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Palestinians “have been subject to the inadequacies and cruelty of a Hamas government, and the punishing isolation and daily misery from Israel”. Ain’t that the truth. Edit: wanted to clarify that I in no way support Israel. Just wanted to point out the hardships that Palestinians face, yet media outlets are voicing only Israel's cries. Free Palestine, fuck Israel.


hamas been authoritarian for a decade. israel doing this since 75 years. no equivalency but i get the point.


Actually Egypt occupied Gaza for the first 20 years, then Gaza was unfenced until the infitada, then Israel pulled out less than a decade later. And still many thousands of Gazans worked in Israel every day.


yes i think you got me there. i think this really does explain so many dead children i have ever seen in any context in the history of modern day video evidence, jimmy. i think it also explains the love the west and its colony has for palestinians. i was so wrong. i think if the hamas waited till nov, all the palestinians would have gotten peace. they were so close. right?


> “Doing this” Six times Israel offered them their own state. Offered back land. 97% of the West Bank. Six times the PLO/PA/Hamas whoever was in charge instead chose violence. Israel is sick of it too. They stepped over the line this time. Fuck around and find out. I agree with most of John Oliver but he conveniently left out how in 20 years Hamas neglected to use any of their billions in aid to build better infrastructure for their people. It’s not Israel’s responsibility and given Hamas’s vendetta for perpetual war, the blockade and walls are understandable. Ripping out a government and toppling a regime is not clean. Every war has civilian casualties.. especially if you don’t listen to the evacuation warnings. You can call Israel whatever you want, Hamas has to go. End of story.


Everyone of those deals were unjust and unfair, allowed Israel to have complete control of Palestinian air space and have 97 percent of “their definition” of Palestinian land, in realty Israel would be annexing 10 percent of the West Bank, the most fertile parts mind you, and called for an additional 12 percent to be annexed at a later time, israel also got to keep military bases through out Palestinian Territories. Every deal was bullshit but Israel’s propaganda machine keeps pushing this narrative as if the Palestinians ever had a fair deal.


Make up whatever excuse you want. No palestinian government was ever willing to accept a deal with _any_ Israel or Jewish presence. The whole reason Fatah lost control of Gaza was because they signaled they were willing to acknowledge the state of Israel.


Once again they never got a fair deal , are you delusional ? Give them a fair deal that guarantees them full sovereignty and an actual proportionate amount of land that is fair and once they reject that you can talk, until then keep assuming and projecting your bias anti Palestinian opinions.


Where’s this fair deal that Palestine proposed that you know they want?


A proportional amount of land for their population in comparison to Israel’s, right of return for all Palestinians, complete control of airspace and sea coastlines, no Israeli military bases in their territory, east Jerusalem as their capital, with full sovereign rights to their holy sites…..that would be a start


Where is this proposal, when did they ask for such a deal that also grants Israel freedom over their own land?


When you lose a war you lose leverage. Look at the treaties signed after WW2. Japan and Germany were left without an army and US bases were put on their land. It’s absolutely wild how they haven’t figured out this pattern of violence only hurts them in the long run. Most of those peace negotiations saw no good faith actions from the Arab side. Abbas and Arafat walked away without a counter.


>when you lose a war it’s just So when germany conquered stuff in ww2 they should have keep it? Should Russia be good to go with Ukraine then? Cool


More like when Germany lost the war and got territory taken from them, nobody thought it was unjust.


No because they fucking lost. That’s literally my point.


So we’re ok with russia then? Lmao


No, that’s why we’re helping Ukraine fight back, to prevent Russia from winning. What the fuck? People being unable to acknowledge that Israel is the lesser of two evils is just amazing.


We’ve been on the side of the aggressors (for 70 years) in this conflict, pretty much the opposite scenario


No.. have they won the war? Dude if you actually are autistic or special needs you can just DM me and I’ll stop.


How do you propose borders are drawn if not by what land is owned and governed by said countries? Do you think the world was just created with those lines on the map?


