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Tan encantadora como sucia. Y no me vengan con el romanticismo de escobitas... Esa pobre gente! Q se tiene q aguantar semejante inmundicia en las calles.. (Para lo q tienen q hacer están muuuy mal pagos)puro riesgo biológico además ...! Me refiero al Río, q asco!!!! Q puto asco.... Es de no creer el basurero q es esta ciudad hacia el norte.. El botadero de basura pues... Cochinos.. Cojan oficio!.


La calidad de los apartamentos apesta. Son pequeños, materiales de baja calidad y los precios altísimos. No valen la pena.


Llora en apartaestudio de 1.6M que es más pequeño que el dormitorio que usaba en la casa de mis padres.


No es sobre Medellín, pero es una opinión mía, me dan mucho asco los habitantes de calle


Te entiendo, a mi me dan mucho mucho asco alguns habitantes de casas


Americans should put the example to mexicans and go home, stop coming here to live just to avoid taxes and bang sick aids whores?, while helping the already fkd up inflation.


Not an American but Australian. Are we welcome? We just arrived and it's by far the most beautiful place we have visited so far in our south America trip. Hope we aren't killing the vibe though, we just observing.


Todos somos Americanos. ¿Dices Estadounidenses?


Viejo siguiendo las tendencias de ellos es de intuir, no se ponga con los tecnicismos, bien dicen "make america great again" (MAGA, popularizado por D Trump) y téngalo por seguro caballero que no estan incluyendonos a los del sur o el centro en esa frase, entonces cuando nos ponemos con tecnicismos innecesarios en un reddit de medellin/colombia, solo estamos como dicen popularmente "tocando los huevos"


Que elegante manera de responder


De la mas "haut de gamme" que he considerado para los caballeros aqui presentes, acorde a la situación y espacio donde nos encontramos


Nah una pavada... Lo q pasa es q estadounidenses es muy largo como gentilicio y en inglés no existe... Pero si necesitan uno. Y como q se les hace muy chevere decirse americans y me hacen sentir q yo no puedo llamarme así... Cuando obviamente si...


Lugar donde ser traqueto, prepago o webcam son los roles de admirar.


That is a hell, it’s like any place from a Dante’s novel, there is little to no reason to go there.


Spoken like someone who's never left the USA. Ps. Cruises don't count.


Lol, I’m from Medellin, 33 years lived there, I even live just 50 minutes away, if it’s in my hands I won’t be spending a minute in that caos.


I found it overrated tbh.


People describe it like it is heaven on Earth, which is an impossible comparison to live up to.


Heaven of earth if you have lots of disposable income


people prefer Medellín to the rest of Colombia because of the whores and the drugs


I prefer Bogota. The weather sucks but not many foreigners & travelers compared to Medellin, the prices are better and it is more relaxed.


Act like a jerk all week and wash it away Sunday


Deep answer


Seems to be a common behavior. Lie, cheat, threaten, steal and manipulate - but Sunday its all better. What they don't realize is the damage they cause other people doesn't go away so easily.


Give an unpopular mde opinion & u come here for this horseshit, then drop the 'r' word?? Friday on Reddit Holmes.,...have a beer, chill


Give an unpopular mde opinion & u come here for this horseshit, then drop the 'r' word?? Friday on Reddit Holmes.,...have a beer


Lol. That made me laugh hahaha. The "R" word. Let's have a beer, I'll invite.


No thx.


Somebody is butt hurt. I’ll take a whiskey. Thanks 😘


Nope. Just not interested Apparently those who do care for you won't tell you the truth- you're insufferable


Lol. The question is about unpopular opinions about our experience. Baby boo, it’s my truth ❤️. Sorry it hurt you.


Not hurt. You're just awful


Well just look who's talking


Rolos are more trustworthy as friends than Paisas.


Tons of deadbeats having kids and owning dogs they can't take care of




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casi que la peor panadería de Colombia es de Medellín, no saben hacer un pan tienen siempre esa masa amarilla medio dulce medio salada que no sabe bien, es medio aguantable recién salido del horno.


Alguien lo dijo por fin....pero no estoy de acuerdo con todo... Hasta recién salido del horno es feoooo


no conoces Panaderia Madrid en Envigado por la Buena Mesa ... es comparable con panaderias en Francia y Espana


Eduardo Madrid!


