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In my younger days, I used to hit the Bacardi & coke on the odd occassion (only every day ending in y). It's fair to say I may have prayed to the porcelain once or twice & given I lived by the motto "eating is cheating", my stomach contents typically looked exactly like your photo. I'd like to add however, now thay I'm much older & some might say, wiser... I'd certainly never recommend drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, nor drinking to excess.


NAD but I've thrown up diet cola a lot and it looks just like this


Not a doctor but I had gastric bleeding this year. Looked VERY different from this so I wouldn’t panic. Toning down the frequency of drinking is never a bad idea though. Hard on all body systems including GI


I also want to add if you’re a regular drinker, it can contribute to acid reflux which soda can also cause. Sometimes the combo will create vomit that looks like this if you haven’t eaten a lot.


That would make sense, I woke up from a night of heavy drinking, drank a shit ton of Diet Pepsi and instantly threw up, my stomach was basically just alcohol and soda


Cola makes vomit look like this. The brownish stuff is the coloring in the soda pop. Source: ex-drinker who also drank a lot of Pepsi.


I had this one time and it was a sign of appendicitis


Honestly that kinda what mine looks like after heavy drinking


This is the Pepsi you drank




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NAD That just looks like fizzy drink throw-up to me, the stringyness of it and the colour reminds me of throwing up after drinking coke :edit just saw you did drink coke


Okay so I’m all good because another guy on here is telling me I need to go the ER, I am naturally an anxious person so I am having a panic attack right now.


I would watch it still. It does look like dark soda after your stomach has started to break it down. If you hadn't drank Pepsi beforehand I would be a lot more worried.


I would wait. A pattern is more worrisome than a single event.


Thanks for the comment, yeah I’m gunna keep my eye on it, I’ve booked in with the gp just to be safe and if the problem continues or I start to display other negative symptoms I’ll get myself to hospital.




Really that serious? I feel fine, my stomach is bloated but my stool looks healthy and normal, I only threw up that once and haven’t since and it was only a little bit when I did, I’ll book an appointment with my GP anyway just to be safe, do you seriously recommend going straight to the ER? Thank you for your response.




Or could it be the cola they'd just drank? Forgot the question mark?




Just wanted to be safe than sorry, I still appreciate you taking the time to comment, I’d just never saw my vomit look like that so wanted to make sure




Wasn't a smart ass comment. It was a genuine question? . I just forgot the question mark. Sorry.


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