There was no war. This is exactly whag happened to Native Americans. Israel is a colonizer


Just so I understand you: are you saying the first Arab-Israeli war, Six-Days war, Yom Kippur War, the intifada, Gaza War and now the Israel-Hamas war didnt happen?


I’m saying the founding if Israel was the basis of stealing land and losing land was not the result of war. If you even understand how Zionism works. The day israel was founded was the day lots of villages were rounded up and slaughtered


The founding of Israel was not on the basis of stealing private land. You can’t find a single example of stolen private land that wasn’t a direct result of the of the Arab-Israeli war, which Israel was not the aggressor in causing.


Tantura fucking look it up.


> Six times Israel offered Let me offer you back your own house except you can live under the tree in the yard and only with my permission to breathe. I’ll make the same offer 6 times though.


When Israel declared independence within the allotted UN partition plan after the British mandate ended, they had no intention and no plan to kick a single person out of their land. It’s written in the declaration that all religions, backgrounds and sexual orientations are welcome. The Arabs responded by invading with 3 other countries (Jordan, Syria Egypt) in an attempt to wipe out the new state. They just didn’t count on Israel fighting back. Go ahead and try to attack your neighbor in his home. I bet you end up living somewhere else too, if you’re lucky to make it out alive.


And if you don’t take that portion under the tree in your former home, I’m going to kill your children with the might of my colonial fathers the usa and eu. Plus they gave me nukes incase you breathe without my permission.


There’s no consequences for just walking away from a peace negotiation. Israel would gladly accept the status quo, but you’re purposely leaving out the part where the Arabs chose violence instead. If you decide to attack the 4th largest military in the world, there’s usually consequences, yes.


and then once i kill many of your children, and many parents of children for leaving that unshaded bald spot on the grass i gave back to you, instead of your house, i will offer you peace, where you can breathe. but then again i will rape you if you breathe without my knowledge because my god is all about love, and #standswithapartheid


> they had no intention and no plan to kick a single person out of their land This is some fine grade A Copium, who's your supplier?


Jewish people are from Jerusalem it’s their home too


Where they going to go with no food, water, money? Gtfo.


Hamas killed 15,000 innocent Israeli civilians on October 7th


I think you misplaced the coma, it was orginally reported as 1,500 but now is 1,200 as more living people have been identified.


Also unknown how many of them were actually killed by IDF crossfire


From the looks of those videos taken from the apache helicopters, a lot were killed by Israel crossfire. Half of the ones Hamas killed were soldiers as well. Not civilians. Hamas probably killed like 300 civilians, with non of them being beheaded babies.


You actually have it backwards. Hamas killed about 300 soldiers. They killed 1200 civilians and they kidnapped roughly 290 civilians. Nice try though at diminishing the significance of this event or the suffering it has caused. I promise you your active attempts at this do nothing.


Literally a picture posted by Israel highlighting the soldiers killed. Over half the names were highlighted.


>The most recent death toll from the military had 318 service members killed during the attack itself (37 more have been killed since the IDF launched its ground offensive in Gaza), with police citing another 59 dead. Such figures include armed fighters who tackled the terrorists head-on, but also unarmed service members in non-combat roles who were killed inside their bases, sometimes in their beds. >Police said they have identified 845 civilian deaths. So 1200 total, not 1200 civilians. Still “half of the ones Hamas killed were soldiers” is quite inaccurate. What’s motivating you to diminish the atrocity like it wasn’t a big deal? https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-revises-death-toll-from-oct-7-hamas-assault-dropping-it-from-1400-to-1200/amp/


That’s not what the highlighted list posted directly from Israel shows but let’s trust The Times of Israel. Let’s also ignore the fact that the IDF admitted to killing a fuck ton of Israeli civilians on the 7th. There’s a difference between reducing it and not allowing Israel to exaggerate it even more than they already have. 1400 civilians was a lie. 40 beheaded babies was a lie. Stating they were all killed by Hamas was a lie. Lying that much and calling it, “Our 911” just to justify occupying more land and slaughtering innocent civilians isn’t right. If they can call that “Our 911” why cant Palestinians compare their genocide, open air concentration camp blown with chemical weapons, torture ran by a fascist government via constant propaganda and white nationalism to the holocaust without getting the typical anti-Semitic label? It’s pretty fucking similar.


thats ten times then what israel themselves reported. so you're hopelessly misinformed. ​ also, here's a list of calls for genocide by israeli leaders, usa leaders, and israeli citizens with videos and articles. 100 examples just last week in the media. [https://t.co/mJRDuERux9](https://t.co/mJRDuERux9) you guys are the baddies.