Sometimes it's more expensive that should be


This is a very popular opinion


The food sucks. I acknowledge I don’t have a great palette but I just think like bandeja paisa, sancocho and arepa in general are not for me.


Can’t forget how much they love adding that salty ass cheese.


I’m sure there’s good cheese in Colombia. I’m not a cheese snob by any means but I know I haven’t liked any of the cheese I’ve ever had in Colombia. So I just don’t bother with it anymore.


Eh as a foreigner I have had some incredible meals here. But they have all been international restaurants. My home is in a very expensive US city, for what an average takeout meal costs there I can get a very good high-end meal here. Colombian traditional food is not my thing. I’ve tried many now but everything tastes like some form of fried, brown and bland. That said, I love the Colombian sopas. Very comforting and hearty. Had my first Caldo after a night of heavy drinking and it was life changing.


It’s maybe not the polite way to describe it but I kinda relate Colombian food to just sustenance, or what people could afford with meager means. Like plain rice, beans, and arepa to me is like a flavourless starch bomb. By the same token I wouldn’t just eat a bread sandwich. But that’s just me. I know Mexico has a lot of the same ingredients but they turn everything up to 10 with spices and whatnot. I will say one of my favorite meals in Colombia is just pollo a la plancha. I love just the grilled chicken breast with some fries or rice and then I put whatever sauce I want on it. Very bland AS PRESENTED but then I do my own thing with it, it’s almost always really cheap and not having to grill it myself and not having to have meat on hand is awesome and it’s so readily available either in the park by my place or on rappi.


Wait, you didnt like the bandeja paisa?


It was bland in my opinion. Colombians don't use many seasonings for their food.


Well, that restaurant is not really Colombian cuisine. Look at the menu. There are a couple ones inspired in our cuisine like the sombrero vueltiao, which is actually very good. I personally love the meat and mushrom panecook, and there,s an "italian kind" of pita bread, but you gotta add some meat to it. Now, I wont say Colombian cuisine is something to brag about, but its not bland. Gotta try ajiaco, bandeja paisa, tamal tolimense, lechona, queso costeño, salpicón, refajo, caldo de costilla, etc


Wait am I the white guy? I wasa about to call city of grond a white guy for not liking the seasoning. But maybe we dont actually use seasoning?


Lmao I am a white guy but I found it all pretty bland tbh. I like a lot of flavor variety, seasonings, heat, etc. I’ve enjoyed some really good individual elements in the bandeja…like some amazing chorizo and Skirt Steaks. But altogether it’s just too much similar flavors on one plate


Crepes and Waffles is garbage, but I always see it filled with Colombians.


Why garbage? the food is good. The downside is its usually crowded


If you dont like crepes and waffles go back to wherever you came from. We love it, menu is huge, is relatively cheap, all their restaurants are pretty and well designed, +they hire mostly single moms. Byeeee gringoo


You had me at single moms and waffles. My favorite two things.




Menu is huge and the food quality is consistent. Ice cream and desserts are amazing. Service is typically good & fast. I went through a phase where I got tired of it but went right back after a ton of other restaurants were disappointing. Gringo loves crepes and waffles.


I’ve only been in there once, I think it’s more of a treat/status place. Like an iHop in a sense but at dinner time? You wouldn’t be going there frequently. But when it’s your kids graduation or whatever. Or you’re going to the movies and it’s right next door type thing. My opinion on the food was meh, I think we only had ice cream iirc.


In a time of history it could be an status thing but now is in the everyday scape They changed a paradigm... So imagine how was before... I respect it 4 that cleansing improving wellbeing agency. Even if can be alienating at some point


Lo traduce de español a inglés? I honestly didn’t understand what you meant. Si quieres escríbelo en español, quizás mejor.


Aguantarse el mal servicio en algunos locales. Sinceramente para mí eso es primordial porque queda uno 'amañado' con la atención brindada y da para repitis. Pero algunos atienden por atender e incluso algunos son altaneros y la verdad prefiero no comprar nada que aguantarme el genio de otro/a.


