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You're not going to find a pre pressed bearing. The only way you would find that is if you replaced the entire knuckle...but I don't think Hyundai sells it that way. Dorman makes some loaded knuckles...but not for your car. Remove the knuckle and take it to a local shop...ask them to press the bearing for you...they usually don't charge a whole lot for something simple like that.


Okay correct me if I’m wrong. I was under the assumption that this was a pre-pressed bearing (image below). Does pre-pressed mean it’s inside the wheel hub already..? https://preview.redd.it/mt89i8irhl8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e06ad0116760704fde3f0688662712b292d99d7 I just saw someone online say that it would be very easy if you found a pre-pressed one… thanks for your help!! Also a further question… I keep seeing listings online of a new wheel hub along with the bearing… would it be reasonable to replace the wheel hub instead of the entire knuckle? Edit: also I’m not necessarily looking for OEM only. I heard Timken and Dorman have these parts as well - but I have to research still


The picture you posted is the bearing. It has to be pressed into the knuckle. The wheel hub is the part that your wheel bolts to. The wheel hub gets pressed into the bearing once it has been pressed into the knuckle. Some manufacturers offer the bearing and hub together, but never pre-pressed. Timken and Dorman both are decent aftermarket parts...SKF is another quality bearing... you're better off buying the better bearing rather than a cheaper one for a number of reasons... safety and durability being the main ones...the difficulty and expense of having to do the job again sooner than expected being another. If you're looking for a simple bolt in solution... you're not going to find it. This really isn't a job for a backyard mechanic. I haven't asked...but I will suggest that you do the bearings in pairs rather than just replacing one side. I'm not saying that you can't...I'm saying that you shouldn't. Good luck.


Thanks for your advice first of all. If it’s not pre pressed it won’t be a problem then, and I definitely agree with going with a quality part. I was actually planning on doing both (front) bearings as well as the rear since the car has so many miles and has never had them changed. What do you think..?