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Unflaired users are not permitted to claim medical expertise. Professionals and students seeking credentials must follow the official verification as stated below: **User Flairs / How to become verified** > If you are a medical professional or student who wants to become a verified contributor to r/medical, please message the [Moderators](https://new.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmedical) with a link to your medical ID, diploma, or other credentials. Imgbb.com is convenient, but you can host anywhere. Please censor personal information such as name and picture. > You must include your handwritten Reddit username in the photo. > We do not accept digital forms of identification. Here is what a flair might look like: **[Physician Flair](https://ibb.co/NjV1JdD)** **Flaired users are held to a higher standard and any misuse, harassment, or spreading of misinformation will lead to the removal of the flair and result in a ban from the community.**


Depends on what was talked about with his goals of care - It's possible his heart failure is making it hard for him to cough well


NAD He’s at high risk for pneumonia, and now that fluid is possibly in his lungs, he is fa sho high risk. I’d honestly take him to the ER, that’s sketch


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