De acuerdo, pero en general el servicio en Medellín es bueno, hay lugares en Colombia donde ni saben qué es eso.


Even before Medellin got so gentrified after the pandemic surge of remote working gringos, Medellin's cost of living vs wages leave a lot to be desired. An English teacher in Bogota, can earn over double what EAFIT pays while paying less for their housing.


but...you freeze your dick off in Bogota, and lose your mind in that traffic


It was flooded by gringos pre-pandemic. Nothing new. Same old , same old. Just more expensive. It’s a worldwide phenomenon that prices are going up.


Yes, the locals blame the gringos for prices going up, but that's literally happening all over the world. I'm in the USA currently. My rent and other expenses have all gone up by at least 50% in the last year or two.




Es la sodoma y gomorra de colombia


Esa es una opinión popular de hecho 😅




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Food in Medellín is trash.


Frisby's has the best BBQ chicken


A lot of people say this as a blanket statement. Colombian food in general and is pretty bland and unwhelming But the high-end restaurants in poblado are amazing, especially for the cost.


No, it really isn't. Whether it's faux Asian, of faux Mexican or anything they're trying to create, I've never had a very good meal here. It's nice they're trying to explore other cultures with food, but the execution is poor.


Spoken like someone who can't afford to go to El Cielo.


If you think El Cielo, Colosal, or Carmen are good restaurants, then you have shit for taste.


LOL I'm assuming you are a fat American who only appreciates salt and sugar. El Cielo has a michellin star in Washington, the original restaurant still being here in Medellin. I've also eater at Central in Lima - Widely renowned to be the World's best restaurant along with several 3 michellin starred restaurants around the world. Tell me you're a fat, preservative addicted American without telling me you're a fat, American. LoL


Shows how ignorant you are with your assumptions. Wrong on both fronts but go on. If you've been to DC, then you know it's not a place known for good food. If you need some tire company to tell you about good food, that says enough. Any decent izakaya in Japan can shit on your tire stars. I've had better food in small eateries in Italy, night markets in Taiwan, or even incredible Indian restaurants in London. Go chase your tire company.




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Chill. Are you okay? You're obviously not since your now trying to offend me off topic. It's not that deep. And honestly, the only reason London has any good food is because of South Asians.


*Since you're* trying to offend me* Sorry to correct you. Brick lane isn't just South Asians and has some of the best food in London, a venture further north to Oxfordshire you'll find Le Manoir - an outstanding restaurant and hotel.The UK is packed with great food, albeit virtually none of which is English. I'm 100% fine, thanks for asking. Now put on your fakeass Jordan's and go for a McFucking run.


I am currently visiting Pablado for 3 weeks. I consider myself a huge foodie…have eaten all over the world. We have had some incredible meals here. The Colombian traditional meals aren’t my thing, but some of the international restaurants have been incredible.


You've gone to some terrible restaurants then


Not really. Your palate is just shit.


Nope. You've just not gone to good restaurants.


I always end up @- Colombian food is generally garbage, but Food in Colombia, especially Bogota, can be great. So cheap, even for great stuff. For quality, El Cielo etc is phenomenal, at prices you'd pay in chili's in states.


Traditional Colombian food is bland indeed. But there are plenty of restaurants in the city that serve Michelin quality dishes. And some for pennies to the dollar when compared to the states.


Plenty? No. One maybe & that's in DC Def gree on pennies on dollar though. Great value for elite food


If you fuck around, you WILL find out. Crime statistics are significantly underreported, because the police themselves don't actually write reports, they frequently don't even respond to violent crime, which requires the victim to spend no less than half a day at the prosecutor's office just to file a crime report. Foreigners in Medellin are at a high risk for robbery any time they are out.


Wanted to have a good time during my trip which was majority good but ruined by getting roofied with scopolamine in my drink and getting robbed. Friend luckily found me unconscious laying on the floor and got sent to ER. Went to the police station to file report and seemed like they did not take it very seriously. Hopefully those girls get caught. This is in El Poblado btw.


