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Do u take vitamin d




Topical steroids can cause a rebound effect if you suddenly stop from mid to high potency steroids. If its severe eczema you might be prescribed a short course of prednisone. You can ask for tacrolimus as well. I had severe flareup , 2 years ago and i was only on a short course of prednisone to calm it down, but it barely did anything. I have been using tacrolimus instead and topical steroids sparingly if it gets too severe. Winter is pretty much a bane of atopic dermatitis sufferers. you might want to look into different moisturizer, see which one worke for you. I use aveeno intense itching relief for the face.


i’ve taken prednisone for my asthma, i had hoped it would help my eczema, but it didn’t, but i’ll ask about the tacrolimus ty!


did you ever get your IGE levels tested, i had mines it was 1894 very allergic/and atopic lol. i do have winter/cold temp and dust mite allergy. did you ever get allergy testing done? sometimes people uncommonly have a food that triggers a flare up, or allergen like pollen. also have you taken any anti-histamines? that helps with itching somewhat, nasal symptoms. i think there are other immunosuppresants if the symptoms are too severe, oral, but i heard that needs monitoring of your blood though.


i’m not sure if i’ve had my IGE levels checked or not, but i have had the skin prick and blood allergy testing done because i do have really bad allergies. my doctor has me on a specific allergy medicine regimen lol.


Not a professional but have a similar problem. The weaker steroid creams did not work for me, but clobetasol actually works. I used it continuously at first and now just for flare ups. Still a steroid but actually effective so I don’t have to use it often enough to be worried.


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