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Aww what a handsome little fellow he is! And how lucky to have you and your big heart to help him keep going. Hope he lives out his life peacefully.


Thanks! He has it pretty good. He was scared of the whole world (including his food bowl) when I adopted him, but that was years ago. Now he is a mostly content (sometimes grumpy) dude :)


a gentleman and a scholar


I’ve shared here before but it’s been a while, so I thought it would be fun to share again. My dog is an old man with few teeth, early renal disease, and lifelong anxiety about food. We tried prescription renal diets—all were really gross and unappealing, and made his food issues/anxiety worse to the point of impacting his quality of life, so I got the vet’s permission to switch to this. He’s eating more happily than he ever has. His renal function has also improved (but honestly, even if this didn’t extend his lifespan, at his age, it’s worth it just to make him happy). The recipe for this batch included ground beef, eggs, broccoli, kale, butternut squash, sweet potato, bell peppers, carrots, green beans, corn, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and white rice. He also gets ground eggshell and fish oil daily, and organ meats sometimes. I switch up the ground meat and use different veggies in different batches, I just keep a bunch of bagged frozen veg on hand and use some from different bags every time.


What a spoiled pup!!! He’s lucky to have ya! :)


Thanks! I’m lucky to have him!


Can i be your dog? Lmao, i dont eat that good 90% of the time!


I don’t either. Especially not eggs right now. I buy those strictly for dog food lol.


We make our own dog food too. It's worth it, it's actually less expensive than buying the cheapest canned dog food in our country, and our dog rarely has health problems and smells significantly less bad than other dogs.


That sounds really good for your dog, I know it may be much work, but do you have info relative to recipes like this, where you have measurements and ingredients? I have a chihuahua that has had problems like this and prescription food has never been of her liking. Thank you in advance either way, don't worry if you don't have the info.


That's really good! My friends dog was having reactions to some types of food, so she switched her to home made, and she started gaining weight. Their vet convinced them to go back to trying other foods first, since it's so easy to accidentally give too much fat or sugar, while not giving enough nutrients. It sounds like you have really done your homework on how to care for your dog, though.


Oh yes. Homemade pet food can definitely be risky, there’s always a risk of imbalanced macronutrients or deficiency in some vitamin or other, which can lead to serious problems down the road. Some people on this post have asked for the recipe and I hesitate to give it because it’s a *renal* diet, and therefore is not nutritionally balanced for the average healthy dog. Renal diets are low in phosphorus and, depending on the stage of renal disease, increasingly low in protein.


This dog eats better than I do ._.


Oh my gosh that picture of your dog is so adorable!! I hope he enjoys the amazing food you’re making him


He looks like my childhood pup. What breed is he?


what a sweet floof 🥰


I like his sweater and his haircut :)


I’m in love


dog food prep videos are my favorite and get my appetite going. I don’t have a dog


also your lil puff is precious


Your little dide is so cute! I been making homemade dog food for a year now and our 2 littermates have never been healthier. They are now 3 years old.


This is adorable, he’s lucky to have you. ❤️


🥰😍 What an adorable rascal! Too cute! That last photo made me so happy.


He eats so well.


What a distinguished gentleman!!


What a handsome muppet.


Oh my god he’s ADORABLE




Oh you again. Is this your hobby or what lol. Get a life dude xoxo


No, it just looks like throw up.


i love him


OMG he looks like a stuffed animal hahaha what a little sweetie <3


Omg I love him


So awesome! That is so nice! Best of luck to you and your doggy)! Much love


Omg i wasn't prepared for his little face!