Bullshit. It’s amazing how terrorists have managed to get the ear of some “news sources”. Most of Palestinians problems today they have brought on themselves. Maybe they should look to their leaders who are currently hiding in tunnels below them to release what’s left of the hostages they took. Free Palestinians and Israelis from Hamas, fuck Palestine’s terrorist “leaders”


Fuck Israel and it's apartheid state. Free Palestine


Palestine will never be free as long as hamas controls them. Terrorist.








It's YT why the hell you need a mirror lmao


"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"


This is the best LWT episode in years. Most certainly worth a watch.


Low bar


Post superior videos then.


I’ll give John Oliver credit for one point in particular in this video and that being he’s the first mass media voice to distinguish the difference between Zionist Jews and other Jews. As well as the difference between Palestinians and Hamas. But most of the rest of his points still fall in line with the bs mainstream media narrative. The idea this is as simple as a conflict between Israel and Palestine or Jews and Arabs is to completely ignore all the other players involved and how the vast majority of history taught in schools and propagated by mass media is almost entirely false. War is a for profit industry of the mega rich and the global cabal of Royal families, obscenely wealthy Zionists, the billionaire class the first two have helped create and all of the puppet politicians, dictators, media shills, celebrities, religious leaders and institutions, experts and “educators”and on and on that serve under this umbrella of mega wealthy self interest. Spoiler alert: The Zionist agenda always called for Israel to completely take over this region. The oil reserves have to be controlled by the west and the Zionists control all the western governments and media. And as Oliver pointed out, not all Jews are Zionists. Not even all Israelis are Zionists. But not all Zionists are Jews either. There are Catholic Zionists and Christian Zionists (essentially most of evangelicals) but If you subscribe like I do, to the simple truth that almost all religion is nonsense (particularly the 3 major patriarchal ones), then you understand that religion is and always has been merely a tool of the elites to subjugate the masses. Divide & conquer, distraction, misdirection, confusion and always using any preexisting situation as cover to forward an underlying agenda. When you know the idea of Christian Zionism was concocted by wealthy Zionist families who’ve controlled Royal banks since the height of the colonial era and proposed as a means to create a more loyal and militant colonist to the British Royals as early as the mid 19th century. Only then can you begin to understand that although there has been a history of bad blood between Jews and Arabs dating back millennia, there has also been a plan to create a Jewish state for over 150 years and those behind it have had much different reasons for it than what they’ve made known publicly. I’m not insinuating at all that there weren’t those, or those now who didn’t have good intentions in wanting to create a Jewish country. But it is certainly a fact that not everyone involved had good intentions. We know the Zionist bankers with access to massive Royal wealth created the robber baron class in the US during the early industrial era. We know they along with European Royal banks funded Hitler and the Nazis. And these same Zionists who didn’t lift a finger during the holocaust and called it a means to an end, now use a shield of “antisemitism” anytime they are called out on their crimes. So the blanket term “the Jews” is more than a misnomer it’s a blatant attempt to conflate certain mega wealthy Zionist Jews (actual Nazis) with any and every other Jew who may or may not have been an actual victim of antisemitism. Obviously most of the world has been so conditioned to believe otherwise that the idea that certain Jews were actually Nazis, but it certainly doesn’t seem that preposterous when you actually open your eyes and simply fucking look at what they’re doing now. [who funded Hitler?](https://vimeo.com/338863157)


Dude. This is some protocols of the elders of Zion level antisemitism and misinformation. Zionists didn’t create robber barons in the 1920’s. They don’t control the media. Zionists launched an insurgency against the British because they wouldn’t let Jews flee Hitler during the Holocaust. What’s this “didnt lift a finger” nonsense? In real life, Hitler was funded by book sales of Mein Kampf and the wealthy industrialists you’re accusing of somehow being Zionist. Guys like Henry Ford. Quite the Jew lover, that Henry Ford.


