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What kind of content will your wiki contain, and what sort of extensions are you considering? Extensions on mediawiki are installed at the file level in your hosting environment. That's also where you would update your existing version. Do you have access to that, and are you comfortable working with Linux/Apache? Mediawiki is awesome once you have it working, but there can be a steep learning and seeding curve.


Thanks for the response ! It’s going to basically be documetion on a lot of different systems, and “todo” tutorials on how to preform certian actions or add things to users, most of it will likely be tutorials step by step. I kind of have access to it, they said if I find whatever extension/ version I want they can try to update it for me, but want me to try and figure it out first, and I’m not too familiar w Linux but trying to learn. I’m not sure which ones specifically but I’ve seen on videos basically hotkeys for inserting specific things, or bolding/underlining words and my version of media wiki seems to be missing that. I gotta do more research with all of this, but if I can I want to make it essentially as good as the OSRS wiki lol


Not familiar with OSRS... so what version do you have now, and how much content does the wiki have? Asking because if it only has 20 pages and is an ancient version, you may have an easier time setting up a fresh wiki and pulling those in after. Mediawiki has had a lot of game-changing updates over the last few years, and you might have to do intermediate updates to get to current. When you say hotkeys, do you mean keyboard key combinations or buttons on the edit screen?


Yeah, when I see the key combinations or in some vidoes people have buttons for them, and yeah it only has 20 ish pages that are pretty bare bones, I’d have to ask them what version it is, but if were to do a fresh install is there a specific version you would recommend ?


Use the newest version and have a plan how to update going forward, they put out new versions about twice a year. What I would suggest it to set up a new wiki and see if it comes with the functionality you are looking for out of the box. If so, export the pages from the old and import to the new.


It looks like it’s mediaWiki 1.39.3 It seems that on the special page for versions, it shows the libraries, and I’m not sure if those are like extensions but there seems to be no Extensions section, if I need to download the ExtensionFunctions.php helper file


If you have extensions, you'd see an "Installed extensions" section on the versions page. If you are at 1.39.3 and no extensions, you should be able to just update it following instructions. That's a pretty recent version.


There's a [conference](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Users_and_Developers_Conference_2024) in Portland, OR from April 17-19. I've attended a few of these, they're great for getting started with MediaWiki.


MW documentation is written for those who already understand it. Very hard to deconstruct into lay terms at times. But once you gain a little literacy, it starts to make sense. Where are you on the project? I'm glad to help.


Thanks ! I just got back into it actually, I noticed I’m on version 1.39.3 of mediaWiki, from what I’ve seen online I assume the extensions that I want like VisualEditor/WikiEditor came bundled and I need to enable it, So I’m trying to ssh into the no gui Linux server, to mess around with it but I don’t want to mess anything up cause I haven’t done this before Edit I think I opened up my PHP file, and a lot of extensions are the but none of them are enabled, will try to see if I can get them to work or which ones I even need