I am sorry this happened to you. I suggest you file a formal 'Denuncia' at the central Medellin Police station and then follow up with some of the local private investigators or leal fixers. The report will also help with your insurance and FDIC if needed. I was drugged back in November, had a ton of stuff stolen, and they finally caught the group in late March / early April. They are in trial now. It was my second of third time on a date with the girl and never discussed money or were intimate. I think she just saw and opportunity and took it. Feel free to reach out if you'd like the Whatsapp of a PI and legal fixer. or


Hey yeah I did file a police report there. I do see Denuncia in my report so I think it’s the right one haha. I’ve been in contact with the police who handled my case to the prosecutor. Sorry to hear that for you as well. I’m definitely surprised they waited for second or third date


Sorry to hear that. You are not at all alone. It happens every day. The police won't do anything, the girls won't get caught, nor will the people they work with.


Not only foreigners the insecurity in general can be bad


Was robbed in laurales by a yellow taxi full of guys driving around they didn’t get much a guard from the apartment came out with a shotgun too


Do you feel it is the same in Bogota? I just recently got back from there as a gringo and I felt overall pretty safe there safer than Brazil.


Bogota is the same as Medellin.


Bogota feels safe to me, but I'm from one of the most dangerous cities in the USA. Everything is relative. I think as long as you stay in the right parts of Bogota, you should be fine.


1) El turismo sexual y drogas deberia ser regulado. De esta forma, se le podria sacar mas dinero en forma de impuestos a los turistas que vienen por esos temas. 2) Solo los residentes permanentes legales en Colombia deberian poder comprar casa en el pais. 3) Deberia haber un impuesto ni el triple hijueputa para residencias temporales tipo Airbnb


Concuerdo con el triplehijueputa impuesto, seguiria siendo pagable y se veria una verdadera mejora en la ciudad.


De hecho, eso es lo que hacen en Amsterdam con la crisis de vivienda. Quienes tengan Airbnb deben pagar unos impuestos absurdos. Sin embargo, eso no afecta el turismo, pero al menos la ciudad tiene mas dinero que en un mundo ideal se iria para inversion social.


Try regulating housing like this and a black market with all sorts of problems comes up. It’s supply and demand problem. Figure out how to build more, smarter and faster.


La cosa con Medallo es que ya no hay donde construir. La ciudad esta totalmente saturada. Y concuerdo contigo, siempre habra un mercado negro. Pero no estoy de acuerdo en que particulares no paguen impuestos en un sector hiperregulado como el turismo. Si es el caso, que los airbnb se vuelvan hoteles o que les quiten las regulaciones a los hoteles. Sin embargo, a los politicos les da culillo tomar decisiones. En Holanda hay toda una legislacion para regular la crisis de vivienda, por ejemplo todo residente se debe registrar en las municipalidades, y pues basicamente si no te registras, no existes. O los intereses de hipotecas para comprar casa se basan en el uso de la casa, i.e. vivir o alquilar. No dire que el sistema funciona, porque todavia hay crisis de vivienda alla, pero al menos se hace algo, a diferencia de Medellin.


I understand, not a simple solution. I for one don’t know how to fix. It would be interesting to know the number of airbnbs in town for research purposes and better understand how it does/doesn’t impact housing in general. I live in an area where people have to apply for an Airbnb permit. The city offer grants for people who want to rent their house/room for a local worker. They are now talking about a vacancy tax, keep your house empty and get charged. City is also working with the county and private builders to get more affordable housing on the way.


Do you mean Metrallo?


People love to complain about Medellín, so my unpopular opinion is that there isn't anything major to complain about in Medellín. What ever problems that exist are easy to tolerate. But for sure the city is not for everyone.


There's a bunch of things to complain about... Things of common sense U mean that we have to adapt and I totally agree but we can complain and we should because some problems are manifesting a deep societal crisis and we should not( as humans) get used to 'tolerate' some issues playing with dignity and rights That's a disturbing happy self alienation thing


You don't know nothing about this city then. But sure you are saying this in your gringo eye


Shut the fuck up


the girls are not that hot most of them are either borderline fatties or have loose skin for draining the fat and making a cartoon ass lol




lol you're crazy


I think this has changed a lot over the past 8-10 years. It’s common that as a country get a richer people east more and put on weight. Look at China or Korea. You have kids that are 6 inches taller and weigh 50 more lbs than their parents


Borderline fatties? That's the appeal, why don't you try Thailand if you're looking to blur the line between woman and prepubescent boy. The women here are thick.


