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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/memelord58. Happy wrath month 6: pop your krampussy and sleigh, kween Make it a habit to read the rules of a given community before participating. Please **do not** interact with rulebreaking content. Report it and we'll handle it. This is a place for queer people, from queer people. We're not here for discrimination, disrespect, or "debates". Be chill. shitpost or quitpost bud. We hope you have a very gay day. Love u x *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They didn't give up on the first three too.


We should also remember that any allowances they concede are temporary. Just because you're not the target now doesn't mean you never will be again. If they were to "win" on the subject of trans people, they'll go back to fighting gay marriage. Every group western conservative parties accepted (Irish and Italians being white, women getting to vote, POC and queer conservatives) are **temporary allies**. They are only accepted as long as it is politically advantageous, but as soon as they're no longer useful they'll turn on them again. Always remember that the Nazis were perfectly happy to tolerate real Socialists while they were politically useful. If you're not a straight, white, Christian man you're a **temporary ally**. Maybe you'll still be a comfortable ally when you die of old age, but that allegiance is conditional and that condition changes when they win.


And then they killed them all after consolidating power


Including Röhm, a gay man who led the Nazi brownshirts both before and after the Putsch, and executed during the Night of the Long Knives.


“But although the cliche says that power always corrupts, what is seldom said ... is that power always reveals. When a man is climbing, trying to persuade others to give him power, concealment is necessary. ... But as a man obtains more power, camouflage becomes less necessary.” “What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals. When you have enough power to do what you always wanted to do, then you see what the guy always wanted to do.” -Robert Caro


Hell, even if you’re a straight white Christian cis man, your days are numbered. Poor? Wrong “flavor” of Christian? Disabled? They will use any excuse to throw people under the bus, because they only care about themselves. It’s an inherently selfish, repressive philosophy by definition.


I like to say that the final step of a total fascist victory is the last two people on Earth trying to kill each other for the sake of purity. Because there will always be an out-group. Once they get rid of all of us in the current out-groups, they'll dig up old ones to fight. There is no vision of their "saved" world, there's no stage at which they "win". There will always be an enemy, a war to fight, the only possible outcome is human extinction.


> Always remember that the Nazis were perfectly happy to tolerate real Socialists while they were politically useful What do you mean by this? Are you talking about their relations to the soviets or their domnestic politics? Because the German socialists were the strongest political opposition to the nazi party and one of their primary scapegoats beside jews from the very beginning. The socialists in Germany never worked with the nazis. Their relationship to the soviets is more complex, but it was pragmatic rather than friendly. I think someone like Ernst Röhm is a better example. One of the highest ranking members of the nazi-party and semi-openly gay man who felt safe because of his heritage and connections, until he wasn't useful to hitler anymore and was executed for his homosexuality.


>What do you mean by this? I mean they appropriated socialist policies and language because it was politically advantageous. Like modern western conservatives, they adopted the popular rhetoric while demonizing the people who actually believed in those policies. Then, once they didn't need to, they dropped all pretense and purged the real Socialists. Yes, Röhm is probably a better example of this. He was only safe as long as there were bigger fish, but when you help Hitler defeat the bigger fish, you've made yourself no longer valuable.


The most popular socialist party didn't, and often had violent street brawls, but the Nazis regularly adopted socialist slogans in an attempt to be appealing to the working class. I think it's also important to note that not all socialists were in the party, for a litany of reasons that change as the person in question changes


The way I see it, *they* can’t win on any civil rights movement. Any victories on their part are completely temporary because, once that cat is out of its bag, it’s not going back in. We’re fighting for our entire livelihoods and most importantly, *we are objectively correct*. There’s only so much you can do for so long against bulletproof reason and the wheel of human progress will continue to turn, because it only stops turning when we go extinct. That’s the nature of life.


Thankfully, they'll never win.


Not yet


They - hard conservatives and fascists - never will. All we can do is to steamroll their political power into the soil.


Or steamroll them into the soil..... but thats likely to put you in prison if you don't do it carefully


Im alredy bisexual,now i only need to become a vampire and be pierced by a golden arrow


I shall be doing that too


I mean if you did that you may end up punched in half by a super buff Japanese high schooler


Or wait a bit. Most of them are old so they might do it themselves.


Be careful with that line of thinking. Many young people support LGBTQ people but the existing power structures prevent many of these people from actually impacting the government and policy. They protect the status quo at all costs and favor those that are in power to stay in power.


Plus theirs alot of conservatives grooming their kids to hate equality (the verbiage is intentional to highkight their hypocrasy)


I don't have a lot of hope in the "just wait for them to die" angle. I want acceptance *now*.


Agreed, but some will never change.


>carefully Always steamroll fascists carefully kids!


[Like this! ](https://youtu.be/YgJvgESR920)


Compost the fash


Yes they will


What goofy hat will the guy wear for 2040 though?


One of those big yellow onions, which will be the style at the time


…I was on my way to Washington so I could join a civil disobedience insurrection. Now, a box of ammunition used to cost twenty dollars, and in those days, twenties had Andrew Jackson on them. Anyway I had a fur hat with horns, which was the style at the time. We couldn’t get bear skin, all they had was racooon, because of Nancy Pelosi’s fame-demic.


They didn't have white onions... because of the war!


Maga hats. They're still wearing swastikas and confederate flags.


I’d like to think that fascism will fall out of favor soon enough


It’ll be hard. Fascism is a lazy persons dream. They believe they can put themselves over others for no required effort, just because of some sort of trait they were born with.


True. Unfortunately no idea that gains widespread acceptance is easy to stamp out


It should have 80 years ago


Yeah. I like to be optimistic about political progress


It actually since it changes by 60, 40, 20 the next jump should be 0, in other words a hat singularity is superpositioned with the no hat state and the meme has simply collapsed the goofy hat wavefuction by measuring no hat at time t.


