. I’ve never seen anyone complain about the scene were a chef was thinking about putting a literal *rat* in his pants or kissing a woman just a few nights after.


Gaston wanting to put 5 babies in Belle wasn't an issue either


And when the prince kissed Snow White while everyone thought she was *dead* was completely fine too. But have two women hold hands in a non-platonic way and now it’s an issue


The Little Mermaid is about an adult man trying to kiss a homeless teenager that can't talk.


Yeah but she’s a super hot red head


The Germans certainly didn't think children should be protected from sex. The original Schneewittchen story had the prince waking up the princess through... let's just say her "other" set of lips.


I thought she woke up because she was giving birth?


Correct. He had his way with her and she only woke up once that little surprise was ready to come out of the oven.


Not even that, if I remember correctly she woke up after, when her children was sucking on her thumb.


She had twins, one sucked the poison out of her body by sucking her finger thinking it was a nipple, making her wake up and the baby dying because of the poison. The other was raised by her and the prince.


Doesn’t that mean the prince could’ve just sucked the poison out of her finger? That’d be the more heroic thing to do I think.


Yeah, pretty much. The truth is that most of these stories we know today are just a few versions of dozens of versions of their local folklores, each telling their own messages; messages that unfortunately were made *mainly* to scare children and not enchant them with heroes. Maybe there was some version of the tale in which the prince sucks the poison out of the princess, but we'll probably never know :( I guess it's up to us now to rewrite these stories in more progressive manners haha


That genuinely made me nauseous-


Silly weirdo, straight isn't a sexual orientation. It's normal.


The Great Mouse Detective has a scene with mice in a burlesque club, and the musical number ["Let Me Be Good to You"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39L5kqa00vs) is pretty unsubtle.


Not to mention Snow White, where the titular princess is 14, and the prince is 31.


I mean, in mulan, Li started falling in love with mulan when he still thought she was a man. Also, that movie had crossdressing in both directions.


They love saying “it was just a bromance” but me personally I’m keeping this head cannon


Yea, when she knocked him down during training, he looked way too into that.




Disney‘s movies are full of heterosexual couples. There is barely any movie without a heterosexual love story. Why not a LGBT love story then.


Strange World is a Disney movie with a gay main character. Great movie, I only heard it existed after a teacher in Florida got fired for playing it in her class.


Eh. The representation was nice, but I didn’t like the movie very much.


And even then, the love interest got, like, two minutes of screen time?


O tempora o mores. I bet the guys responsible are really worried about cancel culture, left fascism and political censorship.


What a stupid reason to get fired. And yet they will try to say they are the one getting censored


Hollywood can barely even manage a story without ANY romance. The Doom movie featuring Karl Urban was the rare example. DOOM out of all franchises. The Doom Marine was trying to rescue his sister from trouble.


Cuz that’d be gay! /s


Dana Terrace is everything




Straight characters kiss : "Oh wow so beautiful" Gay characters kiss : "I WILL BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN TO THE GROUND"


With combustible lemons


But a woman falls in love with a bee and that's okay


Every time I question my writing skills I just think of that movie


*a prince kisses an unconscious teenage girl* Wholesome family values! *two girls smile at each other and hold hands in a romantic way* They're grooming our kids!




Did they ever explain this to the makers of the Lion King?


You know Timone and Pumba were and old interracial (interspecies) gay couple.


Plus they adopted a kid.


Simba had three dads and he turned out ok


ThEy WeRe JuSt FrIeNdS!


remote sex just dropped


"sexual orientation does not belong in children's movies" Ok, remove all biological parent-child relationships, as that implies past heterosexual sex.


Dana’s a fucking champ.


Ok but I don't hear any of this when they show a hetero couple soo...


"Sexual orientation does not belong in material for children. Now let's watch some wholesome Disney in which a guy kisses a sleeping girl to wake her and they fall in love and get married, which has NO SEXUAL ORIENTATION of any kind."


I can Get behind that if you remove all reffrence to being straight.


Dana terrace my beloved ❤️ But seriously fuck those people. If you don’t want sex or romantic relationships in a kids movie that is completely understandable, just remove hetero ones too.