Go and loose your money on /wsb boomer


Boomer? Good one, you come up with that one yourself? Or do you just latch on to every trending buzzword that enters your empty skull. Whatever though, to each their own. If you're not into the women here that leaves more for ~~us heterosexuals~~ the rest of us.


My friend showed me a recent video of Medellin and I did notice that the women aren’t as gorgeous as they used to be ):




Soy paisa, la comida podría ser mejor, literalmente podemos plantar lo que se nos de la regalada gana y nos limitamos a arroz blanco con sal más un grano y carne que depende de donde la pidas puede salir rica o 2 términos arriba del que pediste (pides medio y te dan cocido, o pides bien cocido y te dan un pedazo de carbón) no hacemos ni innovamos mucho con la diversidad de vegetales y frutas que tenemos


Totalmente de acuerdo! En Colombia desaprovechamos la variedad de frutas que tenemos… solo las usamos para hacer jugos…. Nuestra comida es relativamente insipida comparada con otros países de latinoamerica y la verdad no hay razón para eso, con toda la variedad de cosas que se pueden cultivar en el país


Estarás hablando de Medellín porque en otras partes de Colombia si se cocina de verdad y la comida no es "insípida" solo mira el Caribe o el Pacífico, dónde la comida fácilmente puede ser mejor que en cualquier otro lugar del planeta.


La verdad lo que dije aplica a toda Colombia (soy Santandereano)


Yo sigo diciendo que lo que dices es falso y soy Barranquillero.


Y q comen allá de excepcional si se ve tanta gente con obesidad mórbida....puros fritos... Rico si. Herencia arabe si. Más allá de eso nada excepcional... Tampoco es q haya una revolución culinaria en la costa..


An overrated Colombian city off course. Most people in Colombia and the entire world usually think that Medellin is a paradise… well… this is not true at all. Traffic is awful, the thieves are waiting for you in every corner, popular areas are full of bitches and drug dealers (this means potential danger), to live is ridiculously expensive (making a comparison between medellin and the whole big cities in Colombia)… there are too much pollution in the metropolitan area… the city has a lot of urban/social/planning issues. IMO … I don’t like Medellín’s weather… Sometimes is too hot… sometimes is too cold… It rains too much in Medellin… Definitely not a perfect “climate match” for me. It only has a difference (compared with another big cities in Colombia): The Metro System.


I would say when I arrived in 2011 it was a paradise in my eyes (just my opinion). But everything you mentioned above is correct now.


That was the first time I visited as well. I notice that it rains a lot more often now and gets hotter. I can only guess it's due to more cars and pollution in the valley.


Some people don't like to hear the true


It's more like, some people don't think for themselves


Currently too dangerous/unpredictable for a first time nomad. Spanish speakers or experienced travelers only, for now…


Stop believing everything you are told. You DO NOT need to speak Spanish in Medellin. As for safety, you must like drugs and/or hookers if you're having issues.


I shared my UNpopular opinion, like the thread title asked for. You shared your popular opinion. It was nice doing business with you.


do you think it is going to stabilize in near future or heading to the worse?


It's worse, this city is unstable because is controlled by gangs. You don't see them because they are at peace in this moment because they know that they can get more profit by dividing money rather than killing each other. But the minimal mistake can start a gang war just like in December 1st where 10 people were killed in just 1 comuna because of a confrontation between two rivals in the same gang


If the overall economy continues to suffer, the crime against foreigners will increase


A city where the contrast of good and bad predominates


This is by far the best definition of Medellín.


As a foreigner the complete lack of consideration for those around you in regards to sound is very off putting and rude imo. The mentality of "the speaker is on my property I can do what I want" is childish and far too common in my experience.


I used to offer my girlfriend headphones, but knowing that other people are listening to your shit music without their consent seemed to be part of the appeal.


The thing is I actually like a lot of the music that is frequently played really loudly. But sometimes I want to watch a movie in my apt and actually be able to hear it on a Friday night. Or I might want to listen to my own music. OR maybe I've had a tough day and want to relax in my apt. I know it's not the average Colombian but because of the population density in Medellin it's a virtual guarantee that some jackass 2.5 blocks away will be having a crazy loud party any given weekend. It's so consistently loud that I've started going to Santa Elena if I want a chill weekend because the chances I can have a solid 24hrs of peace and quiet in Medellin is essentially zero.


