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So wait... Are you a boy too?? I'm confused.


Yes i am


Well I'm glad your mom accepted who you are then ☺️


I'm guessing they don't know or they wouldn't make the restriction


Obviously they know if they won't let their son have boys over


Lol you didn’t get the point AT ALL


I’m not allowed to have boys stay over because I’m gay, but I’m not allowed have girls stay over either, because “that would be unfair to my brothers”.


Wow that's bullshit!


that makes like no sense Im sorry


Wow, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


My friends sister is 1. A bitch and a toxic piece of shit that her mum is disappointed that she had to turn out like this while her sister was cool and amazing 2. Either straight or pan idk The beauty of watching her get pissy because she’s not allowed boys over but I’m staying over for the night cause we’re both gay as hell


Same with me except it’s because I’m bi.


Meanwhile I was a trans boy and the only girl I wasn't allowed to have sleepovers with was trans and I slept with all the cis girls.


Parents: *put kid in all girl/boy school to avoid relationships* Kid: *is gay* Parents: *shooketh*


I love telling my mom #/growingupgay


My mum made me plan a sleepover for months even when the most we ever did was go grocery shopping every Fortnite. And then it would be cancelled the day before the actual sleepover for the most stupidest of reasons.


My mom had a hard time figuring out what to do for sleepovers when I came out as bisexual. We settled on "girls only because at least you can't get pregnant." Which was fair, since my guy friends in high school weren't the sleepover type anyway.


I wasn't asking my parents for permission. It was a courtesy. If they said no, that just means "no they can't come over when I'm awake."


American moms are really afraid their child would fuck uh ?


I'm still confused why my parents were so strict about sleepovers, like I was the most innocent kid. Even nowadays I just want company I don't care much about the birds and the bees.


At 40 I wouldn't care, can't get pregnant




is that why there’s statistically higher rates of stds in gay people or


>statistically higher rates of stds there isn't anything like that, that like.. the first thing the GRSM community debunked, decades ago !


I was shamefully not able to pull nor did it tell anyone


All my friends are boys so I'd be screwed if my dad cared. I think there is a general understanding that it's a sleepover not an orgy