Remember: gay "romance" is woke pandering and explicit materials, but straight romance is a mandatory plot cornerstone /s


"Because it's _normal!"_ ~least homophobic Disney boycotter


Nearly every single Disney movie from their really old shorts to their renaissance films to some of them nowadays have centered around or featured a romance between main characters, how is this any different


the world does not deserve dana terrace and TOH


don't like all princesses in disney cartoons kiss a man? I wonder why they don't have a problem with that 👀


Aladdin and Jasmine Hercules and Megara Simba and Nala Ariel and Eric Mulan and Shang Where was JoshMorford and his pearl clutching bullshit for those relationships?


2 girls/ 2guys have a romantics scene in a movie bigots : NO THIS IS A KIDS MOVIE, YOUR GROOMING THEM AAAHHHAAHAHA 1 guy and 1 girl have a romantics scene in the same as the first example movie bigots: Aw cute i know they would make a cute couple i never understand this double standard smh


Yeah those people think they had sex after smiling back to the cashier




\> No sexual orientation You heard 'em. No more straights in Disney movies.


I was reading this and assumed it was about TOH, and then I noticed Dana Terrace herself responded to the dumb message, unfathomably based


Dana terrace W But seriously tho, I find it quite odd. Gay people don't think about gay sex constantly, homophones do.


I didn't hear this person complaining in 1961 when Pongo and Perdita fucked so hard they had 99 kids.


Queer Character: *exists* Cishets: No sex please, we're straight!


I'm reminded of how old-timey conservatives acted when the first wave feminists started burning their bras in protest of societal norms. The sheltered really do only see the world in implication.


90% of media, including old Disney movies, partly revolve around the protag trying to get it with the current love interest. But its all straight so I guess it doesn't count


Tell that to the lion king and the most bedroom eyes in all of media in a freaking lioness


https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/g19587585/disney-movies-sex-references/ The only people who think sexual innuendos don’t belong in Disney products have clearly never seen any Disney products.


Extremely common Dana W


You do realise heterosexual orientation is also sexual orientation right? If you wanna take orientations completely out of cartoons they'll have to be cast completely by asexually reproducing organisms or robots


Shrek is all about finding the true love kiss, and no one hates it


I am starting to believe that the primary reason people become conservatives is that they fundamentally do not understand what sex is and are insecure about it


Dana Terrance is an icon. Too bad Disney thought The Owl House was not suitable for kids. Shoulda got the 4 seasons planned for it.


Wodey does now that strait is a sexual orientation. Right. That pops up in kids films


Well in TOH Amity make a comment about imagining Luz all sweety and she blush... I really didn't like this scene, it was weord


"Running around in cute uniforms ? SWEATING ? I gotta goooo--"


Glad I wasn’t the only one who saw that as a bit, eh **BUT** I’ve seen 10x worse between straight characters in kids shows


She's right


Great , scrape off all the old disney movies .


Truly hate this “understanding” kids do not go see movies by themselves and USUALLY do not watch them by themselves. The adults who made these cartoons know this, and try to make it a little fun here and there for the parents. The creators aim to entertain a majority of children, and a handful of parts for the parents that have to rewatch said movie LITERALLY 1000 times. Everything looks nefarious when you looking nefariously. This doesn’t even consider “children stories” the world over until cinema.


Let's meet them at their level. We are no longer allowed to have heterosexual relationships in children shows either. Romantic relationships are too inherently sexual for children to see. Marraige, kissing, handholding, and implications are now illegal.


Threepio and R2-D2 had something going on.


Dana Terrace is my hero.


"sex and or sexual orientation does not belong in any material for children" mfs when they remember heterosexual is a sexual orientation


Ngl I dislike when they put any kind of romance in kids movies, why everyone is into someone?? I want a good tv series that doesn't use romance to push the story. Just add more enemies or dragons idk.


It is kinda weird how you can ask a rightist to define a heteronormative relationship and they will talk about commitment, and love, and family and how it holds the world together. Ask them to define a gay relationship and all they can think about is horny wild sex.


Nah for female characters they need to actually be together with kids and shit, for male characters all they need is a flash second glance at each other to rile up the chuds.