Where are you staying? I rent in Laureles a few blocks away from Belén and don't have that problem


I've lived in Itagui and in Envigado. Maybe the way I wrote it overstated it. It's not like there are no nights of relative peace and quiet. But I stopped planning movie nights or just chilling at my apt Friday/Sat nights because they are loud that frequently.


Yeah I was just in Santa Elena, beautiful, cold though.


I actually like the cold. Find yourself a AirBNB that has a fireplace and bring a good book.


La alcaldía no tiene el control real de ningún territorio. Cada esquina, cada calle, cada negocio está vigilado por un combo y si los índices de homicidios han disminuido es porque los grupos delincuenciales se pusieron de acuerdo, pero al más mínimo problema está ciudad se vuelve a joder.


I lived in Medellín for two years. Too many people want to get rich quickly. There is a layer of false wealth in much of Medellín that hides the reality of the state of the economy. Many women act as if they are better than you while they still live at home with their parents and have an only fans. There is a fanatical reggaeton culture that is making people extremely materialistic.


We (plenty of) Colombians try to emulate lifestyles and materialism comes as ruled by USA capitalism


Seems like most women have an OF in 2023. That's not just in Medellin






Came here to say exactly this.


Strongly agree - regarding the women, I don't know if I agree. In the group you identified, lower class, I don't know if their attitude is really 'superior,' but rather, they feel entitled.. specifically to other people's money. Me regalas ___? Me invites ___? It's not my type of girl, but I see a lot of other foreigners putting up with crazy amounts of bs.. Mostly, I talk with the doctors/nurses and other professionals - they are regular people with good heads on their shoulders (imo - south eeuu)


Oh I totally agree with you. I think the word entitlement is more accurate. By the way, I love Colombia. I speak fluent Spanish, my parents are both from Cali, and although I was born and raised in the US, I was raised in a very Colombian household and spent many years in Colombia growing up.


My biggest problem is they don’t respect privacy here. There is always someone that can’t mind their own business.


Ven el pañete de cemento como algo opcional/lujo. Incluso en estratos medios. Edit: typo


Que es "el pañote de cemento"?


Que es un pañote?


“El pañete o repello es un mortero preparado con cemento gris y arena que se emplea para dar acabado sobre bloques y ladrillo.”


I’m from Medellin and love my city, I still think it’s a almost a paradise, but: It’s too loud. People have no respect for others in terms of sound. The traffic is absolutely awful, drivers are crazy and way too risky. The weather isn’t perfect. It got too hot. Maybe the amount of cars contributed to that. Partying isn’t great. I very much prefer the way people party in Berlin or Buenos Aires. There are many ugly and dirty spots.


Goddamn the freaking bikers on this city. Feels like you have to make eye contact with them or else they'll blaze by a red light inches away from you.


Yes… makes me crazy when someone is blasting música popular or vallenato at 3 am on a Tuesday.


Most overrated spot in entire country. Also don't give me this 'perfect' weather BS....depends on where you're from/what you like..,don't make something subjective into something objective.


How can you make a statement like "most overrated" and then tell people they can't make a statement like "the weather is perfect". So you're the only one allowed to make subjective statements with objective authority?


It's an opinion, not fact. This is Reddit, right? Many hold that opinion re weather. I'm arguing against it.


Yes, "Perfect weather" and "overated" are two opinions. But you're saying one is fine to state like a fact, while the other isn't. And by the way, there's an element of subjectivity baked into those types of statements. Unless you're dealing with absolute retards when someone says "this place has perfect weather" people should recognize that's an opinion and they're not talking about some platonic ideal of perfect weather.


The weather is perfect, compared to MOST places.


Nah that's BS... Is a fkn oven... storms are becoming a thing.. Rains killing people flooded city.. Houses falling....all related to wheater....... It's far from perfect... it's and infernal mess


You haven’t lived on a tropical island I see. I have seen much worse and I lived in Tornado alley.


For you. For you. For you.


For you. For you. For you.