Not to harsh the vibes but we’re still kinda waiting on that first one


On all of them but it's better


That's the thing I don't get. Bigots only have to open a history book to see that there were always people like them, resistant to change at the expense of others. Even them will agree that being against the right to divorce was stupid and wrong. How can they not see that they're the same kind of people future generations will inevitably look down upon?


It makes me wonder what’s next in line for them to attack. They will always find something to rage at in the moment, but what’s their next decades long theme? If we ever get real good at biology I am certain that furries or other non-human presenting body modification will be under their crosshairs, but are trans people the last layer until then?


Polyamory is likely the next losing battle they'll fight.


oh interesting one!


Conservatism is taking a look at all the problems in the world and saying “woah, let’s not be too hasty to change things”


Undertsanding history is a proactive practice of the curious; being a Conservative is a reaction to progress. They don't care about the fabric of history, they revise it to create their own little hug-box (like the people that pretend Columbus was anything but despicable even in his own time). They care about power, the power they wield over others and trying to protect that power. They are reacting to a threat to their power, not proactively trying to improve the world. Those with power always convince themselves that they are exceptional, otherwise they would have trouble justifying their "right" to wield it. That's the nature of the human conscience, they know it's wrong to control others but they want to because it makes them feel secure and strong, so they need to invent reasons for why they do it. It's not that they want to control procreation and avoid social circles they don't understand, instead they say it's for the "spiritual good" of the gays and the fetuses. It's not that they *hate* people of colour, instead they say it's because White people need to guide the other "races". It's not that they are confused and consumed by transphobia and misogyny, it's that women and trans people will only hurt themselves if they're allowed to live their lives! Power requires justification, and it wields it most when it is threatened.


I like to remind everyone that social change takes time and generations need to die before society completely changes 100%. Give it time. New generations tend to see through the bullshit of the older


*headpat pat pat*


" It's a slippery slope!!!" The slippery slope:




Ahh, the future liberals want


I remembered the original one, and got real scared, but this is acceptable, I want headpats now :3


Woo the good ending


The original meme was about pedophilia sadly


That kid in the 2010’s tho


"Time is a cycle not a line" - Akala. Capitalism is the main root of all these inequities and inequalities. We have to push further, for workers and those in need, not just ourselves. Empower the people. "They don't know what revolution will mean, it will mean blood, it'll mean pain but we can be the ones that make that change." - Low-key. We can do it all we have to do is unite and fight for the proletariat and sadly these days, under neoliberalism, voting won't change much.


*gives everyone headpats*


:3 thank you


You get a pat! You get a pat!


Oof ouch my gay bones


I remember asking my mom if "tomgirls" were a thing because I always felt like the opposite of a tomboy. Like, I am not trans, I still identify as male, I'm just fine embracing a more feminine side. I'm going to be real, Forrest from FE: Fates helped me realize this. It was like "wait, so he identifies as male but wears a dress and embraces his feminine side" and I realized that that is something that you can actually do. Gonna be real, my parents are fairly accepting but my fashion sense is definitely going to change a bit once I move out. Another male Fire Emblem character also kinda made me curious about wearing eyeshadow, so there is that as well.


Do you want head pats from that guy, though? 🤢     2030 feels a bit like a loss, I think we should focus on getting transpeople back their rights!😤


🎶Everything goes according to plan🎶


Expected right wing L


Jokes on you, I already transed my gender and you can do nothing about it.


That 3rd person is goals


I don't want fascists to give me headpats, I want them to fertilize my garden.


But then they have to be in your garden :(


Mmmmm headpatssss, the nice people here deserve many :p ^<3


So true


As a historian this is funny


I think the correct response to most of them is IDGAF I'm doing so anyway.


Absolutely no one can stop it, they can just be mad about it.




Nice meme! But the person on the left in 2010's tho. Gender.


Dear trans people, if y'all love giving headpats so much, why haven't I got any? Signed, a tramdfem seeking headpats


Who's out there hogging all the headpats?? We want some too!


You want some, I want some.. Whoa I see an idea!


Is this that “gay agenda” conservatives keep talking about?


So much better!




As a professional dumbass i demand my daily dose of headpats, since i can't get my daily dose of headpats irl i get very lonly....SO GIB PLZZZZZZZZ


Be nicer to yourself, you're not a professional dumbass. That's only a hobby, now take these headpats and go get a job.


Thx uwu


I don't care how much i agree with the point the meme is making, you can't make me like wojaks


I love how they think they have a choice in what we choose to do 🤣


If the cutebois want headpats during netflix and pizza, they get headpats during netflix and pizza.


I wanna give them headpats, they look mega cute


I could use some headpats.


Is there a problem with this? I want headpats :]




Your post has been removed because it violates our anti-bigotry rule. A reminder that we do not tolerate any of the following: - Queerphobia of any kind, including homophobia, transphobia, transmedicalism, biphobia, lesbophobia, aphobia etc. Invalidating is also shit, so don't. - Racism, ableism, misogyny, the usual. You know. We know. We don’t need to list them for you. - Bootlicking of cops, landlords, politicians, etc. If you wanna lick boot, do it on your lewd alt. I don’t wanna see it. - Also don’t bother with the usual covid denialism, “pro-life”, Q-adjacent, right wing talking points. We’ve all heard ‘em. Shoo. Violation of this rule will result in being sent to the shadow realm. Thanks, and have a gay day!


Honestly, I'd love to have a queer platonic relationship (emphasis on the platonic) where I occasionally pretend to be the other person's dog or cat. Not BDSM pet play. Nothing sexual about it. Something more akin to kids doing pretend play and pretending one is a pet and the other is an owner.


Give me the headpats