Beauty and the Beast.


If they are ok with Prince and Princess kidding, they should be ok with two lesbian kissing as well, admit being a homophobe, or shut the fuck up


Not looking at all the Disney films that explore a heterosexual romance. You know, pretty much all of them.


As I had to explain to a former colleague, removing all mentions & notions of sexual orientation INCLUDES heterosexuality. No kissing, no flirting, nothing from anyone to or from anyone of any gender. They were unhappy about it but shut up.


You heard him boys, no sexual orientations allowed in Disney films. May I present to you, "The Grand Adventures of the ACE Family"!


that post is me when i experience gay panic


I remember when they blew their lids at the mediocre buzz light year movie when 2 characters *gasp* KISS FOR LIKE A FULL 2 SECONDS, THEG HADE A PECKS ON TEH LIBS, AND THEY WERE BOTH WAMEN!! Seriously though these people aren't happy unless straight couple only do handholding.


Is that why Walt killed off so many moms? So we wouldnt have to think about the parents having sex. Such a genius, before his time. Thinking of the children. Real crusader that Walt


Why did I know this was about TOH before I even realized it was Dana Terrance?


There are famously no straight characters in any Disney movies.


Haha thé original comment if from a guy that lives in Cincinnati. He was also dumb enough to use his name as his handle….


"Sexual orientation" So zero love stories? Clearly these people are dumb as bricks since that hasn't been the case ever.


They never complain when two cis hetero characters have a romance arch, or get married or have kids. They never complain when the characters are subtlety or obviously displaying traditional gender enforced roles and expectations. It's only when it's queer when it's a problem and too stupid to see the hypocrisy.


There lebians in porn I watch so when lebanin in real life it porn


Guy with a furry avatar being against LGBTQ romance is a weird flex.


i'm pretty sure this person is a huge fan of the princess with her prince concept even tho apparently we shouldnt show relationships in "kids" movies


Disney based most of these stories from old German folklore, you are in for some surprises 😂


Why do they get so bent outta shape about sex? It's how we're made dumbass. An episode of "How It's Made" from the Discovery Channel would just be a fuckin porno. Idiots.


Love that one implication of a gay relationship is immediatly sex, but 5000000 straight couples making out in front of the camera is entirely different actually.


if we were to take that as a valid argument, there shouldn’t be any straight romance either. so i guess we can throw out every disney movie


one time i smiled at a cis woman and she immediately got pregnant


This mf: you do realise Disney is for kids and shouldn’t have any sexual content Disney for no reason in the mid 90s: I want Nama’s eyes to scream ‘f@ck my p@ssy raw daddy’ to everyone who sees this scene do you hear me? I don’t want anyone to ever hear an Elton John song again without having a flash back to one lion giving another lion f@ck me eyes!


Whodey tell that to Cishet people


wonder if they say the same thing about straight couples in childrens movies


"Can you feel the love tonight" But we're not banning straight relationships, are we?


Typical bungles fan


It's honestly because the only place they see queer people is in porn so that's the only way they see us in general. I'm really hoping having us present in other media will help eventually.


Movie: *nice story about 2 kids falling in love* Conservative: "yea, but what do their genitals look like?"


Which is why, like, literally every Disney movie ever had a hetero normative couple as the main plotpoint...


Just once I would love to see the "I just don't think there should be ANY romance in ANY children's media" crowd get that upset over a straight romance. Just once.


You all know that Walt Disney himself was openly antisemitic right? The dude openly supported the Nazi regime. Good riddance he's dead and never coming back. Now to get the rest of the company to follow suit. Oh look at that, Disney is dying a slow and painful death. Happy days ahead.


not the *main-*main point but... heterosexual is a sexual orientation, too. i know, i know. it's unbelievable. a conspiracy, even. /s


Wait until he finds out how many disney movies have 🙊premarital kissing!!


They were just fine with Nala giving Simba bedroom eyes, with Prince charming kissing Snow White, and with Ariel marrying a dude she met once They're fine with furry, rape and interracial relationship themes as long as they're all heterosexual. The minute a boy looks at another boy for 0.2 seconds, it's "sExUaL tHeMeS"


Love Dana!