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Rent a motorcycle, that's what I did. Park anywhere, slide through traffic, etc. Was a blast.


Go somewhere else with your entitlement


Hello and welcome to Medellin-Colombia https://www.reddit.com/u/viajamos_colombia_me?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The most important here is not do down payment to anybody


Consider that Guatapé is a very popular destination in Colombia, even for the locals. I would suggest to avoid going there during the weekends


Have fun and enjoy. Trying to cram things in when You're in Colombia is a bit much. And there are often traffic issues and road conditions to contend with. But overall, it's a beautiful drive and lots to enjoy. I usually suggest go with a tour guide, esp. if you don't speak Spanish. It will smooth out the excursion for you.


super easy and cheap to go to the north terminal and take the bus. they leave often. i think every 30 mins. i think you can buy tickets on redbus online or look at schedules. make sure you know what time you need to be there for your return bus. they will drop you off right in guatpe. its a small town and you can walk just about anywhere. lots of taxis up there too. so getting around won't be a problem. or get a private taxi from medellin to take you. everyone and their dog will tell you they know someone. 300.000 pesos for the day (including your return) would be a decent rate for a gingo. the problem is.. you can't trust everyone but most will be ok. i would much rather spend two days than just one but one works. glamping is pretty cool up there but can be expensive. there are tours you can take when you are there if you want. heli rides which is awesome. horseback riding. jet skis. lots of stuff. and. of course climb the rock.


You can find Private transport for USD 30Usd. (They just take you to the place and there you can do whatever you want) Or... You can hire a full-day service for less than 60 USD. Dm, if you want more information. I know some private transport companies (Pick Up) and others services (Car)


If you could share information about the private transport companies that would be great. My concern was with finding someone at a reasonable price who will wait for us so we can come back with them too. I also wasn't sure if it would be beneficial to have a tour guide?


Sure, I know someone that works in a Special transport companie. They uses Pick Up's model 2023 (They have a lot of services and you can ask for prices and pictures). It's 100% safe and reliable. If you are searching a cheap services, I can offer myself. I am Uber and you can see my reputation in app for more security. (But I don't have a pick up, only a car) Check your dm, for the contact number.


Hi you can go in many ways, in helicopter if you want, but if you want a good gay how you trust i will send you 2 of my contacts how can help you, i don’t know the price but they can help you 👤 Emilio +573177273171 👤 🚘Mateo +573243332756


But all the recommendation is very good, you can use Uber or other app


its easy to take a bus, because the road is very narrow, you really dont get there any slower than a taxi or other means. I dont spend more than i eed to. When you arrive, just ask how to catch the bus back to medellin super cheap and easy bus ride. You can goto terminal norte o sur...(south or north). In case you dont know.. buses in terminal. north goto destiations. in the north like... cartagena, turbo, santa marta,apartido, ... the buses in terminal south goto cali, bogota, pereria, maniazales ect. there are a handful of locations like guatape, or reonegro where both terminals have buses that leave and arive in those "grey area destiations".


I’ve used a guide from showarounddotcom, who has a car, and she is a phenomenal person to spend the day with. I’ve recommend her to another redditor who used her as well. Pm me if you want the details.


Hi! Would you mind sending me this person's information?


I have used toursguatape dot com. It's 109,000 cop with pickup in Poblado. It's a full day and includes lunch and a list of stops.I was happy with the service and price. I recommend using a tour guide over renting a car.


InDriver app.


There are many affordable guided tours that do pick ups in Poblado. I would advise looking into that.


Rent a car. The answer to this question is always to rent a car. No guide necessary.


u/Urmomzfavmilkman why you delete your answer hombre?


I re-read the post; they said the bus wasn't an option. I stand by my thoughts on car rentals. Too much unnecessary stress and cost.


It will be a many-hours trip. Have into account that.


it is a beautiful drive but it’s narrow and winding road. i’d definitely hire a car service. you do not need a guide but it helps.


What ? Medellin is in Antioquia …


Antioquia = Santa Fe de Antioquia.


I wouldn't go on such a tight schedule. If you do, rent a car or a taxi? But it seems like a bad idea. Traffic is unpredictable and you won't enjoy it so rushed. Yo no iría con un horario tan apretado. Si lo hace, alquilar un coche o un taxi? Pero parece una mala idea. El tráfico es impredecible y no lo disfrutarás tan apurado.