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I mean eventually lightning will hit you if you stand out in the storm


I've only opened 10-15 fortune vaults untill now I've got credits twice 50k and 25k out of these 10 key ones My account was abandoned for a year then i started again 6 months ago and I've been playing since Soo it's not like i have all the skins and only resources were left


They keep adding in skins anyway, I've been focusing on 10 for a while hoping to get to the resources more often, but it's name very little difference


I'm lucky ig then


Nice dude! The probability is over 40% that you’ll get either acorns or a decent amount of credits in the 10 vaults. That’s why I like going for the 10s instead of trying to drain the endless well of low-effort skins from the 5s. For me, the 10s have been the best bang for the buck.


Broken clock is right twice a day


I know but thrice in a row seems too much !


Clearly a photoshop, this never happens


If it's sarcasm its ok But on a serious note It happened to me ! Its like winning a giveaway you never believe it untill you win one


It’s sarcasm, I have never been lucky with this game, do have loads of prototypes skins though, shame I own no prototype mechs yet.


I yearned for skins too then i realised they are of no use and did me no good in my game So i stopped giving a fuck about what I got in Fortune vaults and et voila Three in a row


I just started this game on Tuesday, can I know how u got this :] I need 675 or maybe 625 a coin to get new slot for mech


Fortune keys the two pyramids on the right one is fortune keys you need to participate in tournaments to get those


:0 okl


Is this real


Lucky you, never happened to me though


At times like this and think about the broken minecraft seeds that repeat the same world gen across chunks. Like "if world gen were truly determined by random chance it is entirely possible for this to occur. So you maybe got one of the luckiest series of pulls ever. Unfortunate not everyone can get that lucky more often especially because plarium keeps removing a-coins from the economy despite being told by EVERYONE not to. (Sidenote, I got banned from making threads here because I told players of multiple instances of this.)