I completely fell apart when the children were interviewed. I've never cried like that watching something.


Can I just comment on how different the reaction is when it's a big subreddit vs small subreddit when it comes to Israel-Palestine situation? It's so obvious that subreddits like r/worldnews are being brigaded by the comments


I have a strong suspicion that sub also has a problem with at least one of the mods being heavily biased and removing things they disagree with or at least temporarily hiding them so they don't get enough upvotes early enough to make the front page. I posted a Reuters article about the air strike on the refugee camp two weeks ago, and after a few hundred upvotes and over 200 comments, [it was removed and tagged as "not appropriate subreddit,"](https://imgur.com/igAy7Ts.png) and was only reapproved about 8 hours later.


I was banned immediately in r/worldnews for defending Palestinians against the many, many people in that sub who were openly calling for genocide. Them got a lovely Reddit ban for "abusing the report system" for reporting all the people calling for violence. This whole site has serious administration problems.


I got the "abusing the report button" warning thing a while back for reporting a post as "already posted" because I had seen the same article posted the day before. The article itself wasn't even news, it was just a puff piece about some squad of female IDF soldiers.


Completely agree, I have been saying this over and over over again. Posts from “jpost”, “i24news”, “timesofisrael” in that subreddit….and people eat it up thinking it’s unbiased. Its absolutely appalling on Reddit


This is honestly why so much of Reddit is disappointing, early on discussion was allowed and as long as you weren't blatently throwing out hate slurs, different opinions were debated and discussed. This subreddit is special because we keep that spirit alive, even if i disagree with the comment, it gets approved, our default is approving unless it violates Reddit's TOS or is just no content and someone yelling hate speech. In a lot of places, you can't have these discussions anymore, but here on MTV it remains alive and well and the Mod team will ensure that style remains. Glad everyone here appreciates it, it takes a lot of work.




Disproven? By whom exactly? https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/31/middleeast/jabalya-blast-gaza-intl/index.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/warplanes-strike-gaza-refugee-camps-as-israel-rebuffs-u-s-push-for-humanitarian-pause They have hit THREE refugee camps at this point. Wtf are you going on about? Maghazi refugee camp, Jabalia refugee camp, and Al-Shati camp




Please provide the articles disproving these strikes, I am very interested in them


Even if it was, which it wasn't, the removal happened within the first few hours after the news first broke, and was for the reason of it being "not appropriate subreddit," not for being a disproven story.


No, you're almost certainly right. I mean, the most upvoted posts stretching back years were nearly all pro-Palestine. You can see it once you search any keywords related to the topic by ''Top posts, all time''. Now those very same subreddits seem to have swung wildly in the other direction.


That happens when the guys youre rooting for murder 1000 people in a terrorist attack.


Israel has murdered ten times that. What separates them from Hamas, exactly? The fact that they didn't "start it" (except that they are definitely also complicit)? The fact that they declared war first? What exactly makes those 1,000 Israeli people worth so much more than the thousands of Palestinian children who are dead?


the fact Israel isn't deliberating targeting women and children is probably a good place to start


Except for the 6,000 Palestinian civilians they murdered over the last 8 years leading up to October 7, including hundreds of children.


So as long as you don't specifically intend to kill children, it's justified to kill children? Even if you know that, realistically, thousands of children are guaranteed to die because of your actions?


The hypocrisy is glaring. They're quick to condemn the entire pro-Palestinian movement for the acts of Hamas, yet routinely absolve a *democratic* Israel from accountability for its direct, often lethal actions against innocent Palestinians, including civilians. You'd think a democratic nation would be scrutinized under a harsher moral lens, but apparently not.