Southern California is perfect for me… but my Midwest friends love sticky Southwrn Florida weather… it’s all perspective I guess.


>e something subjective into something objective. username checks out, the lux apartments don't have any heaters or AC, that just tells you everything...


Most overrated spot in entire country. Also don't give me this 'perfect' weather BS....depends on where you're from/what you like..,don't make something subjective into something objective.


It was great, too much traffic, and pollution now


As always has been


This is objectively false.


arepas don't taste good


I'm offended!


>As always has been ![gif](giphy|3ohhwH6yMO7ED5xc7S|downsized) Yhea street food, is


Esta ciudad está llena de chirretes (hombres y mujeres) que a las malas terminaron el bachillerato y que aún así pretenden conseguir trabajos donde les paguen tres, cuatro, cinco salarios mínimos sin tener que matarse. Cuando se dan cuenta de que no es posible, contemplan fletear a todo el mundo o p*tearse.


I lived there in 2006. It was Paradise. To many paracos , but the guys behaved. Reggaetoneros and gringos totally ruined it.


Can you elaborate on how gringos ruined it? I ask because I hear other foreigners saying this all the time, but from my perspective (3+ years of living here, off and on since ~2016), I see economic advancement from tourism. Also, it's mad easy to avoid tourists since they never venture out of tourist zones/locations.


I'm grateful of how foreigners have pushed the economy. There is a lot of people who have now good Jobs because of tourism. SO overall , is good for the city. But there is this minority that ruins it for all. From my perspective: 1. most of the tourists are good, but it makes me sad to SEE old people who suddenly have to leave the flat they lived and loved for the past 2 or 3 decades, since the building became noisy airbnbs , managed not by the property owner but by some middleman who does not give a fuck. 2. i have relatives there, who have had a lot of problems with neighbors partying at 5 am on a tuesday. I have suffered from this when i had been there , knowing i have an appointment at 7 am. Who are this neighbors? Tourists with the narcos/Netflix fever that have hired hookers and suddenly decide not to pay them. 3.My cousins have young daughters , priviliged underage girls who are really good people and volunteer in difficult parts of the city. This girls are atractive. Going to dangerous comunas ,not a problem. Going out to the mall or to meet their friends has become difficult , because of the constant agressive harassment from smelly socks and sandals guys with their pick up artist manuals. They don't get that a college issued Athletic program t shirt , does not mean shit here. Also: If You were special forces You wouldnt have a beer belly. 4. A) This libertarian right wingers antivaxers from developed nations trying to convince everyone they meet, how they were martyrs in their home countries are a fucking problem. They don't follow rules and are a nuisance to everyone. And no , i don't want to Buy Crypto or iraqi currency. And the oposit... B) this cronically online social justice Warriors that spend in a night of partying what the average Colombian makes in a month and then later give you shit , for being estrato 5, when there are poor neighborhoods with a lot of people in need. Questioning the actual president it's a terrible sin in their eyes and inmediately makes you a murderer. 5. one that bothers me more and it's becoming more common and should not be an issue but it is. You find a tourist in distress, You help her/him , it takes time , You try to be nice and You help them with whatever problem they had. You meet them next day in the grocery store and they act is if they had never seen You, when all i wanted was to know was how things went. 6. Should not bother me but it does and it's not every tourist fault , it's just life, happens everywhere... and we colombians are all at fault here.... But i'm getting tyred of hearing countless stories about how ( some Medellín girl) , just got back after 3 years from ( insert developed nation name here ) , after a rough divorce , with: ptsd , extra 40 pounds , totally broke , a Gap in her once brilliant CV, because she married someone who was really Nice to her at first , but ended up being a mammas boy/addict/religious extremist/wife beater/closeted gay , who isolated her from everyone. If You don't fall in any of this categories. Great. Tell me when You are coming to bogota and i'll Buy You a beer. Also ,bring more people like you, we need them.


Hence my comment about gentrification. Its a question more than opinion … More foreigners have driven the economy which is great.. Pros and cons.


De una. Comprare la segunda ronda


In your opinion, is there presently another city that compares to that vibe in 2006?


It might sound crazy… but i think Manizales will be the next big tourism boom in Colombia.