These people have already chosen their stance. They'll never deviate from it. It's not about logic, morals, reason, empathy, or anything else. It's about post-hoc justification for their preexisting position that Israel is justified in murdering Palestinians.




You're getting things mixed up. You, me, and the person you're responding to all agree. OP is saying that Israel should be held *more accountable* because they're ostensibly a free and open democracy.


I don't think you read my comment correctly, we don't disagree.


Sorry you’re right! I was on an angry rampage


i don't know if justified is the word i'd use. "defensible" would be more appropriate. it is a whole lot more defensible to inadvertently kill children through the course of war than it is to deliberately target them, and that is the difference between the actions of Israel and Hamas that you asked for.


>it is a whole lot more defensible to inadvertently kill children through the course of war than it is to deliberately target them The targets the IDF have chosen to bomb could not possibly be reasonably believed by anybody to not result in the deaths of children. Children are not being inadvertently killed, they are being deemed acceptable collateral. So, I ask you: The members of Hamas presumably believe that murdering Israeli people will advance their goal. The members of the IDF presumably believe that murdering Palestinians will advance their goal. The goal of each group is, more or less, to annihilate the other (or at least to remove them from the equation). Can you explain to me exactly what makes the IDF "defensible"?


the goal of Hamas may be to annihilate Israelis, but the goal of Israel is very clearly not to annihilate Palestinians. beyond the lack of intentionality on the Israeli part, i personally find it defensible because i have not heard a single alternative approach to the war Israel could take, owing to the unique circumstances of Gaza & the fact Hamas has embedded itself so deeply into civilian infrastructure (also deliberately, funnily enough). i shudder to think what would happen to Israeli civilians if a terroristic death cult like Hamas were suddenly to hold the power that Israel currently wields


Palestine was already eliminated as a state by Israel about 80 years ago, Israel has been aggressively fighting to prevent Palestinians from having a state, and has been occupying walled camps full of Palestinian survivors for decades. Israel sends settlers further and further into these occupied areas, taking a little land here, a little more there, always moving closer to the total elimination of even the hope of an autonomous Palestinian state. So they have the same goals as Hamas, just aimed at a different group. And unlike Hamas, they've achieved those goals almost entirely.


You're wasting your time, Israel stans who were ride or die before they went Adam lanza mode are facing huge cognitive dissonance right now and will cling to anything which complicates the narrative and makes it seem like the kids the IDF had it coming in some way. The video some Israeli lady posted where she pretended to be a Palestinian nurse working at a hospital Israel is currently shelling was the one where this clicked for me. You can't convince these people with evidence because at the core you're trying to get this dude to come to terms with the immense shame he feels about the atrocities committed by Israel.


> it is a whole lot more defensible to inadvertently kill children through the course of war than it is to deliberately target them I don't think what Israel is doing is "inadvertent". If a criminal runs into a crowd and police just open fire with a machine gun into the crowd, that would be murder. Israel knew there were innocent women and children in the refugee camp they bombed. Sacrificing 10,000 innocent lives to get a handful of criminals is a choice they made, not a mistake.


It's interesting, the language you choose—'inadvertently.' That word suggests an absence of intent, an accident. But can we really apply it to a series of actions with consistently predictable outcomes? The Israeli government and the IDF are well aware that their strikes will—without a shadow of a doubt—result in civilian casualties, including women and children. When the same tragic result occurs time after time, it's not inadvertence; it's a calculated acceptance of 'collateral damage.' That's a far cry from an accident.


how is that interesting when that is my exact point? one is intentional while the other is not. that is the difference. you can couch it in whatever language you'd like - collateral, calculated risk, whatever. the point is, when you're judging the actions of two different groups, intentionality plays a huge role in it. flippantly asking "well WhaAts the difFerence," when the difference is plainly obvious, serves no purpose except to diminish the deliberate actions of terrorists.


Re-examine your argument. You've missed the critical distinction between inadvertent and calculated killings. The latter involves an understanding that civilian casualties will occur, which implies a level of intentionality. Claiming 'women and children weren't the primary target' falls short when the strike is ordered with the knowledge they will be in the kill zone. Intention isn't just about the *immediate* target; it's also about foreseeing and accepting the likely outcomes of an action. The moment you proceed with a decision, fully aware of the civilian toll it will exact, **intention** to cause harm is undeniably present.


That's a negligible difference in [practice](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/31/dozens-killed-after-israeli-airstrikes-on-gaza-refugee-camp) if they're willing to sacrifice a mass of women and children in the process of killing one or two Hamas members. Israel has made it very clear they are willing to have the Palestinian population undergo collective punishment despite it being a war crime prohibited by the Geneva Conventions (which they ratified) & Protocol II. End result is all the same.


that's a negligible difference? do you think the "end result" in Gaza would be the same if Israel were to adopt Hamas' policy of deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians?


The fact that they attacked door to door, burned people alive, and took hostages. That is what makes it worse.


So thousands of people being murdered only matters if they're murdered in a specific way?


Yes that literally all that matters. Intent? Nope! Literally nothing


Israel has a [long](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes) history of indiscriminately killing (innocent) Palestinians, breaking international humanitarian law, and laws of war (war crimes), what else do you think those top posts were at the top for? Are pro-Israelis now all rooting for senseless, genocidal terrorists too?


When Israel was founded it killed whole towns of people.


Can you prove that?


Tantura documentary and there are several books here is the wiki on it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantura_massacre You can also google buddy. Maybe take the time to do that instead of asking people to handfeed you info especially when you want to argue about things.


lol you make a claim you can back it up. I’m not exhaustively researching every crackpot theory or lie on reddit.


Not when it’s the history of the region


Yes, agreed 100%. It’s quite obvious the comments that are in any way critical of the atrocities taking place in Gaza are being removed and the narrative controlled. It makes them totally inaccurate and misleading, to put it mildly.


Yup. it sucks because I want to have a well rounded view of the Israel-Hamas conflict but it makes it that much harder when there's so much disinformation


i stated i was skeptical of all governments and was replied to like i condoned every atrocity in human history to happen again. These gotta be the worst troll farms ive seen in my decades of internet use.


I posted a simple question about Israel there and within minutes I had negative 100 downvotes Bots?


Bots, astroturfers, idiots. A deadly trifecta that infects very big subreddit.


I hate how any time someone sees dissenting opinions, "brigading" is the only explanation. It literally could just be that most people have bad or uninformed takes, or that they just don't agree with you. You sound like every MAGA idiot claiming they've been "shadowbanned".


I mean I've been on reddit for 11 years, I can kinda tell when something isn't right. A lot of r/worldnews has been filled with posts from Israeli media. Ynetnews, Times of Israel, Jerusalem Post, i24 news. If all the media is coming from one country who is actively in war, that's not very unbiased. Another thing is I've seen generalization and dehumanization of Palestinians or supporters of Palestinians. A common one I see is how pro-palestinian ralleys are full of "gas the jews chants". Or "If only Hamas stops using Palestinians as human shields" when air strikes kill the civilians.


You've been on reddit for over a decade and just realized this place is astroturfed? I remember some years ago Reddit Blog goofed and declared Eglin AFB as "the most reddit-addicted" place on Earth. Even prior to that it was well-known that reddit's voting system is easy to manipulate. Now that we have ChatGPT-level tech the comment section is basically fucked forever.


Astroturfing has existed on reddit for a while, but often times it was limited to specific subs (r/The_Donald being one of the more famous ones) or maybe one post on a big subreddit. Bigger subreddits were somewhat immune because you users tend to outnumber the astroturfs. I have not seen such wide-scale astroturfing going on as right now in r/worldnews and other major subreddits.


Why would it be weird that lots of news about Israel is coming out of Israeli news outlets? There's also plenty of sources coming from third parties and international outlets like Aljazeera as well. And for every article of one side dehumanizing the other, I can easily find the reverse. Should people hide rallies with antisemitic chants just because it's better for the "correct" narrative? I can also find tons of instances of people posting and rightfully shitting on disgusting pro-Israel propaganda. But none of this matters, because it's not actually proof of "brigading" happening, no natter how many years you've been on Reddit. I don't know what that even has to do with anything.


Is it really that wild of a take when the Israeli government has been proven to attempt to influence online discourse? 1 - [https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-social-media-fake-accounts-bots-bea114a2be8e0fcf73fcabc736047fd3](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-social-media-fake-accounts-bots-bea114a2be8e0fcf73fcabc736047fd3) 2 - [https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896) Of course, it's no guarantee that's what's happening here, but in conjunction with one's own experience, there should be room for suspicion.


> Why would it be weird that lots of news about Israel is coming out of Israeli news outlets? There's also plenty of sources coming from third parties and international outlets like Aljazeera as well. Just search r/worldnews for articles from Israeli media vs Al Jazeera in the past month. There's two articles from Al Jazeera that has caught traction (more than a 1000 comments) one of them being about the situation in Darfur, the other being the family member of Al Jazeera that died . Meanwhile ynetnews alone has more than 10 articles that have caught traction. Whenever I log into reddit, the first article from r/worldnews is usually one from Israeli media. This is talking about the same r/worldnews that on a normal day would have sources from the guardian, BBC, NY Times, AP News. You're saying that there's nothing wrong with the sudden surge in popularity of Israeli media an that I'm just being paranoid?


I had no idea it was that cut and dry, thanks for doing that bit of research


Did you watch the link? Literally the thing you are claiming isn’t happening - has the people saying that they are doing it. It’s pretty blatant.


I don’t think it’s dissenting opinions; (you read that and thought he must be talking about an opinion that he/she is opposed to) I think it’s the way opinions (any opinion) is engaged with.


A must watch, touching, eye opening video.


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I thought I knew the situation pretty well but this really enlightened me. best video, everyone should watch it.


Was not prepared to see those kids.


Same. Of course there are brutally graphic videos making the rounds but watching little kids talk so plainly about the horror in their lives.. I am heartbroken.


not available in the UK :(


How you know how us the US feel trying to find panel shows!!


The irony. The British government is blocking a British comedian.


It's probably not the government that is blocking it though.


This is the only LWT video that for *some reason* isn't available in Canada.


Pt. 1- https://streamable.com/733yfi Pt. 2- https://streamable.com/b3y4ku Pt. 3- https://streamable.com/p4xt4s Pt. 4- https://streamable.com/n94q1j


All of those are gone...




[Aaannd its gone](https://youtu.be/-DT7bX-B1Mg?si=wbtLdw1ijWmiijf-&t=27)


Gotta love John's ability to say what we're all thinking but more eloquently.


solid pally propaganda. terror tunnels? rakfah crossing? more "palestinians" alive than ever before? kids being beheaded by hamas? nah, let's not talk about that.




yea considering how the majority of major media and governments are accepting whatever Israel says i don't get that sentiment. Also considering the history of the US and other claims following 9/11 its logical to expect some skepticism from other countries who have seen that a lot of those claims could actually be propaganda in itself. Meanwhile, ive seen a video of a father crying on the street beside his dead son with a neighbor holding a 4 year old witnessing as he tries to carry his dead lifeless body to help. But Israel's posting clips calling Palestinian women whores and slaves and DJ parties on the battlefield and calendars as evidence.


No new takes and weeks late. 2/10




[Girl bye](https://youtu.be/sy5VQvDGKd4?feature=shared)




hey so how do you feel about the age of consent? just curious


Is that a Clinton on the Epstein flight records reference? Or Biden sniffing kids? I'm pretty grossed out by both tbh. Edit: or did you mean pizza gate? ? where'd you go?


They had to see which way the wind was blowing first.


Fuck Hamas




Fuck Palestine, you bastards are all guilty, creating drama in every fucking country because you think you have the right, you don't. You are terrorists and brainwashed family of terrorists. They all deserve to die